Thursday, June 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today we pursue the long lost, almost mystical, art of 'logic'. There was a time when logic ruled the world but the criminals came along with their double-talk and their lies and asked, quite pointedly, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

And since your situation depended on believing them, you answered 'logically'.

Well, since then logic has been removed from the equation (by the liars.)

How did the liars manage this? Everybody knows you can't argue with a sick mind.

There is no point in disagreeing with 'stupid' because the afflicted is professing beliefs they have nurtured and that were reinforced by those who taught them to believe (with a decidedly faulty chain of logic in support of their arguments.)

A 'sick mind' believes what it believes because it's what they believe (doesn't have to make sense.)

Like hatred, sickness is a learned thing, we don't come by it 'naturally'. It is 'taught' to us (and not necessarily by the 'well-intentioned', often the teacher has a twisted view of life due to the trials others have put them through.)

So much of what we witness comes from I believe what I believe because I believe it. Simple, er, 'logic', I believe it's true and that's good enough for me.

Thus does 'logic' get a bad rap because the above is totally 'illogical', just as the media telling us that Trump's popularity is rising in the polls and we ask ourselves in which mental facility did they conduct the poll?

[That's one of the many 'fallacies' of polls, they often aren't done properly and the results are skewed because the people polled were inclined (for reasons totally unrelated to the questions asked) to answer in a particular way.]

YOU can't trust poll data if A.) you don't know who was asked, anything under 5,000 isn't a valid sample and depending on how the question is 'couched' B.) Who (precisely) was asked and the wording of what they were asked.

If you don't know those SPECIFICS, [EXACTLY (word for word) what was asked and precisely WHO was polled,] the 'poll data' is total BULLSHIT. [It's true because I said it is...and it makes the president happy. Happy president and I get to keep my job...which is mostly making up happy talk about whatever will please the Boss.

And that's where MOST of your polls come from.

People angling to be invited back to do it again tomorrow, such is the nature of modern employment.

Ever wonder why the polls are so out of touch with reality? Because the ones that aren't 'total fabrications' were likely created using groups that have no choice but to answer a certain way [like soldiers.]

Hold the 'wrong' opinion in the military and you WILL be punished.

How much you want to bet that's the ONLY place Preznint Pussygrabber is polling well.

But I digress.

The true subject of today's post is Illogic.

Let's examine the president's rising popularity under the lens of logic, shall we?

What do YOU have in common with the President? Besides both of you being hominids, very little.

Why should the nation's leader have ANYTHING in common with you? [Yes that's an actual question that you need to work out an answer for.]

You're both Americans! [Wrong but very good, are you aware that Mexicans and Canadians are Americans too?]

If we amend that to you're both US citizens we finally find some common ground.

Is that 'enough' common ground or do we need a stronger foundation besides 'him Tarzan and you not' to go on?

People who can't spell logic don't understand the need for having a similar background with those who lead. A huge factor in our 250 year tragedy has been the divorce created by only running people who DON'T live as we live or suffer as we suffer for leadership positions.

How does 'representative government' work when the people we elect to 'represent' us have nothing in common with us?

El Rumpo is a Billionaire, are you?

Can you even begin to imagine how out of touch that man is with the world YOU wake up in every day?

Sing the refrain children...'it's only LOGICAL!'

So why does your head explode when the this is what they pay me to say media announces that 'Trump nation is unbeatable' [despite dickwad taking a flamethrower to every value the people of this nation holds dear!] Who does that make him 'popular' with, anybody you want to know?

Makes his fellow 'flat Earth' puppetmaster's smirk insidiously [Let 'em go crazy thinking everybody else is!]

We are NOT 'divided', in fact we have seldom been more united in our loathing for the liars and their enablers, the self-professed 'owners' of this planet.

The 'strategy' being played here is to use the media to convince the convincible (a.k.a. stupid) that there are Trump supporters and there's shit.

The real divide is cowardice. People tend to keep their head down because of what MIGHT happen when their environment turns toxic.

You 'logically' have no representation, obvious because the people in office have nothing 'in common' with YOU. Thus do you have very little to live for except what you can glean from making yourself useful to one who claims to own what belongs to us all...yet another untenable situation YOU are powerless to change because YOU can't make common cause with the BILLIONS JUST LIKE YOU!

Shift mental gears with me because some opine that all children have 'born to die' stamped on their foreheads when the truth of the matter is far more grim, 'born to FAIL' is what it really says.

It is my goal with this piece to demonstrate the simple beauty of logic to your mind, that A + B really does = C and it always will.

How is it you can understand mathematical truth and utterly fail to grasp the truth that those who 'lead/represent' have NOTHING in common with YOU?

Why do you (repeatedly) fail to see that the media lies to you because that's what they're PAID to do?

[Or am I wrong and the true answer is cowardice. You don't dare go against public will (as dictated by the media) or you will be the next one demonized?]

Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho, capitalism has got to go!

Why the hell do you support the system responsible for 'failure to launch' [or is that a media generated chimera too?]

If you don't embrace 'logic' like the future depends on it you may never know...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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