Greetings good citizen, every once in a while the capitalist-communist divide is resurrected and usually the diggers point to the string of failed communist states as proof of concept when Marx didn't put forth a plan such as A Simple Plan, my design.
[Marx treated money like it was real and not the 'legal lie' it is. In this he is forgiven because the feckless capitalists he was dissecting treats money as an objective rather than an idea...and denying the 'reality' of money would have cost him his credibility, ironically, in the eyes of the 'God Fearing'.]
Money is NOT the 'goal of commerce': money is the goal of the grifter. When they started lending money, turning it into a 'business', they defeated 'the purpose of money'.
So the banker is actually a grifter, making money from that which produces nothing.
Under ASP the ONLY way to get money is to work for it...thus is a job (a vehicle by which the individual 'participates' in society) is guaranteed and there is NO SHORTAGE of things that need doing even after we wipe out (as in abolish) the banking, insurance and legal industries. [When added together these industries create a huge economic sinkhole that productive industries can't backfill regardless of how hard they try!
In case you are wondering, politicians fall under the 'legal' category. You will no longer vote for somebody to do what you are perfectly capable of doing yourself. Nor will you be, er, 'penalized' (taxed) to pay for this, er, 'disservice'.
Without banking, real estate will come under the purview of housing and relocation, as individuals will no longer be required to buy shelter. Housing, suitable to your circumstances, are your RIGHT!
Why play with money at all? Supply and demand. Remove the 'regulating effect' of money and we'd all go on a 'prime cut only' diet! The problem with this is there are only so many prime cuts per animal. What do you do with the parts the other mimics used to eat that nobody wants anymore?
We can't all wear silk suits all the time either thus will prices regulate consumption...and 'accident of birth' no longer dictate 'privilege' because EVERYBODY'S bank account is ZEROED when they die and there is no way to transfer wealth between individuals.
To even claim to have such a 'tool' is an exile offence. [But don't worry, if you want one there will be those willing to provide you with one but be forewarned that these same chislers will claim YOU forced them to give you what you wanted...not that it will save them but that's a fight you can have once you arrive at the banishment grounds.]
Opportunists, even reckless ones, will ALWAYS be with us.
As I comment in yesterday's post, capitalism is producing poverty on a scale heretofore unimagined. [It' worse than it's EVER been!]
How troubled are you that (from today's article) one of Reagan's contemporaries opined that there 'wasn't an alternative'?
The 'conservo-whacko' actually believes this mostly because they need to believe money is concrete when, in reality, it's not even silly putty.
How happy would you be if I told you money is a 'close cousin' of what you extrude from your butthole?
Work was intended to make EVERYBODY'S life 'easier' but the morons running today's society have a fetish for punishing those they view as 'uncooperative', ruining lives in the process. [Which demonstrates the need to block the stupid from positions of authority/responsibility. A situation the tests are intended to deal with because the tests measure your knowledge AND your character! You can run but you can't hide...]
After your first promotion you will also be 'judged' on your track record. If YOU abuse/overstep your authority you will be replaced but there is the possibility of redemption in the peer review portion of the judging [because most candidates will/should 'tie' academically. Other factors such as attendance and performance will be used to assess a candidates fitness for greater responsibility.]
Did I mention there is an 'alternative' to feckless capitalism?
Do YOU feel better know it has systems to manage even the little things? Do you think/believe the capitalist even give a F what you think? They don't because they don't understand the 'purpose of commerce' as evidenced by the way they (mis)manage it.
Marx was right, Smith was wrong and Hamilton was murdered for good reason [although his death wasn't due to his outlandish ideas that plague us to this day!]
Today's link points directly at the real question facing society: how bad does it have to get before we change the way we run things?
And the answer is?
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind (assuming you still have one...)
[Marx treated money like it was real and not the 'legal lie' it is. In this he is forgiven because the feckless capitalists he was dissecting treats money as an objective rather than an idea...and denying the 'reality' of money would have cost him his credibility, ironically, in the eyes of the 'God Fearing'.]
Money is NOT the 'goal of commerce': money is the goal of the grifter. When they started lending money, turning it into a 'business', they defeated 'the purpose of money'.
So the banker is actually a grifter, making money from that which produces nothing.
Under ASP the ONLY way to get money is to work for it...thus is a job (a vehicle by which the individual 'participates' in society) is guaranteed and there is NO SHORTAGE of things that need doing even after we wipe out (as in abolish) the banking, insurance and legal industries. [When added together these industries create a huge economic sinkhole that productive industries can't backfill regardless of how hard they try!
In case you are wondering, politicians fall under the 'legal' category. You will no longer vote for somebody to do what you are perfectly capable of doing yourself. Nor will you be, er, 'penalized' (taxed) to pay for this, er, 'disservice'.
Without banking, real estate will come under the purview of housing and relocation, as individuals will no longer be required to buy shelter. Housing, suitable to your circumstances, are your RIGHT!
Why play with money at all? Supply and demand. Remove the 'regulating effect' of money and we'd all go on a 'prime cut only' diet! The problem with this is there are only so many prime cuts per animal. What do you do with the parts the other mimics used to eat that nobody wants anymore?
We can't all wear silk suits all the time either thus will prices regulate consumption...and 'accident of birth' no longer dictate 'privilege' because EVERYBODY'S bank account is ZEROED when they die and there is no way to transfer wealth between individuals.
To even claim to have such a 'tool' is an exile offence. [But don't worry, if you want one there will be those willing to provide you with one but be forewarned that these same chislers will claim YOU forced them to give you what you wanted...not that it will save them but that's a fight you can have once you arrive at the banishment grounds.]
Opportunists, even reckless ones, will ALWAYS be with us.
As I comment in yesterday's post, capitalism is producing poverty on a scale heretofore unimagined. [It' worse than it's EVER been!]
How troubled are you that (from today's article) one of Reagan's contemporaries opined that there 'wasn't an alternative'?
The 'conservo-whacko' actually believes this mostly because they need to believe money is concrete when, in reality, it's not even silly putty.
How happy would you be if I told you money is a 'close cousin' of what you extrude from your butthole?
Work was intended to make EVERYBODY'S life 'easier' but the morons running today's society have a fetish for punishing those they view as 'uncooperative', ruining lives in the process. [Which demonstrates the need to block the stupid from positions of authority/responsibility. A situation the tests are intended to deal with because the tests measure your knowledge AND your character! You can run but you can't hide...]
After your first promotion you will also be 'judged' on your track record. If YOU abuse/overstep your authority you will be replaced but there is the possibility of redemption in the peer review portion of the judging [because most candidates will/should 'tie' academically. Other factors such as attendance and performance will be used to assess a candidates fitness for greater responsibility.]
Did I mention there is an 'alternative' to feckless capitalism?
Do YOU feel better know it has systems to manage even the little things? Do you think/believe the capitalist even give a F what you think? They don't because they don't understand the 'purpose of commerce' as evidenced by the way they (mis)manage it.
Marx was right, Smith was wrong and Hamilton was murdered for good reason [although his death wasn't due to his outlandish ideas that plague us to this day!]
Today's link points directly at the real question facing society: how bad does it have to get before we change the way we run things?
And the answer is?
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind (assuming you still have one...)
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