Greetings good citizen, skirting taboos is regularly done and sometimes we even confront them head on like the recent #Me Too phenomenon [which will change NOTHING and I suspect almost nobody expects it to...] It is this 'pretending it doesn't matter' factor alone that leads us into the twilight zone of right, wrong and rights.
Did you realize your 'rights' only exist in YOUR HEAD? [And you only have them until someone else decides otherwise! If we've learned nothing from countless hours of 'exploring' the behavior of serial killers you should have at least absorbed that much!]
What is wrong with a society that will only assist one another if they are paid to [a factor made that much more dumbfounding considering the 'purpose of money'!]
What does that 'behavior' lead to? [Since too few are 'satisfied' with their 'compensation', most do the least that is required of them because that's what they are 'paid to deliver', thus the 'gig economy', a feeble effort to shift to a performance based economy. But people are seldom satisfied with having their minimum requirements met so they feel justified in being 'frugal' with their 'reward'.
Doubly bizarre is a business model aimed at cutting the cost of using a 'regulated' provider.
Isn't the whole point saving (conserving) that which is valueless in the first place?
So riddle me this, what's the difference between Uber and hitchhiking?
Well, the Uber expects to be paid...and considering the worthlessness of money and the 'tentative' nature of your 'human rights' how 'wise' do you think that decision is?
Like everything else in life, it's perfectly 'safe' until it isn't...Then it becomes a 'glitch' or a 'hiccup' [neither of which should comfort you in the slightest.]
Hey, hitchhiking really is FREE. Just something to think about as you lug your own baggage into the back of a strangers car and hope you arrive alive at your destination.
Understand, it is marginally 'safer' to hitchhike. It's just more inconvenient because the nice person who happens to be headed in the same direction you are may not take you all the way...but you just save a pocketful of money AND made a new friend in the process, how sweet is that?
Oh and just because sparky expects to be paid DOES NOT mean he/she won't abandon you [or kill you for that matter] halfway to your destination.
If there is another taboo we seldom mention in polite company it is how many of us are a few fries shy of a happy meal.
That's the other factor that made you scrape up a down payment for personal transportation, it was one less chancy encounter you had to endure. But we don't talk about that one either, do we?
Even when we have known our 'audience' for years we all acknowledge that there are certain things we don't know about them.
It is this constant need to be 'on guard' that drives taboos, because even raising the topic could be misconstrued as an 'accusation'. So we have become accustomed to biting our tongues and hoping for the best [which is also lot less comforting than it sounds.]
Worse, this 'untrustworthy' behavior feeds on itself. The 'rugged individual' that only wants to be left alone has no clue he/she is a psychopath because they 'aren't interested' in the 'opinions' of others.
Welcome to 'society' good citizen. Our society is chock full of 'I'm right and if you disagree with me then go F yourself' people.
Which is to point out the obvious, we all 'cope' differently. How many of you marvel that murder isn't more prevalent than it is? [Believe me, murder might just be the planet's number two 'sport'! [right behind 'aggravated assault...murder's 'precursor'.]
Don't want to talk about it? That's about right...besides, nobody 'listens' [they 'hear' you but they don't UNDERSTAND you!]
Who is to blame for this unfortunate set of circumstance? [Wait, I can't find my damn mirror!]
Making this worse is the failure of our education system that doesn't provide you with the words you need to adequately express yourself [not that having an expanded vocabulary would help matters, usually 'sick/twisted' is just that and their aren't words to describe it. {rage is neither rational nor understandable, it is what it is.]
Se Habla mental health facility?
But the mentally deficient walk among us [and they vote too!] because the feckless decided they weren't 'worth the money' to institutionalize and care for...*the rest of their natural days.
What does this tell us about those 'leading' our society?
Like our first rhetorical question regarding Uber and hitchhiking, it teaches us that ostriches aren't the only creature that buries its head in the sand.
It is also the road # Me Too was built upon.
Perhaps the greatest taboo of all is overall state of mental health in our society. If your 'pat answer' is 'I don't want to talk about it' maybe you should just back away from the gavel, K?
We MUST stop the darkness (taboo) that feeds this anti-social behavior. It is the primary obstacle to EQUALITY so necessary for the advancement of humanity!
Remember, without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE!
Ponder that one while you take a break from torturing whoever you locked in your mental dungeon last...
Thanks for opening your mind, did anybody ever tell you it's awfully dark in here? Are those chains on the wall? [Bye!]
* How many of you remember the wholesale closure of mental health facilities across the nation shortly after Reagan's 'Morning in America' speech?
How many of you remember the introduction of HMO's with their $2 co-pays? Didn't think that was going to turn into the fuckin' it did, did ya?
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about 'movement conservatism is nobody votes for it, it happens behind closed doors and you learn via 'public service announcement' [and then only if you have a habit of watching obscure news outlets.]
Did you realize your 'rights' only exist in YOUR HEAD? [And you only have them until someone else decides otherwise! If we've learned nothing from countless hours of 'exploring' the behavior of serial killers you should have at least absorbed that much!]
What is wrong with a society that will only assist one another if they are paid to [a factor made that much more dumbfounding considering the 'purpose of money'!]
What does that 'behavior' lead to? [Since too few are 'satisfied' with their 'compensation', most do the least that is required of them because that's what they are 'paid to deliver', thus the 'gig economy', a feeble effort to shift to a performance based economy. But people are seldom satisfied with having their minimum requirements met so they feel justified in being 'frugal' with their 'reward'.
Doubly bizarre is a business model aimed at cutting the cost of using a 'regulated' provider.
Isn't the whole point saving (conserving) that which is valueless in the first place?
So riddle me this, what's the difference between Uber and hitchhiking?
Well, the Uber expects to be paid...and considering the worthlessness of money and the 'tentative' nature of your 'human rights' how 'wise' do you think that decision is?
Like everything else in life, it's perfectly 'safe' until it isn't...Then it becomes a 'glitch' or a 'hiccup' [neither of which should comfort you in the slightest.]
Hey, hitchhiking really is FREE. Just something to think about as you lug your own baggage into the back of a strangers car and hope you arrive alive at your destination.
Understand, it is marginally 'safer' to hitchhike. It's just more inconvenient because the nice person who happens to be headed in the same direction you are may not take you all the way...but you just save a pocketful of money AND made a new friend in the process, how sweet is that?
Oh and just because sparky expects to be paid DOES NOT mean he/she won't abandon you [or kill you for that matter] halfway to your destination.
If there is another taboo we seldom mention in polite company it is how many of us are a few fries shy of a happy meal.
That's the other factor that made you scrape up a down payment for personal transportation, it was one less chancy encounter you had to endure. But we don't talk about that one either, do we?
Even when we have known our 'audience' for years we all acknowledge that there are certain things we don't know about them.
It is this constant need to be 'on guard' that drives taboos, because even raising the topic could be misconstrued as an 'accusation'. So we have become accustomed to biting our tongues and hoping for the best [which is also lot less comforting than it sounds.]
Worse, this 'untrustworthy' behavior feeds on itself. The 'rugged individual' that only wants to be left alone has no clue he/she is a psychopath because they 'aren't interested' in the 'opinions' of others.
Welcome to 'society' good citizen. Our society is chock full of 'I'm right and if you disagree with me then go F yourself' people.
Which is to point out the obvious, we all 'cope' differently. How many of you marvel that murder isn't more prevalent than it is? [Believe me, murder might just be the planet's number two 'sport'! [right behind 'aggravated assault...murder's 'precursor'.]
Don't want to talk about it? That's about right...besides, nobody 'listens' [they 'hear' you but they don't UNDERSTAND you!]
Who is to blame for this unfortunate set of circumstance? [Wait, I can't find my damn mirror!]
Making this worse is the failure of our education system that doesn't provide you with the words you need to adequately express yourself [not that having an expanded vocabulary would help matters, usually 'sick/twisted' is just that and their aren't words to describe it. {rage is neither rational nor understandable, it is what it is.]
Se Habla mental health facility?
But the mentally deficient walk among us [and they vote too!] because the feckless decided they weren't 'worth the money' to institutionalize and care for...*the rest of their natural days.
What does this tell us about those 'leading' our society?
Like our first rhetorical question regarding Uber and hitchhiking, it teaches us that ostriches aren't the only creature that buries its head in the sand.
It is also the road # Me Too was built upon.
Perhaps the greatest taboo of all is overall state of mental health in our society. If your 'pat answer' is 'I don't want to talk about it' maybe you should just back away from the gavel, K?
We MUST stop the darkness (taboo) that feeds this anti-social behavior. It is the primary obstacle to EQUALITY so necessary for the advancement of humanity!
Remember, without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE!
Ponder that one while you take a break from torturing whoever you locked in your mental dungeon last...
Thanks for opening your mind, did anybody ever tell you it's awfully dark in here? Are those chains on the wall? [Bye!]
* How many of you remember the wholesale closure of mental health facilities across the nation shortly after Reagan's 'Morning in America' speech?
How many of you remember the introduction of HMO's with their $2 co-pays? Didn't think that was going to turn into the fuckin' it did, did ya?
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about 'movement conservatism is nobody votes for it, it happens behind closed doors and you learn via 'public service announcement' [and then only if you have a habit of watching obscure news outlets.]
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