Friday, May 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, just as the meaning of words has raised new controversy around the 'intent' of the 2nd Amendment [that the well regulated militia it specifically refers to was for slave OWNERS, who feared being outnumbered and overrun by those they exploited for personal gain.]

Well, while nobody has taken issue with it yet, allow me to bring to your attention the lowly 'ruler' and how the ubiquitous straight edge got it's, er, 'nickname'.

You don't suppose teachers started calling it a 'ruler' because it was used to beat undisciplined children with, even the term 'unruly' sprang out of this, er, 'practice' that our beat them into submission 'rote' (repetition) teaching method used to employ.

Bizarrely, since the overpopulation crisis achieved general awareness in the late 60's teachers stopped worrying about class success ratios and became more comfortable with being 'classroom monitors' where it no longer mattered if the kid understood, they'd pass anyway, even if they were profoundly dumb.

Yes good citizen, the overcrowded labor market was made 'self-regulating' that way. If a kid wasn't bright enough to 'go along to get along' then they were still considered capable of digging their own grave. [Perpetual poverty has proven to be prematurely fatal 100% of the time.]

Naturally today's topic isn't about how wooden straight edges got their name, it's about rulers that are, er, 'ineffective'.

Why the hesitation? Because it's not entirely true, the people behind those we elected to make decisions in our name without ever consulting us are doing (pretty much) what their Masters ask of them.

The fact they haven't started a civil war is mostly due to a deft media that has diffused obvious heavy-handedness before the perpetually confused public could rally against it.

How many times can you say 'Oops' before it becomes a pattern and no longer a 'one-time' mistake?

Ironically, nobody has/is apologizing for the 'ruler'.

These days it would take a considerable amount of parsing to connect the 'lord of the classroom' to 'the Master of all they surveyed'.

Once upon a time [less than three hundred years ago, in fact] Rulers were still 'omnipotent'. [Think that's bizarre, it been less than a hundred years since women were liberated from being 'chattels'.]

Most of you are ignorant as to just how 'DARK' the dark ages really were!

But fear not, the Republican usurpers [of 'Morning in America' fame] plan on refreshing all of your memories sooner than any of you imagine (as soon as the 'forever emergency' enters its next phase.)

You needn't scratch the surface of the one percent's veneer too deeply to reveal that a woman's place remains somewhere between barefoot, pregnant and the kitchen.

Needless to say money has damaged men's minds beyond repair (not that you won't find your fair share of 'liberated' females who equate cash with 'freedom' [when nothing could be further from the truth.]

Who cares? Certainly not you! We don't have Rulers anymore. This is a democracy where we elect our leaders and they do whatever their major campaign contributors tell them to do. [Somehow your 'vote' got lost in the shuffle, it no longer matters.]

The 'process' is gamed. It runs on money and the one percent controls over fifty percent of it...any questions? No, in fact they DON'T have 'anything better to do'. The 'more for me' crowd isn't known as the 'Freakishly Selfish' for nothing!

They are both myopic and relentless.

Their single greatest fear is that someone will come along and level the playing field they consider 'theirs' for far too long.

All it takes it the stroke of a pen and the exile of some hundred thousand self-serving idiots.

In all, each nation/state will produce in excess of a million exiles each during the first year of 'true democracy/self-rule'. This bird didn't fly itself, its riddled with (mostly mindless) operatives.

Which is to belabor the obvious, declaring freedom and actually establishing it are two separate issues. Thus are the first moves critical.

The H.A.E. removes the 'job as hostage' from the slaver's tool belt. Your right to membership can't be held hostage [and if it is the wrong people are back in charge!]

Abolish banking and money will be restored to its one useful purpose of allowing the 'specialist' to build the kind of life they want to live!

Commerce doesn't exist to enrich its owners, it exists solely as a means of distributing goods and services to where they are needed.

Money serves to restrict access to 'high demand' products. Rarity is a fact of life and we can't all have the very best all of the time [as the One percent is fond of demonstrating...]

Once their sticky fingers are permanently removed from the till, the distribution of life's 'finer things' will be regulated via how much of your 'money' you want to part with?

Nobody GETS the money, once you spend it it is merely erased from your account.

It disappears back to where it came from, nothingness. [Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register.]

Understand, when money = prosperity; this lays the foundation for people = property. Now toss machine labor into this mess and watch the pot boil over in an economic catastrophe of epic proportions!

Problem is the 'ignorant' among us PRETEND not to believe we have returned to being the 'vassals/subjects' of the 'artificially wealthy'.

Our rulers ignore the problems they inflict upon society as they feather their bed at our expense. [Where is all of the opium coming from?] Who keeps arming the 'terrorists'? Who keeps trafficking humans? why doesn't the justice system address any of these issues? you KNOW the answer!]

How do we get rid of the 'Freakishly Selfish'?

A Simple Plan, and idea whose time is overdue!

Humanity UNITE!

Thanks for letting the truth inside your head,


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