Greeting good citizen, while most of us don't spend a lot of time pondering what comes after this 'existence' there are those who think of nothing but...and some of those freaks have made it their mission to bring on the 'End Times' by working to fulfill the imaginary prophecies of that 'book of lies' more commonly known as the Bible.
You all know I'm not 'heavenbound' which doesn't bother me in the slightest [you make your choices then you live with them.] I can no sooner wrap my head around 'eternal bliss' than I can conceive of eternal damnation [although this cesspit we refer to as 'life' comes mighty close...]
That said, in the end it 'is what it is' and we'll deal with it when we get there, worrying about it changes nothing.
Nor will your tears change anything neither will your sincere repentance so just f'n DEAL!
Um, my peers and I are approaching the proverbial 'end of the line' and it is inevitable their thoughts drift towards the afterlife to varying degrees, some turn to prayer when doubt makes them wonder what direction their 'soul' is destined for. Surely a forgiving God will appreciate that they were 'good' most of the time. Those few slip ups were outliers, you were good most of the time, doesn't that count for something?
The truly cursed fear that they 'sealed their fate' by NOT doing what they were put here to do [which was LEARN...and yup, lots of fails out there.] They will be repeating this 'grade'...and if you recall how 'enjoyable this time around was well thesecond NEXT time is guaranteed to be, er, 'more tasking.'
Then there are the 'hard markers' who know with certainty that they willfully 'crossed the rubicon' and their final destination is Doom. These people have already embraced Hell [and vowed to take over!]
How pathetic, because (again) such a place doesn't exist [except between the ears of the incredibly gullible!]
What do you suppose 'the reckoning' is going to be like for them? [Is stupid really its own reward?]
[The 'assumption' here is there won't be a 'reckoning' where 'all is made clear'. If you lived with a head full of nonsense, so it will remain.]
The journey towards 'enlightenment' is personal, some get it, some don't and some never will.
We aren't done 'cataloging' the different type of people you'll meet on this journey so don't fall asleep just yet.
Others are wise to the 'ruse' of the Holy-man and live like they just don't care. They too can't conceive of either 'promised' state so they take a 'nothing to lose' approach towards life...the 'opportunist' approach of hooray for me and the hell with anyone else.
Most don't believe/fear the afterlife [as is readily evidenced by our swiftly crumbling society.] They can 'sense' something is missing but they can't quite put their finger on it.
To these people life will remain 'a mystery without purpose.'
[I already told the purpose of life but without a 'finite goal' most of you won't belive the purpose of life is the journey towards enlightenment. How bizarre is it that most of you would readily swallow the lie that once enlightened we shall use that knowledge to destroy the universe!]
Given our past experiences with 'true believers' [who would gleefully put those who didn't wholeheartedly accept the 'official version' of the meaning of life on the express route for (their) God's Judgement] we are all 'wary' of publicly expressing 'disbelief' because the 'superstitious peasant' is still lurking in a nearby closet and he wants BLOOD to avenge HIS GOD!
Comply or die is nothing new.
Neither is man's unbridled destructive streak. [I suspect that's the thing we are supposed to be 'working on'.] Having only a few 'wise humans' isn't cutting it. If we can't keep our children from wrecking the place then all is for naught.
But the 'nuthin goes up top crowd' continues to raise their kids to believe the planet is THEIRS to exploit (F the rest!)
Tragic nobody seeks 'wisdom' until after things start to go wrong...
This is where I leave today's lesson...hopefully with you in front of a mirror, contemplating just how far you have to go.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
You all know I'm not 'heavenbound' which doesn't bother me in the slightest [you make your choices then you live with them.] I can no sooner wrap my head around 'eternal bliss' than I can conceive of eternal damnation [although this cesspit we refer to as 'life' comes mighty close...]
That said, in the end it 'is what it is' and we'll deal with it when we get there, worrying about it changes nothing.
Nor will your tears change anything neither will your sincere repentance so just f'n DEAL!
Um, my peers and I are approaching the proverbial 'end of the line' and it is inevitable their thoughts drift towards the afterlife to varying degrees, some turn to prayer when doubt makes them wonder what direction their 'soul' is destined for. Surely a forgiving God will appreciate that they were 'good' most of the time. Those few slip ups were outliers, you were good most of the time, doesn't that count for something?
The truly cursed fear that they 'sealed their fate' by NOT doing what they were put here to do [which was LEARN...and yup, lots of fails out there.] They will be repeating this 'grade'...and if you recall how 'enjoyable this time around was well the
Then there are the 'hard markers' who know with certainty that they willfully 'crossed the rubicon' and their final destination is Doom. These people have already embraced Hell [and vowed to take over!]
How pathetic, because (again) such a place doesn't exist [except between the ears of the incredibly gullible!]
What do you suppose 'the reckoning' is going to be like for them? [Is stupid really its own reward?]
[The 'assumption' here is there won't be a 'reckoning' where 'all is made clear'. If you lived with a head full of nonsense, so it will remain.]
The journey towards 'enlightenment' is personal, some get it, some don't and some never will.
We aren't done 'cataloging' the different type of people you'll meet on this journey so don't fall asleep just yet.
Others are wise to the 'ruse' of the Holy-man and live like they just don't care. They too can't conceive of either 'promised' state so they take a 'nothing to lose' approach towards life...the 'opportunist' approach of hooray for me and the hell with anyone else.
Most don't believe/fear the afterlife [as is readily evidenced by our swiftly crumbling society.] They can 'sense' something is missing but they can't quite put their finger on it.
To these people life will remain 'a mystery without purpose.'
[I already told the purpose of life but without a 'finite goal' most of you won't belive the purpose of life is the journey towards enlightenment. How bizarre is it that most of you would readily swallow the lie that once enlightened we shall use that knowledge to destroy the universe!]
Given our past experiences with 'true believers' [who would gleefully put those who didn't wholeheartedly accept the 'official version' of the meaning of life on the express route for (their) God's Judgement] we are all 'wary' of publicly expressing 'disbelief' because the 'superstitious peasant' is still lurking in a nearby closet and he wants BLOOD to avenge HIS GOD!
Comply or die is nothing new.
Neither is man's unbridled destructive streak. [I suspect that's the thing we are supposed to be 'working on'.] Having only a few 'wise humans' isn't cutting it. If we can't keep our children from wrecking the place then all is for naught.
But the 'nuthin goes up top crowd' continues to raise their kids to believe the planet is THEIRS to exploit (F the rest!)
Tragic nobody seeks 'wisdom' until after things start to go wrong...
This is where I leave today's lesson...hopefully with you in front of a mirror, contemplating just how far you have to go.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
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