Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while I complain loudly about the mismanagement of our civilization the majority of us have 'settled' for what they can get. If those that come after them find the cupboard barren then that's their problem.

This is the 'I got mine' strategy played to the pain. Understand, Bonobo doesn't have spit but he also doesn't know any better. His failure to appreciate the gravity of the situation only makes it that much worse.

Our so-called legislators are 'mis-informed' about the nature of both money and society.

Let me repeat that the PURPOSE of money was to facilitate SPECIALIZATION! [Without specialization you'd have to do EVERYTHING yourself and if you sucked at it, oh well!]

Take a long hard stare at the 'self-educated' among us...half of these morons don't remember what they were taught so they make it up as they go!

The 'objective' of shifting to a money driven economy was to provide EVERYONE with the benefits of the division of labor!

Sure ain't how it worked out, did it?

Why do you suppose that is? [Hint: a good half of it is STUPIDITY, the other half is 'complacency' the willingness to 'settle' because 'half a loaf' is still better than none at all.]

That said, the 'cheating' of the population in general was a 'collusion' of the better educated among us. The law used it's power to swindle the working stiff.

What do you do when the law stiffs you?

You sit still and take it...but it's not just you, it's your kids who are taking it up the tailpipe too!

Let's bring this bad boy home for those of you who pretend not to understand what the problem is.

We live in a world with a HUGE 'surplus population'...there is NO LACK of things that need doing but the WILL to do them is 'lacking'.

THey don't want you to 'prosper' because then you'd end up 'competing' with them for the finer things in life.

NOT 'better education' [ironically] you have been purposefully 'misinformed' so you remain clueless as to why you can't succeed [legally] regardless of how persistent you are.

Worse, your entire 'understanding' of success has been warped by the same people responsible for misinforming you about the purpose of money and society.

IF you thought about it, you'd light a torch and burn down City Hall and crime central they call the 'police department'.

[If your employer is a criminal guess what that makes YOU?]

How fortunate for those who lead that their followers are incapable of thinking?

Life isn't supposed to be an exercise in hand to mouth existence, while the few steal all of the good things for themselves.

But that's the hell of it good citizen, criminal is what those who sit in judgement say it is...if the judge is a thief, oh well!

Until the exploited get tired of being beat and they rise up and give the judge what he richly deserves, a neck tie party!

Problem is there's another judge standing right behind the one you just dealt with and he's every inch as bad as the one you hung.

How do we 'break' that cycle?

No more judges! A jury is all we have ever needed. While writers like to 'hang' juries all the time it seldom happens in reality.

Besides, if the jury decides, what does the judge do?

You know and so do I, they protect the guilty.

So no more 'second guessing'. [How many of you are thrilled that Cliven Bundy walked because a JUDGE threw the case out!]

Injustice, served up cold again!

Most don't remember that behind the whole taking a national park hostage by armed men and a confrontation with law enforcement that resulted in two dead was the small issue of grazing fees that Mr. Bundy refused to pay.

UNDER ASP Mr Bundy wouldn't be permitted to OWN cattle or use non-existent BLM land.

Ever wonder why the BLM exists? [Because without it there wouldn't be a real estate market....land would be FREE!]

Let me repeat, how fortunate is it for our leaders that their followers DON'T THINK?


It is not lost on me that the term used describe people who 'rock the boat' are called 'troublemakers' but I didn't 'make' the problem, I'm just pointing at them.

Yes, it is my goal to make people think [if that is even possible.] Hopefully the end result of this 'raised awareness' will be a healthier society for my species.

Thinking, it's the 'anti-dope!'

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


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