Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's NY Times points out that the 'war on an idea' is no closer to being won today than it was 18 years ago.

The problem with this is because the 'enemy' has so far been restricted to Islam although if you live in the Middle East you were born wearing a target as far as our European born armed forces are concerned.

The 'nuthin go up top crowd' likes to keep it simple...Brown skin: Kill ' em!

Did we literally send our 'cowboys' to fight the brown man after he herded the red man onto reservations?

Which is to point out good citizen, our hands aren't 'clean' either...and history shows not only will we 'endure' 100 YEARS of [absolutely pointless] war but we won't question the whack jobs who keep sending our young to be slaughtered in it.

WHAT's WRONG with you people?

Sadly, you already know the answer...you're cowards.

Why do we keep returning to the same one-way, dead end street?


Have I mentioned that we handle money the worst way imaginable?

Society doesn't need money...YOU do.

So why do we let idiots AND morons use money as their personal plaything?

Don't hand me the 'they had guns' excuse.

You know how to fix this and we can fix it in an instant!

Banks closed, accounts erased, empty the courthouses into the jails and fire up the exile train, they are all headed for the high desert.

The people who run the plants (temporarily) continue to run the plant, the people who own the plant [or claim to] will be provided free transportation to their 'new home' in the Badlands.

If you are lucky enough to have a job you still have a job...and it is now working less hours for pay you can actually live on [Because your house, utilities and transportation are FREE! (thanks to the H.A.E. law!)

YOUR job is YOUR mealticket. Slavery is ILLEGAL so nobody can force you to sell your labor to them then take all the profits for themselves.

[If you can't live on your paycheck it's your problem under employer controlled economics.]

The mystery remains who is sending thousands to be maimed in the sandbox solely so they don't have to fight THEM over here?

Our number one 'employer' is the US military...with Uber coming in as a close second...how sad is that?

Have you ever asked yourself how do they [The One Percent] afford this?

Let's return to the 'funniness' of money. It's all make believe so WHY do you keep putting up with it?

Oh yeah, F-You, Pay Me!

Two out of three calls are collectors, the other one is a telemarketer. Your Friends already know you don't answer the phone, that's why they text/e-mail you.

So what does VICTORY look like?

It's beginning to look a lot like a mushroom cloud...isn't it?

[Ever wonder why the Bushes bought plantations in Paraguay?]

Bet they're there right now, watching the brown people tend the land during the day while they watch FUX & Friends in the wee hours, laughing their asses off!

Yeah, as miserable as this existence is for most of us there are actually some who think it's hillarious that we don't see through the paper thin machinations of the feckless.

Were the shoes reversed the roads would be lined with crucifixes, not images of God but the 'real deal'.

Don't worry, they want you to remain 'asleep', they aren't going to start crucifying anyone while they need you to believe 'the law' protects you from such things.

Funny thing about the law, whosoever controls it controls YOU...

Now do you understand the need to empty the courthouses into the prisons? The 'criminals' are RUNNING the courts.

Did you think the courts were 'ignorant' of the crimes committed against humanity by those who manipulate money?

This is why NOBODY knows what Victory looks like because the 'real war' is the feeble attempt to head off the recurrance of the original Terror when the French peasantry beheaded the monarchy for 'crimes against humanity'.

Well, the crimes are back, all we need to do now is 'follow through'.

[Let it be said here that the guillotine is 'too good' for our modern 'self-important'. A walk in the wilderness will provide the feckless with the time necessary to reflect upon the error of their ways and the importance of a society that was such a nusiance to them.]

Self inflicted wounds often prove to be the deepest.

Ware the 'man in the mirror'...


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