Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I keep boring down through the piles of (bullshit) in the hopes of lighting a spark of cognition in your mind that things aren't as you have been taught and that your teachers had a different 'agenda'.

I once again play the 'logic' card and rewind to the very beginning of the conflict to make the point that we are all in this together. Some of us are just here for the ride, they have convinced the gullible to do the heavy lifting for them because they have appointed themselves sovereigns and you are not.

Doesn't help when you challenge a (frivolous) claim of sovereignty your are met with the counter that we are ALL sovereigns, which quickly descends into a 'how do you figure?' shouting match.

Once the roaring quiets down the one claiming to be THE sovereign usually 'clarifies' that they are the sovereign that is protecting everyone else's sovereignty! Confused? Good because you're supposed to be. None of this makes sense if we back up just a half a step and touch the 'we're all in this together' stone.

But it does illustrate the need to band together to protect ourselves from those who are only interested in THEIR 'sovereignty'.

First thing to understand is what 'sovereignty' means:
ˈsäv(ə)rən/Submit noun

1.a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
synonyms: ruler, monarch, crowned head, head of state, potentate, suzerain, overlord, dynast, leader; More

2.a former British gold coin worth one pound sterling, now only minted for commemorative purposes.


1.possessing supreme or ultimate power.
"in modern democracies the people's will is in theory sovereign"
synonyms: supreme, absolute, unlimited, unrestricted, boundless, ultimate, total, unconditional, full; More

The important thing to note here, since the definition contradicts itself between Noun and Adjective is the people claiming 'sovereignty' meant they gave themselves the right to everything worth having and if you wanted some you'd be 'obliged' to 'buy it' from them.

It is here where the noun is turned into the adjective capitalism is based on, that 'everyone is a sovereign' [THAT CAN BUY INTO THE SYSTEM!]

Zero mention of those who can't and wouldn't you know 'sovereignty' is also the basis of money...(because the sovereign can decide what is money and how much it is worth, completely arbitrarily because it's all theirs!)

The 'slippery slope' here is, bar-none, all of these 'sovereigns' were mortal and their only 'special power' was the duping of the armed ruffians they called 'knights'. [Pay attention now because you lost your 'sovereignty' because you didn't have a platoon of thugs at your beck and call.]

The thugs did whatever they pleased because the 'king' had their back...and this turned into the 'peerage system' that exists to this day!

Like W. the king was the 'decider' and he went against his henchmen at his own (extreme) risk.

Thus do we have the 'origins' of the 'Rule of Law'. Which planted the seeds for the 'collapse' of every monarchy after they outlived their 'usefulness.' [THe 'true collapse' of monarchy was facilitated by the creation of the 'illusion of representation' system that allowed the royals to continue to run things while letting the superstitious peasants believe they were governing themselves.

Quite the racket they set themselves up with and all it took was a few loyal thugs.

What does this 'mean'? Well again, just as kings could only assert their influence just so far so other 'strongmen' spring up all around them to fill the 'void/weak spaces' where a given sovereign couldn't effectively assert their will.

And when the sovereign went to eject these usurpers from 'their turf', there was 'war'. [Enter the 'nation state' that exists solely because of 'sovereignty'.]

People could 'tolerate' being taxed by the guy that had thugs in his employ because they would fight off the other tough guy's thugs when the occasion arose. but people didn't much like the idea of dying to protect some moron's claim to the land they far as they were concerned their 'loyalty' stopped with their taxes. Didn't matter to them which asshole claimed to lead, none of the self-styled tough guys cared about the people or the problems that their management style was usually responsible for.

Back when people were SANE NOBODY thanked a veteran for their 'service' [because most of the time they weren't given a choice! Only in fairy tales did brave farm hands pledge a sword they didn't have in service of the king.] Only knights carried swords and it was the knights sons that would offer their sword (arm) to their sovereign when they followed in Daddy's footsteps.

But this too would be 'romanticized' by the feckless as they persisted in cozening a gullible public into not resisting their rule.

AFTER 250 YEARS OF ABJECT FAILURE you'd think SOMEBODY would propose we change things up a little but no, you are told you'd only make things WORSE [like it could get much worse than it already is!] WTF people? You may not know what the sound of one hand clapping 'sounds' like but if you open your eyes you can SEE what it LOOKS LIKE!

Worse, as the Republican's misdeeds return home to roost all of a sudden it seems as though history is 'Fake News'! [And the mentally challenged are buying it, hook, line and sinker!] Oh and LOYALTY to the Republican 'brand' is KEY.

Remove 'money' from the equation and you're left with (self-professed) 'Sovereigns' and superstitious peasants...and if you ain't 'royalty (or at least a 'peer' because dipshit couldn't do it ALONE!) then YOU...ARE...A...PEASANT!

There is no shame in not being 'psychologically damaged' [having such extreme 'illusions of grandeur' that you proclaim yourself sovereign] NORMAL people don't think they are 'special' (regardless of how talented they actually are.)

A gift is a gift and most gifts are only fully appreciated when they are SHARED!

This F'n planet is a 'gift' what do you think we should DO with it? Let meathead claim it for themselves [so they can sell it back to us for a price that suits THEM?]

This is so obvious it breaks my heart that more people ignore the feckless and allow themselves to be trod over needlessly.

A few minor tweaks to the system and it would all be different.

If we can't live together by the rules (the majority of us) agrees to then you can go to a place where you can live however you like.

Do YOU get to choose? No, the planet is OURS to share, the part we share with you will be one we don't have a use for. There you can live out the rest of your natural days to the best of your ability however you wish.

If you 'fear' the rules everybody else agrees to abide by then we will provide you a place where you can make your own rules...and seal your own fate.

By the way folks, I mentioned in earlier posts that I'd let you know when it was time to revolt, well it's time!

Some of you have prepared and some of you haven't, All I can say is Bon chance!

Thanks for letting me fertilize your mind with some knowledge that has been denied to you [because the 'victors' (and not the 'good guys') write history!]


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