Sunday, March 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the conventions the prevent us from killing one another on sight wear ever thinner the now ancient dilemma of 'who can you trust' springs to the head of the list.

Is it safe to trust people you've trusted in the past? [It's how we get where we are today.] Or do you 'Trust no one' because even siblings have their own agenda's?

The more 'predatory' society becomes [due mostly to 'corruption from above'] the less you can trust people or institutions. What is driving this predatory behavior?

Like you don't know.

Destitution leads to desperation and desperation makes you decidedly untrustworthy.

Feeds on itself.

until it eats you.

Funny how trust is linked to prosperity. We tend to trust the 'prosperous' because they already have more than we do. Why would they lie to us?

If only you knew.

A life built on a lie relies on countless other lies to keep it propped up.

Same when it comes to politicians. We tend to trust politicians that are already rich because with think they've got theirs already...they don't have a reason to 'steal' from us.

But that is often a misperception. Having money and keeping it are two separate things (ask a lottery winner.) If you have become accustomed to a certain 'lifestyle' it's more than a little difficult to revert to a more 'frugal' one.

This is the Mother of desperation. Fighting the relentless slide back into destitution.

This is not only incredibly 'widespread' but much more 'common' than the average citizen realizes. [I seem to have been spared the 'burden' of having money only to watch helplessly as it all slides away from you.]

Small blessing but you take what you, er, 'don't get' and recognize it for what it is.

So it is the 'temporary custodians of plenty' become desperate to hold on to what little is left after it sinks in that their ride on 'the gravy train' is about to be cut short.

Here we find a situation ripe to be exploited by people willing to do just about anything to 'stay on top'.

[This is why under ASP task number one will be to 'deflate the mountain' that the, er, 'woefully misinformed' are so anxious to scale.]

Life, as it is currently laid out, is much like a game of 'king of the hill'. It is impossible to prosper in an atmosphere of distrust and our predecessors have built a landscape so predatory that escape is impossible. [Thus the NEED to tear it down and start over.]

It's a circle. Predation leads to desperation which leads to untrustworthiness which leads back to more predation and an environment too hostile to survive in.

Kids killing kids? Put a fork in it cuz it's DONE.

But I preach to the choir. Everybody knows.

Why NOBODY does anything about it isn't precisely's just that nobody knows where/how to start.

One thing is certain. It can't be negotiated. We can't 'bargain' our way to sanity or show any sign of weakness [the feckless will kill our children and feed them to us just to prove to themselves whose boss!] Oh how they will howl when we do the same thing. Then we will be 'monsters'.

Eye on the prize, children. The name of the game hasn't changed since it began. The purpose of life is SURVIVAL. If we are to survive as a species we must unite for the common good [which means ending the practice of preying upon one another!]

If we can't defeat our own feckless it proves we are too weak to survive and our species will perish because of that weakness.

Eat or be eaten.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


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