Saturday, January 27, 2018

Emotion (s)

Greetings good citizen, most of us don't consider ourselves particularly 'emotional' but our 'feelings' matter more to us than we care to admit.

In this respect we are a species of 'hot house plants' where the tiniest insult can turn in raging war...and end just as suddenly.

Worse, because we can be 'so emotional' we don't admit to this because calling someone 'tempermental' or even 'sentimental' is an insult!

We all pretend we hide our feelings under a fascade of stony indifference [because some of us get our jollies breaking that stony fascade and then teasing the victim mercilessly!]

So it is that advertisers have played on your emotions to get you to care about...well, apparently they can program you for just about anything by appealing to your emotions...even if you PRETEND not to have any.

Those who are 'unaware' of this vulnerability are the most susceptable. To know you're being 'played' you must first be aware of where your 'reaction' is coming from.

Ever wonder why 'treason' is a capitol crime?

Now do you wonder where the media got their license to 'take liberties' with the facts?

Apparently it's not lying if you're selling something. [Another serious 'fault' brought to you by repacious capitalism.]

If those who sit in judgement are paid by the 'commercial interests'. Suddenly the public be damned, it's okay...especially under the 'buyer beware' commercial system we currently subscribe to.

Back when things were more 'immediate' [no courts or cops] people dealt visciously with 'perceived liars'.

Getting caught 'cheating' was a death sentence.

It was a deeply ingrained 'social taboo' to be untrustworthy. [Even suggesting soemone was untrustworth was enough to get you killed...and people died regularly.

With the advent of courts and the current 'formal' justice system these 'murders' dropped of significantly.

What do you suppose is driving the modern murder rate? Drugs, sex, turf? Nope, same old same old.

The untrustworthy are still being dealt with 'extrajudiciously'.

What's this have to do with your emotions?

Your 'highly tuned' emotional state is designed to protect you from a world filled with liars.

It is 'your gut' that serves as your own built in 'lie detector'. If it doesn't 'feel right' then it's probably not right.

Why is society falling apart? because the liars have the upper hand and the young are ill equipped to deal with skilled liars...and what is the first thing the young do to assert their independence? Get a hand held so they can be on the same 'page' as their friends.

The young don't have the necessary defenses we build by long years of social interaction and fall prey unawares...usually before they know what hit them.

We tell 'em to look before they leap and we expect them to run afoul of a certain degree of flim-flamery but these days the weasels are using the law to their advantage...and that crosses major lines.

So, I ask you once again...what do YOU think is driving the climbing murder rate? [Why do you suppose the media ignores this persistent problem, like we don't know?]

The media pretends its bad people killing other bad people but in the end, like Billy Joel told us, it's always been 'A Matter of Trust'.

People you can't trust are 'exterminated'.

Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me [for letting you live to do it again!]

UNTIL we return to a culture that values 'trustworthiness' (and punishes liars swiftly, removing them from our midst as the need be.) Lying is serious and has serious consequences [as evidenced by the murder rate...only the media invented 'serial killer' kills for 'sport'.]

Look at what 'tolerating' liars has brought to us.

Mismanagement and malfeasance (on a ponderous scale) as well as the regular cheating of employees out of their retirements...with ZERO 'legal consequences!' All because the liars now control the economy!

Treason is treason and the penalty for treason is ancient...and that's not gonna change because no matter how 'forgiving' you are you can NEVER trust a cheater. The RISK is too great.

And that, good citizen, is today's ponderable.

Wanna stick with 'Vengeance is mine, sayeth The Lord! [or shall I remind you who PRECISELY wrote that 'book of lies' (Which millions have beenm murdered for disagreeing with it's multiple hypocrises!) MEN, fearful of the retribution of their peers should they ever be found out, they all knew what awaited them in the 'afterlife'...death.

Do as I SAY and not as I do...

I think we've had enough [and your emotions can only take so much...]

Thanks for opening your mind, forewarned IS forearmed!


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