Saturday, June 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it would be an 'understatement' to point out that the general 'angst' felt by so many for so long has finally become full fledged terror as the dwindling hope that things would turn out alright has inevitably given way to the realization that our initial fears were correct and the land we call 'home' has been subjugated by the feckless.

It all started with the general inability to make ends meet, always tricky but wives left the kitchen, joined the workforce and still we fell further and further behind. We KNEW something was WRONG but try as we may we couldn't quite put our finger on it. [Tricksy Banksters!]

In retrospect, it is clear that earlier falsehoods have come home to roost.

The first falsehood was that of Globalization...all economies are local and NOBODY can live in an 'economic desert'. Both of these 'laws' were ignored so a few could be rich. [Most fail to comprehend that 'rich' isn't an abundance of (representative) wealth, it is FREEDOM FROM WANT!] Think about that for a minute, almost nothing would be beyond your reach! That's what the Banksters have given THEMSELVES!

AT YOUR EXPENSE! [It doesn't come from nowhere and it isn't without consequences. Sacrifices had to be made and YOU made them!]

Ronnie Reagan didn't come up with NAFTA all by himself, the creators of the 'cheaper there' (as well as the people responsible for installing him in the oval office) TOLD HIM to do it.

Why did these same LIARS think all they had to do was wait until Bill Clinton came along (their boy too) and pin the 'ratification' of NAFTA on him when it was a 'Done Deal' before Ronnie left office?

Of course many of today's feeble minded weren't around to remember that the first half of Clinton's presidency he was a 'Lame Duck' with a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS! If he had vetoed NAFTA the Republican congress would have overridden him. It was the 'right move' politically but Billy-Jeff didn't have a choice because the Banksters 'owned' him.

If we keep 'walking it back' we would see the bankster's hand reveal itself throughout the nation's history.

So here we are trying to unspin a tornado with an (hand) eggbeater. Just as apt a comparison would be trying to make Orange juice out of rhubarb.

Here we are playing 'politics' and the people calling the shots aren't even on the same continent as we are!

Yes, the Banksters are global and we all dance to the tune the lay down for us because we have no other choice!

[It is here ONCE AGAIN that I step in to REMIND you that ALL money if 'Funny'...[not 'ha-ha', more like shake-weighty, savvy?]

The collective WE are jumping through their hoops for NOTHING!

Problem is stupid believes what he believes because he believes it.

This makes major problems because stupid would shit himself if he weren't constantly reminded of his occasional need to use a restroom...

That, er, 'civil war' people think is just around the corner is largely due to stupid and his ignorance of what's gone before!

THe Right-Wing noise machine is revving up the rhetoric about the Monstrous Liberuls and how the STUPID 'good' people should rise up and, er, slaughter make them see the light (of the RIGHT!)

Problem is there are NO liberuls in politics and the majority of the people who hold democratic ideals are told they are conservatives! So we are really talking people who fear having their loyalty questioned vs. the few who are outraged by the actions of the bankster's puppet(s).

John Stewart made a very salient point on late night TV [long after bedtime for the feeble Trumpster fire supporters] and that point is this: Trump's people want us to join together with them to proclaim 'American Exceptionalism' in the natural order of things and that might makes right!

It's my way or the highway! [What we have all been living through for the past forty years since the bloodless coup that installed the actor as this nation's president.]

Yup, it's confirmed. Historians agree it all went sideways with the, er, stolen election that installed Ronnie Reagan in the White House.

EVERY election since has been stolen as well [by virtue of it being a 'non-choice'.]

So the midterms offer us the opportunity to 'partially purge' the house...but ONLY if you pay attention to the little letters that follow the candidates' name...because they are ALL 'vetted' by the money, bar NONE! [If you don't display the correct degree of 'moral flexibility' you are on your own as far as the 'party endorsement' is concerned.]

I personally ignore all of those bulletins from the Faux Revolution because EVERY ONE OF THEM has it's hand out! We aren't going to win our freedom by 'buying' it back from the slavers, they already have all of the money, they need SLAVES.

Once they develop (serviceable) automatons, watch out, there will be A BOUNTY on YOUR sorry ass!

Better train yourself now not to groan (or anything else detectible either visually or audibly) when lazy-ass tells you to fetch them things that are literally at their own elbow.

Worse, what do you suppose will happen once the Bankster's meat-puppet orders martial law to be put into effect? It's already a Police State, imagine living like that permanently?

You've already lost the right to confront your accuser, you also sat still while your right to counsel was lifted from you [as a suspected 'enemy combatant' YOU have NO rights!] Most of you fail to understand that you would defy martial law at your own EXTREME Peril!

Still want to sit down and have that beer with W.? The Patriot Act stripped you of your constitutional protections and still you voted for the bankster's proxies!

Just as you stupidly support Preznint Pussygrabber...what's wrong with YOU? [Seems to be that failure to pay attention thing...writ LARGE!]

Guess you, yes you will have plenty of time to consider where it all went wrong in the concentration camp that you'll never get out of.

Zero irony that you are personally responsible for the deaths of the only people that might have rescued you...

STUPID is it's own reward.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


This November burn down the polls. no more ELECTED TYRANNY!/FAKE CHOICES!

Friday, June 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, yesterday's bloodbath in Maryland is just one more of a growing phenomenon nobody wants to admit responsibility for and that is a rudderless, futureless generation that is increasingly turning to the free room & board offered by our 'for profit' prison complex.

With rents in lockstep with mortgages and gigs that demand you work round the clock to make ends meet [anything less and only THEY make's Randian 'tough love' writ large!]

What can be said of a society that fails to recognize Monsters in its midst?

Is this 'yippee, I'm goin' to jail!' phenomenon really a self-inflicted wound/unintended consequences of the 'greed is good' bible preached by Ayn Rand and her 'god' Adam Smith?

It is a deadly reflection of a society that is mishandling Justice epicly!

Most shooters kill themselves but in a world that has no use for you, is a life sentence really 'punishment'? Even if you are given the death penalty you'll grow old and gray before they actually administer it [there's more profits for both sides of the system in letting the appeals process keep you alive for a couple of decades...]

The ones that shoot themselves just don't see the benefit of waiting for exoneration that they know isn't coming. Whereas the ones that let themselves be captured don't have to do ANYTHING they don't want to do ever again!

[Or so they think...]

Either way one has to be pretty desperate to commit a capital crime in the first place. If you're just 'reasonably careful' and plan it well you can murder just about anyone and get away with it.

Mental horsepower is not what wins you a badge [it's why there are so many wrongful convictions. Cops grab 'the most likely suspect' and if any evidence at all turns up, it's case closed.]

Remember, cops were originally thugs that laid in wait for you near the bank on payday. Their brand of 'cleverness' stopped at knowing not to bushwhack the guys headed uptown, that might be friends with the mayor, pick off the guy who staggers out of the bar after paying off his tab, the cops care less about what happens to a guy that was going to drink/smoke/snort his paycheck in the first place.

What a cesspool, huh? Is this why nobody cares...because we all hold such a low opinion of each other?

Remember what I taught you about hatred. It is 'inorganic', we are taught our prejudices and that includes hatred for no rational reason.

Still, the 'joke' is that when some guys are asked what their 'retirement plans' are, they answer they are going to murder someone and spend the rest of their lives in prison terrorizing the other inmates.

To them it's a moot point if they survive until they reach the executioner's station, they're already dead.

Which begs a pretty interesting question, doesn't it?

Why do we allow 'the already dead' to determine the course of our civilization?

Those who turn a blind eye to the plight of billions and do nothing for children being raised in abject poverty have paved the path our society is on at this very moment. How bizarre that it was Ayn Rand's 'tough love' philosophy and misguided thinking we were doing those kids a favor by not providing for them!

The woman was beyond twisted, for which her works should held up and ridiculed by teachers around the planet as the prime example of what NOT TO DO to be 'human'.

I suspect the people picking up weapons and going on shooting sprees are not Randites themselves but the VICTIMS of Rand's followers. The rabid, uncaring capitalist who whips their employees mercilessly from the comfort of their armchairs then protests to anyone that will listen how they built their empires 'single handedly'.

There is only ONE place for that brand of 'rugged individual' and that place is Lord of the Flies Island! [A place where there is only one rule, kill anyone/thing on sight!]

Since you won't be the first one there, you eat what you kill or you starve...[individualism at its purest!]

Perspective is everything, those who are not clear eyed enough to see us all must not be given leadership or [as with the path we are currently on] we will be led to our doom.

Again the ugly spectre of the Already Dead raises its maw and and asks why avoid the 'inevitable'?

Here is the divide, are we already doomed?

I don't hold that opinion and many who say otherwise don't either, they tell you we're doomed because what you don't get becomes theirs!

Never underestimate unbridled greed (or people fond of saying aloud, 'I can't help it if they're stupid!')

Whether you realize it or not that is the official password of the Asshole Club.

You have to be mighty stupid to not figure out they are talking to/about YOU!

And that concludes today's offering

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, June 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I apologize for being off my game the past few posts but sometimes the incredible stupidity of our overlords outrages me to the point of apoplexy and it is reflected in my writing.

Today's eye catching title should actually make you yawn because we have become a society of 'open secrets' as the feeble delude themselves into thinking something good is on the way.

Naturally, the question here is 'good for whom?'

While you often wish you were personally higher on the food chain the chain itself is more or less invisible to you. Can you name the ten richest men on the planet? Buffett, Gates, and those may not be the three richest but they are the three most in the public's eye.

Worse, since the global supply chain runs out of the Far East there are billionaires poised to be trillionaires whose names you remain ignorant of but I suspect commerce isn't the line we should be pursuing in our quest to identify the Masters of the Planet [Masters of the Galaxy are a different crowd altogether and it is doubtful that transportation technology is up to the task of creating a 'Master class' for the Universe. Even with Stargate technology the distances involved are so staggering that the power requirements are beyond calculation.]

So if commerce doesn't rule the world then who? I think I see a twinkle, yes, the answer is bubbling to the surface! Why else are we perpetually at WAR?

The font of all...(let's leave that one there) is the ones pulling the levers behind the JUSTICE SYSTEM, no, not the Supreme court [whose true function is the 'illusion of justice'] It is the people behind THOSE people who dictate our collective fate.

You have probably mentally leapt to the legislature but you have to keep threading the needle until we return to the 'golden trough'. [Our legislators, like the meat puppets of the justice system are all 'bought and paid for'. Do we return to commerce?

Nope, that's chump change. The guys in charge of civilization itself also run the global banking cabal!

Did you just have a 'duh!' moment?

Government is a chimera because you don't get to vote for [or argue with] The Bank.

Failed capitalism is the preferred method of operation for, er, 'the' (it's not 'ours' in any way, shape or form but WE have been saddled with it by the heartless goblins of 'justice' that zealously guard access to the trough) debt driven social model. Think about it good citizen, you are forced to 'borrow' your own life from the bank!

How do they do this?

Ahem, you already KNOW the answer, the 'well' is bottomless because all money is 'funny' [and not 'ha-ha' funny either, more 'shake weighty'...]

If you feel like a 'rat in a cage' it's because you ARE!

When did things go sideways? About the same time that someone discovered that every time the global population doubles, it halves the time it takes to repeat the feat...and we have almost succeeded in defeating death [for the moment, Mother Nature is charging back and the banksters are holding back (via the cash register) because they want the 'herd thinned', their model doesn't work when there is a large 'surplus population.']

Difficult for most of us to believe but if we turn back the clock to the days prior to the 1900's the most common form of death wasn't heart disease, it was diarrhea.

Nobody is researching new methods of treating these mutant strains as disease after disease makes a are you wondering why we DON'T have any say over who controls society's purse strings?

If you were born 'spoonless' [like most people] life has gone from difficult to impossible.

YOUR kids can't get their feet under them and retirement is a sick joke because you have to keep re-fi'ing the house to stay ahead of your credit card debt.

Think that's an accident?

How stupid are you?

Civilization won't last much longer under these conditions, soon [if not now] it will be back to the caves, living off rodents and whatever else is unfortunate enough to cross your path.

Won't be too hard on most of you, you are already used to the 'hand to mouth' way of life.

Some of you are living a sustenance lifestyle right now but you'd best keep that little gem hidden or those who take instead of make will be on you like the wolves they are.

Funny how 'living off the land' means different things to different personality types.

Why are we forced to pay for what already belongs to us?

The sad answer is 'representative government', the successor of monarchy.

In order to be FREE we must make ownership the crime that it is. [Banking, like capitalism, operates on the principle of ownership.]

Failing to share what belongs to us all is a crime against humanity but failing to respect what another needs to live is an even greater crime!

Sadder are those who parse 'want' with 'need', this too is criminal. It's also what makes a bankster a bankster.

Target identified good citizen, fire at will!

Thanks once again for dropping by and opening your mind!


Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen and fellow NON-Faux news viewers. It is with serious trepidation that the conservo-whacko rhetoric is ratcheting up to a fever pitch as Preznint Pussygrabber charges across the world stage, smashing long time alliances pretending it is American Exceptionalism writ large.

His emotionally crippled supporters are cheering him on as he angles to bring about the destruction of the US at the hands of the rest of the world. How feeble do you have to be claim 'he's getting stuff done!' when NONE of it is GOOD, STUPID!

In an 'along partisan lines vote' [US] Supreme court upheld the Preznint's Muslim travel ban [major hint people, the Global War on Terra won't end as long as a single Muslim draws breath! It's not a crusade, it's a Christian Jihad!]

Left to our imaginations is why 'the party of restraint' isn't aghast at the tearing down of longtime alliances?

Apparently 'special advisors' to White House, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and the Fox & Friends crew have been complaining for...months now that our Allies have been getting over on us with unfair tariffs on our exports.

But it appears the Trump Tariffs have little to do with trade equity and more to do with punishing behavior Trump's base finds unacceptable.

Trump is a REPUBLICAN so his constituency is the same as W.'s, the HAVES and the HAVE MORES. Who wins in a trade war?

Nope, still too stupid to figure it out despite the answer being right in front of their eyes.

Several 'ironies' exist simultaneously when it comes to Trump supporters, one is since they get their 'news' from 'lie central' [Fox News, the home of 'alternative facts'.] how do they tell the difference between the garbage Fox spews and 'fake news'?

Couple that with their unflagging belief that Republicans are the staunch defenders of liberty and patriotism and that the (omnipotent) Lord, their god actually needs their devotion and unquestioning obedience and one can only wonder which one is the larger emotional cripple?

But to the UNTHINKING both questions are articles of faith and it is their faith that will see them through.

Zero irony that this is how the Nazis operated...

"It doesn't have to be factual, I believe it because this is what I choose to believe!"

This whole scenario begs the question of whether or not it is Trump's plan to use the insanity defense when he is convicted of collusion in the 2016 election?

How much you want to bet numbnuts tries to pardon himself? [In keeping with his defense strategy, naturally.]

The question facing our species is whether to continue to allow our self-appointed betters to run civilization off a cliff or to restructure society so the planets resources can be managed to eliminate poverty and facilitate a reliable justice that ALL can depend on!

Until we unite [which won't happen under privately owned media] we won't be able to have unfettered discussion about the issues facing humanity.

This is REALITY, whether you accept it or not.

We got where we are today by 'PRETENDING' everybody had a seat at the table...but it soon became evident that only a feckless few had a voice.

Those with limited mental facilities need to be championed so they aren't exploited by the feckless.

Thus not EVERYONE will have a voice or be invited to participate in the decision-making process. [Some would argue that even those with 100 IQ's are too limited by their superstitions to fully appreciate the ramifications of the issues (such as the 'threat' posed by AI or the menace that nanotechnology poses.) Worse, their inability/unwillingness to abandon their superstitions makes them susceptible to being manipulated by the unscrupulous.

While I originally projected that a majority of the planet's adult population was of 'average to slightly higher' intelligence I have of late been forced to amend that optimistic assessment...there are a lot more 'empty suits' floating around out there than originally suspected. While they are excellent mimics they don't have an original thought in their head!

Worse is the failure to process information that is readily at hand (because they are being manipulated and they don't even realize it!)

I conclude today's offering with following list of conundrums:

Who is represented when ALL of the representation is paid for by the rich?

Does an omnipotent being/entity need your love, devotion, obedience when they have the ability to wipe you from existence just by willing it to be so? [Point, match and set, argue your way out of that one, LIAR!]

If we are all in this 'together', who is the enemy/opponent? [Or is this a case of 'lessers and betters'?]

[Remember GOD was created to make our self-professed better's argument unassailable! It's the ONLY reason an IMAGINARY omnipotent being even exists!] All monarchs claim to be the 'elect' of God, that god looked across all creation and found the monarch to be the most 'worthy'.

{Sort of redefines the axiom if you're gonna lie, lie BIG!}

I tip my hat in deference to those of you in possession of a mind!


Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while the proprietor of the Red Hen kicked off a shitstorm of conservative protest it's the slap upside the head that these holier than thou nitwits so desperately need.

Actions have consequences and treating others without respect has repercussions.

Shunning is 'exile light'.

Don't want to be shunned then don't act like an asshole! From what we've seen to date Huckabee's daughter could give lessons on that particular talent of which there is no shortage.

Me, I can be an asshole too, but usually it is those who act like they are better than the rest of us that sets my teeth on edge.

Not sure if that's you? If your first reaction to reading that line is 'of course I'm better' then Yahtzee, you're an asshole! [You're STILL an asshole if you parse it...and an even bigger one if you don't understand what that means because it makes you a stupid asshole!

Having fun yet?

Well, this doesn't lead us where we want to go. I fact it is 'stage two' of the diseased variety of conservatism that has infected civil society.

Shutting down the avenues of communication is how the Dark Ages begin. The 'faithful[ly stupid]' have already shut down their internal reasoning ability and are too busy gazing at their own navels (conservo-whackos are nothing if not 'victims' and they wallow/revel in their own victimhood.)

Once communication is shut down [Don't tell me your problems buddy, I've got enough of my own!] you will be told what to care about and complaining about your lot in life will buy you the persecution you 'deserve'.

Does NOBODY remember the Dark Ages?

Look at a priest the wrong way [failing to avert your eyes quickly enough] and you'd be tortured for your 'insolence' [Mostly to make an 'example' of you to the others so they'd quit their whining for a few minutes.]

What gets YOU into the priesthood? Same thing that gets you a badge, your Daddy.

Yup, the 'clampdown' is supported and held firmly in place by 'patronage'.

Perhaps the most damning aspect of our current situation is we've been here before and we keep coming back because we refuse to break the mold our feckless 'betters' force upon us.

Your lack of input into the conditions you must live under have damned you and yours long enough!

Worse, you embrace the author of your bondage, conservatism that PERPETUALLY LONGS FOR SOME IMAGINED 'GOOD OLD DAYS' THAT NEVER EXISTED!

At the root of this problem is the reality that your future has been perpetually stolen from you. YOU look into the future and you don't see yourself there!

So you do what they tell you and HOPE everything is going to work out like they promise it's going to.

But you know in your heart that this is a LIE. [It has NEVER come to pass.]

Like so many times before, the future isn't yours and nothing here is for you. You are just here to do the heavy lifting. Once you're too old to do that there is no longer a place for you...and you are left to fall back on the 'charity' of those no better off than you are.

Not for the first time do you ask yourself, if this isn't hell, it ought to be because it can't get much worse.

But it doesn't have to be like this, things could be much better for us all IF we forced the greedy few to SHARE what belongs to us all!

But this means 'settling' for having our needs met (so what remains can be conserved for future generations until we succeed in harvesting the stars!

Yup, growth is the objective but if the only thing we bring to space is death then better to die here.

Reagan's pet monkey wants to weaponize space. There is no question something is not quite right with him so what does this say about those who smile and nod?

Few fries shy of a Happy Meal, eh?

How bout you? Why do you think El Retard wants to start a war over 'death from above'?

Because I'll tell you right now it's a war 'we' [the US public] will lose. Our former allies will join against us to put the evil pin-head [Preznint Pussygrabber] out of power and likely decimate the country in the process. [Where do you think Russia & China's interests lie? Not with the buffoon that is attacking them with tariffs to be sure!]

Is THAT what YOU want?

While shunning closes off dialog it's not like those who believe they are superior to the rest of us were listening in the first place.

The time for talking has passed. They also refuse to 'negotiate' {they won't be open to negotiating until we slip the rope over their head, then they will promise us EVERYTHING...but only if we leave them in charge.

The fact remains, UNITED we STAND and UNITED we AREN'T. [Largely due to the propaganda machine, we are more united than possibly ever! NOBODY likes where this is headed.]

The Almighty We has to stop listening to those who tell us what to think!

Yup, scary as that is it's time to OPEN OUR EYES and start asking "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?"

WE SHOULD be enjoying global prosperity but the only ones prospering are the THIEVES and the meat-puppet JUSTICE SYSTEM stand there with it's thumbs up its ass, smiling (shooting) and nodding like it's all good.

How disturbing is it that the truth of the matter is WYSIWYG?

Who is in charge? Not you? Who?

Try again....

Thanks again for letting me inside your mind,


Monday, June 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, back in the dark days before computers put millions out of work our leaders presented us with a system of representatives to defend our interests from the predation/machinations of the powerful feckless.

This reckless move led to the predictable outcome, the people running as the public's champions faced such horrendous costs mounting a campaign for office that they were easily bought by the very people they we supposed to be defending us from. [News to no one.]

Worse, now Political Science is taught in college and it has zero to do with the duties representatives are elected to perform. Now 'trained negotiators', today's politicians have executed a near perfect gridlock that holds them 'unaccountable'.

[A politician's main goal is to remain in office, the pay and benefits can't be duplicated in the private sector even at the CEO level considering the power a legislator can weild.]

So don't buy the BS they teach them in college, that politicians are driven by burning desire to 'serve the public', the only reason they stink at their jobs is because nobody (pretending) to crusading for the public can agree on how to go about it!

Which is bizarre if you consider the campaign questionnaires are nearly identical to those circulated forty years ago, post 'Morning in America'.

FIfty years of Republican rule and NOTHING has been resolved...because those elected to represent us have nothing in common with us, nor do we hold their political future in our hands. We only get to vote FOR the candidates the money chooses to back. Voting against them isn't an option.

[The sudden emergence of tiered voting is an attempt to rectify that.] That said, bad decision-making and issues nobody cares about will persist as long as we let the money set the agenda.

Everybody is screaming over immigration but none of the morons are targeting what's driving the 'refugee crisis'.

Do You know what's behind 'failure to launch' world-wide?


Is there even one political group that has this issue in their sights? NO! Even the *SWP has no alternative to commerce as the fickle, predatory justice system practices it.

How bizarre that common ownership of the means of production does nothing to remedy the problem of criminal managers.

The ONLY cure for 'Me First' disease is for power to rest in the hands of the people...because we have already seen the flaw of using 'elected representatives'.

As long as there is cash there will be corruption and the public's 'best interests' will be sold to the highest (or most ruthless) player.

Commerce no longer exists to serve the public, it exists solely to enrich its owners...


Hence the refugee crisis of people fleeing the economic deserts predatory capitalism has created.

If you're in the USA you are living in the center of one of the largest such deserts. The ONLY thing keeping this shitshow afloat is the predators haven't moved...YET. [Meaning that, for the moment, the US is their base of operations due to it's (imaginary) Reserve Currency status.]

I'll remind you once again that if the things purchased with money are same [despite not being 'identical'] money MUST be identical NO MATTER WHO mints it! Anything less is FRAUD!

Don't think I'm stretching here to point out that Fraud is treason and treason is a capital crime.

Don't you think a lot of people in today's predatory commercial environment deserve to have their necks stretched?

A Simple Plan isn't about sunshine and lollipops, it's about EQUALITY and JUSTICE between ALL humans (females included!)

Unemployed? Homeless? Those outcomes are the 'by-product' of predatory capitalism. The One Percent ALREADY HAS more than it can spend, they don't see the need to expand the market to accommodate 'newcomers' (anywhere on the planet.)

Your inability to support yourself or your kids inability to establish themselves isn't their problem, it's YOURS!

Your future participation in the human genome is a generation away from extinction,

Are you willing to trust your future to a 'rigged' system and representatives that have NOTHING in common with YOU?

Burn 'em out!

Just my two cents...

Thanks for opening your mind [I really hope you're getting this!]


* Socialist Workers Party for those of you who are bad with acronyms...

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while I dwell upon survival as the primary objective of corporeal existence it seems mutual survival was pushed aside with the advent of 'public protection'. [Which in most cases turned into an employment program for thugs.] Just as standing armies were established to keep a rein on those who would attack society if left to their own devices.

[You need to be clear eyed to survive in this 'rat race' that provides privileges based upon one's capacity for disrupting peaceful co-existence.]

If you don't understand this fundamental fact you will completely mistake the true purpose behind the creation of these social institutions!

If we take this as a given we begin to understand how the original self-declared 'sovereign' tilted the table permanently in their family's favor.

Because the hand that giveth was also the hand capable of taking away and the none too bright were unable [in most cases although it did happen occasionally] to supplant their 'benefactor' whose primary gift was that of legitimacy.

Take what we have to this point we see how survival:Personal became a much more difficult task with the 'formalization' (and protection) of the less talented among us. [Before becoming 'police' these miscreants were looting marauders that preyed on the more industrious, who they personally thought were fools for making what they so easily took from them.]

Which is to belabor the obvious that the 'suicide phenomenon' has a much longer history than any of us suspects.

What's changed from the early days of so-called 'civilization'? Very little. A Thug is still a thug and a rogue is still a rogue although both of them wear uniforms and draw paychecks cut for them by the feckless sovereign.

Most of you would be deeply [and rightly] disturbed if you possessed an accurate picture of what today's workforce looks like.

Indeed even the sovereign appreciates that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem...

For every worker in the 'private sector' and guess what the largest single 'private' employer is? Who do you think it is? Do you even know the difference between private and public sector employment? Largest private sector employer is HEALTHCARE [which vends to the public via a heavily subsidized insurance industry!]

Who do you suppose the largest single public employer is? You might guess the military but you'd be mistaken, the largest single public employer is Law Enforcement!

How do we 'afford' this?

Short answer is 'we don't'. All 'money' is funny, the 'ability' to pull off this charade comes from the 'factory farm' that greatly reduces the effort required to produce the food all of these 'tax liabilities' consume so copiously.

We KNOW the average conservo-whacko is allergic to thinking and is already being handed a fairly sweet deal from the overlords [at the expense of the rest of us.]

Not a member of the 'human trash' management service? Guess what, they don't have a job for you...because somebody has to act as the trash!
Bet you didn't see that one coming, did ya?

Ignorance is a terrible thing. With this as a given how many of you think humanity is ready to venture to other worlds?

I have laid out the 'mechanics' of the model in this post. Your life (as human waste) is due to a sovereign's need to bestow privilege upon the none too bright...because in the end a thug is a thug is a thug and all it wants to do is beat and steal.

The 'alternative' to this nightmare has NO place for those unwilling to pull their weight...[this goes DOUBLE for those whose only ambition is to be the one handing our 'favors' in exchange for power that belongs to the PEOPLE!] This is why there are no 'cops' under A Simple Plan...A.) thugs will not be tolerated and B.) there will be no need for police under a 'just' society considering 'personal liability/accountability' will return in a BIG way.

Everybody will have jobs they can live on and free time to live their lives fully because expenses will be reduced MARKEDLY [because NOBODY will be 'rich'.] The human anti-exploitation law (that prohibits using anyone else as a personal income stream!) will see to that.

Civilization is about choices...and in this life you aren't given ANY...[well, you are granted one and that one is 'comply or die!']

For those of you incapable of appreciating the 'gravity' of our mutual plight I return you to the axiom of if your only tool is a hammer suddenly all of your problems begin to look like nails.

If you aren't part of the 50% of us that work in the 'law enforcement' industry but you are the occasional participant in today's 'gig' economy you have a hint of what role you play in relation to the 'for profit prisons' we don't have the money for...or the global war we can't fund...or the trillions in tax cuts we can't afford.

How many of you have figured out that society's biggest 'joke job' is economist, just a whisker ahead of 'stock broker' in its uselessness and idiocy.

The object of these little missives is to cure the curable of their IGNORANCE because what I share is not something you would ordinarily think about in your mundane existence.

Life don't make sense if you follow the garbage they feed you as your guide.

In the infamous words of Arnold, follow me if you want to live...

Thanks for opening your mind,


Saturday, June 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the Beatles sang 'all you need is love' [that said, they were neither the first or the only proponents of the 'love thyself' philosophy because the damning truth is haters START with whatever stares back at them in the mirror.

They not only despise others but they aren't too enthused when it comes to themselves either [an understatement but were talking psychosis here.]

If you don't see the 'good' in yourself it becomes impossible to see it in others. You don't even bother looking for it and this has led to the reckless myth of the 'rugged individual'.

Despite having heard it a thousand times it remains a fact that you can't love others if you don't first love yourself.

Most of us look in the mirror and see disappointment but the people who love and receive love from others know there is more looking back at them than a flawed creation because love completes them.

Yeah, that's the funny thing about that four letter word, in order to get love you must first give love. It is by giving love that you learn to appreciate it. Giving love helps you to understand that true love isn't selfish and that true love forgives.

But there are limits. Love is frail and easily broken. Strong love takes time to build and a level of effort that most of us lack the dedication to keep up. Love often flows one-way for long periods of time before it starts to flow back to you.

True love isn't money and you'd be amazed at how many equate money with love. You can buy affection but it's not 'love'. Love can only be 'earned'.

Yes love is often paid for with sacrifice but that's the 'normal' price of love. We have to give up what makes us happy to make the ones we love happy! Sucky deal but that's how it works.

Love (like happiness) is best when shared. Seeing the one you love happy often exceeds the happy you would have received pursuing what you only 'like' to do by yourself.

Not that love can't be a 'private' thing. The problem with love in a vacuum is it becomes an 'obsession', nothing matters but the object of adoration. Secret love is a disease that kills!

Not everything is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows when it come to the darkside of the L word.

No discussion of love is complete without a look its dark underbelly.

In fact, some see the dark side of love and forsake it completely, choosing to avoid love's pitfalls, stunting their ability to love AND their ability to empathize.

That said, some 'sacrifices' aren't worth it. [Doing without to avoid possible pain later on...better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.]

If we posit that Love completes us, we return to contemplate the countless empty souls there are out there, refusing to take the first step so necessary towards becoming 'whole'.

If you can't give love then you are incapable of receiving it. A factor most can't comprehend and even fewer appreciate.

It all comes down to cases and the only one that knows the answer is the one who stares back at you in the mirror.

If I were you I'd march up to the nearest mirror [preferably a private one] and tell that special someone you love them because it all starts with YOU!

You'll feel so uplifted you'll marvel over why you haven't done it sooner!

Self-love isn't the 'answer' but it's the start to completing you as a fully realized human being.

Complete yourself...NOW!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Friday, June 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is a tragedy wrapped in a comedy as the collaborators who have no clue what they are cooperating with cheering on the tyrants as their own fiscal/economic future is laid to waste.

The tragedy here is the hopelessly stupid just want to be on the side that's 'winning', is that a crime? Actually, yes it is. The Nazi's were 'winning' before the world came together to stop them.

Must have been a bittersweet moment for the 'winners' of the world, watching helplessly as their champions were ground to dust. [The Capitalists of the world backed the Nazis and those that survived Germany's defeat became the Military Industrial Complex that manipulates the world's governments to this day.

Were all of the Nazis brought to justice? No, but neither were the people who have bankrupted the global economy twice (and are preparing to do it for the final time as you read this.)

You won't be allowed to have money when they take it from you this time. You'll get what they give you and if you're unhappy with your 'allotment' well, too bad.

This good citizen, for those of you too blind to see, is tyranny. [And what the tyrant says, goes.]

Who has been 'agitating' to shrink government down so it's 'less expensive'? The morons that are too stupid to comprehend that money is a chimera. Government, like resources are FREE.

Being taught that you have to pay for what you want is enough for the feckless to take it away from you. You will be told there isn't money to do what needs doing and you'll accept it because you're stupid!

This is why they want to combine the Dept of Education with the Dept of Labor. They want to use the public education system to train drones to work in their warehouses filled with foreign products.

If you don't work in the forests, fields or mines you will work in storage and delivery system keeping goods moving to where they are needed.

But the banking industry is going to go 'bye-bye' [and unlike A Simple Plan where banking becomes an internal function of your employer, you simply won't have ANY money. It will be your employer's job to keep you fed, clothed housed. You won't know how to drive or operate autonomous equipment because there won't be any.] Living standards will be left to the 'owner's discretion'...want more food you'll have to riot for it because there won't be enough of you to revolt against the robot guards.

If you are 'unemployable' you will be cut loose. Left to your own devices in a world where you don't belong. Unlike Exile, the police will 'deal' with the homeless however they see fit...(and we've seen first hand how they see fit.) [Bullet to the head and it's 'Problem? what problem?]

There are no police under ASP and everybody, regardless of their handicap is GUARANTEED a job that pays a living wage!

[For those of you sharp enough to pick up on how I advocate for the abolition of CASH [but not money, just the vehicle that makes it transferable between individuals...major distinction!]

The feckless go nowhere without their thugs, the Uh-Oh squad is another thing entirely. Their focus is Justice and they answer only to the public they serve. They are NO ONE'S wind up toys. If they 'err', they pay like anyone else would...and not get a 'not prosecute' pass from someone that shouldn't have the (patronage) job in the first place.

But I digress [with due cause and no apology!]

Bizarrely, it is the 'conservo-whackos' that label benefits you PAY FOR your entire life as 'entitlements'. You sure as shit are 'entitled to them, you paid for them! How F'n STUPID do you have to be to go along with that lame-brain logic?

Stupid enough not to appreciate that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem?

Because when the dam bursts, the collaborators (especially the vocal ones) are going to be fitted with hemp neck-ties for their support of the tyrants!

Seems unfair to execute people who have no idea what a tyrant is even if one stares them in the face every morning when they arise to perform their morning absolutions.

Naturally, the ones responsible for keeping the collaborator's head packed full of stupid will also be rewarded with hemp neck-wear. While it will be difficult to deal with their wild-eyed stares of incomprehension as we lead them to the hanging tree with most of them crying 'What did I do? Why Me?' while the more cognizant among them hold their tongues thinking silence will buy them a reprieve [when the true reason for their silence is their disdain for people they consider 'animals'.]

Yup, sometimes 'superiority' (like stupidity) is its own reward.

I will once again 'label' the divide, on one side is Team Humanity, with equality and justice for all, while on the other is Team Criminal with it's 'more for me' credo and it's ruthless 'loyal til you're not' treachery (because in the end there can only be ONE!)

Yeah, often a 'smarter than you' strategy can bite you right in the ass and there isn't anything you can do about it because it's always about NUMBERS.

But for some bizarre reason stupid can never figure that out.

Think you have 'em fooled?

You'll find out, sooner more so than later. The center cannot hold much longer and the big bust is coming!

I will repeat my earlier warning that the time has come for all good men to come to the aid of their Species!

Those who don't place humanity first have made their intentions clear.

Your choices are fight or die.

Chose or it will be chosen for you.

If you aren't part of the solution then you're part of the problem...and either way a combatant.

Without putting too fine a point on it the question is do you want to live as a human or do you want to live as a slave (and if you're old, the choice will be made for you...because you're of little value to a slaver [but the freedom fighters will embrace you because we all hope to be old some day!]

If not us, who and if not now, when?

Thanks for taking the time to open your mind, those who don't won't have time to regret their ignorance.


Thursday, June 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while I don't personally have any faith in the existence of a supreme being of any sort (I do believe that The Devil resides in all of us but that's just human nature, nothing 'supernatural' about that.) The mentally challenged cling to a scapegoat god upon which to pin all of their failures and shortcomings.

It's not MY FAULT, GOD made me this way!

If only nickels were real and we had one for every time we heard that line of malarkey.

Several of today's headlines point at the 'correlation' between religiosity and conservatism. How Evangelicals (the foot soldiers of God) are targeting liberal strongholds like California to turn them from blue to red...which is curious really because even without any democratic politicians they still cling to their 'humanist' views. Candidates that don't share those views don't get elected.

Still no Democrats but the 'watery' conservatism their faux/pretend democrats serve up doesn't stand up to scrutiny and (bless the Californians) they will take it to the streets if they don't like how their politicians behave.

Ironically they got in trouble with libertarians instituting 'we won't pay' tax limiting legislation but woven into those bills were strong recall language that kept anyone running 'accountable'. It's a boomerang that they can't take back and it kills anyone that crosses their constituency.

But we're not ALL California either. The rest of the country doesn't have a simplified recall process of the orangutan in the oval office would tread much more carefully than he is. [If it were possible he would have been recalled IMMEDIATELY after being 'awarded' the presidency (considering HE ACTUALLY LOST!)] But no, those who regard themselves as our sovereigns wouldn't permit it so the Kabuki dance goes on.

See where it's handy to OWN the press?

Especially when you're pedalling lies! A rather dangerous accusation in a time where every report carries the label 'fake news' attempting to 'discredit the president' which A MAJORITY OF THE PUBLIC believes to be a MORON! [If he weren't 'born rich' he most definitely wouldn't BE rich.]

The existence of a Chief Propaganda officer [A title created when W. 'attached' legislation to a spending bill making it legal for the government to 'Propagandize' (lie) to the public.

Again our vaunted 4th Estate remained largely mute when this occurred mostly because the economy has been sucking pond water since Morning in America and reports to the contrary are just wishful happy talk with no basis in reality. (so finding a new career was akin to committing economic suicide...a choice many of us resist because of the tiny impact it would make to the oligarch's steamroller.)

So attuned are we to what the loss of a rung on the economic ladder means to our children's future.

So where do we find God?

Same place he's always been, sitting in the capitalist's cash register...turning YOUR hard earned dollars into cents.

Why doesn't God protect you who beseech him so earnestly? Because YOU didn't create him, the sovereign did.

How did the sovereign create the all-powerful?

In case anybody challenged his 'authority', all self-professed sovereigns claim they are 'god's elect'. Bar none.

Even St. Ronnie Reagan claimed to have regular conversations with the Almighty, just as the Donald does...on the shitter, the puzzle here is does he twitter while he's talking to god or after because we're pretty sure he does most of his 'beseeching' during the actual movement itself.

Ironically both presidents come in as a question mark in the 'being of sound mind' category. Both Reagan and Trump appear perpetually confused despite the former being dubbed (posthumously) as 'The Great Communicator' (despite never having uttered an original phrase.)

Seems as though having a supreme being around has more than just the obvious benefits of providing a scapegoat and the ultimate 'stop sign' [Who are YOU to question GOD?] He is also the catalyst in most modern military 'adventures' since global war has become a zero sum game.

What few conservo-whackos know is 'God' (Christianity in particular) is also responsible for the Dark Ages. Millions died because they weren't 'devout' enough.

Now modern conservo-whackos want to bring those days back again!

The equation is a simple as they are, you love god, comply implicitly with the directives of his 'representatives' and he doesn't kill you for breathing his precious air.

That's god and god's love in a nutshell.

Comply or die (for the lie.)

Because 'god' doesn't exist and if such a thing DID exist, he don't need or care about YOU!

Thinking, it's the Anti-Dope!

Thanks once again for letting me try to pry your eyes open a tiny bit (be a lot easier if you'd stop squinting and chanting 'I want to believe' over and over again...)


I will once again tell you that I can only point at the water, understanding it is up to YOU!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I keep boring down through the piles of (bullshit) in the hopes of lighting a spark of cognition in your mind that things aren't as you have been taught and that your teachers had a different 'agenda'.

I once again play the 'logic' card and rewind to the very beginning of the conflict to make the point that we are all in this together. Some of us are just here for the ride, they have convinced the gullible to do the heavy lifting for them because they have appointed themselves sovereigns and you are not.

Doesn't help when you challenge a (frivolous) claim of sovereignty your are met with the counter that we are ALL sovereigns, which quickly descends into a 'how do you figure?' shouting match.

Once the roaring quiets down the one claiming to be THE sovereign usually 'clarifies' that they are the sovereign that is protecting everyone else's sovereignty! Confused? Good because you're supposed to be. None of this makes sense if we back up just a half a step and touch the 'we're all in this together' stone.

But it does illustrate the need to band together to protect ourselves from those who are only interested in THEIR 'sovereignty'.

First thing to understand is what 'sovereignty' means:
ˈsäv(ə)rən/Submit noun

1.a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
synonyms: ruler, monarch, crowned head, head of state, potentate, suzerain, overlord, dynast, leader; More

2.a former British gold coin worth one pound sterling, now only minted for commemorative purposes.


1.possessing supreme or ultimate power.
"in modern democracies the people's will is in theory sovereign"
synonyms: supreme, absolute, unlimited, unrestricted, boundless, ultimate, total, unconditional, full; More

The important thing to note here, since the definition contradicts itself between Noun and Adjective is the people claiming 'sovereignty' meant they gave themselves the right to everything worth having and if you wanted some you'd be 'obliged' to 'buy it' from them.

It is here where the noun is turned into the adjective capitalism is based on, that 'everyone is a sovereign' [THAT CAN BUY INTO THE SYSTEM!]

Zero mention of those who can't and wouldn't you know 'sovereignty' is also the basis of money...(because the sovereign can decide what is money and how much it is worth, completely arbitrarily because it's all theirs!)

The 'slippery slope' here is, bar-none, all of these 'sovereigns' were mortal and their only 'special power' was the duping of the armed ruffians they called 'knights'. [Pay attention now because you lost your 'sovereignty' because you didn't have a platoon of thugs at your beck and call.]

The thugs did whatever they pleased because the 'king' had their back...and this turned into the 'peerage system' that exists to this day!

Like W. the king was the 'decider' and he went against his henchmen at his own (extreme) risk.

Thus do we have the 'origins' of the 'Rule of Law'. Which planted the seeds for the 'collapse' of every monarchy after they outlived their 'usefulness.' [THe 'true collapse' of monarchy was facilitated by the creation of the 'illusion of representation' system that allowed the royals to continue to run things while letting the superstitious peasants believe they were governing themselves.

Quite the racket they set themselves up with and all it took was a few loyal thugs.

What does this 'mean'? Well again, just as kings could only assert their influence just so far so other 'strongmen' spring up all around them to fill the 'void/weak spaces' where a given sovereign couldn't effectively assert their will.

And when the sovereign went to eject these usurpers from 'their turf', there was 'war'. [Enter the 'nation state' that exists solely because of 'sovereignty'.]

People could 'tolerate' being taxed by the guy that had thugs in his employ because they would fight off the other tough guy's thugs when the occasion arose. but people didn't much like the idea of dying to protect some moron's claim to the land they far as they were concerned their 'loyalty' stopped with their taxes. Didn't matter to them which asshole claimed to lead, none of the self-styled tough guys cared about the people or the problems that their management style was usually responsible for.

Back when people were SANE NOBODY thanked a veteran for their 'service' [because most of the time they weren't given a choice! Only in fairy tales did brave farm hands pledge a sword they didn't have in service of the king.] Only knights carried swords and it was the knights sons that would offer their sword (arm) to their sovereign when they followed in Daddy's footsteps.

But this too would be 'romanticized' by the feckless as they persisted in cozening a gullible public into not resisting their rule.

AFTER 250 YEARS OF ABJECT FAILURE you'd think SOMEBODY would propose we change things up a little but no, you are told you'd only make things WORSE [like it could get much worse than it already is!] WTF people? You may not know what the sound of one hand clapping 'sounds' like but if you open your eyes you can SEE what it LOOKS LIKE!

Worse, as the Republican's misdeeds return home to roost all of a sudden it seems as though history is 'Fake News'! [And the mentally challenged are buying it, hook, line and sinker!] Oh and LOYALTY to the Republican 'brand' is KEY.

Remove 'money' from the equation and you're left with (self-professed) 'Sovereigns' and superstitious peasants...and if you ain't 'royalty (or at least a 'peer' because dipshit couldn't do it ALONE!) then YOU...ARE...A...PEASANT!

There is no shame in not being 'psychologically damaged' [having such extreme 'illusions of grandeur' that you proclaim yourself sovereign] NORMAL people don't think they are 'special' (regardless of how talented they actually are.)

A gift is a gift and most gifts are only fully appreciated when they are SHARED!

This F'n planet is a 'gift' what do you think we should DO with it? Let meathead claim it for themselves [so they can sell it back to us for a price that suits THEM?]

This is so obvious it breaks my heart that more people ignore the feckless and allow themselves to be trod over needlessly.

A few minor tweaks to the system and it would all be different.

If we can't live together by the rules (the majority of us) agrees to then you can go to a place where you can live however you like.

Do YOU get to choose? No, the planet is OURS to share, the part we share with you will be one we don't have a use for. There you can live out the rest of your natural days to the best of your ability however you wish.

If you 'fear' the rules everybody else agrees to abide by then we will provide you a place where you can make your own rules...and seal your own fate.

By the way folks, I mentioned in earlier posts that I'd let you know when it was time to revolt, well it's time!

Some of you have prepared and some of you haven't, All I can say is Bon chance!

Thanks for letting me fertilize your mind with some knowledge that has been denied to you [because the 'victors' (and not the 'good guys') write history!]


Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, for decades we have had our sensibilities offended by those who measure how 'good' of an American you are. [Like they are ones to talk.]

Back in ancient times, moron meant you were hopelessly dumb, that nothing you did or said made sense while Idiot told the world you were just a political ignoramus.

Less helpful is the modern use of these terms, where a moron is anyone that disagrees with YOU and an Idiot is something you call someone that expresses views contrary to your own.

Usually the people calling others Idiots are themselves Morons...

Can you say zero sum game?

As the Chinese wrestled with the contradictions of turning their communist state over to the feckless capitalists [with Xi declaring himself Emperor, that's a done deal. Now they are truly communist 'in name only'.] They came up with a proverb that went "it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white as long as the cat catches mice. [Although in retrospect the point here is it doesn't matter what you labeled the cat, regardless of its color.]

What the desperate Chinese didn't count on was capitalism's 'buyer beware' boilerplate. Under capitalism the seller isn't liable for the salesman's lies. They bought Capitalism as the solution to the huge technology gap created by agrarianism...but the cat didn't catch enough mice and the crops were still getting spoiled because of it.

But one problem at a time and guess who is in the 'Driver's Seat'?

Your initial answer would be incorrect, even the largest army in the world [and that's China!] can't protect you from a determined assassin and the capitalists have the most highly motivated assassins on the planet.

[How do you think they keep US politicians in line?]

Left to our imaginations is whether or not Mr. Xi will be given a counter-offer he can't refuse, it's more than a little difficult to believe that in a nation of over a billion people he's 'irreplaceable'.

And successive assassinations WILL result in a war we WON'T win. [Especially considering WHO our 'supplier' is.] Which MORON thought that was a good idea?

Might be a convenient time to segue into the burgeoning trade war El Trumpo is waging, won't even phase the people he just gave a trillion dollars in tax cuts to but the poor suckers working for wages that they can't live on are going to get fooked, big time!

Tax cuts that didn't result in wage increases but followed up by higher prices due to moronic tariffs [that will only result in higher prices.]

Is THIS why you voted for Trump? [Or do you like making little children cry?]

I know you'd prefer to fall back on Idiot but it's looking a lot like Moron is closer to the mark.

Thanks once again for opening your mind!


PS: I'd rather be a Godless commie than a murderous moron anyday!

Up with people (and up your bucket, hater!)

Monday, June 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is perhaps the least understood word in human lexicon and because of that it has been used by the feckless to drive wedges between an already divided society.

Let's begin with the first 'absolute' and that is one man's patriot is another man's terrorist. Some like to call the opposing patriot a 'freedom fighter' but that is only to provide the terrorist with a fig leave of legitimacy.

Now (and today is no different) Patriots are 'fans' of a given ideology.

How many of you KNOW what 'fan' is short for?

Fan is the 'root' of fanatic.

Fanatics are irrational in their beliefs and harbor an irrational hatred for those who don't share those beliefs. Allah Akbar anyone?

Non comprende? Let's take a match to this star spangled, red and white striped rag. [Now ya got it!]

What do these two concepts have in common? Neither are REAL. There is no Spirit in the Sky and the 'rag' is just a rag.

Don't tell the 'fanatics' that the symbol of their devotion is just a hunk of cloth because they aren't buying it, 'they're patriots!'

Why are the 'patriots' among us supporting the people tearing this nation to the ground?

Because they don't understand that their fierce loyalty to something they don't understand is being used against them.

Their ignorance of what Team USA stands for makes them susceptible to misdirection by the witch hunters among us.

What does (team) USA mean to YOU? [It's where YOUR people live and you LOVE it, in fact you'd even go as far as to say it's your DUTY to love it and anyone who doesn't see that is a traitor!]

Humans are bred to be 'territorial' and taught to distrust anyone that doesn't look like them.

Now SOME of you, when it's laid down raw like that can see where this is headed but the ones who don't think (and you'd be amazed at how many humans are still working off that very first 'lunch bag' that mommy packed for them on their first solo excursion from the safety of the nest all those years ago) haven't shifted mental gears because mommy never told them to!

Your blind loyalty is used against you as the people you elect to represent you fail you at every turn then blame it on the [non-existent] opposition.

Liberals, you'd think the planet was lousy with them but no, what you're calling a 'liberal' is actually people that are aghast at YOUR support for MONSTERS!

You inability to recognize your own butt from a hole in the ground is being used against you.

I imagine if we dug hard enough we'd find writers 60 years ago who saw what was happening in Pre-WWII Germany and asked the people WHY they were supporting vicious animals [who also wrapped themselves in the flag and couched their motives in putting their 'nation' first.]

Well guess what fool! YOU are marching down that same road because just like them you don't see that the ones who are crying for you to stop are human too!

And guess what that makes you? Humans that fail to recognize the humanity of others are monsters unfit for society/civilization.

But "My country right or wrong" eh?

Who knew the kind of damage the K.I.S.S. rule could inflict? [Because the most vocal flag-waving patriots are as dumb as a box of rocks. (but others just want to be on the side that's 'winning'...)]

Like rebel soldiers, they (to this day) didn't know what they were fighting for but they sure as shit weren't backing down!

Now THAT'S 'patriotism!' [Moronic but patriotism nonetheless.]

Thanks for letting me inside your head,

If today's post didn't expand your understanding I hope it provided you with the will to examine those values you claim you have...


Sunday, June 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, just as no one is able to tell us what Victory looks like in W.'s 'global war on Terra', many US workers are still wondering if Murika is Great [again] ? because the evidence on the ground does not match the happy talk.

IF Trump supporters read and taking the further leap of imagining they would deign to read anything that challenged their carefully cultivated adoration of der fuhrer, the man who made Murika Great by doing nothing but saying it was so.

What will it take to wake these half-wits up? When the coming Trade War costs them their job will they blame management for not slashing prices to counter the tarifFs? [Of course they will, morons don't know what profits are or how commerce works just as they have no clue what politics are for.]

Forgive me good citizen but I am CERTAIN I'm not the only one who recognizes that our society is neck deep in STUPID. Bizarrely, even half of the stupid would agree! [Largely due to their belief that those who question the 'handed down wisdom' of their particular brand of Spirit in the Sky are, in their eyes, 'stupid'.]

If we were to consider that the stupid spectrum runs from profound to 'a little slow on the uptake' (and I don't count those who have to read it a few times to fully comprehend it as 'stupid' because 'truly stupid' is not getting it at all or deciding it doesn't match what they already believe so they reject it without even thinking about it, now that is 'profoundly stupid!

Especially when your life hangs in the balance.

But we're talking morons here and as far as they are concerned 'Spirit in the Sky' is the sole giver and taker of it's out of their hands (which is completely out of their MINDS too but stupid is as stupid does/dies...)

Since most don't know the difference between knowledge and wisdom, [constant reader knows, I'm nothing if not repetitive.] I will lay out that difference here.

Knowledge is knowing WHAT to do in a given situation, Wisdom is knowing WHEN to do it.

Trade war will artificially boost prices, which will artificially boost profits [not that any of those profits will find their way into the worker's pocket. Every good management team knows profits go to stock buy-back initiatives that artificially boost share price, which the executives compensation plan is based on!

Did I mention criminals yet today?

If ya can't dazzle' em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.

As P.T. Barnum quickly discovered, you can't fool ALL of 'em ALL the time but MOST of 'em are enough.

So it is good citizen that most people are completely 'unaware' of their profound ignorance and their lack of awareness ranks as the mildest form of stupidity. They don't know/care that they're stupid!

[In case you were wondering where 'Ignorance is bliss' came from...]

Probably why the 'FISH' among us (those who will swallow whatever is dangled in front of them) are convinced that the only thing necessary to make life in these United States of Stupid 'Great' was for somebody to literally 'wish' it so!

Understand this is the problem with letting the less than informed vote.

They don't appreciate the significance of what they are doing. Under A Simple Plan you will have to score 100 on an IQ test to be issued a voter number. [If I have to explain IQ to you, you can pretty much forget about even applying.]

We need SMART leaders and they will prove their worth through the competitions for succession. How? They will craft a plan to solve a particular issue and they will be graded on the effectiveness of both their plan and their choice of what problem to tackle.

Most of the majors [homelessness, unemployment and healthcare] will be off the table [already solved, completely] by the time we use tests to select our leaders so it will really require some mental horsepower to craft the most useful/insightful solution. It will also require great wisdom on the part of the 'board of champions' [Where past leaders continue to serve] to mutually decide which idea is right for the times...

Resources permitting this process may result in multiple leaders, each with responsibility over their own initiatives. [Some can conceive but not execute and this too will separate the leaders from the wannabes.]

IF one makes it to the leadership level they will already be proven problem solvers and chances are will have already at least partially developed the platform they intend to use in their bid for supreme leadership.

Leaders are NOT legislators, a major distinction between how things are currently done.

The constant re-jiggering of the law is what drove the monarchs from the throne and it will be what drives faux democracy from its 'throne', (seated as they are in the now infamous 'Hall of Injustice.')

So it is we encounter the questions that plague our current society.

If your 'elected representative' has NOTHING in common with you, what or who is 'represented'?

If our Leaders don't act to improve the circumstances of ALL citizens then aren't they failures?

Well Team Trump, explain yourselves (if you think you can...)

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, June 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while the word conjures images of hard-charging rebels meting out 'street justice' to panick'd officialdom, 'revolt' is a two-edged sword and the forces of officialdom can play the game too.

After being exiled to their mansions for crashing the global economy in 1929 by a resurgent FDR [literally the 'anti-Trump'] the people who own and therefore lay claim to everything and everyone on this patch of dirt waited for the media to go back to sleep and plotted their revenge. [Many of them by funding the Nazis.]

Yeah, Hitler was more than just a disgruntled corporal with an erection and no place to stick it. Not that he was rich...but he had rich 'backers' and some of the periods finest scientific minds at his disposal.

Marconi's revolutionary breakthrough in mass communication opened whole new vistas/possibilities in thought control and herd behavior (as evidenced by what followed and continues to this day.)

Think Rush Limbaugh was an accident? Think again but this time consider that his social poison was distributed for FREE to the owners of the AM airwaves and who in all capitalism would 'give away' the product if the goal wasn't produce the kind of environment we find ourselves hopelessly mired in right now?

The answer is it was the same people responsible for crashing the global economy onto the 'shoals of stupidity' twice in eighty years BUT!

Yeah, good citizen, the 2nd time they took a massive BM in the punchbowl they got away scot-free! [and lined their pockets with half of the planet's pension funds to boot!]

So this time the cops aren't coming [not that they would have come last time either. The party poopers the first time around were the ones that weren't invited to the party and got their tails caught in a wringer because of it.

THEY saw to it that the 'bad actors' got a spanking (when they should have received the guillotine treatment for their audacity! How unfortunate for the rest of us that we now lack that cadre of 'responsible actors' to mete out justice to those who tampered with the old guard's carefully crafted society? [A place for everyone and everyone in their place, but that is only a ghost of its former self in the current 'ME' world the feckless have created.]

Why don't millennials vote? Because they were all 'weaned' to be 'lone gunmen' who looted for their needs and answered to no one.


Anybody else see the mistake it was to let 'fantasyland' escape adult supervision? What the 'gamer generation' fails to appreciate is that in the real world 'resources' [especially armor and medkits/lifesaving potions] are, in fact, non-existent.

But this has given us a self-absorbed generation of lone wolfs that don't feel the need to make 'common cause' with their fellow gamers because the real world of making a living abandoned their parents and moved to the most populous part of the planet over thirty years ago, leaving this generation with a future as empty as their pockets.

WORSE, they don't see ANYBODY on the political horizon even attempting to throw them a lifeline, worse is that EVERY ONE OF THEM KNOWS the day is coming when the brutes among us will mele for the few table scraps remaining, leaving the average player with NOTHING...and NOBODY with a stage at their disposal is advocating for 'their future'.

The 'thieves' have succeeded in stealing civilization's future and Justice didn't lift a finger to stop them, [heck, those elected/appointed to prevent just such a thing HELD THE F'N DOOR FOR THEM on their way across the planet to join their 'money'...and then they stuck their parents with the tab!] They (the politicians) were rewarded with stock options for their trouble and apparently that wasn't still isn't 'illegal'.

So what's 'wrong' with millenials? NOTHING, when they look at the future they don't see themselves and it troubles them mightily that their Trump loving parents are stupid/insane enough to expect them to make a life in an economic void.

The kids are alright, it's their parents who sat there dumbfounded while the thieves stole their future and they kept voting for the thieves to stop them.

It obviously didn't work so what now?

Ironically the kids see it. The parents don't but the kids do and it's what their grandparents threatened their kids with when they were aggrieved.

Crying? I'll give you something to cry about!

Funny that the kids know what the feckless plan to do to the sublimely idiotic that allowed things to get this far in the first place.

Will the kids help us head off this threat?

Nope, they know we deserve it [what's coming...and they still don't see themselves in the wasteland to come.]

Worst of it is nobody will have to wait too long to see how the 'Lord of the flies' game plays out.

In a sidebar I'd like to commend Mr. Mahar for the brilliant use of his national forum to properly take on the topic of over the top policing.

Now if we could just get somebody to speak out about our children's stolen future...but WHO could we get to do it?

Is Bieber the answer? [Somehow I doubt it.]

This generation doesn't have a Fonz, all of today's 'heroes' are animated AND magical.

I will close today's offering with a repeat of the admonition that the revolution, when it comes, will NOT be televised.

The 'adults' running things know what will happen if they publicize open revolt in the streets, the lost generations they created will pile in in a heartbeat.

So I once again ask you: if not us who and if not now, when?

Head, don't fail me now!


Friday, June 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, with all of the media motivated distrust [the OWNERS of the *4th Estate] have shifted the media's mission from that of being society's watchdog to keeping society on edge by maintaining a constant atmosphere of distrust.

Unfair of ME to not be specific because it is another EVERYBODY KNOWS situation and the eyes of a world are upon Faux News and it's cavalcade of conservative talking heads.

Doesn't help that these people are in fact actors reading from a script generated by right-wing think tanks.

If you look at them while they are reading even they don't believe half of what they spew.

Their mission, quite frankly is not to report the truth but to spin fantasies about places that never were and times that never existed for people whose true motives would be reviled if they ever saw the light of day...but daylight and fantasy don't mix. Worse, they make saints out of the very demons that are responsible for destroying the very fabric of humanity.

[One is tempted to believe this is a 'local event' but it is not, 'Morning in America' is the 2nd 'shot heard round the world!']

So where all the 'good people' be at? Short answer is there aren't any. If you think for yourself then you're commie and if you don't think for yourself then you're a mouth breathing moron that nobody listens to because you've got nothing to say that they don't already know...

Who is behind the PROUD flag-waving, constitution loving, Military supporting competition to 'out patriot' the next fellow?

Who loves this treacherous criminal enterprise we call Murika (but they call 'Land of the Morons') more than anyone?

The One Percent. [Which factually speaking is just a tiny fraction of that number...and they are 'world-wide' too so all of this 'patriot nonsense' is just for YOU! They are masters of the planet (and are possibly related to those who command other parts of the Galaxy as well.)

But you are a GOOD Murikan and an even PROUDER PATRIOT. (Even if you're not too keen on the idea, you at least pretend to be because the mindless, flag-waving morons are EVERYWHERE!)

Problem with the 'mental midgets' is their thought process stops at the Stars and Bars. For them you are either FOR Murika or you're agin her...and if you don't LOVE it here, they think you should LEAVE.

In fact, they'd be happy to help pack!

Is Murika about Billionaires? Nope but the current 'Alpha American' just HAPPENS to be one, [Fox news told them so and Fox & Friends has Preznint Pussygrabber's back!]

Congress should pass legislation outlawing all of those disgraceful, lying news programs [that were all here long before Fox popped up on UHF dial right AFTER 'Morning in America' (did I mention MORONS?)]

So those values of 'hard work and respect' that you cherish as a kind and patriotic Murikan...those aren't YOUR values, they're HIS! His mealy mouthed actors deceived you with a message meant to resonate WITH YOU but that's not how the game is played by those above YOUR STATION.

Rupert & underlings instilled in you the traits THEY value while ripping your gullible ass off at every opportunity because there was IS nothing you could CAN do to stop them!

The OWNER of Fox isn't one of you! He considers himself to be BETTER THAN YOU and he proves this to himself (and his feckless peers) by regularly playing YOU for a CHUMP!

Do HUMANITY a favor and BOYCOTT Fox

That said I suspect it's already too late for that. We already have only one 'news desk and it parrots the same propaganda the rest do because it's not about keeping you 'informed', it's about keeping YOU 'ignorant'.

Be careful of what you 'consume', it might turn around and eat you!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind (the few of you that haven't already overindulged in Fox's kool-aid.)


*The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) is a segment of society that wields an indirect but significant influence on society even though it is not a formally recognized part of the political system. The most commonly recognized part of the fourth estate is the news media, or press.
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today we pursue the long lost, almost mystical, art of 'logic'. There was a time when logic ruled the world but the criminals came along with their double-talk and their lies and asked, quite pointedly, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

And since your situation depended on believing them, you answered 'logically'.

Well, since then logic has been removed from the equation (by the liars.)

How did the liars manage this? Everybody knows you can't argue with a sick mind.

There is no point in disagreeing with 'stupid' because the afflicted is professing beliefs they have nurtured and that were reinforced by those who taught them to believe (with a decidedly faulty chain of logic in support of their arguments.)

A 'sick mind' believes what it believes because it's what they believe (doesn't have to make sense.)

Like hatred, sickness is a learned thing, we don't come by it 'naturally'. It is 'taught' to us (and not necessarily by the 'well-intentioned', often the teacher has a twisted view of life due to the trials others have put them through.)

So much of what we witness comes from I believe what I believe because I believe it. Simple, er, 'logic', I believe it's true and that's good enough for me.

Thus does 'logic' get a bad rap because the above is totally 'illogical', just as the media telling us that Trump's popularity is rising in the polls and we ask ourselves in which mental facility did they conduct the poll?

[That's one of the many 'fallacies' of polls, they often aren't done properly and the results are skewed because the people polled were inclined (for reasons totally unrelated to the questions asked) to answer in a particular way.]

YOU can't trust poll data if A.) you don't know who was asked, anything under 5,000 isn't a valid sample and depending on how the question is 'couched' B.) Who (precisely) was asked and the wording of what they were asked.

If you don't know those SPECIFICS, [EXACTLY (word for word) what was asked and precisely WHO was polled,] the 'poll data' is total BULLSHIT. [It's true because I said it is...and it makes the president happy. Happy president and I get to keep my job...which is mostly making up happy talk about whatever will please the Boss.

And that's where MOST of your polls come from.

People angling to be invited back to do it again tomorrow, such is the nature of modern employment.

Ever wonder why the polls are so out of touch with reality? Because the ones that aren't 'total fabrications' were likely created using groups that have no choice but to answer a certain way [like soldiers.]

Hold the 'wrong' opinion in the military and you WILL be punished.

How much you want to bet that's the ONLY place Preznint Pussygrabber is polling well.

But I digress.

The true subject of today's post is Illogic.

Let's examine the president's rising popularity under the lens of logic, shall we?

What do YOU have in common with the President? Besides both of you being hominids, very little.

Why should the nation's leader have ANYTHING in common with you? [Yes that's an actual question that you need to work out an answer for.]

You're both Americans! [Wrong but very good, are you aware that Mexicans and Canadians are Americans too?]

If we amend that to you're both US citizens we finally find some common ground.

Is that 'enough' common ground or do we need a stronger foundation besides 'him Tarzan and you not' to go on?

People who can't spell logic don't understand the need for having a similar background with those who lead. A huge factor in our 250 year tragedy has been the divorce created by only running people who DON'T live as we live or suffer as we suffer for leadership positions.

How does 'representative government' work when the people we elect to 'represent' us have nothing in common with us?

El Rumpo is a Billionaire, are you?

Can you even begin to imagine how out of touch that man is with the world YOU wake up in every day?

Sing the refrain children...'it's only LOGICAL!'

So why does your head explode when the this is what they pay me to say media announces that 'Trump nation is unbeatable' [despite dickwad taking a flamethrower to every value the people of this nation holds dear!] Who does that make him 'popular' with, anybody you want to know?

Makes his fellow 'flat Earth' puppetmaster's smirk insidiously [Let 'em go crazy thinking everybody else is!]

We are NOT 'divided', in fact we have seldom been more united in our loathing for the liars and their enablers, the self-professed 'owners' of this planet.

The 'strategy' being played here is to use the media to convince the convincible (a.k.a. stupid) that there are Trump supporters and there's shit.

The real divide is cowardice. People tend to keep their head down because of what MIGHT happen when their environment turns toxic.

You 'logically' have no representation, obvious because the people in office have nothing 'in common' with YOU. Thus do you have very little to live for except what you can glean from making yourself useful to one who claims to own what belongs to us all...yet another untenable situation YOU are powerless to change because YOU can't make common cause with the BILLIONS JUST LIKE YOU!

Shift mental gears with me because some opine that all children have 'born to die' stamped on their foreheads when the truth of the matter is far more grim, 'born to FAIL' is what it really says.

It is my goal with this piece to demonstrate the simple beauty of logic to your mind, that A + B really does = C and it always will.

How is it you can understand mathematical truth and utterly fail to grasp the truth that those who 'lead/represent' have NOTHING in common with YOU?

Why do you (repeatedly) fail to see that the media lies to you because that's what they're PAID to do?

[Or am I wrong and the true answer is cowardice. You don't dare go against public will (as dictated by the media) or you will be the next one demonized?]

Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho, capitalism has got to go!

Why the hell do you support the system responsible for 'failure to launch' [or is that a media generated chimera too?]

If you don't embrace 'logic' like the future depends on it you may never know...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Status Quo

Greetings good citizen, for all the bluff and bluster of the now LEGENDARY summit, the reality is nothing has changed. What started off as a hopeful quest to re-unify the Korean peninsula has resulted in the same old, same old with Preznint Pussygrabber 'fumbling' the opportunity to forge a lasting peace due to his ardor to get the nuclear pup to disarm.

While the feckless will NEVER surrender but the current leader of North Korea may be more than willing to 'step down' and embrace a life free of the intrigues that accompany being the head of state.

The difference between him and your typical oligarch is the oligarch WANTS to be there, the dictatorship was thrust upon Mr. Kim and EVERYTHING that comes with it.

El Trumpo? He's 'livin' the dream', his name will go down in the history books and he has used his position of power to leverage his business interests.

He wants to BE Kim, that's why he failed to appreciate the opportunity that was offered to him, End the war and reunite the country but to El Dumbo, this was unthinkable.

[Remember Republicans are nuthin' if not STUPID.]

Which is precisely why we won't see the party unite and expel the mistake that took control of the party and made a mockery of it.

But the Party of Lincoln has been a 'one trick pony'. Let me remind you once again that liberation wasn't done FOR the slaves but TO them.

Most likely by design do we teach our children US history while they are too young to appreciate it...(you don't suppose this is done to protect the guilty, do you?)

In an attempt (since abandoned) to keep the liars running this nation (somewhat) honest, there used to be a requirement that students had to pass US History to graduate.

Now you have kids graduating college that don't know what capitalism is. [Literally 'is' nevermind the principles behind it!]

Having cast that stone I pause to ask the same of you: Do you understand that the 'central premise' of capitalism is the private ownership of resources that belong to us all?

But those who FUND public education also get to dictate what is taught. [No, you don't vote for them, like Betsy De Vos, they're 'appointed'.] you DO however vote for the shitbird that appoints them (although Republican don't have 'friends' nor do they like intellectuals so this 'task' rolls back to the same people that choose which candidates to endorse and their 'agenda' is NOT even close to yours.)

Why is the Trump White House such a mess? Because the Donald doesn't know half of these people from Adam!

We first ask 'what's wrong with this picture?' Which begs the question what the hell is wrong with the typical Trump supporter?

Zero irony the answer to both is the same...stupid.

[Once again we encounter the 'fine line' between ignorance and stupid. Not knowing is understandable but choosing not to think about it is another situation entirely.]

While the echo chamber crows about the 'historic moment' we all just witnessed I want to remind the cognizant of the opportunity that was just squandered and the millions that will suffer for Trump Nation's collective stupidity. [A nation being BRAINWASHED to believe they are much bigger than they actually are (especially in light of the fact that their leader is doing his level best to turn the entire WORLD against Republicanism!)

Congratulations! You WERE tiny, now you're microscopic!

You no longer need to squint and tilt your head to see the puppeteers as they have gotten mighty sloppy since the bloodless coup 50 years ago.

They COULD end the Korean War tomorrow AND re-unify Korea but where's the FUN in that? They ask, smirking.

Remember that when you pass the makeshift shelters of the homeless on the sidewalks of the cities they are forced to panhandle in, we could end homelessness in six months but the WILL to even address the problem isn't there...what does that tell you?

Well Head, guess I've picked on you long enough for one day, see ya tomorrow!


Real Funny Head! [Wise-ass just told me 'not if I see you first!']

Listen, don't listen, don't care. I can only point at the water, it's up to YOU to drink!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how many of you know what this means nevermind had occasion to even hear the term used in its proper context before?

New one on me but Mr. Krugman is a professor of Economics at Princeton University where we can be sure such obscure terms are bandied about with regularity.

Mentally prepare yourself for the outcome created if the REPUBLICANS decided to save themselves (and the nation) by tossing Preznint Pussygrabber onto the garbage heap of history. Mike Pence would finish Trump's term and end the nation's embarrassment at the hands of a decidedly unpopular and the most un-statesman-like leader this nation has ever had.

Billionaires, they're not like you and me... [NEVER lose sight of the fact it is his fellow BILLIONAIRES KEEPING HIM IN OFFICE!]

How sad good citizen that it has become difficult to chose which is worse, his general IGNORANCE or his penchant for lies?

Because if something isn't done we are left to wonder just WHO the REPUBLICANS 'really are'? Is it the hapless voters or is it the money that runs the whole freaking shaky storefront?


The Republicans would stand to make sweeping political gains nationwide and all they have to do is ditch the national embarrassment named Trump.

From a purely political point of view it would be a masterstroke but then we have the 'stupid problem' to contend with...and Republicans are nuthin if not stupid.

Mr. Krugman's first paragraph provides the answer to the question 'What is a Quisling?' and it also contains this rather pointed political barb for the Republicans to stand up and DO THEIR JOBS!

The eyes of history are upon you Republicans. [How fortunate for them that the media is forced to avert its eyes?]

Choose wisely. [Not that the public will ever know you failed, big time, AGAIN.]

Naturally, the caveat here is IF the frontmen for the money let them do what is best for the nation AND their party.

* It is here, oh estranged citizen, that ye who find representation with neither 'party' shall see the truth with your own eyes.

It's probably too late for those who fail to see that quibbling over how to solve a problem shouldn't supercede taking any action at all.

Rule via confusion must end, just as 'my way or the highway' and it's kissing cousin 'quid pro quo' must also be abandoned [conditional relief.]

Stubbornness allows the situation to continue rather than enable even partial relief to be provided, that's what 'my way or the highway' hopes to accomplish, just as making relief 'conditional' hopes to achieve the same goal but provide the 'fig leaf' of having offered a solution.

Shifting from today's subject matter to the world stage, most of you were not surprised by the lack of substantial progress made in Singapore because most of you kept your expectations to a minimum.

Seems the 'I'll walk right out' crowd was disappointed [mostly media types that thrive on controversy] nor did the 'Peace in our time' crowd get that long awaited re-unification of the Korean peninsula. Why does one get the impression that peace and re-unification would ruin Trump's agenda?

Not that The Donald has an agenda (or anything else going on upstairs) but his handlers sure do. [Thus the Quisling]

Perhaps the most bizarre part of this particular Kabuki dance in how the majority of you continue to delude yourself into thinking "If I can just keep my head down and my mouth shut I might escape this mess..." when you know A.) the 'poop party' is about to erupt any minute now and B.) it's gonna roll right up to your front door, probably sooner than later.

Like the political BS you pretend is beneath you, once the shit starts there is no avoiding it and you will take a side regardless of what how you kid yourself saying you're 'neutral'.

You are either part of the solution or you're part of the problem, there is no 'middle ground'.

In the end, to quote Rush, choosing not to decide is still making a choice...a cowards choice but a choice none the less.
