Saturday, January 6, 2018

Post Mortem

Greetings good citizen, are you ready for your autopsy or do you (correctly) think that nobody cares? You're not dead yet but your civilization is, mostly because nobody lifted a finger to save it.

You might even have kicked it a time or two (inadvertently, of course!) on its way down but that's of no consequence, except the glue that 'used to' unite us has 'expired'.

Funny how quickly 'all for one and one for all' turns into 'every man for himself' when the focus narrows from 'us' to 'me'.

If you're asking 'where did it all go wrong?' the answer is there, when We was replaced by Me.

How did this happen? We are a society of 'specialists' who, quite frankly, is filled with 'ego-maniacs'.

Under the swinging of the pendulum it slowly dawned on those trusted to handle the 'lubricant' that keeps the machinery of society working was that they were doing all of the 'heavy lifting'. [Meaning if the money stopped, nothing happened.]

So the people handling the money made a deal with their close associates, the people that enforce the laws and THEIR friends, the legal community and the rest of us got sold down the river. Life was no longer about 'US' it became all about YOU! [and what YOU did was 'worth' in the eyes of the money...]

Should have built a scaffold right then and there but the law and the money were in cahoots. Next thing you know the money bought the media and now it all became 'what we say, goes' because the 'news' is what we SAY IT IS!

Ever notice the news is NEVER about 'we'? It's all about the zillion tiny YOU'S out there.

IF the media ever 'slips its muzzle' and points to the elephant in the room, there is an immediate backlash along the lines of, "Well, not ALL of us!"

Hasn't been much surrounding '#me too' movement yet but that's because men have treated women horribly for time out of mind...that said, men also think nothing of treating other men badly as well, so where does THAT leave us? With a big hairy problem that nobody wants to drag out of the closet.

This is an offshoot of the 'death of civilization', this 'anything goes' and 'what YOU gonna DO about it?'

Your neck will snap when the public is finally angry enough to act out against those who use our 'civil protections' as a personal shield.

You can get some enormous balls when the most your victim can do is 'sue you' [especially when you have nothing.]

That was wrong turn A.

It's all been downhill from there. All that's left is a corpse that can't do anything for anybody. It's ghost is the only thing keeping the wheels from flying off.

Which is more unfortunate than the 'expiration' of society, a society that no longer counts YOU as a member.

You should be outraged...but the flip side here that old favorite: Ignorance is Bliss!

Not only would you 'disagree' that society is DEAD but you'd insist all I need to to observe it is turn on the television!

Turn on the box and what do we see? The 'self-absorbed' either eating one another alive or wallowing in their victim-hood!

Zero irony good citizen that the 'fantasy' transmitted into your 'hovel' 24/7 has zero relationship to the life you live but it is your 'assurance' that civilization is alive and well!

TV confirms for you that at least SOME PEOPLE are 'getting by', it's not happening for you because you were both careless and 'unlucky'. Or at least that's what you tell yourself. You also kid yourself that this year is going to be 'different'...and in that you are somewhat prophetic because EVERY year is always a little bit worse than the year before no matter what you do!

[STOP!] YOUR circumstances MAY improve and is some cases radically but the overall condition of mankind continues to deteriorate due to massive mismanagement.

The world has become a sewer, thanks to the 'More for ME' crowd.

But you don't care, you'll just move to a nicer part of the septic tank...well, you can run but you can't hide...nor can YOU escape!

Not that anything I have to say will have any influence on you. Like all things one must learn these lessons themselves, in their own way. Being told doesn't drive the point home [try as I may to save you the pain, it won't be 'real' to you until you experience it yourself.

So in reality the only thing I might accomplish here is helping you to recognize it when it finally smacks you upside the head, knocking your molars into the street.

[Um, under the 'shameless plug' category, I also 'sell' this stuff on Amazon! in case anybody is interested...just saying, ya know?

Um, gonna guess it doesn't matter if you step over or step on the corpse, dead is dead. Like the beginning of A Christmas Carol, on that point we need to be clear or the rest is meaningless.

Don't worry, you're nose-blind by now, it's been dead for a real long time.

Er, with that I'm going to just thank you for stopping by and this time ask you to buy my works as well as helping yourself to the 'freebies' I have left for your 'edification'.


PS. If your civilization has 'expired, it's time for a change...don't you agree?

Worse, the 'self-interested' murdered society to avoid prosecution, don't you think it's time for a little 'retribution'?

YOU can't enjoy justice if society itself is unjust...

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