Greetings good citizen, today's topic is made that much more difficult because the attack on reality has been relentless since 'Morning in America.' Most of you would doubt your own senses if the propaganda machine started telling you it was Morning moments after midnight. [Morning is daybreak, just to give you a heads up because the same people that tell you Morning is AM are full of shit and lie so often even they don't know what the word means.]
Pretty simple concepts but the, er, 'opinion-makers' have distorted the facts for so long, you have found yourself questioning your own judgement...but this has become normal considering the gaping holes the feckless have blasted through the educational system [so you regularly find yourself marveling at your own ignorance because there are so many things they didn't teach you...
Like money is a [legal] fiction and commerce exists to serve the community and not its owners...but what we have today is due to appointing 'agreeable idiots' to a government body that shouldn't exist at all.
Get blindsided by your own IGNORANCE often enough and soon you don't know what to believe...but the 'you'll say/print what I tell you to say/print if you want to keep getting a paycheck' media is focused on bending your understanding with frightening regularity.
Not so much the talking heads, they are mostly empty suits/skirts but the spin-masters are a different story.
These are the guys and gals who get paid to make you believe everyone else is 'unhinged' when they tell you Trump's favorability rating is rising as he keeps pushing us closer to a world ending conflict that he will probably initiate!
How is this possible? The statement itself has zero credibility yet they say it anyway.
Is Trump's 'approval rating' rising with the clinically insane? Who the fuck cares? Yet the conservative echo chamber repeats lies until they are true. [Fake news anyone?]
The jury has returned and the verdict is guilty. Those who 'own' the media lie religiously, like they are praying their way of thinking will be believed.
The purpose of 'propaganda' is identical to the purpose of religion, it is used to turn YOU into a wind up toy that doesn't question, your only choice is 'obey'.
So do YOU believe Preznint Pussy-grabber [who DIDN'T win by the way] is gaining supporters for hisreckless bold actions/following Israel's dictates on the world stage?
YOU (along with the rest of us) are being played for chumps and the feckless don't care if you don't like it...all they need you to do is sit still and keep your mouth shut. [Get vocal and the lies start to fall apart, other people see the puppet isn't as popular as they want you to think he is.]
And doubt leads to action, a spin-master's worst nightmare.
The trouble with a web of lies is it's fragile. They regularly spin fantasies about how the economy doing 'fabulously' which we all KNOW is a lie so why should you believe them when they tell us that his base strikes fear into the hearts of those who should be reining the loose cannon in? [you don't suppose party politics is a sham (too) do you!!!!]
Two retards in a prison cell can't have that much political influence but that is what they want you to think.
Trump's REAL base is the same people he just gave a trillion dollars to, the one tenth of one percent that OWN the media and everything else in this train-wreck of a country!
This must END.
It can end with the stroke of a pen but it is more likely to end after a pile of unnecessary corpses are, er, 'sacrificed' (such is the foolishness of 'ownership'.)
Oh, and the answer to the Libbie's rhetorical question is NO, you DON'T 'own yourself'. [Especially when 'owning yourself' permits others to buy your future from you for a legal fiction!]
Education is key. You were raised to be clueless so the feckless could take advantage of you.
Turns out living a lie isn't doing anything FOR you [but you're going to get yours in the life AFTER this one, right?]
Time to knock off the baloney.
Thanks once again for letting me open your eyes and brighten your mind,
Pretty simple concepts but the, er, 'opinion-makers' have distorted the facts for so long, you have found yourself questioning your own judgement...but this has become normal considering the gaping holes the feckless have blasted through the educational system [so you regularly find yourself marveling at your own ignorance because there are so many things they didn't teach you...
Like money is a [legal] fiction and commerce exists to serve the community and not its owners...but what we have today is due to appointing 'agreeable idiots' to a government body that shouldn't exist at all.
Get blindsided by your own IGNORANCE often enough and soon you don't know what to believe...but the 'you'll say/print what I tell you to say/print if you want to keep getting a paycheck' media is focused on bending your understanding with frightening regularity.
Not so much the talking heads, they are mostly empty suits/skirts but the spin-masters are a different story.
These are the guys and gals who get paid to make you believe everyone else is 'unhinged' when they tell you Trump's favorability rating is rising as he keeps pushing us closer to a world ending conflict that he will probably initiate!
How is this possible? The statement itself has zero credibility yet they say it anyway.
Is Trump's 'approval rating' rising with the clinically insane? Who the fuck cares? Yet the conservative echo chamber repeats lies until they are true. [Fake news anyone?]
The jury has returned and the verdict is guilty. Those who 'own' the media lie religiously, like they are praying their way of thinking will be believed.
The purpose of 'propaganda' is identical to the purpose of religion, it is used to turn YOU into a wind up toy that doesn't question, your only choice is 'obey'.
So do YOU believe Preznint Pussy-grabber [who DIDN'T win by the way] is gaining supporters for his
YOU (along with the rest of us) are being played for chumps and the feckless don't care if you don't like it...all they need you to do is sit still and keep your mouth shut. [Get vocal and the lies start to fall apart, other people see the puppet isn't as popular as they want you to think he is.]
And doubt leads to action, a spin-master's worst nightmare.
The trouble with a web of lies is it's fragile. They regularly spin fantasies about how the economy doing 'fabulously' which we all KNOW is a lie so why should you believe them when they tell us that his base strikes fear into the hearts of those who should be reining the loose cannon in? [you don't suppose party politics is a sham (too) do you!!!!]
Two retards in a prison cell can't have that much political influence but that is what they want you to think.
Trump's REAL base is the same people he just gave a trillion dollars to, the one tenth of one percent that OWN the media and everything else in this train-wreck of a country!
This must END.
It can end with the stroke of a pen but it is more likely to end after a pile of unnecessary corpses are, er, 'sacrificed' (such is the foolishness of 'ownership'.)
Oh, and the answer to the Libbie's rhetorical question is NO, you DON'T 'own yourself'. [Especially when 'owning yourself' permits others to buy your future from you for a legal fiction!]
Education is key. You were raised to be clueless so the feckless could take advantage of you.
Turns out living a lie isn't doing anything FOR you [but you're going to get yours in the life AFTER this one, right?]
Time to knock off the baloney.
Thanks once again for letting me open your eyes and brighten your mind,
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