Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I have often expounded upon the topic of civil society but it occurred to me some of you might not have a firm grasp of what 'the benefits of civil society' are.

Ironically, self-styled 'rugged individualists' crow about their bootstrapping ways but without 'civil society' they'd still be living in caves.

How many of you 'appreciate' the principal reason you DON'T live in a cave is because when bears encounter more than a couple of spear toting humans it is THEY who become 'dinner'!

We live in 'communities' so the predators we have no natural defenses against will stay away. Wolves are pack hunters but they are no match for a group of armed human hunters.

But I speak of the basics, it isn't the sole benefit we reap from our long habit of specialization and mutual cooperation. Most of us today would be naked if we couldn't find a clothing store that sells 'ready to wear' fashion. The skills necessary to fabricate useful garments from whatever was handy has been lost to us for a long time now.

Same thing goes for butchering and in many cases even preparing food [never mind preserving it safely!] are lost to the average citizen.

Without our 'specialists' all of these skills would be 'lost' and without them life itself would become much 'deadlier' because 'ignorance kills'.

So it is the 'rich' among us, who wouldn't know where to begin if they were forced to cook for themselves, make decisions about their 'lessers' on the basis of something they don't understand at all ($) [Although few are more keenly aware of the 'power' of money...tons of 'irony' there!]

So when I refer to the 'benefits of civil society' it is these little things that make life richer for us all.

Given how we ALL benefit from this longstanding relationship it is baffling indeed that almost no-one 'appreciates' the efforts of those who toil thanklessly for wages they can't live on.

This is why Exile amounts to the 'stripping away' of those benefits. When we cast them into the wilderness, the exiled will be naked and unarmed. Their 'lack of appreciation' for the efforts of others will deprive them of the goods others produce.

The 'unwillingness' to live by the laws we all agree to live by revokes your membership in 'civil society'. [Upon achieving the 'age of majority' all adults will be required to accept or reject the laws of civilization, rejecting them means exile. As explained elsewhere, non-criminal exile is to a place where 'anything goes', make of that what you will. If you truly believe you're the baddest mo-fo in the valley then voluntary exile will definitely be your 'cup of tea'! If you don't like the rules here, live elsewhere however you, er, 'can' [because choice may have nothing to do with it. Other 'like-minded' individuals will have already made their mark upon the land of 'refuse-niks'.] Think they'll 'leave you alone? Think again, primary rule number one is it's easier to take it than to make it...which is why those leading today's society are all doomed to be criminally exiled, they have zero appreciation for the magnitude of their crime(s)!

Which is to repeat, those who fail to appreciate the value of 'civil society' will have those benefits stripped from them!

While the commie hating conservo-whackos are forever pounding their chests as they proclaim how they have 'done it all by themselves' NONE of these thankless creeps would have survived childhood without the benefits bestowed upon them by the 'tribe'... can you think of a 'synonym for tribe? Wouldn't that be 'commune'?

The same goes for the 'job creators', there is only one taskmaster and HER name is Mother Nature, we do what we do TO SURVIVE, not to make stupid RICH!

Ironically, you can't tell stupid that cuz nuthin go up top!

In the coming war between the 'Haves' and the people that made it for them, this will be the deciding factor. Either share equitably or get the F out of F-town!


People are tired of getting screwed because the 'resentment' of those doing the screwing has grown exponentially! Those willing to 'push the limits' are clueless regarding when to stop. They keep pushing and squeezing until it breaks and then they cry 'Sorry!' like that makes it all better.

Idiots! Tell them to stop and they'll push harder...and they can't help it, it's how they were raised!

You're tempted to give them the 'stupid' defense but it's something deeper that, they're basically broken and there is only one 'fix' for that (and it's not 'institutionalization'.)

'Given the opportunity' every one of them would repent and SWEAR they'd mend their ways...did I mention we're a species of 'opportunists', fool me once, shame on you, fool me know the rest and none of them are A.) sincere and B.) penitent, if you 'offer' them a second chance, they will accept it howling with laughter inside because of what a sucker you are!

Nope, can't give 'em a second chance, they've already shown what they're made of.

They've made their choices now they can live with them.

You too are making choice, choices that your children will be forced to live with...

Choose wisely.

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


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