Thursday, May 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, received another communication from the 'OUR revolution' people and amazingly it is apparent they didn't get the memo about draining the F'n swamp!

What is this 'fascination' with committees? Then they purposefully create committees at cross purposes with one another?

This is 'progress'? [if you ask me and no one is, this is the One Percent, via their meat puppet Republican arm, pissing in the faux democrat's granola.]

Add to this nonsense the idea of letting all 50 states draw up their own guidelines and you have a recipe for what already plagues politics, gridlock.

Worse, they made up a short list of 'State Priorities' (each with a committee to organize supporters and raise public awareness) Is anyone amazed that not one of the issues plaguing our lives made it onto this short list?

The ORIGINAL list was topped by INCOME INEQUALITY but since the wealthy are expected to foot the tab for this Kabuki dance it's no mystery that that this 'priority' vanished.

Just a suggestion here but overall equality, like the variety 'suggested' as the foundation of our legal system [where EVERYBODY is 'equal' in the eyes of the Law (but that's not true because law enforcement is almost NEVER held accountable) unless it screws up and the powerful are accidentally subjected to said 'equal treatment'.]

The H.A.E. is the tool that will combat this tendency of considering some pigs to be 'more equal' than the rest of us. [Human Anti Exploitation Law for those of you who can't remember acronyms if your life/freedom depended on it...]

We (as a species) can't move forward without a level, unobstructed playing field.

Those who are convinced this is their world and their life leave the rest of us no choice but to eject them from society. Either we all march together or you take the long walk alone.

In this respect there is no room for 'parties', your 'lifestyle choices' must be separate from the path of human development!

Somehow I suspect you aren't going to find a political interest group out there in support of removing the greedy hands of the self-interested from the helm of the human race.

Leaderships positions should only be awarded to those who possess the vision to devise workable solutions to the problems facing humanity. This is what the tests will determine.

I get to pick the low hanging fruit of abolishing cash thereby eliminating corruption. None of this is possible if corruption isn't ELIMINATED.

Banking becomes an internal function of the division that employs you. Since the ONLY way to obtain money is to work for it {and that goes for EVERYBODY} you have no way to transfer funds PERIOD. Being in possession of 'cash substitutes' is an exile offense, being caught trading them is automatic exile.

That's how 'hard line' we have to be to eliminate corruption. Um, since there is no cash you should literally have nothing in your pockets.

Chances are slim that an edible will be used for barter since they will be universally available and nobody would risk exile for something easily and legally obtainable. [Yet some people are incredibly DUMB.]

Oh and scams will be EVERYWHERE! That won't go away. Getting over on the unsuspecting is what gets these A-holes out of bed in the morning, [talk about twisted nevermind 'broken'.]

The good news here is Mr. 'I can't help myself' won't be able to use his character flaw as his defense at his hearing. If you can't adapt to an honest lifestyle you will be eliminated from the future genepool via exile.

I digress but do so to demonstrate what we would HOPE the political class would be aiming at in their quest to reform electoral politics.

One thing is certain: this BS can't go on.

Worse, even if the 'faux Dems' score a major upset in the upcoming midterms, NOTHING will change and we will be faced with another 'poisoned well' in just two more short years.

Beneath it all the feckless One Percent know they can't keep pulling the same stunt [stolen elections] and continue to get away with it.

People have already lost faith in the corrupt process that produces horrible consequences EVERY TIME. [Since and starting with Nixon.]

We can no longer tolerate leaders without vision who turn a blind eye towards justice [that's the stain on the Obama 'residency'] He promised change then changed nothing.

If you want more of the same then go to the polls and flip/circle the R or the D and walk away thinking you've done your 'civic duty' knowing full well you ain't done nuthin!

The idea of CHANGE frightens you but the fact that change is COMING and if you aren't part of the solution you are by default part of the problem.

ACT before you are acted upon!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


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