Greetings good citizen, I apologize for being off my game the past few posts but sometimes the incredible stupidity of our overlords outrages me to the point of apoplexy and it is reflected in my writing.
Today's eye catching title should actually make you yawn because we have become a society of 'open secrets' as the feeble delude themselves into thinking something good is on the way.
Naturally, the question here is 'good for whom?'
While you often wish you were personally higher on the food chain the chain itself is more or less invisible to you. Can you name the ten richest men on the planet? Buffett, Gates, and those may not be the three richest but they are the three most in the public's eye.
Worse, since the global supply chain runs out of the Far East there are billionaires poised to be trillionaires whose names you remain ignorant of but I suspect commerce isn't the line we should be pursuing in our quest to identify the Masters of the Planet [Masters of the Galaxy are a different crowd altogether and it is doubtful that transportation technology is up to the task of creating a 'Master class' for the Universe. Even with Stargate technology the distances involved are so staggering that the power requirements are beyond calculation.]
So if commerce doesn't rule the world then who? I think I see a twinkle, yes, the answer is bubbling to the surface! Why else are we perpetually at WAR?
The font of all...(let's leave that one there) is the ones pulling the levers behind the JUSTICE SYSTEM, no, not the Supreme court [whose true function is the 'illusion of justice'] It is the people behind THOSE people who dictate our collective fate.
You have probably mentally leapt to the legislature but you have to keep threading the needle until we return to the 'golden trough'. [Our legislators, like the meat puppets of the justice system are all 'bought and paid for'. Do we return to commerce?
Nope, that's chump change. The guys in charge of civilization itself also run the global banking cabal!
Did you just have a 'duh!' moment?
Government is a chimera because you don't get to vote for [or argue with] The Bank.
Failed capitalism is the preferred method of operation for, er, 'the' (it's not 'ours' in any way, shape or form but WE have been saddled with it by the heartless goblins of 'justice' that zealously guard access to the trough) debt driven social model. Think about it good citizen, you are forced to 'borrow' your own life from the bank!
How do they do this?
Ahem, you already KNOW the answer, the 'well' is bottomless because all money is 'funny' [and not 'ha-ha' funny either, more 'shake weighty'...]
If you feel like a 'rat in a cage' it's because you ARE!
When did things go sideways? About the same time that someone discovered that every time the global population doubles, it halves the time it takes to repeat the feat...and we have almost succeeded in defeating death [for the moment, Mother Nature is charging back and the banksters are holding back (via the cash register) because they want the 'herd thinned', their model doesn't work when there is a large 'surplus population.']
Difficult for most of us to believe but if we turn back the clock to the days prior to the 1900's the most common form of death wasn't heart disease, it was diarrhea.
Nobody is researching new methods of treating these mutant strains as disease after disease makes a are you wondering why we DON'T have any say over who controls society's purse strings?
If you were born 'spoonless' [like most people] life has gone from difficult to impossible.
YOUR kids can't get their feet under them and retirement is a sick joke because you have to keep re-fi'ing the house to stay ahead of your credit card debt.
Think that's an accident?
How stupid are you?
Civilization won't last much longer under these conditions, soon [if not now] it will be back to the caves, living off rodents and whatever else is unfortunate enough to cross your path.
Won't be too hard on most of you, you are already used to the 'hand to mouth' way of life.
Some of you are living a sustenance lifestyle right now but you'd best keep that little gem hidden or those who take instead of make will be on you like the wolves they are.
Funny how 'living off the land' means different things to different personality types.
Why are we forced to pay for what already belongs to us?
The sad answer is 'representative government', the successor of monarchy.
In order to be FREE we must make ownership the crime that it is. [Banking, like capitalism, operates on the principle of ownership.]
Failing to share what belongs to us all is a crime against humanity but failing to respect what another needs to live is an even greater crime!
Sadder are those who parse 'want' with 'need', this too is criminal. It's also what makes a bankster a bankster.
Target identified good citizen, fire at will!
Thanks once again for dropping by and opening your mind!
Today's eye catching title should actually make you yawn because we have become a society of 'open secrets' as the feeble delude themselves into thinking something good is on the way.
Naturally, the question here is 'good for whom?'
While you often wish you were personally higher on the food chain the chain itself is more or less invisible to you. Can you name the ten richest men on the planet? Buffett, Gates, and those may not be the three richest but they are the three most in the public's eye.
Worse, since the global supply chain runs out of the Far East there are billionaires poised to be trillionaires whose names you remain ignorant of but I suspect commerce isn't the line we should be pursuing in our quest to identify the Masters of the Planet [Masters of the Galaxy are a different crowd altogether and it is doubtful that transportation technology is up to the task of creating a 'Master class' for the Universe. Even with Stargate technology the distances involved are so staggering that the power requirements are beyond calculation.]
So if commerce doesn't rule the world then who? I think I see a twinkle, yes, the answer is bubbling to the surface! Why else are we perpetually at WAR?
The font of all...(let's leave that one there) is the ones pulling the levers behind the JUSTICE SYSTEM, no, not the Supreme court [whose true function is the 'illusion of justice'] It is the people behind THOSE people who dictate our collective fate.
You have probably mentally leapt to the legislature but you have to keep threading the needle until we return to the 'golden trough'. [Our legislators, like the meat puppets of the justice system are all 'bought and paid for'. Do we return to commerce?
Nope, that's chump change. The guys in charge of civilization itself also run the global banking cabal!
Did you just have a 'duh!' moment?
Government is a chimera because you don't get to vote for [or argue with] The Bank.
Failed capitalism is the preferred method of operation for, er, 'the' (it's not 'ours' in any way, shape or form but WE have been saddled with it by the heartless goblins of 'justice' that zealously guard access to the trough) debt driven social model. Think about it good citizen, you are forced to 'borrow' your own life from the bank!
How do they do this?
Ahem, you already KNOW the answer, the 'well' is bottomless because all money is 'funny' [and not 'ha-ha' funny either, more 'shake weighty'...]
If you feel like a 'rat in a cage' it's because you ARE!
When did things go sideways? About the same time that someone discovered that every time the global population doubles, it halves the time it takes to repeat the feat...and we have almost succeeded in defeating death [for the moment, Mother Nature is charging back and the banksters are holding back (via the cash register) because they want the 'herd thinned', their model doesn't work when there is a large 'surplus population.']
Difficult for most of us to believe but if we turn back the clock to the days prior to the 1900's the most common form of death wasn't heart disease, it was diarrhea.
Nobody is researching new methods of treating these mutant strains as disease after disease makes a are you wondering why we DON'T have any say over who controls society's purse strings?
If you were born 'spoonless' [like most people] life has gone from difficult to impossible.
YOUR kids can't get their feet under them and retirement is a sick joke because you have to keep re-fi'ing the house to stay ahead of your credit card debt.
Think that's an accident?
How stupid are you?
Civilization won't last much longer under these conditions, soon [if not now] it will be back to the caves, living off rodents and whatever else is unfortunate enough to cross your path.
Won't be too hard on most of you, you are already used to the 'hand to mouth' way of life.
Some of you are living a sustenance lifestyle right now but you'd best keep that little gem hidden or those who take instead of make will be on you like the wolves they are.
Funny how 'living off the land' means different things to different personality types.
Why are we forced to pay for what already belongs to us?
The sad answer is 'representative government', the successor of monarchy.
In order to be FREE we must make ownership the crime that it is. [Banking, like capitalism, operates on the principle of ownership.]
Failing to share what belongs to us all is a crime against humanity but failing to respect what another needs to live is an even greater crime!
Sadder are those who parse 'want' with 'need', this too is criminal. It's also what makes a bankster a bankster.
Target identified good citizen, fire at will!
Thanks once again for dropping by and opening your mind!
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