Greetings good citizen, those of us who didn't vote for the Moron-in-Chief also didn't pay much attention to his campaign rhetoric although EVERYONE is still waiting for America to be 'GREAT [AGAIN!]
Yeah, most of us who didn't vote for him weren't swayed by his empty assertion that the US had ever been 'Great' in the first place so claiming to make it that way again was a message crafted just for the particularly STUPID among us.
While the unattentive among us claim not to have been paying attention, we do recall the improbable winner bitching on the campaign trail about the Iran nuclear deal...but a fairer question would be to ask what he DIDN'T bitch about?
Like W., Donald's 'major malfunction' is he's an 'empty suit' and that is on full display every time he opens his mouth!
He doesn't give a crap one way or the other about the Iranian nuclear program [but his handlers do!]
Did anyone DOUBT what the 'empty suit' would do after What-A-Yahoo proclaimed the Iranians had violated the agreement despite there being ZERO evidence of this?
See, El Trump is an 'anti-evidence' kind of guy too. His gut tells him what to do, just like W. and the invasion of Iraq its the failure (once again) to bring on the Second Coming!
Like tax cuts, the hopelessly stupid are gonna keep on trying to bring on Armageddon (so they can rub God's triumphant return in the doubter's face!) Although I suspect by now most people know it isn't 'God' who will be returning, it will be something a whole lot worse.
It's that tugging on Superman's cape thing.
Zero irony that the only thing the feckless are right about is whoever turns up is gonna be mighty pissed they forced this on them!
Sort of brings us full circle to the debate between abandoned and insane asylum (and the reason why the first two attempts didn't work 'as planned'.)
Do you suppose the Torah spells out similar circumstances to the biblical end times that will herald the arrival of their long awaited Messiah? [Which would explain the nonsensical affiliation between the evangelicals and the Jews to 'bring on' the End Times?]
I barely have any truck with Christianity, I am completely ignorant as to what the Jews or the Muslims, er, 'believe' so it's an honest question, is there a parallel?
What I do know is both 'faiths' preach that God is coming back and he's not going to be happy about it for any number of reasons.
[I suspect threatening the destruction of a supply depot to be chief among god's servant's concerns...and s/he is going to be doubly pissed when the feckless demand to be taken to 'paradise'.]
Did I mention 'insane'? Um, did I point at the people running this shitshow if I did?
Walk it back children, the answers are there if you just look.
If we were to walk it forward a few steps and lay the pieces we know about in front of us we'd arrive at the conclusion that whoever left us here KNOWS we're 'self-replicating' and that we would eventually reach the planet's carrying capacity.
Is Terminex coming to take care of the 'vermin problem' the builders purposefully left behind?
Let's look at the 'prophecy' a bit more literally, shall we?
This (or the agents of) God established his, funny choice of words but when he left they called them 'kingdoms', in fact does anybody else find it disturbing that such 'advanced beings' would refer to themselves as Royalty?
Well, no matter. We were left with a single commandment and that was to be fruitful and multiply, our kings would let us know what was required of us and shortly thereafter did 'kings' around the planet embark on plans to eradicate future famines by building huge food reserves...'just in case'.
Just like the 'empty suit' they parade before us as our 'leader', the folks they left in charge down here weren't/aren't particularly bright and somewhere down the line they took it into their heads to press the panic button, which is why the LAST CENTURY has been spent trying to bring on the End Times so the, er, 'king' would return and straighten out the mess they left behind.
How many of you think the 'joke' is on them? God has zero intentions of 'returning' because he knows what 'THEY' want [to be taken to heaven to receive their 'reward'.]
While this turn of events is quite amusing it doesn't alter the fact that we are being lead by a pack of delusional psychopaths.
The 'problem' is these whack-jobs won't quit until they A.) wipe us out or B.) they succeed in bringing god back, um, of the two which one do you think is more 'likely'?
I know I look like a nut for offering the only rational explanation for totally irrational behavior but failure to recognize a problem doesn't make the problem go away!
Like I said yesterday, pick a team? Problem or Solution?
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,
Yeah, most of us who didn't vote for him weren't swayed by his empty assertion that the US had ever been 'Great' in the first place so claiming to make it that way again was a message crafted just for the particularly STUPID among us.
While the unattentive among us claim not to have been paying attention, we do recall the improbable winner bitching on the campaign trail about the Iran nuclear deal...but a fairer question would be to ask what he DIDN'T bitch about?
Like W., Donald's 'major malfunction' is he's an 'empty suit' and that is on full display every time he opens his mouth!
He doesn't give a crap one way or the other about the Iranian nuclear program [but his handlers do!]
Did anyone DOUBT what the 'empty suit' would do after What-A-Yahoo proclaimed the Iranians had violated the agreement despite there being ZERO evidence of this?
See, El Trump is an 'anti-evidence' kind of guy too. His gut tells him what to do, just like W. and the invasion of Iraq its the failure (once again) to bring on the Second Coming!
Like tax cuts, the hopelessly stupid are gonna keep on trying to bring on Armageddon (so they can rub God's triumphant return in the doubter's face!) Although I suspect by now most people know it isn't 'God' who will be returning, it will be something a whole lot worse.
It's that tugging on Superman's cape thing.
Zero irony that the only thing the feckless are right about is whoever turns up is gonna be mighty pissed they forced this on them!
Sort of brings us full circle to the debate between abandoned and insane asylum (and the reason why the first two attempts didn't work 'as planned'.)
Do you suppose the Torah spells out similar circumstances to the biblical end times that will herald the arrival of their long awaited Messiah? [Which would explain the nonsensical affiliation between the evangelicals and the Jews to 'bring on' the End Times?]
I barely have any truck with Christianity, I am completely ignorant as to what the Jews or the Muslims, er, 'believe' so it's an honest question, is there a parallel?
What I do know is both 'faiths' preach that God is coming back and he's not going to be happy about it for any number of reasons.
[I suspect threatening the destruction of a supply depot to be chief among god's servant's concerns...and s/he is going to be doubly pissed when the feckless demand to be taken to 'paradise'.]
Did I mention 'insane'? Um, did I point at the people running this shitshow if I did?
Walk it back children, the answers are there if you just look.
If we were to walk it forward a few steps and lay the pieces we know about in front of us we'd arrive at the conclusion that whoever left us here KNOWS we're 'self-replicating' and that we would eventually reach the planet's carrying capacity.
Is Terminex coming to take care of the 'vermin problem' the builders purposefully left behind?
Let's look at the 'prophecy' a bit more literally, shall we?
This (or the agents of) God established his, funny choice of words but when he left they called them 'kingdoms', in fact does anybody else find it disturbing that such 'advanced beings' would refer to themselves as Royalty?
Well, no matter. We were left with a single commandment and that was to be fruitful and multiply, our kings would let us know what was required of us and shortly thereafter did 'kings' around the planet embark on plans to eradicate future famines by building huge food reserves...'just in case'.
Just like the 'empty suit' they parade before us as our 'leader', the folks they left in charge down here weren't/aren't particularly bright and somewhere down the line they took it into their heads to press the panic button, which is why the LAST CENTURY has been spent trying to bring on the End Times so the, er, 'king' would return and straighten out the mess they left behind.
How many of you think the 'joke' is on them? God has zero intentions of 'returning' because he knows what 'THEY' want [to be taken to heaven to receive their 'reward'.]
While this turn of events is quite amusing it doesn't alter the fact that we are being lead by a pack of delusional psychopaths.
The 'problem' is these whack-jobs won't quit until they A.) wipe us out or B.) they succeed in bringing god back, um, of the two which one do you think is more 'likely'?
I know I look like a nut for offering the only rational explanation for totally irrational behavior but failure to recognize a problem doesn't make the problem go away!
Like I said yesterday, pick a team? Problem or Solution?
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,
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