Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how many of you got the impression you were watching an episode of 'The Walking Dead' last night? If we are politically 'behind the times' the average age of our politicians might account for that 'out of touch' condition.

Still, the old are supposed to be 'wiser' so I kept waiting for a display of profoundness that never came.

What did I expect from the ideologically dead?

Tons of 'happy talk', El Trumpo blew his own horn long and loud...problem is everybody is wise to his make believe view of reality. Truth be told I only watched half of the telecast, he was too wrapped up in congratulating himself over nothing I got bored.

My bad because this morning's headlines reveal he went charging off the reservation towards the end of the address and made more empty threats towards North Korea. [Red meat to his perceived base, despite running on a promise to end America's role as global beat cop...(for the freakishly selfish.)]

Apparently BEING a billionaire doesn't exempt you from following the orders of the people who 'appointed' him to run the country [in their interests, not yours!]

Washington needs to be cleansed, literally. It IS the oldest established government on the planet. [If you discount 'Morning in America'...and conservatives regularly do.]

The 'problem' with long established governments is they are so accustomed to ignoring the elephants on the room because they are more focused on threats to their continued power. Why they fail to see the elephants as a problem is somewhat mysterious. 'Perhaps' they lack the 'political sack' to take on population limiting legislation.

They tried 'pricing' the rabble out of the genepool but money doesn't 'override' human libido, which tends to put the female in the position of caring for progeny.

Did I mention conservatives rather tentative grip on reality becomes a serious handicap when it comes to dealing with real problems in the real world?

They know how they'd like things to work and are easily frustrated when their plans are circumvented.

What's really bizarre is they think they are 'reality based' [when absolutely nothing behaves the way they think it does!]

It is the profound difference between thinking you know what's going on and actually knowing it!

Don't be deceived, they know the problems they create and choose to ignore them because addressing the problems creates new/different ones that they are disinclined to deal with.

Let's take a 'fer instance' shall we?

What do you suppose would happen if we began a 'mandatory sterilization' program for those who failed to achieve the IQ requirements for parenthood?

Most FEMALES wouldn't fail...but with men we'd experience a different outcome. Sterilizing these not too bright types [and offering them the exit door (suicide) would thin an already diminished 'breeding stock'. What would a pool of sterilized females do to marriage as it is currently practiced.

Bizarrely, those currently in power (especially the conservatives) insist on protecting 'traditional marriage' despite it being 'outmoded'.

These sterilized females would be masters of their own destinies since the burden of child-rearing has been lifted from them. [Hardly a 'new' phenomenon but different people react differently to this 'circumstance'.

They could also work in childcare, providing them with a avenue to utilize their nurturing side [although some feel this is 'overblown' by traditionalists.]

Pointless to wed (at least in the traditional sense) these females COULD pursue anything that strikes their fancy...wreaking havoc on traditional relationships regardless of how 'out-moded'.

That said, the old fashioned Mom and Dad model is already in significant decline. [The only one you can be 'reasonably sure of' is Mom and increasingly not even that.]

It takes a village and under A.S.P. society would raise our future citizens. [Again your money would quite literally be FOR YOU!] ALL children would be raised in an environment of equality with each other.

I doubt anyone would refute the need to establish an early social bond with the larger world than to expose our young to the same prejudices we learned from the people that raised us.

Those who champion 'family values' want to keep us 'divided.' Ask most kids and they will proudly regurgitate their 'ethnicity' because they are not taught that above all it is their 'humanity' that matters more.

Imagine a world where we were all raised as 'equals'?

Funny how world peace no longer seems like such a distant dream, does it?

It really is as simple as getting our species where it belongs, on the SAME PAGE!

[Talk about 'screaming off the reservation', this began as a piece about our scoleritic government and migrated into a treatise on 'world peace'!

Achieved via abandoning 'traditional marriage' and embracing our humanity!

Isn't that something you wish you saw last night? [Profound wisdom]

Well, it's not going to happen as long as we continue to be led (by the nose) by the 'self-interested'. They get what they want (a world they are in charge of, regardless of how dysfunctional) and we get nothing.

Anyone else think last night's stupefying display of 'cognitive dissonance' calls for a 'changing of the guard'?

You know where to put the 'wrench'.

Let's get busy shutting this shitshow down!

Times are changing and we need to keep up!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's NY Times points out that the 'war on an idea' is no closer to being won today than it was 18 years ago.

The problem with this is because the 'enemy' has so far been restricted to Islam although if you live in the Middle East you were born wearing a target as far as our European born armed forces are concerned.

The 'nuthin go up top crowd' likes to keep it simple...Brown skin: Kill ' em!

Did we literally send our 'cowboys' to fight the brown man after he herded the red man onto reservations?

Which is to point out good citizen, our hands aren't 'clean' either...and history shows not only will we 'endure' 100 YEARS of [absolutely pointless] war but we won't question the whack jobs who keep sending our young to be slaughtered in it.

WHAT's WRONG with you people?

Sadly, you already know the're cowards.

Why do we keep returning to the same one-way, dead end street?


Have I mentioned that we handle money the worst way imaginable?

Society doesn't need money...YOU do.

So why do we let idiots AND morons use money as their personal plaything?

Don't hand me the 'they had guns' excuse.

You know how to fix this and we can fix it in an instant!

Banks closed, accounts erased, empty the courthouses into the jails and fire up the exile train, they are all headed for the high desert.

The people who run the plants (temporarily) continue to run the plant, the people who own the plant [or claim to] will be provided free transportation to their 'new home' in the Badlands.

If you are lucky enough to have a job you still have a job...and it is now working less hours for pay you can actually live on [Because your house, utilities and transportation are FREE! (thanks to the H.A.E. law!)

YOUR job is YOUR mealticket. Slavery is ILLEGAL so nobody can force you to sell your labor to them then take all the profits for themselves.

[If you can't live on your paycheck it's your problem under employer controlled economics.]

The mystery remains who is sending thousands to be maimed in the sandbox solely so they don't have to fight THEM over here?

Our number one 'employer' is the US military...with Uber coming in as a close sad is that?

Have you ever asked yourself how do they [The One Percent] afford this?

Let's return to the 'funniness' of money. It's all make believe so WHY do you keep putting up with it?

Oh yeah, F-You, Pay Me!

Two out of three calls are collectors, the other one is a telemarketer. Your Friends already know you don't answer the phone, that's why they text/e-mail you.

So what does VICTORY look like?

It's beginning to look a lot like a mushroom cloud...isn't it?

[Ever wonder why the Bushes bought plantations in Paraguay?]

Bet they're there right now, watching the brown people tend the land during the day while they watch FUX & Friends in the wee hours, laughing their asses off!

Yeah, as miserable as this existence is for most of us there are actually some who think it's hillarious that we don't see through the paper thin machinations of the feckless.

Were the shoes reversed the roads would be lined with crucifixes, not images of God but the 'real deal'.

Don't worry, they want you to remain 'asleep', they aren't going to start crucifying anyone while they need you to believe 'the law' protects you from such things.

Funny thing about the law, whosoever controls it controls YOU...

Now do you understand the need to empty the courthouses into the prisons? The 'criminals' are RUNNING the courts.

Did you think the courts were 'ignorant' of the crimes committed against humanity by those who manipulate money?

This is why NOBODY knows what Victory looks like because the 'real war' is the feeble attempt to head off the recurrance of the original Terror when the French peasantry beheaded the monarchy for 'crimes against humanity'.

Well, the crimes are back, all we need to do now is 'follow through'.

[Let it be said here that the guillotine is 'too good' for our modern 'self-important'. A walk in the wilderness will provide the feckless with the time necessary to reflect upon the error of their ways and the importance of a society that was such a nusiance to them.]

Self inflicted wounds often prove to be the deepest.

Ware the 'man in the mirror'...


Monday, January 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, seems to me that there are an increasing amount of news items that are being posted by non-professionals, which adds to the already woefully doubtful nature regarding the veracity of the information being presented as 'the truth'.

Sometimes the author is being whimsical and sometimes sarcastic but the average reader is easily 'duped' because the last thing most of us do is check 'the source'.

In a world where 'the ability to pay' is shrinking faster than the planet's oil reserves you have to cut 'expenses' anyway you can and using 'free submissions' adds content at the 'right price'.

If the reader isn't sophisticated enough to parse the information...oh well? [Can I get a rousing capitalist huzzah for 'buyer beware'?]

It's on them!

So we return to the 'tower of Babble' and the inability of the public to understand one another.

How vexing it must be to undergo constant 'educational reform' only to have commerce thwart it because the last thing ANY of them wants is 'an educated consumer'!

Where better to find 'safe' content than the amateur market comprised of those who have already bought the lie?

What lie is that? That commerce exists solely to make its owners rich!

[As pointed out above, not ALL owners of commercial interests are 'rich'. Many teeter on the edge of solvency waiting for a break that never comes.]

The Internet damns ten times as many as it saves, thus does the 'failure to communicate' ball just keep rolling along, crushing the unwary with impunity. [Gotta watch that impunity stuff, it's wicked dangerous!]

Some of you have only one neuron left and it needs crutches, let me give you a hand. Acting with impunity almost always results in 'blowback', if not locally then internationally [Usually both.]

The 'Casino Economy' demands a heavy price just for a (temporary) seat at the table, a seat you can be ejected from at any time for any reason, [thanks to massive redundancy that NO ONE is doing ANYTHING about.]

Did I mention the biggest elephant in the room is the population bomb? It is driving EVERY OTHER CRISIS!

Those in charge fail to publicly recognize this [making them unfit to lead] BUT choose to make war rather than take the more humane approach of population control.

The mentally inferior won't miss their children. If you wouldn't remember your own name [if people weren't constantly shouting it at you] it is unlikely you will be a candidate for 'mother of the year'...and if you are a charter memeber of the 4F club, chances are excellent you won't be considered for Father of the year either.

We could cut a huge number of 'needless births' right at the source.

Under the 'two birds' rubric, failure to achieve a passing grade on your IQ exam would also affect your 'voter status'. If you're not smart enough to breed then you're DEFINITELY not smart enough to vote! [The bar currently stands at 100 IQ points...]

But I digress [albeit, not by much because it demonstrates the magnitude of our own complicity in the construction of the mess we find ourselves in.]

We built this and now we're stuck with it.

We could change it but the feckless were just getting comfortable with the arrangement, why change?

Um, in case anybody was wondering, the Happy Talk [today's top headline] about the 'oil boom' boosting Team USA's 'gravitas and leverage' in the global community sort of set my teeth on edge.

Read my lips: we are POST 'peak oil!' More than half of what there ever was is officially 'gone' (forever.) Declaring an 'oil boom' due to depressed wages is like declaring and end to a famine due to the drop in the sale of food.

Selective breeding is the only path forward [we just have to keep the capitalists away from the 'market' for child bearing females...and then we would have to ensure that the IQ test results couldn't be tampered with [because rich + rich still doesn't equal smart no matter what stupid thinks!]

Understand, those making decisions that effect all of our lives are 'amateurs' too. They not only DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING BUT THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

So their answer is to take the 'low road' of no explaining, just making it happen, hoping against hope that SOME will survive.

Unfortunately, that's where we're at good citizen and no, you DON'T get to 'vote' on it.

When the button is pushed there will be no running away. How damning is it that the alternatives have been removed from the table? [All to prevent a 'repeat' of The Terror?]

Better they kill us than we kill them...(but stupid is as stupid does.)

Just something else to ponder [keep you up at night]

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Sunday, January 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, since we are wrapping up the first month of the new year it seems the prozac eaters are once again experiencing (to paraphrase Reagan appointee Al Greenspan) 'irrational exuberance'.

The global economy [which is falling apart at the seams despite the endless stream of 'happy talk' being spewed by the corporate owned media] according to the latest (heavily massaged) 'metrics' [you wouldn't think you could 'massage' a puree but these guys are nothing if not 'creative'!]

Without a single fact to support their claims [bizarrely just like the stock markets] 'economists' talk up the reason why they get a paycheck.

It is 'bullshit' like this which is resulting in the exponential increase of random violence. [If they don't give a F then why should I?]

Naturally the feckless don't care about the 'unintended consequences' of their actions [any more than they care about their 'fitness to rule'.]

Too bad we don't have a back-up team to replace the current nitwits with [or would you be shocked to learn these ARE the 'back-ups'?]

Anyway, no discussion of 'the new economy' would be complete without acknowledging the origins of this fiasco, Nixon's 'Royal Presidency' followed a decade later by Saint Ronnie Raygun and 'Reaganomics' (complete with 'trickle down THEORY'!)

You've all heard of Reaganomics but it seems NONE of the pundits are willing to point out that now dead [worst president ever] had ZERO background in economics [in that he seems to be joined by every member of the current Chicago School of economic theory, whose adherants can't even spell economy nevermind comprehend the simplest of economic basics.]

While El Trumpo was recently on television blasting NAFTA as 'the worst deal ever' [why does that surprise anybody? NAFTA was the 'brainfart' of Reaganomics and already fiat accompli by the time THE REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS SUBMITTED THE DEAL TO BILL CLINTON FOR PASSAGE!

For any of you TOO STUPID to understand that the Republicans authored, implemented and CONTROLLED BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS when Clinton signed it into law [and congress did NOTHING to stop does Hillary's loss make sense? [HE didn't have the BALLS to say No and She ran on his 'legacy'...and all that entails.]

How stupid are you?

[Rhetorical question...we already know the answer.]

How SHOULD we interpret today's headlines? The rich are getting richer and the (desperate) need for more trust funds is driving global poverty off the charts!

How's that for 'cutting edge' economic reporting?

Why not cut to the chase? [SS, DD.]

Same as it ever was...and in that we are facing our doom. Our inability to prevent the least of us from derailing justice through inequality condemns us to a state of perpetual war. [Talk about 'one trick ponies...']

We could straighten this whole mess out [to fix 'society' we must first fix the 'playing field'] End debt and economic hostage taking [I only employ my friends] and remove money from the control of the self-interested.

There is no such thing as 'rich' in an equitable world. YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU! [and only you!]

Until we learn this lesson our lives will remain a 'living hell'.

Act, don't act, listen, don't listen, watch but don't pay attention [isn't that a little closer to the mark?]

Whole damn thing is lost on you and it will be until collapse makes it so you CAN'T ESCAPE [a fate you have brought on yourself!]

The 'fix' is easy but you still won't even attempt it because you fear tipping over the applecart.

Nothing is going to change if you fail to act and in that you are aceing it!

Nothing ventured = nothing gained.

Funny that, eh?

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Emotion (s)

Greetings good citizen, most of us don't consider ourselves particularly 'emotional' but our 'feelings' matter more to us than we care to admit.

In this respect we are a species of 'hot house plants' where the tiniest insult can turn in raging war...and end just as suddenly.

Worse, because we can be 'so emotional' we don't admit to this because calling someone 'tempermental' or even 'sentimental' is an insult!

We all pretend we hide our feelings under a fascade of stony indifference [because some of us get our jollies breaking that stony fascade and then teasing the victim mercilessly!]

So it is that advertisers have played on your emotions to get you to care about...well, apparently they can program you for just about anything by appealing to your emotions...even if you PRETEND not to have any.

Those who are 'unaware' of this vulnerability are the most susceptable. To know you're being 'played' you must first be aware of where your 'reaction' is coming from.

Ever wonder why 'treason' is a capitol crime?

Now do you wonder where the media got their license to 'take liberties' with the facts?

Apparently it's not lying if you're selling something. [Another serious 'fault' brought to you by repacious capitalism.]

If those who sit in judgement are paid by the 'commercial interests'. Suddenly the public be damned, it's okay...especially under the 'buyer beware' commercial system we currently subscribe to.

Back when things were more 'immediate' [no courts or cops] people dealt visciously with 'perceived liars'.

Getting caught 'cheating' was a death sentence.

It was a deeply ingrained 'social taboo' to be untrustworthy. [Even suggesting soemone was untrustworth was enough to get you killed...and people died regularly.

With the advent of courts and the current 'formal' justice system these 'murders' dropped of significantly.

What do you suppose is driving the modern murder rate? Drugs, sex, turf? Nope, same old same old.

The untrustworthy are still being dealt with 'extrajudiciously'.

What's this have to do with your emotions?

Your 'highly tuned' emotional state is designed to protect you from a world filled with liars.

It is 'your gut' that serves as your own built in 'lie detector'. If it doesn't 'feel right' then it's probably not right.

Why is society falling apart? because the liars have the upper hand and the young are ill equipped to deal with skilled liars...and what is the first thing the young do to assert their independence? Get a hand held so they can be on the same 'page' as their friends.

The young don't have the necessary defenses we build by long years of social interaction and fall prey unawares...usually before they know what hit them.

We tell 'em to look before they leap and we expect them to run afoul of a certain degree of flim-flamery but these days the weasels are using the law to their advantage...and that crosses major lines.

So, I ask you once again...what do YOU think is driving the climbing murder rate? [Why do you suppose the media ignores this persistent problem, like we don't know?]

The media pretends its bad people killing other bad people but in the end, like Billy Joel told us, it's always been 'A Matter of Trust'.

People you can't trust are 'exterminated'.

Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me [for letting you live to do it again!]

UNTIL we return to a culture that values 'trustworthiness' (and punishes liars swiftly, removing them from our midst as the need be.) Lying is serious and has serious consequences [as evidenced by the murder rate...only the media invented 'serial killer' kills for 'sport'.]

Look at what 'tolerating' liars has brought to us.

Mismanagement and malfeasance (on a ponderous scale) as well as the regular cheating of employees out of their retirements...with ZERO 'legal consequences!' All because the liars now control the economy!

Treason is treason and the penalty for treason is ancient...and that's not gonna change because no matter how 'forgiving' you are you can NEVER trust a cheater. The RISK is too great.

And that, good citizen, is today's ponderable.

Wanna stick with 'Vengeance is mine, sayeth The Lord! [or shall I remind you who PRECISELY wrote that 'book of lies' (Which millions have beenm murdered for disagreeing with it's multiple hypocrises!) MEN, fearful of the retribution of their peers should they ever be found out, they all knew what awaited them in the 'afterlife'...death.

Do as I SAY and not as I do...

I think we've had enough [and your emotions can only take so much...]

Thanks for opening your mind, forewarned IS forearmed!


Friday, January 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while it sometimes seems as though every day is 'doomsday' on the Futurist, today's post is about the no longer headline making asessment provided by the The Bulletin for Atomic scientists. How many of you knew the clock has stood at 2 and a half minutes to midnight since the most recent 'stolen election'?

Well, today's announcement brings us to two minutes til the midnight deadline, the closest it's been since the advent of the hydrogen bomb. It appears it wasn't even this close during the Cuban missile crisis as today's bulletin anounces the two minutes til setting is the closest it's ever been and it matches the setting achieved during the peak of McCarthyism and the irrational witch hunt for hidden communists. [In case the significance of 1953 was lost on you.]

Probably impolitic to point out at this moment that 'Tailgunner Joe' is yet another fine example of American Republicanism.

[This is why the 'republican revolution' makes no sense. People have traditionally voted against these 'whackos' because they didn't have any 'ideas'! The existed solely to make trouble and oppose...pretty much everything.

Now we have a system that has nothing BUT Republicans [because the 'vetting process' has excluded anyone interested in actually solving problems from even entering the political arena.] Which has resulted in obnoxious displays of backslapping and assurances that ALL of them are 'Great American's' solely based on their 'shared stupidity'.

Worse, nobody cares about Justice because there isn't any. What they say goes and if you don't like it tough [and you'd better not be stupid enough to take them on (by yourself), they aren't a match for all of us but most of us are all over the page chasing our own 'private unicorns']

Chances of 'uniting' are slim to nil...even with the internet.

My pointing out that the 'oppose everything crowd' can be boiled down to a handful of obstructionists that are paying feckless opportunists to stage the 'charade' of political division we see televised every day.

We are 'united' in our opposition to the 'feckless few', to an individual. Every one of us HATES the one percent for robbing us of our future. [Why the One percent? they OWN the banks and through that they own EVERYTHING ELSE!]

What should we do about this...two choices. One is demand their surrender and the other is to burn the cruddy shack they gave us to the ground [because if we don't, they WILL!]

(Under the 'if I can't have it then no-one can!' rubric)

How fortunate for most of us that what they will destroy is slated to be destroyed anyway?

But I digress. If the feckless see that they are losing their 'iron grip' on the masses they will launch THEIR NUKES. [Like the police, they don't 'answer' to you and you may have technically 'paid' for the nukes but you'd be very mistaken to believe they exist to protect either you OR the (fictional) Murikan 'way of life'! They exist to protect the feckless from righteous retribution!

What do you suppose the aftermath of a 'limited nuclear exchange' will look like?

Have you read Cormac Mc Donald's The Road? A lot like that.

Those unlucky enough to survives the initial attack will struggle futilly for a while before they starve to death.

Not only have they already had their 'strategists' map out maximum kill ratios but they have also created 'safe zones' where they and theirs can gather to start over.

If we're lucky someone will have poisoned their MRE's and the reset will be permanently prevented.

Because stupid is what stupid does and they will work tirelessly to create the exact conditions that lead to today's epic fail.

Nuthin go up top and it never will. These people are NOT fit to lead.

But YOU knew that...right?

While the average mouth-breather lives in a world where politics are just another kind of 'sport', where 'team loyalty' supplants political ideology [they have no clue what EITHER party 'represents'. They just want to support the 'winning side'!] The 'see-saw' of R vs. D is political theater used to control the (largely mindless) 'herd'.

The 'big mistake' most of you make is in 'assuming' we are ALL in this TOGETHER...we are NOT! The One Percent is large and in charge along with being totally unfit to lead.

You are an obstacle to be 'managed': placated if they can and steamrolled if they must.

The scientists say:
They cited, among other threats, the hacking of computer systems that control financial and energy infrastructure; the development of autonomous weaponry that can make “kill” decisions without human supervision; and the possible misuse of synthetic biology, including the revolutionary Crispr-Cas9 gene-editing tool.

The clock does not lack for critics. For example, some say that warning people of danger actually induces political paralysis. Others question the judgments of the expert panel that oversees the clock — the bulletin’s science and security board — including the finding that the safest moment was in 1991, right after the Cold War had ended.

The bulletin’s scientists did not seem unduly alarmed in 1962, the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which, along with the early 1980s, was one of the moments when the United States and the Soviet Union came closest to catastrophic blows.

Did I just spell out a scenario where the One Percent would use the world's nuclear arsenal if their 'security' were threatened?

Read and judge for yourself:
Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which was awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for its work on a treaty that was completed last July, said the advance of the Doomsday Clock was “obviously deeply concerning and worrying and reflects where we are today.”

Speaking by phone from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Ms. Fihn added: “The risks for nuclear use have increased exceptionally these last years, so of course, doing nothing is not an option.” Without disarmament, she said, “these weapons will be used.”

Please read the entire article and come to your own conclusions.

If you think the 'more for me' crowd is doing the best they can with what they have to work with [good luck with that!] but if you consider the total lack of concern for the consequences of their actions...I'd say that's about as close as it's going to come to being 'officially put on notice'.

Reagan was just joking when he (irresponsibly) quipped 'We launch in five minutes'.

They 'own' the president and everybody under him, they will launch whenever they damn well feel like it!

I don't know about you but I'm gonna run outside and try to catch one of those suckers [Only the very lucky will die during the initial attack...and don't worry, there WILL be follow-up attacks [as they 'mop up' potential pockets of resistance.]

Point made. I sit here considering the popular belief that if you want to 'pontificate', get a blog but I'm not telling you what to do or what to think. I'm merely dredging up the muck that's already there so you can have a second look. [ALONG WITH providing WORKABLE SOLUTIONS to the pressing problems facing our species...that the bought and paid for media chooses to ignore [if they want to see their next paycheck.]

Analogies work most of the time so let's have an analogy, shall we?

Picture planet Earth as a jumbo jet with all of the life on the planet onboard. Now picture that jet running on just one engine [fossil fuel] also the plane is on fire. If you don't land you're going to explode.

The closest airport is 4 light years away and you've got maybe 15 light minutes before you become a 'crispy critter'.

Do you form a posse to put the fire out or do you let the suicidal pilot try to land her in the trackless ocean?

Happy Friday good citizen!

Thanks for letting me inside your head...


You didn't miss anything, neither choice is particularly attractive, just like our current plight.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, back during 'Morning in America' the public began to sense something was 'wrong' with the way the nation's affairs were being conducted and the situation has just kept getting worse.

Naturally this would lead some to question if Democracy has reached the end of it's leash Watch the video and you'll find a rather curious message, was 'democracy' an abberation?

Since the fifties there has been a movement afoot that sings the praises of 'benevolent despots' with zero suggestions of how the public could even begin to protect themselves from an 'untouchable' ruler.

Zero irony that W. publicly stated that his job would be much 'easier' if he were a dictator. [Just to give you an idea where such outlandish thinking thrives...movement conservatism anyone?]

See, conservatives believe the Enlightenment was a mistake.

The only people who believe [thinking has nothing to do with it, it's a 'gut' thing] a return to TYRANNY would be a good thing are the tyrants themselves and in returning to 'open tyranny' they are seeking to remove the few remaining social constraints that prevent them from exterminating large segments of the surplus population solely as a 'show of strength' and to reinforce 'fearfulness' in the public. [Everybody KNOWS you can't maintain control without fear, the more abject, the better!]

Can't find a tyrant? Need a roadmap to see who [precisely] is tearing the 'social contract' to shreds? Look no further than the self professed 'job creators' and their enablers/minions.

Understand these are the same people that would automate you all out of existence nevermind a job! Until that Glorious Day they act to set hurdles in your career path for you to surmount to prove you are 'worthy' of a paycheck.

Enabler number one are 'Institutions of Higher Learning', that teach you who to obsfuscate with aplomb and if you paint yourself into a corner [while explaining/justifying your actions] you already know to blame it on the system itself.

It MADE YOU do what you did. [That was the King's defense.]

But we (somewhat) digress.

The very people 'questioning' democracy are the same ones doing everything in their power to circumvent it!

YOU don't get to vote on legislation, only their hand picked toadies get to make laws. In that respect what 'they' (laughingly) refer to as 'Democracy' is nothing of the sort.

But even you know that.

Your participation ends with your trip to the polls, you may cast a ballot but it NEVER gets counted. The Media tells you who won and you get to ask yourself what the hell is wrong with people for the next four years.

All done. You cast a ballot and it went straight into the trash [largely because it was SECRET...]

Ever wonder what the hell you were supposed to be hiding?

The 'secret ballot' is done so YOU won't question the process used by those who make decisions in your name without EVER consulting you started out using. Now all congressional votes are a matter of public record...but it takes years to make them public.

Perhaps a better question for this series would be 'does Democracy exist?'

The answer, good citizen is the short one. [For the clueless, 'no' is shorter than 'yes'.] The ONLY thing that even smacks of democracy is the 'illusion' of choice on the ballot. These days all candidates are thoroughly vetted BEFORE they are funded and the cost of running for office is purposefully prohibitive. [Even the idle rich don't spend their own money running for office and then they only do it to influence legislation their competitors have to 'buy'...

So there is actually zero difference between 'public office' and a 'royal appointment'.

While 'theoretically' anybody can run for office BUT if you don't swear to 'support the party platform' and respond to the whims of your campaign contributors, good luck getting re-elected [or getting a job after leaving office for that matter. The 'money noose' is inescapable.]

Leaving us at the same question we always run you think we have a 'money problem or a legal problem?'

Since money is a (poorly defined) 'legal construct' the answer is a legal one and focuses our attention on the 'true culprit', the legal community.

Talk about closing the loop, those who control money control you...and the only way to change that is through the law, which they also control via their control of money AND the political process.

So the 'shakiness' of our current civilization is the 'inevitable' outcome of prolonged rampant lawlessness as the criminal weasels continue to 'undercut' their 'competitors' in a game where almost EVERYBODY loses.

Doesn't have to be this way but the tarded play off your continued IGNORANCE.

They are 'stupid personified' but they use their control of money [and the so called 'justice system'] to keep dissent in check.

Well, don't look now but those wobbly wheels are about to come flying off in a spectacle that has unfolded a thousand times before ...which is why A.S.P. has re-surfaced.

There is NOTHING in A.S.P. that wasn't here already and that isn't 'tried & true'.

The 'reason' A.S.P. has never been implemented is because it closes ALL the loopholes the feckless use to milk society to their own advantage.

Unimaginable? Think again.

The 'rich' aren't like the rest of us and you can take that to the bank...(and they sincerely hope you do because under A.S.P. the entire banking industry will cease to exist!) [Now I'm really digressing, we all have a better chance of personally visiting (imaginary) 'Spirit in the sky' than we do of seeing justice and equality in our time.]

Imagine being 'debt free'! Until we prohibit modern banking 'imagine' is about as close as most of us will ever come.

Sort of redefines the term 'crimes against humanity', doesn't it?

Just another little thing to ponder as you choose between starving or freezing to death [because you can't afford both.]

Thanks for opening your mind, {don't forget to help yourself to all of the free 'mind snacks' in the archives!}


Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the calendar is literally dotted with holidays that pay tribute to the military. It has also become viewed as an expression of 'patriotism' to Thank veterans for their service as an acknowledgement of their sacrifice towards preserving OUR FREEDOM and THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!

now take a moment to read today's headline and be even more thankful YOU AREN'T A FOREIGN NATIONAL or living in one of the 'shitholes' invaded by a Republican President. [Obama didn't invade anybody, Democrats are 'weak'...]

We have been in Afghanistan for 17 years so this story isn't 'new' and it also appears to be part of the 'customs' the Afghan leadership embraces...but we're there so we don't have to fight them over here [as the this morning marks the eleventh school shooting of THIS year and it's only January 24th.]

Your 'frightening thought for the day' is the MAJORITY of the ground forces deployed in the Global War on Terror return home to put on the uniform of the local PD! So the people 'turning their heads' for this kind of reprehensible behavior are also waiting with their lights out for you to turn a corner so they can hit you with a traffic violation.

Do you really want slimeballs like this enforcing the laws as they see fit?

This is something to keep in the back of your mind the next time you feel the urge to do something 'self-aggrandizing' and thank a vet for their service...there is some helpless little kid out there who wishes he could trade places with you, scumbag!

What SHOULD bother you is the PD doesn't exist to protect YOU, their sole purpose is to protect the criminals by preventing them from being prosecuted for the kind of behavior the special forces Captain in the caption so readily adopted...[Doesn't it make you wonder who's police department he's on?]

[Sing the refrain children!] : Hard to believe we need a place called hell!

Just like the song admonishes, Devil Inside.

Every single one of us.

What was I saying just yesterday?

How many of you think none of that matters? (How many of you didn't read yesterday's piece?)

Probably a better question to ask how many of you get your news from the television? If you don't 'read' the news you won't get the facts or the stories considered 'unfit' for the delicate eyes and those of Trump Supporters.

Granny would have a kitten if she knew the US military condoned sex slavery (and nobody wants to be considered a disappointment to their Granny!)

Where is your 'outrage'?

Did you leave it on the changing room floor after the (pseudo) enlightment of 'Morning in America?'

How many of you were born after the 'conservative revolution' of 1980?

How many of you were raised to believe that Ronnie Reagan (of Bedtime for Bonzo fame) leads the conservative pantheon of Reagan, Washington and Lincoln? [Jefferson was a liberal!]

The Trillion dollar question remains...How many of you think we are doing this all WRONG?

One of this morning's 'disturbing thoughts' was the prospects of sorting the evil from the mere 'collaborators'.

How do we judge since we have almost no information?

We will just have to make due like our ancestors did and let the 'actions of the guilty' speak for them.

How do we accept our 'tough on crime' politicians when they sit still for situations like the one in THIS MORNING'S HEADLINES?

[Did the Assistant Secretary of defense in charge of SEX SLAVES recommend we do NOTHING?]

Because a 'political operative' made this decision and NOTHING is going to be done about it. Numbnuts won't lose his post, the kids won't be saved and the media will remain 'mute'.

If it's not reported, it didn't happen.

It's Fake News, right? [Hey, anything you don't like can be swept under that rug, how handy is 'fake news'?]


Welcome to Murika good citizen, land of the dumb and home of the clueless! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, (OFFICER) MORON!

Today's lesson children is sorting fantasy from reality.

The world we live in is filled with evil and it's only geting worse because the wicked have seized control of what passes for Justice.

You 'pretend' everything is going to be all right, that the politicians, priests and police will protect you but's not what they are seated for.

They exist solely to protect the criminals running things.

Look to your conscience and decide...more of this or a better world?

What's it going to be hypocrite?

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind (to reality, how ever repugnent you find it!)


Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Greeting good citizen, while most of us don't spend a lot of time pondering what comes after this 'existence' there are those who think of nothing but...and some of those freaks have made it their mission to bring on the 'End Times' by working to fulfill the imaginary prophecies of that 'book of lies' more commonly known as the Bible.

You all know I'm not 'heavenbound' which doesn't bother me in the slightest [you make your choices then you live with them.] I can no sooner wrap my head around 'eternal bliss' than I can conceive of eternal damnation [although this cesspit we refer to as 'life' comes mighty close...]

That said, in the end it 'is what it is' and we'll deal with it when we get there, worrying about it changes nothing.

Nor will your tears change anything neither will your sincere repentance so just f'n DEAL!

Um, my peers and I are approaching the proverbial 'end of the line' and it is inevitable their thoughts drift towards the afterlife to varying degrees, some turn to prayer when doubt makes them wonder what direction their 'soul' is destined for. Surely a forgiving God will appreciate that they were 'good' most of the time. Those few slip ups were outliers, you were good most of the time, doesn't that count for something?

The truly cursed fear that they 'sealed their fate' by NOT doing what they were put here to do [which was LEARN...and yup, lots of fails out there.] They will be repeating this 'grade'...and if you recall how 'enjoyable this time around was well the second NEXT time is guaranteed to be, er, 'more tasking.'

Then there are the 'hard markers' who know with certainty that they willfully 'crossed the rubicon' and their final destination is Doom. These people have already embraced Hell [and vowed to take over!]

How pathetic, because (again) such a place doesn't exist [except between the ears of the incredibly gullible!]

What do you suppose 'the reckoning' is going to be like for them? [Is stupid really its own reward?]

[The 'assumption' here is there won't be a 'reckoning' where 'all is made clear'. If you lived with a head full of nonsense, so it will remain.]

The journey towards 'enlightenment' is personal, some get it, some don't and some never will.

We aren't done 'cataloging' the different type of people you'll meet on this journey so don't fall asleep just yet.

Others are wise to the 'ruse' of the Holy-man and live like they just don't care. They too can't conceive of either 'promised' state so they take a 'nothing to lose' approach towards life...the 'opportunist' approach of hooray for me and the hell with anyone else.

Most don't believe/fear the afterlife [as is readily evidenced by our swiftly crumbling society.] They can 'sense' something is missing but they can't quite put their finger on it.

To these people life will remain 'a mystery without purpose.'

[I already told the purpose of life but without a 'finite goal' most of you won't belive the purpose of life is the journey towards enlightenment. How bizarre is it that most of you would readily swallow the lie that once enlightened we shall use that knowledge to destroy the universe!]

Given our past experiences with 'true believers' [who would gleefully put those who didn't wholeheartedly accept the 'official version' of the meaning of life on the express route for (their) God's Judgement] we are all 'wary' of publicly expressing 'disbelief' because the 'superstitious peasant' is still lurking in a nearby closet and he wants BLOOD to avenge HIS GOD!

Comply or die is nothing new.

Neither is man's unbridled destructive streak. [I suspect that's the thing we are supposed to be 'working on'.] Having only a few 'wise humans' isn't cutting it. If we can't keep our children from wrecking the place then all is for naught.

But the 'nuthin goes up top crowd' continues to raise their kids to believe the planet is THEIRS to exploit (F the rest!)

Tragic nobody seeks 'wisdom' until after things start to go wrong...

This is where I leave today's lesson...hopefully with you in front of a mirror, contemplating just how far you have to go.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, January 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, civilizations wax and wane. During that process the public weal goes from the forefront to the proverbial 'back of the bus' as the bickering over the 'usefulness of power' shifts from prosecuting criminals to protecting them.

Before a collapse the three pillars of society 'morph' from 'Truth, Beauty and Honor' into Lie, Cheat and Steal. We can only marvel that the 'educated' among us don't subcribe to the values imperative to 'preserving' society, those of EQUALITY, JUSTICE and PEACE.

Some of today's pundits would point at peace and say it is the problem because they conflate political correctness with 'appeasement'. The portion of society concerned with what people find offensive rightly check our baser instincts.

The sudden embrace of that which is unnatural is a mockery to those who strive for and know the value of the least of the pillars. [Without Peace there can be no prosperity...think about it.]

The 'child' inside you rankles at being told what is proper, that is your greatest 'problem' with political correctness.

How ironic these are the same people who voted for Preznint Pussygrabber cuz he was 'their kind of guy!'

That said, promoting 'peace' is unpopular. How can you maintain a reputation for 'toughness' if you are committed to peace? (perpetual war, anyone?)

Peace is making the other guy flinch, making him fear you and respecting your 'strength'. [This has actually never worked and it never will.] Fear lasts a moment then the urge for revenge kicks in and the problem the tensions within our own dying society.

People will abide by 'fairness' and the ability to live their lives as they see fit [so long as they do no harm to others or the environment.]

Besides, when the pendulum swings and the 'common good' returns to the fore, it will open the 'exit door' as society ejects those who choose not to obey the rules.

ONLY the peaceful can live in peace. If you have a perpetual hard-on you're not going to last long. This could be due to a mental defect but the end remains the same, you will have your membership in society revoked if you fail to abide.

Same goes for those with 'overactive' sense of wrong [especially those who don't know what is wrong specifically but they know what they don't like.

If you can't articulate what's bothering you it is likely you'll join the que for the exit door. If you SEE something wrong, report it. The laws exist to be enforced but if your problem is somebody snickering at you, grow up. [Which is what you should tell your assailant rather than reporting it. How about that, problem solved!] This peace thing is easy if you give it a chance.

Same thing with 'political correctness'. It's really just 'the Golden rule' of do unto others in action.

Due to social disintegration we no longer 'respect' others AND we no longer care if others respect us. (Anything goes is omnipresent!)

Respect is integral to Peace, without respect and the presence of mind to hold your wagging tongue we ALL sow conflict wherever we go.

Why should we hold our tongue? Because we DON'T KNOW HALF OF WHAT WE ARE WITNESSING!

You see the tail end of something and feel compelled to open your fat mouth. Life offers us countless opertunities to remain silent and we should oblige MOST of them!

Most adults understand this but some of them don't [mostly because they don't get out much...and that's going to be a REAL problem sooner than you can imagine!]

Funny thing about society, you have to participate to be a full-fledged member and understand the ground rules.

The 'toys' invented to distract the 'newly redundant' also prevent 'proper socialization' [how to behave around others...yeah, there's rules!]

When the poorly socialised realize they don't have the skills necessary to maintian a functioning society the wheels are going to come flying off as the clueless scramble to come to grips with the new 'Nanny State' from which there is NO ESCAPE!

Still 'down' on political correctness? Try returning to the dark ages...FOREVER. Can't wrap your head around that, here's a sample.

Imagine living in MORTAL TERROR of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person because saying ANYTHING (out of turn) will get you tortured for 'heresy!'

They will teach you 'respect' AND to keep your (stupid) mouth shut! You may never speak to anyone again [in anger or in kindness...isn't that the kind of 'freedom' you've been yearning for?

It will be the only freedom you have. Freedom from making choices and freedom from living your own life [so the few can remain rich.]

Oh yeah, that electronic babysitter has done in an entire generation (if not our entire species.) Bizarre to ponder a near immediate reversion to a stone age type of existence if the Nanny State collapses...and it will.

Without respect you are not free to pursue your personal contentment because you will fail to appreciate the contentment of others and create conflict.

Yes there's more to the Peace thing than appears on the surface just as there is more to the equality thing than 50-50-50...

Then there is the Justice piece of the puzzle and a whole new way of looking at what constitutes a crime.

We routinely commit crimes against humanity and excuse it for 'commerce's sake'.

People regularly throw one another under the bus claiming, nothing personal, it was 'strictly business' that forgives ANYTHING!

Did I mention we live in a society run by criminals? [In the intro, go back and check]

Just something to think about as you ponder the meaning if the dark clouds hanging over the edge of society and aks yourself if we've lost our minds?

[The answer is YES!]

Is it too late? NO!

But the sum bitch won't fix herself!

And YOU want nothing to do with it...

How's that for SNAP goes the trap?

Okay, I'll do it.

Thanks once again for opening your mind [at least you're prepared for what's coming...]


Sunday, January 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's word is driving a global 'refugee crisis' that the media is ignoring because the crisis has its origins in the overlords favored operating system, capitalism.

People seeking 'asylum' from the inability to get their lives started has triggered a huge pilgrimage from the third world into [what used to be] the first.

This once again only proves the power of 'misinformation'. If China, the planets strongest economy, is turning away refugees at its borders the media is mute...and China has long lived with the reputation of being horrendously 'overpopulated' so why go where the 'problem' is at its worst?

No, the sadly 'misinformed' are flocking to where they were told the streets are paved with gold and opportunity abounds, all you have to do is bend down and pick one up! [You won't find out until later that you can't live on what your new life pays you!]

Did you have to borrow to cash in on that amazing opportunity the lazy slobs living the life dreams are of made of left just lying there? Now you are well and truly and you don't even know it!

Eventually you'll figure it out when expenses due exceeds the amount received and it suddenly dawns on you that you were only earning enough to keep food in your stomach and gas in your 'money machine'. Living indoors was still a question of 'who loves you?' because if the answer is no one, you live in the damn car and that's been proven to be 'bad for business'!

But 'asylum' is where you find it and lasts for as long as it takes to figure out that there is NO HIDING PLACE from the rapacious capitalist.

Everywhere you turn in the land of [false] opportunity you find F-you, pay me! Staring you in the face.

But I digress, this is not about the 'traps' that draw the desperate in hoardes to the 'land of lies', it's the lies themselves.

Funny how the old people tell the youngsters the stories are false but the desperation is so dire they think maybe it will be different for me. [and besides ANYTHING is better than this...until life shows you otherwise!]

In this American's don't have the lock on 'exceptionalism' has long been a 'personal problem'.

What's the 'basic problem'? You and everybody else once removed from the golden trough, can't live on what you're paid!

Couple that with the biggest lie ever told [that this is YOUR FAULT (for not 'doing better')] and you turn entire generation into nomads seeking the 'fountain of life' [that is every bit as metaphorical as the 'fountain of youth'.]

Can't find it? It's right over here but there's no room, maybe in your next life [sucka!]

Dem that has aren't sharing (because their grandpappy taught them from an early age the only people who 'deserve' a seat by the trough were born there. [If GOD had meant for you to be rich you'd have been born that way!]

Here we find a fickle 'Spirit in the Sky' picking winners and losers when 'the Almighty' isn't an 'entity' at all, it's a legal construct given life by the feckless.

D.I.L.L.T.G.A.F? Nope, and they haven't since they decided 'I got mine, f the rest of em!'

This is what 'hooray for me and the hell with you' looks like.

It has also NEVER ended well.

Worse, as the situation becomes more 'desperate' the 'rumors of war' become more pervasive, triggering the, If I'm gonna die anyway relfex in the planets young men [and increasingly, young women...]

Who will lead our modern crusaders? Grandpa!

Grandpa with his stories about the 'old days' and how wonderful things were back when the country woke up to 'Morning in America' [Don't look now but those who didn't live through the horrid Reagan years are being taught how wonderful they were...and it's all LIES but the kids don't know that!

Geez Grandpa, why didn't you tell them about the persistent unemployment and all the people who got skinned in the condo craze? [Which was followed by the 'dot-gone bust' and the OOC stock market? of the Clinton years, a Republican disguised as a Dem.]

These people were cray-cray and YOU idolized them? Is Grandpa a little 'simple'? [There is more to it than just being old and forgetful...]

Grandpa drank just a little too much Kool Aid...[Kool aid made to make the drinker believe shit was gold!]

Remember 'money market accounts' Apparently Grandpa forgot to mention mortgage interest rates were at 18% which took the typical mortgage from $20,000 to six figures with zero basis in reality.

Weren't worth it then and they're not worth it now...but that's not the 'bankster's problem, it's YOURS [considering rents travel in lockstep with mortgages in case you've ever wondered why they figured a two bedroom dump you wouldn't use the toilet in was worth $2,00 a month.]

Predation is everywhere.

Since capitalism stops in its tracks when it runs out of SUCKERS, it continues to 'advertise' in the poverty stricken nations it created that a better life awaits them in the 'golden west' [which is long past its 'sell by' date.] The west has been strip mined and moved behind the world's only remaining Iron Curtain.

THAT'S what Ronnie Reagan accomplished.

So don't be following his syncophants, nothing but ruin lies at the end of that path.

Nope, head for the light of A Simple Plan, where money is returned to its single useful purpose of allowing YOU to build the kind of life YOU want to live with like-minded people, doing what you enjoy!

There will never be 'war' [troublemakers will be executed before things get out of hand.]

Would we still 'tolerate' this 'shithole' if we knew THE BANKSTERS ARE RESPONSIBLE for ALL of our wars (and the resultant needless deaths of millions?)

Have you ever asked yourself 'Where did Hitler get the funding to build his 'million man army'? [The history books are loaded with little 'oversights' like this one. You're taught 'politics' are responsible when in reality it is the 'overlords of money'...]

Did the answer come back 'banksters'?

Um, not for nothing but tyrants aren't the only ones guilty of 'not thinking things through...'

Look in the mirror the next time you feel the urge to point at some 'hapless slob' in uniform and feel 'hero worship' welling up in your heart.

Don't think 'hero', think MURDERER!

The propaganda machine tells us he's 'defending our liberty' [under the threat of field execution] and he deserves our respect and adoration...until he turns up on the streetcorner looking for a handout, then he's labeled a 'menace' or worse, a quitter!

Are these the people YOU want to follow?

[The 'vet' was duped and that's not his/her fault. They should NEVER have been put in harms way in the first place. The amputees created by the 'Police action' in the Middle East should not be subjected to lives as cripples because the Banksters needed to turn a buck?]

Because when you boil away the BS, that's all war is. A money making machine for the feckless.

So, still seeking 'asylum' in a world that doesn't need you? Join the military and help 'right size' the planet!

Today's closing thought is, we all wonder 'what the hell were THEY thinking when the better question is what the hell are YOU thinking? [You OBVIOUSLY aren't.]


Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Saturday, January 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, like so many things the public is frustrated with the inability of the PEOPLE RUNNING THE NATION'S INFRASTRUCTURE using the government itself as 'gamepiece'.

What, er, 'frightens' the average voter is how the ONLY difference between a 'government shutdown' and $1,000 a gallon gasoline is nothing.

IF they can shut down the government and stop all of the checks people rely on to survive the 'powers that be' can ALSO put a ridiculous price on the lifeblood of the economy.


Is it ropes and lightpole time?

Just an opinion here but we're way beyond that petty bit of 'revenge'.

Perhaps, just for the sheer 'shadenfraude', we'll put cameras on the exiles and watch how the first 24 hours'unfold'.

But I digress.

The 'chutzpah' here is the taking hostage of a public institution to make a political statement.

This is yet another example of recklessness without personal consequences.

Not only should BOTH political parties be 'punished' for using their job against the people they allege to 'serve' [somehow I don't think they quite understand what, precisely, they are supposed to be doing!]

NO OTHER NATION on the planet uses government services shutdowns like we routinely suffer here.


Our 'overlords' are flexing their muscles...we would do well to show them who is really in charge!

Money is a meaningless legal construct so 'debt' is also meaningless but theft is another matter entirely.

[In case you're wondering, this is the 'line of logic' that leads to (unworkable) 'gift economies'.]

[We have already witnessed how the takers among us 'reward' those who work without regard for recompense.]

Seems nobody (fully) appreciates a 'peaceful world', the primary benefit of a tribe with 'plenty'.

More bizarre is this government shutdown may be over in the wink of an eye and nothing will happen in either direction since the 'political capital' to be made over this pettiness is proving the 'opposition' is unfit to lead.

However, since there is no such thing as a genuine opposition party, it only proves that the Overlords meat puppets are just following orders and the turmoil is just part of the puppet show.

This is NOT to say there won't be 'real world consequences'. Missed payments will cascade throughout the economy and collection agencies will hire batallions of robo-callers in a futile attempt to collect what nobody has.

The entire economy is FUBAR and we let them get away with it.

[Largely due to the 'totally unresponsive' political system.]

Is this a problem we don't need to address?

How ironic the puppetmasters want you to think 'democracy' is a bad idea. What they will offer us as a replacement is the brand of cockamamie communism where only party members vote like they had in China and Russia before the collapse.

Meat puppets are meat puppets, to alter the system you must first REMOVE the PUPPETEERS!

The H.A.E. and Exile are the two tools to make an Equitable and Just society a reality. [It will last/endure because altering the laws regarding money will level the playing field significantly! [Your money is for you and only YOU!] Banishing 'spirit in the sky' [and his 'interpreters'] will make a huge contribution towards 'world peace'.

We have the 'right stuff' to succeed, it's our lousy leadership that's holding us back.

Most of you would be amazed at the difference these few minor and largely transparent changes would make.

It would literally produce a 'new world' where we could all 'prosper' (carefully.)

Now that the NEED to change has once again presented itself.

Ready to flex YOUR muscles?

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Friday, January 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, didn't even make it to my inbox this morning before I was intercepted by this news item on my mail server's homepage [From the article]

"We've been doing a lot of things in the last 25 years, and we've been focused on really other problems and this strategy really represents a fundamental shift to say, look, we have to get back, in a sense, to basics of the potential for war," said Elbridge Colby, the deputy assistant defense secretary for strategy. "This strategy says the focus will be on prioritizing preparedness for war and particularly major power war."

Previous defense chiefs have long warned about a rising China -- triggering the Obama administration's move to put a greater focus on the Asia Pacific region, including added ships and troops. And the new strategy's call for strengthening alliances sounds more like previous administrations, rather than the "America First" message of President Donald Trump's national security strategy that was released in December.

There is zero irony that This article turned up in my inbox this morning as well.

[From the article]

They Understood that To Make Do Was a Virtue

Because rationing was necessary to ensure there was enough food and other supplies available to the troops fighting for their safety, people were forced to get by with less. They carried on, though, finding ways to make what was available to them stretch far enough to feed their families, warm their homes, and so on. Using less was a patriotic thing to do, which is hard to imagine in a country such as ours, where capitalism means that the it’s more patriotic to buy more than it is to do without.

In a 'kicker' to the first article on Team America's tough new stance on global policing, both houses of congress approved and preznint Pussygrabber signed into law a 700 billion dollar boost to the defense budget, this on the heels of the trillion dollar tax give away to the BANKS!

Are the nations educators going to start finding food assistance vouchers included with their paychecks [in lieu of raises because the gubmint be broke?]

We are at war [with the 'rabble' meaning ourselves] so 'sacrifices' must be made to 'support our troops'!

How long will we let feckless leaders play us for chumps? [Hint: as long as we keep going to the polls instead of burning city hall to the ground.]

EVERYTIME you vote you are expressing approval for a system that pretends you don't exist!

Worse, your 'non-participation' doesn't shut the system down (another overlooked 'safe guard' the sainted founders missed.)

Imagine the fight we'd have trying to get our bought and paid for elected representatives to insert 'validation language' into the electoral process! [Think they didn't like term limits, this would be Mission Impossible.]

Everybody knows the dice are loaded, everybody knows the game is fixed.

Here are some things you don't know.

The 'system' runs off money yet money literally doesn't exist.

Money is USELESS to society and to commerce. Money is ONLY useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL.

So whosoever controls YOUR money, controls YOU!

Doesn't it make sense to enact legislation that protects money's single useful purpose?

The 'fear' is without money you will stop doing ANYTHING...not true but that's how freaky got their way. [This is the 'why work' crowd in action...]

You work because if you don't, you WILL die.

Working and letting the feckless [who vote trillion dollar tax cuts and a 700 billion budget boost for the 4 trillion dollar 'war machine' NOBODY WANTS ANY PART OF!] rip YOU off because they can!

Men 'both good and true' blinked and look at what 'shifty' did during that heartbeat!

We are once again being subjected to the 'rule of man' who routinely and blatantly ignores the 'rule of law'.

[For the rule of law to succeed it must be BEYOND THE REACH of the SELF-INTERESTED!] That is why the feckless HATE 'direct democracy' a.k.a Anarchy or RULES WITHOUT RULERS!

They don't want anybody making decisions the governed will actually agree with. They want YOU supine and helpless...just like you are now.

Take a good look at the world you're leaving your's a world without grandchildren because your kids can't get their feet under them. They can't build a life for themselves because the world belongs to the One Percent!

It's rope and light pole time.

After you're already starving to death it will be too late. [Your preoccupation with finding something to eat will override your thirst for revenge.]

THe one thing that is lost on no one is man's legendary inhumanity to man [this fellow thing is really uncalled for. The 'predators' among us only consider their peers and their fellows and, twisted as they are, they accept that there can only be one.

NOT the kind of thing you can build a civilization one...which happens to be the mission objective here, not king of the hill but universal kum-bye-ya.

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

Until we banish the mental cases from their seats of selfish power we doom ourselves to failure!

Revolt against TYRANNY [and if you don't know what the word means, LOOK IT UP!]

Again, dropping this one here so you can ponder its significance.

Don't squander this opportunity, you may not get another.


Thursday, January 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as 'climate change' hammers the southern US we once again witness the proclaimed 'death' of liberalism.'

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[11] while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.

If we are to use 'strict interpretation' then the self-identification of being a 'freedom loving conservative' is in fact an oxymoron. Conservatives do NOT love 'freedom', they 'worship' authority.

Keep that in mind when some blockhead, who obviously doesn't know his backside from a hole in the ground, goes off on a tirade about a political philosophy he has no freaking clue what he's talking about.

While our educational system that is more concerned with regurgitating what they spoon-feed to pupils than accuracy [thus the blatant and widespread IGNORANCE!]

So what do you suppose is in YOUR 'social contract'? What's that, YOU don't have one?

Scratch a conservative and underneath you'll find a 'god fearing monarchist' while if you scratch a liberal you'll reveal a freedom loving anarchist.

Liberals believe in 'self determination' while conservatives believe in letting our 'betters' decide.

WHy does this equation appear 'upside down'?

Because most 'political conservatives' don't know what they are supporting! [It is 'natural' for a conservative to lie...about everything.]

And since there is only ONE political philosophy currently represented [hint: it's ALL conservative thanks to the way we conduct politics.]

In a bizarre contradiction, those who lie, cheat and steal their way to political power don't want a king...if it's not them.

They embrace democracy for it's 'ambiguity'. Inaction is blamed on 'party infighting' while the stuff they want [like blowing trillion dollar holes in the budget that favors only billionaires.] are passed by frighted political puppets WHO DO AS THEY ARE TOLD! [King, anyone?]

Who knew the current system allowed the privileged to 'buy' the crown? [Actually, everybody.] Rich people in jail, still ain't happening!

As a writer I know using 'absolutist terms' loses you the 'sympathy' of your reader but if nothing else my aim is 'honesty' and calling out liars is nothing more than honesty. [Is Murika 'great again' or am I missing something?]

Is it wrong to 'brand an entire political philosophy bankrupt with a single brushstroke?

Yup but that's precisely what 'conservo-whackos' do everyday, all day.

Now follow me as I explain.

Humans lie, it's what they do because of our 'opportunist' nature. If it were 'harmless' I wouldn't bother pointing it out...but YOU, good citizen are 'the frog in the pot.'

You are being 'boiled alive' while the pundits direct your attention towards anything BUT the obvious.

Others making decisions for you without ever consulting you is a given, we were all raised that way...(we kid ourselves that chiseler's will act in their own 'self-interest' and that their self interest 'aligns' with ours...or so we think. The 'flaw' in this ointment is when the 'deciders' seek campaign funding [guaranteed to make them 'pliable' to the whims of the donor] they are selling THEIR self-interests to the highest bidder.

So the 'winner' of a given election has absolutely nothing in common with YOU OR the things you care about. If they did, they sold it for a job that pays better than the private sector and has bennies the average worker only dreams about.

Frog in a pot.

Again I will direct your (ever-wandering) attention to HOW all of this is possible...and the answer is that much mismanaged resource commonly known as MONEY.

Good thing for chiseler all money is funny or none of this would be happening...or even possible.

You on the other live or die by the almighty dollar. [If you don't have enough you are forced to borrow it and if you don't have the credit then you 'do without'.

Whose 'fault' do you suppose this IS? Ya think Liberals are responsible?

Try again Chuckie, you had a fifty-fifty shot and you get it WRONG EVERY TIME because YOU listen to (lying) IDIOTS!

Here's another 'hint' for ya, Guess who is handing our raises and bonuses thanks to the trillion dollar hole in the federal budget?


Now let's back up to the 'all money is funny' factoid.

Money is ONLY useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL! Niether society NOR commerce needs money to function but YOU are too STUPID to realize/appreciate this.

So keeping you 'perpetually broke' serves who?

I'm dropping this one right there, that's what I want you to think about...

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, most of you wouldn't know Justice if it bit you on the backside so why would you be concerned about strangers receiving 'justice'?

That 'world of I' keeps you mighty busy don't it, always wondering where your next meal is coming from? You have more important things to think about [like how many likes you are garnering on Spacebook or if your latest potty humor joke went viral?]

In tandem with the longest conflict ever engaged in by the New Conservative Military we have the highly suspect prisoners of Guantanamo Bay, If they are guilty, put them on trial but if you don't have the evidence [or the right people] then let them go home!

Most of you 'believe' the American Revolution was fought over tea BUT and again this is due mostly to your using your gray matter SOLELY to keep your hat from denting you cranium, there was also the 'tyranny' thing that had many colonists ready to 'toss the monarchy'.

How stupid do you have to be to think that simply getting rid of the king would cure your tyrant problem?

Ya don't need to crown to be an A-hole!

They got rid of the crown but the A-hole remained...most of you are puzzled because while we deep six 'd the monarchy, capitalism 'slipped the leash'. Now instead of being held hostage by the crown, the 'owner' could have it their way.

Probably WHY most of you don't remember the REAL reason behind the Revolution, over ambitious capitalists.

Criminals who would stop at nothing on their way to 'power and glory'!

Those who lust for power have zero concern for 'niceties' such as justice or equality especially if either interferes with 'their vision'.

[Which are better defined/understood by the normal mind as 'delusions of grandeur'...]

Sidebar and under the 'speaking of which' category: did you know your inborn ability to sort fact from fantasy is one of the 'litmus tests' for sanity? If you think your delusions are real then you are quite insane!

Problem is most of us have difficulty with drawing the 'line' of where fantasy ends and reality begins. [Disturbing things like believing you have 'rights' [you DON'T!] and believing that 'God's Love' isn't just self-love in disguise!]

Most of us don't even realize just how much nonsense we carry around in our heads believing the whole time it's TRUE!

And this leads us to today's 'reality based' society. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is zero reality to conservative lies. Call the conservatives on their lies and suddenly the liberals are the liars!

Understand this has nothing to do with politics and EVERYTHING to do with the age old game of 'I'm so smart and you're so stupid'.

Liars regularly contradict themselves and deny it by insisting they never said what you just heard them say emphatically two seconds earlier.

It is a contest of wills rather than of intellects.

So it is that justice delayed is justice denied.

In another headline today's NY Times announced guess who is doling out raises thanks to the trillion dollar hole the 'conservo-whacko's' just blew in the federal budget?

The Banksters!

This 'do as I say and not as I do' BS is precisely what ALL revolutions are fought over!

First they bankrupt the global economy with their 'risk eliminating CDO's' then NONE of them are prosecuted for FRAUD, then the REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED government GIVES THEM a TRILLION DOLLAR 'gift' for supporting their campaign.

But I digress...

The Revolution keeps popping up because one of the 'founding principals' that got toss'ed along with the New Deal and the Magna Carta was the right to a swift trial. [Before the revolt, Kings would simply lock up their opponents indefinitely and claim the charges against the detainee were 'confidential'.

Remember, only SCOUNDRELS rely on the 'cloak of secrecy'...sound like anyone we know?

How about the meat-puppets acting against the best interests of the citizens of this nation?

Nobody is raising the red flag here because the 'detainees' are foreign nationals, illegally seized and the criminals running our legal system.

Why this bothers no one is a mystery but it's that thinking thing that most of you avoid because of all of the trouble it causes.

Well NOT THINKING isn't doing YOU any favors either...

Just saying.

Thanks for letting me inside your head, and speaking of which when are you going to clean this dump up, it's a pit in here! Puberty was like 40 years ago man, wake up and smell the Viagra!


Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how many of you find it 'less than helpful that the (simpleton) dictionary defines 'freedom as 'the state of being free'?

Worse, how many realize you 'purchase' your 'freedom' from the folks running our society...

That's not right, you were 'born free' ain't nobody sold you nuthin!

Think again, Chuckie.

Without 'coin of the realm' with which to purchase the commodities you need to survive you're 'toast'. AND the 'infamous they' will lock your ass up for being a 'menace to society'.

So you must prostrate yourself to the man with the money to earn your 'daily bread'...all the while begging forgiveness of your 'trespasses' [cuz you on HIS turf and the only reason he don't kill you is because he needs your 'freely given' labor.]

You all KNOW the scam, you pretend to work and he pretends to pay you. [This is what it 'devolves into' you actually do 'work' and he actually does pay you BUT you don't 'do' much and he doesn't pay you much either cuz the process has to be repeated tomorrow, it's marathon, not a sprint, you see.

Without the 'buying and selling' the freedom stops. You can't live in your house or buy food and you can't drive your car because that 'freedom' costs money too.

I didn't understand when a whackjob Libertarian argued that he 'owned' himself. What the hell does that mean?

Well, if you subscribe to the 'slaver mentality' then it makes sense, the only thing you have to sell [in exchange for the things you need] is YOU.

Now, if you're one of the 'lucky' ones you get to 'own' a collection point [a business that accumulates money!] Now you no longer rely on your own efforts to obtain the stuff 'freedom' is made of.

Are you lost yet?

This only makes sense if you commodify EVERYTHING, [In libertarian utopia even the air is 'fungible'...hell, in Somalia they charge you for SHADE, talk about money gone off the rails!]

We really do need to run STUPID out of town on a rail!

None of us were put here to make someone else 'rich'...*despite that being how it all started.

Talk about a cynical bunch, how many of you were taught your only true friend was the dollar in you pocket?

How did that work out for you?

Most people have found money doesn't like them nearly as much as they LOVE money.

Understand, this is all borne out of mankind's loss of their original purpose.

The idea that workers paid for their labor were more 'satisfied' with their lot in life was learned long ago by the original overlords. Make your slaves think they were working towards something larger and they would be much more diligent, especially if they we able to believe that something was 'theirs'.

Why do you suppose that arrangement has turned to shit?

Because it's never enough.

Both sides, it's never enough. No matter how much you give they ask for more, until they start thinking they have the same rights that you do!

They don't have any money! You make it so how can they have ANY? [dig this, his claim to fame is he also forbid anybody else to make their own, like money itself, counterfeiting is also a concept!

But the same people are fighting a global war on the 'idea of terrorism'.

As long as Equality remains a fugitive our betters will continue to 'breed' opponents...only to exterminate them.

[Talk about 'job security!']

Back on topic we have this interesting 'choice of words' [from Wikipedia] Arbeit macht frei is a German phrase meaning "work sets you free". The slogan is known for appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps.

Our civilization was built on the idea that you could 'free' yourself and your family from poverty by 'buying' your freedom with your one commodity, labor.

This is bass-ackwards from the original concept of money being the tool that would 'liberate' you from having to do EVERYTHING yourself.

Why is that? Because the people doling out the money saw what they could do to those who 'wanted it more'.

Because of these criminals we live in a global cesspool intended to keep as many as impoverished as possible.

While 'easy money' would be equally as dangerous the only thing worse would be no regulator at all. [The entire hospitality industry would vanish virtually overnight.]

So we're 'stuck' with money and it's debilitating influences.

This is why the rules regarding money MUST change. Cash or cash substitutes need to be abolished [your money is for YOU is primal.] then there can be no device that transfers money between individuals [or groups/institutions/entities or aliens for that matter]

Money is a 'tool' used to 'regulate access' and not the 'sum of your existence' (by being your golden ticket to freedom.) You would 'use' your money to build the life you desired.

The surrender of your labor would ENTITLE you to the basics, your job would in fact be the basis of your 'freedom' but you wouldn't have to 'buy it' from anybody. It would be your reward for being a member of society.

Not that way now. Now we have the 'sources of money' using it to divide humanity into classes. The 'good' get theirs for 'free'[the 'accepted version' is for 'investing wisely.'] The mud people have to work for theirs and the rest are literally 'given' just enough to survive on, making their lives an exercise in perpetual misery.

Looks like 'gross mismanagement' when put that way but there isn't another explanation.

The 'few' who have their bread buttered on both sides don't want it any other way so the crime continues.

LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD [and enact legislation that keeps it that way like the H.A.E. Law.]

Your money is for you, in that way we can ALL enjoy 'prosperity'. While we sit back and watch the psychos walk a plank of their own design!

Time is running short, the feckless know the jig is up and they will soon make their move...

The outcome will be 'up to you'. Do nothing and you'll reap 'more of the same'. Stand up for what yours and you'll reap better life for us all.

In conclusion the 'price of freedom' is sharing EQUALLY! If YOU can't share then YOU don't deserve the benefits of civil society.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


* Consider the primary purpose of slaves.

Monday, January 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, many of you have at least thought about what you'd do in the event the wheels come flying off our slow burning conflagration we call a society. The 'natural instinct' is to run...but the reality sinks in, where would you go [that wouldn't be quickly overrun by others in the same straits...and if a few of those others are better armed than you it will quickly turn into a fight no one is prepared to lose.]

While the surface of this planet is 7/10ths covered in water, few have the skills or the equipment to get 'lost' in the world's trackless oceans. Your craft not only needs to float but it also needs to have a water processor that can make seawater safe to drink. A place to sleep and at least a rudimentary cooking unit are also requirements because you may NEVER make landfall 'safely' again...not that you'll last too long with all of the 'pirates' scouring the waters for people who prepared better than they did.

Yeah, even the 'safe bet' requires a considerable amount of 'advanced planning' along with 'wherewithal' that most of us just don't have.

Then there are the storms to consider. [You don't need to encounter a hurricane to have your mast/rigging torn off...]

A powerboat relies on fuel and a sail boat also requires fuel since today's sail craft have electric rigging to control the sails. Fuel for your powerboat comes from the danger plagued shore [or those other opportunists that stole a fuel barge to cater to the desperate (obviously not thinking it through) But that resource is good for precisely one fill up, IF those pirates let you sail away.

How far will your powerboat go between fill-ups?

Then there is the issue of how far away from shore do you have to be to be 'safe'? You might have scouted the coast and found isolated coves that would be 'perfect' to park the boat and even spend some time ashore...but this world is pretty crowded and the locals know where to find these coves too. How long before hooligans with fishing boats grab their shotguns to do a little 'offshore hunting'?

A hungry baby is a powerful motivator...and there will be more than one.

I'm picking on the 'obvious' choice if you were going to try and 'escape' the collapse of civilization, basically to drive home the point that even that isn't 'safe' and you will be in major danger once former military craft start scouring the coasts for 'available resources' held by alleged 'renegades'.

The restoration of order SHOULD alleviate these dangers BUT if the 'party people' remain in charge, 'the predation' will also continue. Meaning they will kill indiscriminately solely because they can...and they find it 'amusing'. Also the dead are much easier to deal with than survivors are.

The dead don't say WHAT! when you tell them you expect them to stay in the sand pit and not eat.

Monsters aside, if you are 'reasonably' young and healthy the 'new bosses' will find you grunt work to do. If your 'deal' begins with a piece of a rug thrown in a random corner and a bowl to use in the 'once a day' soup line, welcome to slavery!

Get sick and they might shoot you rather than waste valuable medicine on your otherwise worthless backside. [Probably the biggest 'difference' between now and after will be the pretending stops. Those who think BELIEVE they are better than the rest will start acting like it.

Ironically, this will be short-lived because people who clearly disdain anyone who isn't them can't be trusted, they are too fickle for even the most hardened/jaded of us.

While they are ascendant they are crazy dangerous but once that crazy dangerous gets well known they usually don't last too long. Loose cannons seldom do.

However if the lunatic in question is also a 'rainmaker' their 'followers' tend to be more 'forgiving' of their 'despicable' side.

SOMETIMES this variety of 'no limits' thinking can produce (temporary) tremendous results but more often than not a 'lack of prudence' is its own reward. [and all of this is related to your speculative future by the question of 'how unlucky are you?'

If you're THAT unlucky then nobody has worked up the guts to remove the 'rainmaker' from power. [and you'll be dead before they act.]

Yeah, another thing wasted on humans is 'patience'. People want results and they want them NOW!

I'm sure you encountered the same 'kettle of fish' when you mentally explored the question of 'what SHOULD I do if the shit hits the fan? and today's headlines must mean it's another 'slow news day' because the military knows to the letter exactly what it's going to do if North Korea launches a dud at US territory...or invades the Olympics or whatever.

Today's headlines about 'the military making plans' is bullshit. Them plans have already been made. If anything they are being 'tweaked'.

IF 'an event' occurs you can bet your wallet that the non-existent cabal of overlords orchestrated it.

Too much happens that doesn't make sense. The primary reason 'conspiracy theories' persist is BECAUSE events are NOT 'as advertised'.

Worse, the winners and losers thing. It's not too difficult to figure out who 'wins' when a certain course of action is the recent trillion dollar hole blown in the federal budget...just as FDR's boomers are retiring!

Like the fabled '2nd coming', some twisted bastard is trying to make their 'prediction of disaster' a reality!

Don't know what you're thinking but think again, you CAN run but you CAN'T hide.

When the wheels come flying off you're gonna do what you're doing right now and hope your little slice of heaven escapes notice. Reality is you probably don't have enough food to last 'the week' (meaning THIS week) and you can't think of a single to 'go' that there won't be ten thousand people there ahead of you so the 'bug-in' option has already been made for you.

It is this exact same 'decision tree' that has prevented a revolt...the nowhere to run' dilemma.

No place is 'safe' and soon your little 'hovel' [figure of speech, most of us are far from living in huts.] will provide nothing more than what it always has, a safe place to sleep because there is nothing there that anybody wants.

Your 'problem' rests with the 'bankers'. They are coming for your hovel because forcing you into the streets makes you MUCH easier to control.

[Remember the other day when I pointed to the idea of 'selling freedom'...well, the sellers want it back and if you can't afford it, tough!]

Consider your position and act accordingly...

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


In a rare preview, tomorrow's piece explores the (true) 'price of Freedom'... In keeping with my new titling protocol, only the word 'freedom' will be used.