Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how many of you got the impression you were watching an episode of 'The Walking Dead' last night? If we are politically 'behind the times' the average age of our politicians might account for that 'out of touch' condition.

Still, the old are supposed to be 'wiser' so I kept waiting for a display of profoundness that never came.

What did I expect from the ideologically dead?

Tons of 'happy talk', El Trumpo blew his own horn long and loud...problem is everybody is wise to his make believe view of reality. Truth be told I only watched half of the telecast, he was too wrapped up in congratulating himself over nothing I got bored.

My bad because this morning's headlines reveal he went charging off the reservation towards the end of the address and made more empty threats towards North Korea. [Red meat to his perceived base, despite running on a promise to end America's role as global beat cop...(for the freakishly selfish.)]

Apparently BEING a billionaire doesn't exempt you from following the orders of the people who 'appointed' him to run the country [in their interests, not yours!]

Washington needs to be cleansed, literally. It IS the oldest established government on the planet. [If you discount 'Morning in America'...and conservatives regularly do.]

The 'problem' with long established governments is they are so accustomed to ignoring the elephants on the room because they are more focused on threats to their continued power. Why they fail to see the elephants as a problem is somewhat mysterious. 'Perhaps' they lack the 'political sack' to take on population limiting legislation.

They tried 'pricing' the rabble out of the genepool but money doesn't 'override' human libido, which tends to put the female in the position of caring for progeny.

Did I mention conservatives rather tentative grip on reality becomes a serious handicap when it comes to dealing with real problems in the real world?

They know how they'd like things to work and are easily frustrated when their plans are circumvented.

What's really bizarre is they think they are 'reality based' [when absolutely nothing behaves the way they think it does!]

It is the profound difference between thinking you know what's going on and actually knowing it!

Don't be deceived, they know the problems they create and choose to ignore them because addressing the problems creates new/different ones that they are disinclined to deal with.

Let's take a 'fer instance' shall we?

What do you suppose would happen if we began a 'mandatory sterilization' program for those who failed to achieve the IQ requirements for parenthood?

Most FEMALES wouldn't fail...but with men we'd experience a different outcome. Sterilizing these not too bright types [and offering them the exit door (suicide) would thin an already diminished 'breeding stock'. What would a pool of sterilized females do to marriage as it is currently practiced.

Bizarrely, those currently in power (especially the conservatives) insist on protecting 'traditional marriage' despite it being 'outmoded'.

These sterilized females would be masters of their own destinies since the burden of child-rearing has been lifted from them. [Hardly a 'new' phenomenon but different people react differently to this 'circumstance'.

They could also work in childcare, providing them with a avenue to utilize their nurturing side [although some feel this is 'overblown' by traditionalists.]

Pointless to wed (at least in the traditional sense) these females COULD pursue anything that strikes their fancy...wreaking havoc on traditional relationships regardless of how 'out-moded'.

That said, the old fashioned Mom and Dad model is already in significant decline. [The only one you can be 'reasonably sure of' is Mom and increasingly not even that.]

It takes a village and under A.S.P. society would raise our future citizens. [Again your money would quite literally be FOR YOU!] ALL children would be raised in an environment of equality with each other.

I doubt anyone would refute the need to establish an early social bond with the larger world than to expose our young to the same prejudices we learned from the people that raised us.

Those who champion 'family values' want to keep us 'divided.' Ask most kids and they will proudly regurgitate their 'ethnicity' because they are not taught that above all it is their 'humanity' that matters more.

Imagine a world where we were all raised as 'equals'?

Funny how world peace no longer seems like such a distant dream, does it?

It really is as simple as getting our species where it belongs, on the SAME PAGE!

[Talk about 'screaming off the reservation', this began as a piece about our scoleritic government and migrated into a treatise on 'world peace'!

Achieved via abandoning 'traditional marriage' and embracing our humanity!

Isn't that something you wish you saw last night? [Profound wisdom]

Well, it's not going to happen as long as we continue to be led (by the nose) by the 'self-interested'. They get what they want (a world they are in charge of, regardless of how dysfunctional) and we get nothing.

Anyone else think last night's stupefying display of 'cognitive dissonance' calls for a 'changing of the guard'?

You know where to put the 'wrench'.

Let's get busy shutting this shitshow down!

Times are changing and we need to keep up!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


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