Greetings good citizen, happy Mother's Day to those of you who have sacrificed your all to bring new life into this...not a nice word for it so I'll leave it up to you.
Humans are born helpless, another factor that separates us from the creatures of the wild that our moronic scientists insist we evolved from.
Oh yeah, I'm a 'creationist' but one that doesn't involve 'supreme beings'.
The closer you look at humanity the more the test tube becomes apparent. [And I'm not pointing to the deeply disturbing trend of more than half of all children born in industrialized countries the mother's egg was fertilized outside the mother's womb...after having first filtered the sperm.]
How much longer will our species remain viable? Rhetorical question, the young aren't experiencing the reproductive problems the 'have it all' modern women is having...yet.
Then there are the selfish/feckless who are 'raising the bar' by poisoning the well...soon if you're not 'well-born' you won't be born at all.
Something is radically wrong with the present reality of 'Let those who can afford children, have children.' That mindset leaves out more than 90% of us and begs the question of who will buy your stuff? [Economics, nobody 'gets it!]
Good thing money is funny and you get yours for nothing, isn't it?
No longer content with trolling, empty-headed conservatives have taken to calling out those they disagree with under the 'nobody likes a smarty-pants' rubric that is only a couple of degrees removed from what they normally do, bullying.
No sniggle-fritz, 'because I said so' NEVER makes you 'right!' [And there is nothing more pathetic than "I believe what I believe because I believe it..."] Tax cuts 'supercharge' the economy, anyone?
Which is nothing more than the long way to the same place...'because I said so.'
One would suspect the latest meme to start circulating is the need for a 'hybrid' party is also a brain dead conservative idea, not that the moronic liberal or anyone else fixated on the 'warring camps' game has ever come up with a useful idea.
Did you know that there are NO 'parties' under ASP? If we are all on the same team, where is the conflict? [Especially now that rich and poor are no more. The only remaining divide will be 'smart and dumb' and if you can't crack 100 on a standard IQ test you won't be allowed to vote so there's another problem eliminated.
How ironic you have to score LOWER than 100 to run as a conservative...
Everybody knows we let THEM 'stack the deck' [via the party vetting process] then they blame US for the outcome!
Which is to belabor the obvious, not all intelligent people are benevolent or even modestly selfless [but they love to 'pretend' they are!]
El Trumpo is famous for commiting to donate to charitable causes only to never follow through. [Until they started holding his feet to the fire, then he shut up because it stopped being 'free PR.']
I know regular reader isn't ready for this but today's 'bitch slap' is yet another elephant in the room that almost no one can see.
Anybody have a clue?
Didn't think so...and you're all going to go 'doh!' when I tell you.
'The Anchor' of our civilization isn't selfless motherhood, it's unbridled GREED!
We are apparently 'bred' to's what we do. 'More for me' is what drives us even when more isn't clearly defined. The creators attempted to curb this tendency with religion but it didn't work.
So it is we have arrived at a point in social development where the neighbors are too close for comfort and the knowledge that we are a race of kleptomaniacs, we have stepped up policing knowing full well it won't stop that which is to come.
There is plenty to go around but we have 'hoarders' among us who have theirs and ours too. Inexplicably, we can't get them to give up what they will never use...consider how stupid that sounds when stated so bluntly.
If there is one thing the hoarders among us fear above all else it's having what they have hoarded taken away from them. The bitter sting of loss is more than they can bear, losing is for 'little people' and surely Momma didn't raise them to be a little person!
Ta Da! This brings us full circle to both the problem and the root of it's solution...not that the stupid mothers will get it but that was always baked in.
Happy Mother's Day ladies....maybe it's not 'cowboys' you should be warning your babies against becoming...for the good of the species!
Thanks once again for opening your mind,
Humans are born helpless, another factor that separates us from the creatures of the wild that our moronic scientists insist we evolved from.
Oh yeah, I'm a 'creationist' but one that doesn't involve 'supreme beings'.
The closer you look at humanity the more the test tube becomes apparent. [And I'm not pointing to the deeply disturbing trend of more than half of all children born in industrialized countries the mother's egg was fertilized outside the mother's womb...after having first filtered the sperm.]
How much longer will our species remain viable? Rhetorical question, the young aren't experiencing the reproductive problems the 'have it all' modern women is having...yet.
Then there are the selfish/feckless who are 'raising the bar' by poisoning the well...soon if you're not 'well-born' you won't be born at all.
Something is radically wrong with the present reality of 'Let those who can afford children, have children.' That mindset leaves out more than 90% of us and begs the question of who will buy your stuff? [Economics, nobody 'gets it!]
Good thing money is funny and you get yours for nothing, isn't it?
No longer content with trolling, empty-headed conservatives have taken to calling out those they disagree with under the 'nobody likes a smarty-pants' rubric that is only a couple of degrees removed from what they normally do, bullying.
No sniggle-fritz, 'because I said so' NEVER makes you 'right!' [And there is nothing more pathetic than "I believe what I believe because I believe it..."] Tax cuts 'supercharge' the economy, anyone?
Which is nothing more than the long way to the same place...'because I said so.'
One would suspect the latest meme to start circulating is the need for a 'hybrid' party is also a brain dead conservative idea, not that the moronic liberal or anyone else fixated on the 'warring camps' game has ever come up with a useful idea.
Did you know that there are NO 'parties' under ASP? If we are all on the same team, where is the conflict? [Especially now that rich and poor are no more. The only remaining divide will be 'smart and dumb' and if you can't crack 100 on a standard IQ test you won't be allowed to vote so there's another problem eliminated.
How ironic you have to score LOWER than 100 to run as a conservative...
Everybody knows we let THEM 'stack the deck' [via the party vetting process] then they blame US for the outcome!
Which is to belabor the obvious, not all intelligent people are benevolent or even modestly selfless [but they love to 'pretend' they are!]
El Trumpo is famous for commiting to donate to charitable causes only to never follow through. [Until they started holding his feet to the fire, then he shut up because it stopped being 'free PR.']
I know regular reader isn't ready for this but today's 'bitch slap' is yet another elephant in the room that almost no one can see.
Anybody have a clue?
Didn't think so...and you're all going to go 'doh!' when I tell you.
'The Anchor' of our civilization isn't selfless motherhood, it's unbridled GREED!
We are apparently 'bred' to's what we do. 'More for me' is what drives us even when more isn't clearly defined. The creators attempted to curb this tendency with religion but it didn't work.
So it is we have arrived at a point in social development where the neighbors are too close for comfort and the knowledge that we are a race of kleptomaniacs, we have stepped up policing knowing full well it won't stop that which is to come.
There is plenty to go around but we have 'hoarders' among us who have theirs and ours too. Inexplicably, we can't get them to give up what they will never use...consider how stupid that sounds when stated so bluntly.
If there is one thing the hoarders among us fear above all else it's having what they have hoarded taken away from them. The bitter sting of loss is more than they can bear, losing is for 'little people' and surely Momma didn't raise them to be a little person!
Ta Da! This brings us full circle to both the problem and the root of it's solution...not that the stupid mothers will get it but that was always baked in.
Happy Mother's Day ladies....maybe it's not 'cowboys' you should be warning your babies against becoming...for the good of the species!
Thanks once again for opening your mind,
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