Monday, June 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, back in the dark days before computers put millions out of work our leaders presented us with a system of representatives to defend our interests from the predation/machinations of the powerful feckless.

This reckless move led to the predictable outcome, the people running as the public's champions faced such horrendous costs mounting a campaign for office that they were easily bought by the very people they we supposed to be defending us from. [News to no one.]

Worse, now Political Science is taught in college and it has zero to do with the duties representatives are elected to perform. Now 'trained negotiators', today's politicians have executed a near perfect gridlock that holds them 'unaccountable'.

[A politician's main goal is to remain in office, the pay and benefits can't be duplicated in the private sector even at the CEO level considering the power a legislator can weild.]

So don't buy the BS they teach them in college, that politicians are driven by burning desire to 'serve the public', the only reason they stink at their jobs is because nobody (pretending) to crusading for the public can agree on how to go about it!

Which is bizarre if you consider the campaign questionnaires are nearly identical to those circulated forty years ago, post 'Morning in America'.

FIfty years of Republican rule and NOTHING has been resolved...because those elected to represent us have nothing in common with us, nor do we hold their political future in our hands. We only get to vote FOR the candidates the money chooses to back. Voting against them isn't an option.

[The sudden emergence of tiered voting is an attempt to rectify that.] That said, bad decision-making and issues nobody cares about will persist as long as we let the money set the agenda.

Everybody is screaming over immigration but none of the morons are targeting what's driving the 'refugee crisis'.

Do You know what's behind 'failure to launch' world-wide?


Is there even one political group that has this issue in their sights? NO! Even the *SWP has no alternative to commerce as the fickle, predatory justice system practices it.

How bizarre that common ownership of the means of production does nothing to remedy the problem of criminal managers.

The ONLY cure for 'Me First' disease is for power to rest in the hands of the people...because we have already seen the flaw of using 'elected representatives'.

As long as there is cash there will be corruption and the public's 'best interests' will be sold to the highest (or most ruthless) player.

Commerce no longer exists to serve the public, it exists solely to enrich its owners...


Hence the refugee crisis of people fleeing the economic deserts predatory capitalism has created.

If you're in the USA you are living in the center of one of the largest such deserts. The ONLY thing keeping this shitshow afloat is the predators haven't moved...YET. [Meaning that, for the moment, the US is their base of operations due to it's (imaginary) Reserve Currency status.]

I'll remind you once again that if the things purchased with money are same [despite not being 'identical'] money MUST be identical NO MATTER WHO mints it! Anything less is FRAUD!

Don't think I'm stretching here to point out that Fraud is treason and treason is a capital crime.

Don't you think a lot of people in today's predatory commercial environment deserve to have their necks stretched?

A Simple Plan isn't about sunshine and lollipops, it's about EQUALITY and JUSTICE between ALL humans (females included!)

Unemployed? Homeless? Those outcomes are the 'by-product' of predatory capitalism. The One Percent ALREADY HAS more than it can spend, they don't see the need to expand the market to accommodate 'newcomers' (anywhere on the planet.)

Your inability to support yourself or your kids inability to establish themselves isn't their problem, it's YOURS!

Your future participation in the human genome is a generation away from extinction,

Are you willing to trust your future to a 'rigged' system and representatives that have NOTHING in common with YOU?

Burn 'em out!

Just my two cents...

Thanks for opening your mind [I really hope you're getting this!]


* Socialist Workers Party for those of you who are bad with acronyms...

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