Greetings good citizen, I have long held that the political process, as it currently exists, provides 'the illusion of participation' for the ignorant masses. Do you think we'd be in this predicament if we voted directly on the laws? Short answer, no.
Today's NY Times featured a piece advocating for automatic voter registration something sure to pour gasoline on an already raging inferno.
Our problem (as a society) is not 'voter participation' but government by the self-serving!
Governments are created to protect the public from the 'pay or die' opportunists among us.
What happens when those the government was created to restrain, seize control of the system?
Have you noticed your grandkids have NO [rational] expectations? School no longer teaches them what to expect or how to achieve their goals. Worse, it no longer teaches people how to get along with one another...although it does take great pains to point out how special each of them is, turning your children into individual islands of personal privilege. [Who's a 'snowflake' now? Never a mirror around when you need one, is there?]
This is what happens when you let the feckless run with scissors, they mold public institutions into platforms for exploitation.
Having more voters does ZERO to insure a more JUST government!
If the PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT is to insure JUSTICE what good is a legislative body run by the very people it was founded to protect us from?
Worse, I [bear with me] belabor the obvious when I point out there is no way to use the system to fix the system.
So here we sit, thralls to the feckless who control the system intended to restrain them to control us. Too late the hang the 'good man' who thought up this idiotic system but we DON'T have to live with it.
I suspect we're past due to 'update' our methodologies, something that scares the feckless spitless [repeat that one three times fast if you think you're so nimble!]
They know the curtain is falling on their selfish ways and they are just milking it for what its worth before it ALL collapses under its own contradictions.
Is that what you're waiting for? [The whole mess to collapse and to look into your children's accusing faces so you can shrug and whisper 'I'm sorry, I don't know how to fix this.']
Not my fault/job isn't entirely true, is it? You COULD HAVE gotten off you dead backside a long time ago, marched down to the local courthouse and lynched the judges before burning the abomination to the ground.
If you fail to stand against 'injustice', you are, by default, standing WITH it.
If not us, who? and if not now, when?
Until next time Head,
Today's NY Times featured a piece advocating for automatic voter registration something sure to pour gasoline on an already raging inferno.
Our problem (as a society) is not 'voter participation' but government by the self-serving!
Governments are created to protect the public from the 'pay or die' opportunists among us.
What happens when those the government was created to restrain, seize control of the system?
Have you noticed your grandkids have NO [rational] expectations? School no longer teaches them what to expect or how to achieve their goals. Worse, it no longer teaches people how to get along with one another...although it does take great pains to point out how special each of them is, turning your children into individual islands of personal privilege. [Who's a 'snowflake' now? Never a mirror around when you need one, is there?]
This is what happens when you let the feckless run with scissors, they mold public institutions into platforms for exploitation.
Having more voters does ZERO to insure a more JUST government!
If the PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT is to insure JUSTICE what good is a legislative body run by the very people it was founded to protect us from?
Worse, I [bear with me] belabor the obvious when I point out there is no way to use the system to fix the system.
So here we sit, thralls to the feckless who control the system intended to restrain them to control us. Too late the hang the 'good man' who thought up this idiotic system but we DON'T have to live with it.
I suspect we're past due to 'update' our methodologies, something that scares the feckless spitless [repeat that one three times fast if you think you're so nimble!]
They know the curtain is falling on their selfish ways and they are just milking it for what its worth before it ALL collapses under its own contradictions.
Is that what you're waiting for? [The whole mess to collapse and to look into your children's accusing faces so you can shrug and whisper 'I'm sorry, I don't know how to fix this.']
Not my fault/job isn't entirely true, is it? You COULD HAVE gotten off you dead backside a long time ago, marched down to the local courthouse and lynched the judges before burning the abomination to the ground.
If you fail to stand against 'injustice', you are, by default, standing WITH it.
If not us, who? and if not now, when?
Until next time Head,