Greetings good citizen, as 'climate change' hammers the southern US we once again witness the proclaimed 'death' of liberalism.'
If we are to use 'strict interpretation' then the self-identification of being a 'freedom loving conservative' is in fact an oxymoron. Conservatives do NOT love 'freedom', they 'worship' authority.
Keep that in mind when some blockhead, who obviously doesn't know his backside from a hole in the ground, goes off on a tirade about a political philosophy he has no freaking clue what he's talking about.
While our educational system that is more concerned with regurgitating what they spoon-feed to pupils than accuracy [thus the blatant and widespread IGNORANCE!]
So what do you suppose is in YOUR 'social contract'? What's that, YOU don't have one?
Scratch a conservative and underneath you'll find a 'god fearing monarchist' while if you scratch a liberal you'll reveal a freedom loving anarchist.
Liberals believe in 'self determination' while conservatives believe in letting our 'betters' decide.
WHy does this equation appear 'upside down'?
Because most 'political conservatives' don't know what they are supporting! [It is 'natural' for a conservative to lie...about everything.]
And since there is only ONE political philosophy currently represented [hint: it's ALL conservative thanks to the way we conduct politics.]
In a bizarre contradiction, those who lie, cheat and steal their way to political power don't want a king...if it's not them.
They embrace democracy for it's 'ambiguity'. Inaction is blamed on 'party infighting' while the stuff they want [like blowing trillion dollar holes in the budget that favors only billionaires.] are passed by frighted political puppets WHO DO AS THEY ARE TOLD! [King, anyone?]
Who knew the current system allowed the privileged to 'buy' the crown? [Actually, everybody.] Rich people in jail, still ain't happening!
As a writer I know using 'absolutist terms' loses you the 'sympathy' of your reader but if nothing else my aim is 'honesty' and calling out liars is nothing more than honesty. [Is Murika 'great again' or am I missing something?]
Is it wrong to 'brand an entire political philosophy bankrupt with a single brushstroke?
Yup but that's precisely what 'conservo-whackos' do everyday, all day.
Now follow me as I explain.
Humans lie, it's what they do because of our 'opportunist' nature. If it were 'harmless' I wouldn't bother pointing it out...but YOU, good citizen are 'the frog in the pot.'
You are being 'boiled alive' while the pundits direct your attention towards anything BUT the obvious.
Others making decisions for you without ever consulting you is a given, we were all raised that way...(we kid ourselves that chiseler's will act in their own 'self-interest' and that their self interest 'aligns' with ours...or so we think. The 'flaw' in this ointment is when the 'deciders' seek campaign funding [guaranteed to make them 'pliable' to the whims of the donor] they are selling THEIR self-interests to the highest bidder.
So the 'winner' of a given election has absolutely nothing in common with YOU OR the things you care about. If they did, they sold it for a job that pays better than the private sector and has bennies the average worker only dreams about.
Frog in a pot.
Again I will direct your (ever-wandering) attention to HOW all of this is possible...and the answer is that much mismanaged resource commonly known as MONEY.
Good thing for chiseler all money is funny or none of this would be happening...or even possible.
You on the other live or die by the almighty dollar. [If you don't have enough you are forced to borrow it and if you don't have the credit then you 'do without'.
Whose 'fault' do you suppose this IS? Ya think Liberals are responsible?
Try again Chuckie, you had a fifty-fifty shot and you get it WRONG EVERY TIME because YOU listen to (lying) IDIOTS!
Here's another 'hint' for ya, Guess who is handing our raises and bonuses thanks to the trillion dollar hole in the federal budget?
Now let's back up to the 'all money is funny' factoid.
Money is ONLY useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL! Niether society NOR commerce needs money to function but YOU are too STUPID to realize/appreciate this.
So keeping you 'perpetually broke' serves who?
I'm dropping this one right there, that's what I want you to think about...
Until tomorrow,
Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[11] while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.
If we are to use 'strict interpretation' then the self-identification of being a 'freedom loving conservative' is in fact an oxymoron. Conservatives do NOT love 'freedom', they 'worship' authority.
Keep that in mind when some blockhead, who obviously doesn't know his backside from a hole in the ground, goes off on a tirade about a political philosophy he has no freaking clue what he's talking about.
While our educational system that is more concerned with regurgitating what they spoon-feed to pupils than accuracy [thus the blatant and widespread IGNORANCE!]
So what do you suppose is in YOUR 'social contract'? What's that, YOU don't have one?
Scratch a conservative and underneath you'll find a 'god fearing monarchist' while if you scratch a liberal you'll reveal a freedom loving anarchist.
Liberals believe in 'self determination' while conservatives believe in letting our 'betters' decide.
WHy does this equation appear 'upside down'?
Because most 'political conservatives' don't know what they are supporting! [It is 'natural' for a conservative to lie...about everything.]
And since there is only ONE political philosophy currently represented [hint: it's ALL conservative thanks to the way we conduct politics.]
In a bizarre contradiction, those who lie, cheat and steal their way to political power don't want a king...if it's not them.
They embrace democracy for it's 'ambiguity'. Inaction is blamed on 'party infighting' while the stuff they want [like blowing trillion dollar holes in the budget that favors only billionaires.] are passed by frighted political puppets WHO DO AS THEY ARE TOLD! [King, anyone?]
Who knew the current system allowed the privileged to 'buy' the crown? [Actually, everybody.] Rich people in jail, still ain't happening!
As a writer I know using 'absolutist terms' loses you the 'sympathy' of your reader but if nothing else my aim is 'honesty' and calling out liars is nothing more than honesty. [Is Murika 'great again' or am I missing something?]
Is it wrong to 'brand an entire political philosophy bankrupt with a single brushstroke?
Yup but that's precisely what 'conservo-whackos' do everyday, all day.
Now follow me as I explain.
Humans lie, it's what they do because of our 'opportunist' nature. If it were 'harmless' I wouldn't bother pointing it out...but YOU, good citizen are 'the frog in the pot.'
You are being 'boiled alive' while the pundits direct your attention towards anything BUT the obvious.
Others making decisions for you without ever consulting you is a given, we were all raised that way...(we kid ourselves that chiseler's will act in their own 'self-interest' and that their self interest 'aligns' with ours...or so we think. The 'flaw' in this ointment is when the 'deciders' seek campaign funding [guaranteed to make them 'pliable' to the whims of the donor] they are selling THEIR self-interests to the highest bidder.
So the 'winner' of a given election has absolutely nothing in common with YOU OR the things you care about. If they did, they sold it for a job that pays better than the private sector and has bennies the average worker only dreams about.
Frog in a pot.
Again I will direct your (ever-wandering) attention to HOW all of this is possible...and the answer is that much mismanaged resource commonly known as MONEY.
Good thing for chiseler all money is funny or none of this would be happening...or even possible.
You on the other live or die by the almighty dollar. [If you don't have enough you are forced to borrow it and if you don't have the credit then you 'do without'.
Whose 'fault' do you suppose this IS? Ya think Liberals are responsible?
Try again Chuckie, you had a fifty-fifty shot and you get it WRONG EVERY TIME because YOU listen to (lying) IDIOTS!
Here's another 'hint' for ya, Guess who is handing our raises and bonuses thanks to the trillion dollar hole in the federal budget?
Now let's back up to the 'all money is funny' factoid.
Money is ONLY useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL! Niether society NOR commerce needs money to function but YOU are too STUPID to realize/appreciate this.
So keeping you 'perpetually broke' serves who?
I'm dropping this one right there, that's what I want you to think about...
Until tomorrow,
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