Sunday, January 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's word is driving a global 'refugee crisis' that the media is ignoring because the crisis has its origins in the overlords favored operating system, capitalism.

People seeking 'asylum' from the inability to get their lives started has triggered a huge pilgrimage from the third world into [what used to be] the first.

This once again only proves the power of 'misinformation'. If China, the planets strongest economy, is turning away refugees at its borders the media is mute...and China has long lived with the reputation of being horrendously 'overpopulated' so why go where the 'problem' is at its worst?

No, the sadly 'misinformed' are flocking to where they were told the streets are paved with gold and opportunity abounds, all you have to do is bend down and pick one up! [You won't find out until later that you can't live on what your new life pays you!]

Did you have to borrow to cash in on that amazing opportunity the lazy slobs living the life dreams are of made of left just lying there? Now you are well and truly and you don't even know it!

Eventually you'll figure it out when expenses due exceeds the amount received and it suddenly dawns on you that you were only earning enough to keep food in your stomach and gas in your 'money machine'. Living indoors was still a question of 'who loves you?' because if the answer is no one, you live in the damn car and that's been proven to be 'bad for business'!

But 'asylum' is where you find it and lasts for as long as it takes to figure out that there is NO HIDING PLACE from the rapacious capitalist.

Everywhere you turn in the land of [false] opportunity you find F-you, pay me! Staring you in the face.

But I digress, this is not about the 'traps' that draw the desperate in hoardes to the 'land of lies', it's the lies themselves.

Funny how the old people tell the youngsters the stories are false but the desperation is so dire they think maybe it will be different for me. [and besides ANYTHING is better than this...until life shows you otherwise!]

In this American's don't have the lock on 'exceptionalism' has long been a 'personal problem'.

What's the 'basic problem'? You and everybody else once removed from the golden trough, can't live on what you're paid!

Couple that with the biggest lie ever told [that this is YOUR FAULT (for not 'doing better')] and you turn entire generation into nomads seeking the 'fountain of life' [that is every bit as metaphorical as the 'fountain of youth'.]

Can't find it? It's right over here but there's no room, maybe in your next life [sucka!]

Dem that has aren't sharing (because their grandpappy taught them from an early age the only people who 'deserve' a seat by the trough were born there. [If GOD had meant for you to be rich you'd have been born that way!]

Here we find a fickle 'Spirit in the Sky' picking winners and losers when 'the Almighty' isn't an 'entity' at all, it's a legal construct given life by the feckless.

D.I.L.L.T.G.A.F? Nope, and they haven't since they decided 'I got mine, f the rest of em!'

This is what 'hooray for me and the hell with you' looks like.

It has also NEVER ended well.

Worse, as the situation becomes more 'desperate' the 'rumors of war' become more pervasive, triggering the, If I'm gonna die anyway relfex in the planets young men [and increasingly, young women...]

Who will lead our modern crusaders? Grandpa!

Grandpa with his stories about the 'old days' and how wonderful things were back when the country woke up to 'Morning in America' [Don't look now but those who didn't live through the horrid Reagan years are being taught how wonderful they were...and it's all LIES but the kids don't know that!

Geez Grandpa, why didn't you tell them about the persistent unemployment and all the people who got skinned in the condo craze? [Which was followed by the 'dot-gone bust' and the OOC stock market? of the Clinton years, a Republican disguised as a Dem.]

These people were cray-cray and YOU idolized them? Is Grandpa a little 'simple'? [There is more to it than just being old and forgetful...]

Grandpa drank just a little too much Kool Aid...[Kool aid made to make the drinker believe shit was gold!]

Remember 'money market accounts' Apparently Grandpa forgot to mention mortgage interest rates were at 18% which took the typical mortgage from $20,000 to six figures with zero basis in reality.

Weren't worth it then and they're not worth it now...but that's not the 'bankster's problem, it's YOURS [considering rents travel in lockstep with mortgages in case you've ever wondered why they figured a two bedroom dump you wouldn't use the toilet in was worth $2,00 a month.]

Predation is everywhere.

Since capitalism stops in its tracks when it runs out of SUCKERS, it continues to 'advertise' in the poverty stricken nations it created that a better life awaits them in the 'golden west' [which is long past its 'sell by' date.] The west has been strip mined and moved behind the world's only remaining Iron Curtain.

THAT'S what Ronnie Reagan accomplished.

So don't be following his syncophants, nothing but ruin lies at the end of that path.

Nope, head for the light of A Simple Plan, where money is returned to its single useful purpose of allowing YOU to build the kind of life YOU want to live with like-minded people, doing what you enjoy!

There will never be 'war' [troublemakers will be executed before things get out of hand.]

Would we still 'tolerate' this 'shithole' if we knew THE BANKSTERS ARE RESPONSIBLE for ALL of our wars (and the resultant needless deaths of millions?)

Have you ever asked yourself 'Where did Hitler get the funding to build his 'million man army'? [The history books are loaded with little 'oversights' like this one. You're taught 'politics' are responsible when in reality it is the 'overlords of money'...]

Did the answer come back 'banksters'?

Um, not for nothing but tyrants aren't the only ones guilty of 'not thinking things through...'

Look in the mirror the next time you feel the urge to point at some 'hapless slob' in uniform and feel 'hero worship' welling up in your heart.

Don't think 'hero', think MURDERER!

The propaganda machine tells us he's 'defending our liberty' [under the threat of field execution] and he deserves our respect and adoration...until he turns up on the streetcorner looking for a handout, then he's labeled a 'menace' or worse, a quitter!

Are these the people YOU want to follow?

[The 'vet' was duped and that's not his/her fault. They should NEVER have been put in harms way in the first place. The amputees created by the 'Police action' in the Middle East should not be subjected to lives as cripples because the Banksters needed to turn a buck?]

Because when you boil away the BS, that's all war is. A money making machine for the feckless.

So, still seeking 'asylum' in a world that doesn't need you? Join the military and help 'right size' the planet!

Today's closing thought is, we all wonder 'what the hell were THEY thinking when the better question is what the hell are YOU thinking? [You OBVIOUSLY aren't.]


Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


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