Saturday, March 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we spend our entire lives under the 'delusion' that we are doing one thing while we are really doing something else. The 'illusion' is if we work 'hard' [always in relative terms, seems those who physically accomplish the least complain the most about how difficult their job is.]

If, however, what you do accomplish 'gets you noticed' then you might enjoy a small sprinkling of 'appreciation' from your superiors for making them 'look good'. If you can parlay that into a steady stream of accolades, you'll rise through the ranks and turn a blind eye to the very things YOU did to please your superiors. The tendency is to view this as 'sucking up', Once the baton is handed off to the superstar [who literally did nothing 'extraordinary'] failure to move the entire operation off of its foundation is greeted (by the superstar) with a yawn.

[Zero irony in the fact that the superstar's superstar is an idiot!]

(Self-styled) Over-achievers seldom recognize the trait in anyone else, separating the wheat from the chafe, so to speak.

So it is that most of us try to keep our head down and do what's expected of us while being derided come raise time for NOT going the extra mile.

Largely because we know what comes from 'self-inflicted wounds'. If we can snatch one from the shredder and put it back into play, we MIGHT earn a feather in our cap for a day or two but do it consistently and it becomes 'expected'.

Worse, miss one and you'll get called on the carpet for it! [Or earn yourself an undeserved black-eye.]

Which is why most of us don't strive to 'stand out'.

But once again we are too close to view the bigger picture.

In fact most of us are much 'too close' to our personal 'life arc' to appreciate the monumental difference between what we think/believe we are achieving and what is actually happening.

At first we wonder to ourselves if we are just 'unlucky' or perhaps we're just not 'focused' enough. [It has nothing to do with either.] If you are not part of the process you don't get to make the calls. Usually it's that simple and often decisions are based on a certain quid pro quo. A factor that if you're ignorant of, can spell disaster.

So MOST of us aren't even 'in the loop' which is just fine with us. We enjoy getting paid to be a cog in the machine that switches off at 5 PM and doesn't even have to think about work until 8 AM the next day.

Let's suppose you're one of the 'lucky ones' who has landed/created a 'punch the clock' job. punch the clock, do the job, punch the clock again again and go home kind of job.

Your focus is the widget and you can't make widgets at home.

You took this 'uninspiring job' because you like living indoors and eating regularly. The job provides you with a paycheck that keeps a roof over your head, food in your stomach and a couple of bucks extra for the little things that make life 'enjoyable.'

YOU think/believe you'll stay at the job until you retire. How unfortunate for you that every business ON THE PLANET is focused on 'efficiency' (which translates directly into reducing payroll/headcount.) So while you 'plan' on spending your working career building your life with your steady paycheck it is doomed not to be so.

If 'the competition' doesn't chew up your customer base they buy out the company you work for and suddenly your 'years with the company' are seen as a 'liability. You are a long service and 'loyal' employee but the kid you trained two years ago is making half of what they are paying you and that's where the 'cost savings' come from.

You get a pink slip and Bobo becomes the senior man on the shop floor.

We brush this off as part of the 'life's uncertain' phenomenon when, again, that has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

The price of 'inputs' is the SAME for EVERYBODY. [Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register so the cost to the owner is FREE.] The owner has to pay somebody to collect and deliver the inputs to the plant? [that 'cost' (plus a little more for profit) is passed on to the consumer so 'the price' is still 'free'.] Same deal when paying workers to process the inputs into finished goods. That cost is also passed on to the consumer WITH another kicker thrown in for the 'house' so the cost is still do you like me now? Don't you wish YOU owned something with that many 'income streams?

How many of you see where this is going?

All you want is a job to do that makes ends meet AND gives you a little something to play with at the end of the week, so you can 'recreate' (which means different things to different people.)

BECAUSE the MORONS running things are obsessed with 'profits' [that are actually a chimera] so your life has become a perpetual exercise in re-inventing yourself.

Worse. A FULL THIRD of working aged US citizens are counted as 'not in the workforce'. This is the DIRECT RESULT of REPUBLICAN TAX CUTS!

The 'record low' unemployment rate is actually mental masturbation. The current economy is worse than it was during the first Great Depression.

Not what the media tells us? How surprising is that? Look at who is in the White House. The economy is ALWAYS 'great' when Republicans control the government. Just ignore that bleeding from the eye sockets thing. It will clot eventually.

I belabor the obvious when I point out the LIES don't stop there. Everywhere you look you see fantasy being passed off as fact. It's been going on for decades (if not centuries) and for some bizarre reason nobody does anything about it.

That said let us put another 'fallacy' to bed. If you have a better idea, keep it to yourself, nobody wants to hear it.

If it make people miserable/crazy you'll find some idiot that's interested but if it levels the playing field and (however modestly) relieves misery, forget about it.

I dunno what you 'think/believe' you're doing but I do know it's not even close to what's really going on. You just keep kidding yourself until you can't any longer and when that day comes it will be too late.

Thanks for opening our eyes just a teeny bit!


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