Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how many of you find it 'less than helpful that the (simpleton) dictionary defines 'freedom as 'the state of being free'?

Worse, how many realize you 'purchase' your 'freedom' from the folks running our society...

That's not right, you were 'born free' ain't nobody sold you nuthin!

Think again, Chuckie.

Without 'coin of the realm' with which to purchase the commodities you need to survive you're 'toast'. AND the 'infamous they' will lock your ass up for being a 'menace to society'.

So you must prostrate yourself to the man with the money to earn your 'daily bread'...all the while begging forgiveness of your 'trespasses' [cuz you on HIS turf and the only reason he don't kill you is because he needs your 'freely given' labor.]

You all KNOW the scam, you pretend to work and he pretends to pay you. [This is what it 'devolves into' you actually do 'work' and he actually does pay you BUT you don't 'do' much and he doesn't pay you much either cuz the process has to be repeated tomorrow, it's marathon, not a sprint, you see.

Without the 'buying and selling' the freedom stops. You can't live in your house or buy food and you can't drive your car because that 'freedom' costs money too.

I didn't understand when a whackjob Libertarian argued that he 'owned' himself. What the hell does that mean?

Well, if you subscribe to the 'slaver mentality' then it makes sense, the only thing you have to sell [in exchange for the things you need] is YOU.

Now, if you're one of the 'lucky' ones you get to 'own' a collection point [a business that accumulates money!] Now you no longer rely on your own efforts to obtain the stuff 'freedom' is made of.

Are you lost yet?

This only makes sense if you commodify EVERYTHING, [In libertarian utopia even the air is 'fungible'...hell, in Somalia they charge you for SHADE, talk about money gone off the rails!]

We really do need to run STUPID out of town on a rail!

None of us were put here to make someone else 'rich'...*despite that being how it all started.

Talk about a cynical bunch, how many of you were taught your only true friend was the dollar in you pocket?

How did that work out for you?

Most people have found money doesn't like them nearly as much as they LOVE money.

Understand, this is all borne out of mankind's loss of their original purpose.

The idea that workers paid for their labor were more 'satisfied' with their lot in life was learned long ago by the original overlords. Make your slaves think they were working towards something larger and they would be much more diligent, especially if they we able to believe that something was 'theirs'.

Why do you suppose that arrangement has turned to shit?

Because it's never enough.

Both sides, it's never enough. No matter how much you give they ask for more, until they start thinking they have the same rights that you do!

They don't have any money! You make it so how can they have ANY? [dig this, his claim to fame is he also forbid anybody else to make their own, like money itself, counterfeiting is also a concept!

But the same people are fighting a global war on the 'idea of terrorism'.

As long as Equality remains a fugitive our betters will continue to 'breed' opponents...only to exterminate them.

[Talk about 'job security!']

Back on topic we have this interesting 'choice of words' [from Wikipedia] Arbeit macht frei is a German phrase meaning "work sets you free". The slogan is known for appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps.

Our civilization was built on the idea that you could 'free' yourself and your family from poverty by 'buying' your freedom with your one commodity, labor.

This is bass-ackwards from the original concept of money being the tool that would 'liberate' you from having to do EVERYTHING yourself.

Why is that? Because the people doling out the money saw what they could do to those who 'wanted it more'.

Because of these criminals we live in a global cesspool intended to keep as many as impoverished as possible.

While 'easy money' would be equally as dangerous the only thing worse would be no regulator at all. [The entire hospitality industry would vanish virtually overnight.]

So we're 'stuck' with money and it's debilitating influences.

This is why the rules regarding money MUST change. Cash or cash substitutes need to be abolished [your money is for YOU is primal.] then there can be no device that transfers money between individuals [or groups/institutions/entities or aliens for that matter]

Money is a 'tool' used to 'regulate access' and not the 'sum of your existence' (by being your golden ticket to freedom.) You would 'use' your money to build the life you desired.

The surrender of your labor would ENTITLE you to the basics, your job would in fact be the basis of your 'freedom' but you wouldn't have to 'buy it' from anybody. It would be your reward for being a member of society.

Not that way now. Now we have the 'sources of money' using it to divide humanity into classes. The 'good' get theirs for 'free'[the 'accepted version' is for 'investing wisely.'] The mud people have to work for theirs and the rest are literally 'given' just enough to survive on, making their lives an exercise in perpetual misery.

Looks like 'gross mismanagement' when put that way but there isn't another explanation.

The 'few' who have their bread buttered on both sides don't want it any other way so the crime continues.

LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD [and enact legislation that keeps it that way like the H.A.E. Law.]

Your money is for you, in that way we can ALL enjoy 'prosperity'. While we sit back and watch the psychos walk a plank of their own design!

Time is running short, the feckless know the jig is up and they will soon make their move...

The outcome will be 'up to you'. Do nothing and you'll reap 'more of the same'. Stand up for what yours and you'll reap better life for us all.

In conclusion the 'price of freedom' is sharing EQUALLY! If YOU can't share then YOU don't deserve the benefits of civil society.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


* Consider the primary purpose of slaves.

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