Greetings good citizen, today's topic is where we separate the politicians from the people that give them their marching orders, in case that isn't abundantly clear the dictionary defines plutocrats thusly:
We don't need F. Scott Fitzgerald to tell us that the rich aren't like you and I, we know. Yet the media would have you believe the Tea Party psychopaths think The Donald is their kind of people...and they'd be correct, from a psychopathic point of view!
Tea-tards only know one thing, 'liberals' want to limit their freedom and anyone/thing that restricts their freedom (including their freedom to rape, pillage and kill) is bad! That's why they support plutocrats because they all want to be one someday (despite being 'nearly dead'.)
Sadly life-long conservatism has the effect of making it's adherents suffer from early onset dementia, a side effect of being fed a steady diet of bullshit all their lives.
Worse, this renders their BS detectors totally useless to the point they have to be told (by their leaders) what BS is!
This is how you get seniors protesting the government's handling of their social security when the party they endorse has done the most damage to the SSI program since its inception!
But stupid is as stupid does.
How unfortunate for us all that stupid is permanent, the only way to fix it is to bar the mentally deficient from the deliberative process.
Bizarrely, nobody understands this better than the plutocrat. Who better to appreciate the danger of people who believe they understand than the people whose good fortune relies completely on a lie?
[Probably a mis-statement to say the rich appreciate the absurdity of their situation, it merely confounds them and re-enforces their already low opinion of the huddled, brainless masses.]
It's why the 'social pendulum' swings from extreme to extreme...because the rich aren't any brighter than the rest of us.
Sociologists probably don't dare point to the cycle of how wealth takes great pains to hide, sometimes for centuries then the next thing you know it's 'in your face' [usually in the run up to a major social collapse, like the fall of Rome that preceded the Dark Ages.]
[Just a tiny hint there for the observant...]
So before you decide it's in your best interests to support the team that's 'winning'; perhaps a more honest assessment is in order, considering what's coming.
You are NOT [nor will you ever be] RICH. That is a chimera, a ghost that is nothing more than an illusion. It's the 'emblem' of YOUR stupidity.
Look at what those who control it do with their 'idiot power'! Not only do they squander it extravagantly but it magically replenishes itself!
Yes, good citizen. You have long known that wealth is but an illusion so why are you so easily cozened by those 'pretending' to be plutocrats?
It's not like we haven't been here before, the part that should confound you is how we keep on ending up here!
But you know the answer...if you're honest you do.
First the feckless seize the justice system then they monetize everything they can until it all falls apart in a 'blaze of glory'.
Then the long process of rebuilding (and forgetting) begins anew.
Step off the treadmill now, while there is still time! [It's not too late to learn the lessons of the past!]
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,
plural noun: plutocrats
a person whose power derives from their wealth.
synonyms: rich person, magnate, millionaire, billionaire, multimillionaire;
We don't need F. Scott Fitzgerald to tell us that the rich aren't like you and I, we know. Yet the media would have you believe the Tea Party psychopaths think The Donald is their kind of people...and they'd be correct, from a psychopathic point of view!
Tea-tards only know one thing, 'liberals' want to limit their freedom and anyone/thing that restricts their freedom (including their freedom to rape, pillage and kill) is bad! That's why they support plutocrats because they all want to be one someday (despite being 'nearly dead'.)
Sadly life-long conservatism has the effect of making it's adherents suffer from early onset dementia, a side effect of being fed a steady diet of bullshit all their lives.
Worse, this renders their BS detectors totally useless to the point they have to be told (by their leaders) what BS is!
This is how you get seniors protesting the government's handling of their social security when the party they endorse has done the most damage to the SSI program since its inception!
But stupid is as stupid does.
How unfortunate for us all that stupid is permanent, the only way to fix it is to bar the mentally deficient from the deliberative process.
Bizarrely, nobody understands this better than the plutocrat. Who better to appreciate the danger of people who believe they understand than the people whose good fortune relies completely on a lie?
[Probably a mis-statement to say the rich appreciate the absurdity of their situation, it merely confounds them and re-enforces their already low opinion of the huddled, brainless masses.]
It's why the 'social pendulum' swings from extreme to extreme...because the rich aren't any brighter than the rest of us.
Sociologists probably don't dare point to the cycle of how wealth takes great pains to hide, sometimes for centuries then the next thing you know it's 'in your face' [usually in the run up to a major social collapse, like the fall of Rome that preceded the Dark Ages.]
[Just a tiny hint there for the observant...]
So before you decide it's in your best interests to support the team that's 'winning'; perhaps a more honest assessment is in order, considering what's coming.
You are NOT [nor will you ever be] RICH. That is a chimera, a ghost that is nothing more than an illusion. It's the 'emblem' of YOUR stupidity.
Look at what those who control it do with their 'idiot power'! Not only do they squander it extravagantly but it magically replenishes itself!
Yes, good citizen. You have long known that wealth is but an illusion so why are you so easily cozened by those 'pretending' to be plutocrats?
It's not like we haven't been here before, the part that should confound you is how we keep on ending up here!
But you know the answer...if you're honest you do.
First the feckless seize the justice system then they monetize everything they can until it all falls apart in a 'blaze of glory'.
Then the long process of rebuilding (and forgetting) begins anew.
Step off the treadmill now, while there is still time! [It's not too late to learn the lessons of the past!]
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,
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