Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how is it when we resort to being crude, all of a sudden it's a joke?

I have never thought Roseanne was 'funny' so I never watched her show. That said I have never laughed at anything Jerry Seinfeld has said/done and if a movie has Adam Sandler or Will Farrell in it I don't watch it...(the list is getting longer, I'm just pointing at famous 'unfunny' people.)

Who cracks me up? Jim Jefferies, Bill Cosby and George Carlin. I am also partial to John Oliver and Wyatt Cenac.

But this isn't about who I think is funny/humorous. It's about the disturbing phenomenon of holding up racial intolerance as something to laugh at.

Considering the original Roseanne was (in my opinion) dreck, we can only wonder who was behind it's resurrection. Zero irony that Roseanne comes from the first wave of shows that turned TV into a entertainment wasteland, none of those programs were watchable.

Like the current president, who only succeeded at being the 'least worst choice', people watched Roseanne, not because it was 'good' but because the alternatives were worse.

Just like the most recent elections, neither was an 'accident'.

If you refuse to fund entertainment what you end up with is dreck.

Considering money = will and is the ultimate 'intangible', now perhaps you better understand where 'dumbing down' comes from. ['Cost' may have been the surface excuse but underneath it was the push to avoid anything that stimulated the intellect even modestly.]

First push was to frighten the viewer, the secondary focus was to intimidate [which is why every third show was a police procedural, H/Bollywood always gets their man!] and finally to ridicule with a ceaseless, unrelenting attack on intellectualism. The rich weren't thinkers, they were 'lucky' and they took that to the bank, sucka!

If you wanted to be rich you'd best work on getting 'lucky' because thinking would only cause you grief.

Thus did jokes become cruder and aimed at social/political targets.

Those who rob you blind certainly don't want thought provoking programming that might shine a light upon their crimes...

If TV made you think you might be tempted to actually try it. [Writing, by default, requires intellect, even if you write poorly or your subject matter is insipid. If you can't string two thoughts together you've got nothing to write about.]

Not for nothing, most people consider writing to be 'punishment', to the point essays were often assigned to 'unruly' children by teachers who knew they'd struggle with the assignment.

Yeah, where do you suppose the idea of piling on extra work as punishment came from?

[It is the foundation of the prison/industrial complex!]

Can't find work? Prisoners work for free. Think about that the next time you're bumming change on commons after your unemployment runs out.

But the world of 'entertainment' exists so you DON'T think! You watch the tube to escape your shitty reality and listen to jokes that you don't find funny and wonder to yourself how this tripe ever got on the air, who greenlit this tripe?

Why it was the thieves that work for the criminals running things.

The quicker you wake up to that FACT the sooner something gets done about it.

The part that really should disturb'd have thought of this yourself if you'd just used your head for more than a F'n hat rack!

The JOKE (such as it is), is on YOU!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


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