Saturday, January 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, is it truly a revelation that some people believe Americans are a type of people. Considering the effort our European ancestors put into trying to exterminate the Native Americans [who themselves, modern scientists speculate, originally came from Asia] it's hard to fathom this bizarre juxtaposition.

Why would anyone believe all it took to become the 'native species' was the subjugation of the originals?

This is just one more example of the feebleness of the human mind and it's propensity to seize (with astonishing tenacity) some of the dumbest ideas. [God, anyone?]

Ironically this is news to no one. Those who lead live in the world of 'I' and it has increasingly proven to be a place most of us can't even begin to get a grip on.

Not a factor for most of us, our 'Private Idaho's' are usually just that...private.

Public figures don't enjoy that luxury, in fact it's one of the 'hazards' that come with the turf. If you're going to be exposed to the spotlight of public scrutiny you had best seek professional help with identifying your 'personal outlandishness.'

Apparently our hot house plant [Pappy didn't raise no idiots, they done raised themselves!] Preznent Pussygrabber didn't see the need to check his particular brand of twisted at the door before stepping into the arena.

Never have we been treated to such a display of 'hoof in mouth disease' aside from Archie Bunker [and Carroll O'Connor was ACTING!]

Pause for a moment if you would and make note of the fact that this is the individual our puppet masters gave nominal control of the planet's largest nuclear arsenal and ask yourself if you are in 'good hands'.


Now tell me again that you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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