Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it is long past time to stand up and let the feckless know we aren't going to be pushed around by their profits before people actions and attitude.

Cooperation and loyalty are two way streets. Your loyalty and especially your diligence is EXPECTED but when it it time to reap the rewards for you years of loyalty all of a sudden it's 'sorry Charlie'...

But that's only the half of it. Did you ever wonder WHY we demand a Trial by jury? Because back in the 'bad old days' the king would let one of his people sit in judgement of a situation and it was a foregone conclusion who this 'crony' would side with.

The 'jury of your peers' is there to level out that bias, which is why our legal system avoids going to trial like the plague!

Now we have the birdbrains our bought and paid for representatives appoint to jobs for life [with pay and benefits YOU can only DREAM about!]

As you can see from the article you are still being denied a trial by a jury of your peers...because the one-way dead-end control freaks running things don't care about justice or your rights.

So instead of your peers, you get an 'arbitrator' who is paid by the people giving you the shaft...

Do you even need to participate in this kabuki dance to foresee the outcome?

This isn't justice, this is talk to the hand.

there is only ONE solution to this and it's called the power of NOPE!

Ain't doin' it and you aren't going to do it either.

When Reagan fired PATCO the PLANET should have gone on strike. UNITED WE STAND.

It really is us vs them and they will push us as hard as they can to get their way...and you don't need to look very hard to see the results of shut up and do it or I'll get someone else to!

You'd like to think it wouldn't come to this but I suspect most of you know we're overdue for rope and light pole time.

YOU will NOT get your 'due' until you stand up to them and tell them *NO MORE! [While many of us would relish the opportunity to tell the boss off, EXPERIENCE teaches us that this is futile. Say what you like the boss won't listen because they don't have to, the COURTS have their back!

JOHN JAY did NONE of us (non-lawyers) a favor.

Nobody needs the implications of kids shooting up schools across the nation explained to them. It is a prominent symptom of a society without JUSTICE.

What message does the Gorsuch decision send to the working classes (who are thankful they have jobs for the moment.)

A job that pays a living wage is your RIGHT and there is no shortage of things that need doing! There is zero reason for poverty but we have it forced upon us so we won't refuse their abuse.

I think it's time to snap their whip hand off at the wrist and show them who is really in charge! It's not a matter of who works FOR who but who works WITH who!

Remember the LCD is SURVIVAL, anybody putting their survival ahead of yours is a CRIMINAL.

United we live, divided and only the CRIMINALS prosper!

That goes for anyone that denies you the ability to support yourself, they are denying your right to survive. [They will claim it's not their fault YET THEY REFUSE TO ABANDON a system that CAN'T provide jobs for more than fifty percent of us!]

It's official good citizen more than fifty percent of working aged US citizens are listed as Not in the Workforce, it's the ONLY way Trump could make Murika 'Great' again...

Do the math here, whose fault is it? We know it's not yours which only leaves one choice remaining...it's theirs!

Where was your 'vote' on the issue of capitalism? Where was your vote on allowing the owners to keep the profits instead of a paycheck like the rest of us settle for?

Oh that's right, YOU DIDN'T GET ONE! And your make believe representatives pretend it isn't an issue while tens of millions are homeless and dying in the streets because they can't afford to take care of themselves.

NOPE! I don't think so. I've had enough 'talk to the hand'. Your new choice is paint a bullseye on yourself and take your case to 'arbitration' or shut up and find someplace else to work that will HOPEFULLY treat you better.

Seriously good citizen they DON'T WANT YOU TO THINK and this is why!

Either go on strike NOW or show up for work tomorrow morning and round up the companies executives, take them out to the front of the building and run them up the flag pole by their necks until you don't have any left. [Don't worry, most of 'em will quit once they figure out what you're up to. Hang 'em anyway.]

The cops will be too busy responding to all of the other 911 calls and if they do show up, string 'em up too...they are NOT your 'friends'.

Doesn't this make you and your co-workers murders? Nope, justifiable homicide is back. These people would 'kill' you and yours without a 2nd thought...so it's not murder if you are defending yourself.

When 'The State' kills in your name isn't that murder? They don't even indict killer cops anymore because they can't avoid jury trials which would convict every one of them.

It's the Wild, wild West out there good citizen. Nobody is going to avenge you if a trigger-happy cop puts a couple in you will trying to subdue someone else.

It's become an unavoidable hazard of modern 'more for me' life.

This isn't YOUR cesspool [in as much as you didn't make it] but you are forced to LIVE IN IT!

So once again I confront you with that age old question, if not US, who and if not NOW, when?

Either we UNITE [for our mutual survival] or we stand here with our thumbs up our ass while they push us out the door to starve.

UNDERSTAND: The scuzballs are at each other's throats playing 'idiot's delight' with our collective future.

Either WE end this or THEY end US...

Make tomorrow bring your SHOTGUN to work day [note to self: remember to buy buckshot] or hang 'em high day!

Don't let the feckless few run civilization off a cliff.

Thanks for letting me share my opinion,


P.S. I know you don't care about yourselves, it's too late for you...but it's not too late for your kids!

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