Sunday, January 14, 2018

Happy Talk...(on going)

Greetings good citizen, millions of homeless, millions more imprisoned and 'suddenly' the labor market is 'tight'.

Boomers are dropping like flies, leaving position they no longer have the stamina to perform. [Jobs they took after getting pushed out of their original fields of endeavor by the relentless 'churning' that marked the beginning of the new millennium.]

'Failure to launch' is still a major problem because even the job advertised as being given to a former prisoner doesn't pay enough to live on.

Sparky is doing fine (so long as prison is picking up his room and board.) Once released he's going to redefine what a 'hand to mouth' existence really is.

Is it really 'news' when employers can't find 'affordable' wage slaves?

Because THAT'S where the 'labor shortage' is. You can't live on a minimum wage paycheck WITHOUT free healthcare, subsidized housing AND food assistance.

Boo - hoo, poor employers can't find anybody willing to do their shit jobs for starvation wages.

Just like Joe flipper can't find people with deep enough pockets to buy his 'bare minimum' reno [so he rents them to section 8 tenants because the State makes up the difference between what the destitute can afford to pay [and don't think that number is an 'unknown', they know it to the penny which should tell you something all by itself!] and what the mortgage market dictated rent should be.

Again the 'loop' keeps feeding off itself. First they lend to anyone with a pulse, driving prices to the 'irrational-o-sphere' then the market collapses but you have a ton of people who never should have gotten loans in the first place that are now 'upside-down' in houses they can barely afford so you can't drop prices and since rents have zero to do with the condition of the property and are linked directly to the mortgage market [artificially elevating prices and propping up the larger, fictional economy.]

Is the labor market 'tight'? That all depends on which 'segment' you choose to look at.

The 'situation' is one of extremes. Employers can't find people willing to work for starvation wages and they also can't find people with ten years experience in a technology that has only existed for five.

That's your 'tight' labor market.

Bizarrely the 'volunteer' armed forces aren't hurting for recruits [because there are no jobs] but the best they can do for you is 4 years. Finish your training [which is essentially useless in civilian life, not a lot of call for gun toters in the civilian world unless your relatives wore a badge.

So without the old nepotistic 'leg up', YOU aren't getting one of those jobs either.

Swing a hammer or pull wire? People have to be making 'good wages' to support even a mediocre housing market.

While they used to take their time building houses, now it's all about 'production', they want the house to be on the market 3 months after breaking ground or they're losing 'money'.

Itsy-poo, doesn't your heart just bleed *for the greedy, moronic idiots?

The 'Occupy' movement isn't so far behind us and that didn't have anything to do with Wall Street, it was about greedy lenders bilking academically marginal students out of trillions in student loans...and bought and paid for legislators making those loans 'inescapable'.

First the trained you FOR JOBS THAT DIDN'T EXIST, then they expected you to pay them back!

But that didn't turn into a 'tipping point', did it?

The cops easily broke up those protests just as they did those protesting the 'war of choice' in Vietnam, basically hard on the heels of the Korean stalemate.

Seems only a few know/recognize that IKE wasn't being 'rhetorical' when he warned us of the Military-Industrial complex.

With this as a given we can only wonder how 'movement conservatism' ever became a thing.

It did so because 'choice' was removed from the equation.

So the NEXT riots will be in deadly earnest. This time the 'protesters' will turn up armed.

Few will be able to identify the 'counter-protesters' when they open fire on the heavily over-armed police but that won't matter, the 'conflict' will have begun in earnest.

The 'Security State' is ready to sweep the 'non-conformists' into pens to be 'liquidated' at the first sign of [faux] trouble.

Surreal isn't it? Reading headlines that proclaim 'labor shortages' while your kids can't find jobs that pay enough to get their legs under them, isn't it?

While the headlines are screaming 'labor crisis', that recent innovation called 'not in the labor force' exceeded the hundred million mark two decades ago!.

This is almost as befuddling as an American dollar being able to buy eight Chinese Yuan but a single Chinese Yuan buys four times what a USD buys!

Now do you believe morons are in charge of the economy?

Something's got to give and it's not coming from 'THEIR SIDE' it is YOU who will be ground into the dirt as they 'right-size' the population for predatory capitalism to continue.

Oh, Happy Sunday! [In keeping with the 'theme' of today's piece.] Maybe the 'devoutly deluded' can pray for us?

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


* The 'solution' is here if you'd just open your eyes! WE could fix the economy and the job market TOMORROW with plenty of jobs that pay living wages but we have to put the boots to the IDIOTS running things! Incompetence is inexcusable.

None of this involves 'ignorance'. They KNOW what needs doing, they just aren't willing to do it.

Which is nearly as puzzling as YOUR unwillingness to do anything about it...

Still waiting for someone else to lead the charge, eh? Good luck with that.

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