Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Greetings good citizen, life is a 'situation' and how we deal with our situation (one that requires constant attention) determines who will be the more successful among us. The truly successful are way out ahead of their 'situation'.

The people who find themselves perpetually behind the 8-ball aren't even aware they have a choice in the matter...stuff happens and it sinks whatever plans they make because someone else (who was on top of their situation) made their problems our victim's problem.

We are all 'troubleshooters' and spend our existence solving problems [usually by turning them into someone else's problem.]

Why are problems facing society/civilization not dealt with at their root? Because the feckless don't care about 'YOUR' problems, you don't make waves in THEIR puddle, period.

Since 99% of the problems facing society have their roots in money they remain 'intractable' because Bumbolini solved his problem and if that solution created problems for everybody else he could care less. Somebody else's problems are the last thing he cares about.

This is what happens when you elect idiots to leadership positions.

Criminals don't make, they take...which is problem number one for Law Enforcement...until Law Enforcement learned the people they work for are the biggest criminals out there and job one for law enforcement became protecting the criminals!

Not for nothing but every time we point to the 'pigs' among us the initial reaction is 'utopia'. It seems NOBODY can imagine a life that is fair. We have always been 'ruled' by pigs and thinking we can change that is a pipe dream.

"The pig is too ingrained into our psyche, it's who WE are" (the pigs tell us...)

Sure enough, if we succeed in dislodging one set of pigs from pooping all over us they are soon replaced by pigs who are just as bad [largely because the true 'human condition' is 'paranoia'.]

Doesn't help that LIFE everywhere really is 'out to get you'.

Brings us to that other 'fine line' between opportunist and predator, a line so thin as to be non-existent.

And returns us to today's title, which 'variety' of troubleshooter are you? Are you a problem solver or a problem dumper?

Under ASP you will be graded on your 'problem solving' ability with a particular focus on actually solving the problem rather than simply kicking it down the road and making it someone else's problem.

The royals were terrible problem solvers because social mechanics didn't interest them. [Hereditary rulers started the meme 'the boss is always right' any questions, see rule number one.']

Now [supposedly] we have a more egalitarian decision-making process but if the solution upsets anyone's loot pile then it can't be done.

If it causes a thief to lose then it can't be done.

It's never been about the good of the many, has it?

It's never been about justice or equality either but those are 'utopian', why even bring them up in this cesspool?

If you believe that justice is a fairytale mothers tell their children to keep the nightmares away then YOU aren't part of the solution, you're part of the PROBLEM.

If you get through life making your problems someone else's, congratulations, you are a criminal of the highest order and your reward for being so feckless will be having your membership in society revoked.

Because in the end there are only two teams. One is part of the solution and the other is part of the problem.

When the solution team outlaws money, the problem team will be holding an empty bag.

Just something to think about when they ask you what team you're on...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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