Monday, January 8, 2018


Greetings good citizen, often we become so embroiled in the minutia that we forget what all of the kerfuffle is about.

The Futurist is about the future of society and society won't exist without 'regulation' [perhaps more important regulatory enforcement, which is *'government's primary function'.

WHY is ALMOST EVERYBODY unhappy? Because the public is getting worked over and the government [those currently running it to be specific] has suddenly gone 'deaf-mute'.

At the 'base' of our quandary is our (allegedly) elected officials, er, 'confusion' over who, precisely, they are supposed to be 'protecting'.

Obvious to [again almost] everyone is the 'cart before the horse' situation of having these bloodsucking fools confusing their campaign contributors with their constituents.

IF SOCIETY voted directly on regulations, the whole campaign problem disappears. [Remove the process that 'buys votes' and that problem disappears.] (Leadership will be a competition, not an election under the new system!)

Naturally, eliminating OWNERSHIP of what belongs to ALL OF US [hello, planet earth, maybe you've heard of it?] would eliminate the self-serving legislation that does occupy the time and energy of our overpaid and under-worked legislators.

Even after leveling the 'playing field' [We DON'T need forty vehicle brands to 'choose from', we need different TYPES of vehicles for different purposes. The industries left standing will require regulating and enforcement of those regulations.]

While we'd all like a vehicle that allows us to escape this insane asylum, we'd still be stuck for a final destination...

Competition only serves the criminals. [What criminals you ask? Why the same ones skinning the rest of us out of our share of the planet's bounty!]

The ones our politicians can't see (or are paid to ignore.)

What brought this on? Two articles in today's NY Times. The first was a piece on Mexican communities that have taken keeping the peace into their own hands [because of 'government inaction'.] and the second was an exercise in 'twisted capitalist logic' where the writer asks since [reported] crimes are falling, should we 'trim' police departments?

This flies in the face of what again ALMOST EVERYBODY knows...The cops don't exist to PROTECT YOU, they exist to protect THEM! [The criminals, for those of you who need a specific target for your angst.]

They have hired as many former 'special forces' servicemen as the military can spit out because they know prolonged government inaction will eventually foment civil unrest and as police put down these protests with increasing violence, that 'escalation' will result in geometrically higher death tolls.

All because neither side 'understands' the law. [Made worse by the criminals failure to understand the 'purpose of money'.]

These crucial educational 'fails' are driving civilization to yet another epic collapse as those who relish struggle for struggle's sake [There is no SANE reason] continue to push for the stratosphere of human tolerance.

The 'monsters' walk among us. It is our inability to weed them from our midst that dooms us to this unending cycle of violence.

Exile is cruel but necessary. [Because of this cruelty, those condemned to exile can 'choose' to be executed, but this is a choice for the condemned to make and it will not be made for them.]

Should the condemned choose execution the 'aggrieved' [if any] will be granted the opportunity to avenge themselves. The custom of hooding executioners will protect the identity of executioner should the aggrieved choose to exercise this privilege and it will not be entered on their permanent record.

But, naturally, I digress. [I toss these little tidbits into the posts for the edification of future citizens, in case they become interested in the creators thoughts on a given topic.]

Like today, wars will be fought over 'original intent'. If I don't survive to implement/train a successor...a role I wish on no one well we will be faced with the unsavory prospects of 'how did they get this out of that?' and the answer will be (naturally) because it suited/profited them to look at it that way.

In fact, at the crux of our current crisis is the 'failure of education'. Those who want you ignorant will stop at nothing to keep you questioning your own rationality!

Se habla 'fake news'?

Let's roll that one back a couple of decades to the words Fox made famous: Trust No One!

It's the wedge that spit us into a billion pieces...and you fell for it!

It is only through education [and the rigorous application of logic] that we can save our species and unite it so we can move on with the next step in our 'adventure'.

Humanity isn't 'bad' or beyond redemption, only the 'insane' think that.

So in order to 'repair' society we first need to 'repair' government and the laws under it.

It's only logical.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


* Evident to all is the necessity of government to be kept beyond of the control of those it is supposed to regulate.

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