Greetings good citizen, after 4 decades suddenly the same people that destroyed the global economy are wrangling over the 'unfairness' of the global race to the bottom.
Don't ya think they should have thought of that forty years ago?
Pretending to be outraged is nothing new for the 'More for Me' set. Their relentless short term focus and seemingly endless supply of increasingly deformed rabbits to pull from their rectum as the cut the planet's supply chain to ribbons for imaginary profits was all part of 'the plan'. Plan for what you may ask? Even they don't know!
Now, decades after the horse has fled the barn (on fire I might add, not the barn, the damn horse!) politicians are complaining about 'trade deals' they shouldn't have entered into in the first place.
But that's just humans being humans, isn't it? Jump on it before it gets away and after you have wrestled it to the ground and killed it, decide you didn't want it in the first place.
Now whose problem is it?
There was [funny] money to be made in the conversion process, liquidating assets into capital and turning them back into assets again is called the 'business cycle', how unfortunate is it for most of us that it follows the law of diminishing returns? [Under predatory capitalism.]
How unfortunate for us also that much of what was destroyed could have been re-purposed?
But there was [funny] money to be made in demolition so why preserve anything?
Understand, most of you are ignorant [as in clueless] as to what constitutes a 'profit'.
Here is something you should be able to understand...profits are 'need driven', there are certain things you can't do without, people have to have them or they'll perish.
Take food for example. It forms the basis of our entire economy [one of the things most of you are appallingly ignorant of] and there is 'zero' profit in it [from the way money is currently 'valued'] compared to what other 'assets' are priced at. [This is also a 'fool's game' and explains why your typical inbox is loaded with zany [predatory] offers to convert your 'ZZZZzzzzT' into 'Poooooooof!'] if you're stupid enough to fall for it, you deserve whatever the outcome is.]
Food is 'free' just like every other useful thing that grows on this planet, the only reason it even has a price is because it is impossible to cultivate EVERYTHING in one spot. The stuff has to travel to make it to where the people who 'want' it can get it.
In the beginning the people who transported these 'commodities' were themselves property so there wasn't a question or even a thought of 'payment'. But then somebody came up with the bright idea of making freedom fungible, if you could 'afford it' you could 'buy' your 'freedom'.
Which morphed into the 'I got mine' syndrome because there wasn't enough 'free stuff' floating around and the former owners had become enamored with the idea of property they didn't need to care/provide for.
Free food became a controversial puzzle of it was no longer 'free' if you didn't own the land it was grown on.
Welcome to the birth of the 'Real Estate Market'...
It's all 'free' but 'the few' decided, 'these are mine, get your own' and suddenly 'hired muscle' became a thing...and they gave them badges to make them 'appear legitimate.'
The 'story of economy' is pretty gruesome when you take a moment to consider what begat what. [Screw Adam Smith, there is no such thing as 'benevolent self-interest'!]
Worse, it's ALL on the 'because I said so' [later they would publish books telling anyone who would fall for it that the imaginary creator they (the authors of said book) made up commanded that things be this way.
We don't know the purpose of Man but we DO know the purpose of GOD, he was created to provide legitimacy for the theft from others for that which is free!
For the majority of you, 'don't know, don't care' pretty much sums up how interesting you find this exercise...
But the writing on the wall tells us that this same shaky apple cart is about to be tipped over (again) and the 'scramble' that comes afterwards is guaranteed to be lethal.
There IS a 'save' but we have to 'co-operate' for it to even be a possibility AND the 'current owners', whose scrambling will cause the cart to fall over, want no part in it.
They actually WANT the cart to capsize, theorizing 'their share' will grow during the ensuing scramble but this is 'short-term thinking' in action (again.) Talk about your 'one trick ponies'.
So if you think you know what's going know the rest.
The global race to the bottom was yet another 'short term fix'. The recent moves towards protectionist trade policies will split the planet asunder just like the old days and the idiots running things will scheme and connive to hold resources 'hostage', which will spark wars.
Turns out man doesn't need legitimate reasons to fight, he's ready to fight anytime, anywhere over just about anything.
Lends credence to the notion that humanity is but another 'failed experiment' by the (imaginary) creator.
A notion that is patently untrue. As I have pointed to repeatedly, 'hate' is a 'learned thing'...we don't come by it naturally. Fear is what drives our defensive reflexes and the media does everything it can to keep you scared silly [and ready to fight.]
You'd think that would be a dangerous thing to cultivate but you and everyone you know suffers from 'alert fatigue'. You've been wound up for so long without a break that you can no longer identify danger even when it is all around you! [This too is 'no accident'.]
You've been swimming in piranha infested waters for so long that you forgot you were even swimming never mind being surrounded by deadly, meat-eating predators.
Um, I admit I enjoy being the one who deals those slaps upside the head that knock your molars down your throat.
Which is to say wake the heck up! As stick welders casually say to one another at least a couple of times a day, 'you're on fire!'
If nobody tells you, you honestly wouldn't know...
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
Don't ya think they should have thought of that forty years ago?
Pretending to be outraged is nothing new for the 'More for Me' set. Their relentless short term focus and seemingly endless supply of increasingly deformed rabbits to pull from their rectum as the cut the planet's supply chain to ribbons for imaginary profits was all part of 'the plan'. Plan for what you may ask? Even they don't know!
Now, decades after the horse has fled the barn (on fire I might add, not the barn, the damn horse!) politicians are complaining about 'trade deals' they shouldn't have entered into in the first place.
But that's just humans being humans, isn't it? Jump on it before it gets away and after you have wrestled it to the ground and killed it, decide you didn't want it in the first place.
Now whose problem is it?
There was [funny] money to be made in the conversion process, liquidating assets into capital and turning them back into assets again is called the 'business cycle', how unfortunate is it for most of us that it follows the law of diminishing returns? [Under predatory capitalism.]
How unfortunate for us also that much of what was destroyed could have been re-purposed?
But there was [funny] money to be made in demolition so why preserve anything?
Understand, most of you are ignorant [as in clueless] as to what constitutes a 'profit'.
Here is something you should be able to understand...profits are 'need driven', there are certain things you can't do without, people have to have them or they'll perish.
Take food for example. It forms the basis of our entire economy [one of the things most of you are appallingly ignorant of] and there is 'zero' profit in it [from the way money is currently 'valued'] compared to what other 'assets' are priced at. [This is also a 'fool's game' and explains why your typical inbox is loaded with zany [predatory] offers to convert your 'ZZZZzzzzT' into 'Poooooooof!'] if you're stupid enough to fall for it, you deserve whatever the outcome is.]
Food is 'free' just like every other useful thing that grows on this planet, the only reason it even has a price is because it is impossible to cultivate EVERYTHING in one spot. The stuff has to travel to make it to where the people who 'want' it can get it.
In the beginning the people who transported these 'commodities' were themselves property so there wasn't a question or even a thought of 'payment'. But then somebody came up with the bright idea of making freedom fungible, if you could 'afford it' you could 'buy' your 'freedom'.
Which morphed into the 'I got mine' syndrome because there wasn't enough 'free stuff' floating around and the former owners had become enamored with the idea of property they didn't need to care/provide for.
Free food became a controversial puzzle of it was no longer 'free' if you didn't own the land it was grown on.
Welcome to the birth of the 'Real Estate Market'...
It's all 'free' but 'the few' decided, 'these are mine, get your own' and suddenly 'hired muscle' became a thing...and they gave them badges to make them 'appear legitimate.'
The 'story of economy' is pretty gruesome when you take a moment to consider what begat what. [Screw Adam Smith, there is no such thing as 'benevolent self-interest'!]
Worse, it's ALL on the 'because I said so' [later they would publish books telling anyone who would fall for it that the imaginary creator they (the authors of said book) made up commanded that things be this way.
We don't know the purpose of Man but we DO know the purpose of GOD, he was created to provide legitimacy for the theft from others for that which is free!
For the majority of you, 'don't know, don't care' pretty much sums up how interesting you find this exercise...
But the writing on the wall tells us that this same shaky apple cart is about to be tipped over (again) and the 'scramble' that comes afterwards is guaranteed to be lethal.
There IS a 'save' but we have to 'co-operate' for it to even be a possibility AND the 'current owners', whose scrambling will cause the cart to fall over, want no part in it.
They actually WANT the cart to capsize, theorizing 'their share' will grow during the ensuing scramble but this is 'short-term thinking' in action (again.) Talk about your 'one trick ponies'.
So if you think you know what's going know the rest.
The global race to the bottom was yet another 'short term fix'. The recent moves towards protectionist trade policies will split the planet asunder just like the old days and the idiots running things will scheme and connive to hold resources 'hostage', which will spark wars.
Turns out man doesn't need legitimate reasons to fight, he's ready to fight anytime, anywhere over just about anything.
Lends credence to the notion that humanity is but another 'failed experiment' by the (imaginary) creator.
A notion that is patently untrue. As I have pointed to repeatedly, 'hate' is a 'learned thing'...we don't come by it naturally. Fear is what drives our defensive reflexes and the media does everything it can to keep you scared silly [and ready to fight.]
You'd think that would be a dangerous thing to cultivate but you and everyone you know suffers from 'alert fatigue'. You've been wound up for so long without a break that you can no longer identify danger even when it is all around you! [This too is 'no accident'.]
You've been swimming in piranha infested waters for so long that you forgot you were even swimming never mind being surrounded by deadly, meat-eating predators.
Um, I admit I enjoy being the one who deals those slaps upside the head that knock your molars down your throat.
Which is to say wake the heck up! As stick welders casually say to one another at least a couple of times a day, 'you're on fire!'
If nobody tells you, you honestly wouldn't know...
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
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