Monday, May 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as living standards sink into the abyss, civility follows suit. Unsurprisingly, the latest headline involving humans being savage to one another comes to us from the 'hospitality' sector.

The already beaten to their limits restaurant worker is not someone to screw with. If your occupation involves kissing the ungrateful's ass for the bulk of your pay you're already face to face with one of the most downtrodden people you're likely to meet...but wait, it gets worse.

Service personnel who DON'T have to deal directly with the customer depend on a SHARE of the server's tips. Now let the management start commandeering the tips and you've got yourself some downright surly service personnel.

But the customer sees/knows none of this. With the typical customer never personally experiencing the ordeals that are routine for battle-hardened service personnel.

So when a customer throws hot coffee at the server because they don't appreciate the server's 'attitude' they know not what they do but that is still no excuse.

Yeah, this 'king of the hill' BS has to go. Like RESPECT, it's a two way street yet those who hold the financial 'upper hand' routinely degrade those who are held hostage for their due.

Still, there is a decided hierarchy regarding occupations with a marked gulf between people who physically labor and those who never lift a finger.

[Worse, those that make the most do nothing discernible and what they are rumored to do smacks of fraud.] (I direct your attention to the nation's capitol for a glaring example.)

RESPECT is hard won and like friendship, it must first be given to be returned.

It is here we encounter the collision between King of the Hill and its effect on general civility.

Yup, the pendulum has been swinging, driven by the 'least' of us [the self-important] towards treating perceived lesser individuals with less than due decorum.

So it is people have been less civil, which rolls downhill.

Meaning our society of 'mimics' copy the treatment they receive from their betters [who only respect the almighty $]

There's a funny thing about money. People don't respect it as much as they respect the POWER money can buy. [Thanks completely to the mismanagement of a system developed to facilitate specialization and it is this initial fraud that needs to be prosecuted in a manner the perpetrator never imagined possible.]

We all know people that disrespect anyone that doesn't have power over them, it one of the factors that make the crass among us chase a badge, stupidly thinking it will 'protect' them somehow.

Did I mention people are 'strange'?

RESPECT is a hard lesson that comes at a price. Most of us don't learn that lesson when it happens to us so we learn resentment instead.

Confused? Think back in that catalog of personal humiliations you can't quite forget about and look at it through the 'RESPECT' lens, had you been respectful wouldn't the whole situation have turned out differently? Too late now to alter the past but it's never too late to LEARN from an experience.

It's quite remarkable how vividly you can remember these tiny doses of humiliation and not be able to remember where you put your car keys ten minute later!

Like people, the mind is a close second under the weirdness category...

When I post back to back 'mental pieces' it makes me feel like I need to remind the reader that it is never my intention to tell you WHAT to think but rather to provide you with something to think about...

Thank you once again for letting me inside your head,


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