Greetings good citizen, I am beginning to feel like Captain Obvious here as I keep pointing to things you should all already know.
You SHOULD all know your fellow humans are rabid opportunists but for some reason we are wired to ignore this trait in others, especially those that succeed in edging out the competition to lead us.
Choices are reduced to binary and then those we elect to represent us vote the way their (major) campaign contributors want them to.
NOBODY has any illusions about how the 'shitstem' works. EVERYBODY is upset the SHITSTEM leaves the masses unrepresented but there ISN'T an 'alternative'.
We keep returning to 'my way or the highway' because criminals make it their purpose in life to exploit the system.
[Yes, that is another 'Captain Obvious-ism' and there is zero irony in the fact it is what's behind the growing rage at the rampant mismanagement/malfeasance that is threatening the very fabric of society.]
So what's up with today's title?
Scapegoating. The criminals keep pulling rabbits out of their backside to 'deflect' blame for the anger over what actually amounts to 'raised awareness'.
Today's Luddite is blaming the internet for society's problems...and in a small way they are right. Before now most of the shenanigans the 'shitstem' pulled remained out of sight...but it wasn't the internet that put a camera/phone in EVERYBODY'S pocket!
All those staring eyes and wagging tongues is having an effect on social stability because we can no longer pretend 'inequality' isn't happening or is grossly exaggerated.
That's how 'the infamous they' have kept a lid on things over the decades.
They start by admitting something underhanded happened but to keep your shorts on because the incident is being 'blown out of proportion'.
They were caught red handed so the 'age old' remedy is to admit fault then to downplay the incident as not being 'as bad as it looks' [usually it's even worse but the good news is the truly daming stuff was purchased for an obscene amount and squirrelled away before the lid blew completely off.
But these days, when everybody has instant recording ability in their hands every minute of every day it's a little tougher to get ALL the damning evidence.
Sure, those that can't be bought off are discredited.
This is the problem with those who live by 'do as I say and not as I do'. A wired society has lead to faking then raising questions over what has or hasn't been 'photoshopped'.
Ready for a final Captain Obvious-ism? Humans aren't trustworthy.
How many of you are 'surprised' to hear this? Back in the old days such an accusation would be considered scandalous...but today it's more a case of being no more dishonest than the next guy.
If EVERYBODY is shiftless does that make it okay?
Sad to say there is more truth than jest in the sign that admonishes you to 'trust no one.'
Um, considering God is fabricated of whole cloth how ironic is the statement 'In God we Trust'?
May as well admit to trusting nothing...
Now there is one thing (actually two) that you can hold as 'true', Satan exists...and we know that because each and every one of us is Satan incarnate. [Yeah, the rest of us will wait while you google 'incarnate'...]
Not all of these posts are 'helpful' and considering today's conclusion why even bother trying to 'save' such a wretched species?
Contrary to conservative doctrine, we are NOT all a 'waste of perfectly good butt-wipe'.
Sentience, like many other things, is a 'mixed blessing'. With the good comes the bad but with AWARENESS we can overcome the bad!
The first step in fixing any problem is admitting it exists.
Humanity is being pushed to the end of its tether by those who deny capitalism needs to be scrapped. [We ONLY know how to make money THIS WAY, Don't make us learn something NEW!]
Capitalism [properly executed] isn't inherently predatory but when greed steps in, all of the controls get cheated and the incentives turn poisonous.
Stock buybacks anyone?
We have to put an end to stupid being its own reward!
That said, thanks once again for taking the time to read this far, you are truly special!
You SHOULD all know your fellow humans are rabid opportunists but for some reason we are wired to ignore this trait in others, especially those that succeed in edging out the competition to lead us.
Choices are reduced to binary and then those we elect to represent us vote the way their (major) campaign contributors want them to.
NOBODY has any illusions about how the 'shitstem' works. EVERYBODY is upset the SHITSTEM leaves the masses unrepresented but there ISN'T an 'alternative'.
We keep returning to 'my way or the highway' because criminals make it their purpose in life to exploit the system.
[Yes, that is another 'Captain Obvious-ism' and there is zero irony in the fact it is what's behind the growing rage at the rampant mismanagement/malfeasance that is threatening the very fabric of society.]
So what's up with today's title?
Scapegoating. The criminals keep pulling rabbits out of their backside to 'deflect' blame for the anger over what actually amounts to 'raised awareness'.
Today's Luddite is blaming the internet for society's problems...and in a small way they are right. Before now most of the shenanigans the 'shitstem' pulled remained out of sight...but it wasn't the internet that put a camera/phone in EVERYBODY'S pocket!
All those staring eyes and wagging tongues is having an effect on social stability because we can no longer pretend 'inequality' isn't happening or is grossly exaggerated.
That's how 'the infamous they' have kept a lid on things over the decades.
They start by admitting something underhanded happened but to keep your shorts on because the incident is being 'blown out of proportion'.
They were caught red handed so the 'age old' remedy is to admit fault then to downplay the incident as not being 'as bad as it looks' [usually it's even worse but the good news is the truly daming stuff was purchased for an obscene amount and squirrelled away before the lid blew completely off.
But these days, when everybody has instant recording ability in their hands every minute of every day it's a little tougher to get ALL the damning evidence.
Sure, those that can't be bought off are discredited.
This is the problem with those who live by 'do as I say and not as I do'. A wired society has lead to faking then raising questions over what has or hasn't been 'photoshopped'.
Ready for a final Captain Obvious-ism? Humans aren't trustworthy.
How many of you are 'surprised' to hear this? Back in the old days such an accusation would be considered scandalous...but today it's more a case of being no more dishonest than the next guy.
If EVERYBODY is shiftless does that make it okay?
Sad to say there is more truth than jest in the sign that admonishes you to 'trust no one.'
Um, considering God is fabricated of whole cloth how ironic is the statement 'In God we Trust'?
May as well admit to trusting nothing...
Now there is one thing (actually two) that you can hold as 'true', Satan exists...and we know that because each and every one of us is Satan incarnate. [Yeah, the rest of us will wait while you google 'incarnate'...]
Not all of these posts are 'helpful' and considering today's conclusion why even bother trying to 'save' such a wretched species?
Contrary to conservative doctrine, we are NOT all a 'waste of perfectly good butt-wipe'.
Sentience, like many other things, is a 'mixed blessing'. With the good comes the bad but with AWARENESS we can overcome the bad!
The first step in fixing any problem is admitting it exists.
Humanity is being pushed to the end of its tether by those who deny capitalism needs to be scrapped. [We ONLY know how to make money THIS WAY, Don't make us learn something NEW!]
Capitalism [properly executed] isn't inherently predatory but when greed steps in, all of the controls get cheated and the incentives turn poisonous.
Stock buybacks anyone?
We have to put an end to stupid being its own reward!
That said, thanks once again for taking the time to read this far, you are truly special!