Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's piece is an easy one, trust...because since Morning in America there is only one word that follows today's topic and that word is NOBODY.

The environment sparked by the 'Forever War' has evoked a 'drop-a-dime' culture because you can't trust ANYONE anymore, particularly trigger happy, non-lethal murdering and guilty regardless police.

Trust No One is the new national motto. The ones you need to watch out for are those 'thinker' types because they just twist shit all out of shape. If we tell you not to trust somebody , that is where you start!

Nothing worse than questioning the questioners!

Good People know that the first amendment protects you from being lied to? That's why if you hear it on the news it HAS TO BE TRUE...and 'trustworthy'!

Fox actually advertises it's coverage is 'fair and balanced' and who are you going to believe if you can't believe the media?

Unlike those other countries that don't have the first amendment to protect them, over they they are raised to trust no one!

Which explains why they don't have half of the things that we've got an take for granted...


I was going to drive this into the ground but I suspect I have made my point already.

WHO can't you trust? People you have NOTHING in common with. Pretty short list, right? Where is all of this 'paranoia' coming from? Them who took theirs and yours too.

Those who believe you should spend your days in 'quiet desperation' while you spend your nights praying to a God that doesn't exist for 'deliverance' (or at the very least some divine justice)

You, with your heart full of 'righteousness' and your head full of nonsense are apparently incapable of defying those who make your life worthless.

See the 'problem'? Of course you don't. Things are as they are 'supposed to be', you are just waiting for the 'magic' that will set you free without your having to do anything.

Then, of course, there is the 'trust' thing.

How can you trust somebody not affiliated with the media who obviously detests the government and the institutions established by our forebearers to keep us safe! Why should we trust a 'questioner'?

You'd be correct that there is more than 'doubt' being offered here and you have personally experienced the lies of those who butter their bread at your expense.

Why does this clown think you can do anything to alter your fate?

Why should we 'trust' him?

I'm not asking you to trust me, I'm telling you to trust YOURSELF.

What's the constitutionally protected media telling you? Sit, stay, heel and now here is what happened today that we CAN tell you about because we can't tell you the things that would make you grab your shotgun and gather on the town green; cross the street and lynch all of the people working in town hall!

Drive to the State House, rinse and repeat, then converge on Washington, DC...

Nope, while the constitution protects 'free speech' it doesn't entitle you to the TRUTH because even the founders DIDN'T TRUST MOST OF YOU!

What the feckless few did 'count on' was your 'gullibility', that you'd 'trust' them the same way you trust God!

[Didn't we start this exercise with the admonition 'Trust No One'? Well that goes double for 'Spirit in the Sky!']

Spirit in the Sky is brought to you by the same people who swear that your first amendment rights protects you against liars, like them.

Still, the 'trust game' is fraught with duplicity. FOR THE MOST PART you can trust those who don't stand to gain from your situation. If something happens to you, they gain nothing...which is the case for MOST of us.

Pretty sad indictment of our species but the one thing man is legendary for, even beyond his cruelty, is his duplicity and base untrustworthiness.

Because of this we ALL have 'trust issues'.

Be that as it may, the trip is long and tedious. Failing to make common cause with one another only makes it that much more difficult (but not impossible.)

We can overcome our innate selfishness (by penalizing the 'freakishly selfish') but to put it into practice we must first seize the justice system. The shitshow we call life is 'judged' by the freakishly selfish and that pot has gone toxic.

Won't fix itself, thus do I pen these missives to the 'man in the mirror'.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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