Monday, March 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, will all eyes on the 'watch this' preznint we are zipping toward the midterms with very little fanfare and the third budget crisis since comb-over boy took office.

Dunno about the rest of you but if numbnuts shuts down the government after giving those who need it like a hole in the head a Trillion dollar tax break, how many of you would get behind an initiative where he'd swing for malfeasance?

Bizarrely, financial crimes are the stuff slaps on the wrist are made of. Far too many well connected criminals have stolen billions and paid tiny fines, with most of them escaping prosecution altogether.

While money is meaningless, many are the businesses that had their doors shut due to being caught in a net of bankruptcies.

All money is funny but their isn't anything 'humorous' about those who take the money and run.

Have I mentioned we 'handle' money all wrong?

How fortunate for criminals that our legal system thought to make money 'portable'!

How unfortunate for the victims...but nobody thinks about that until afterwards.

So, what do you suppose is going to happen come the midterms? [shift mental gears back to the topic at hand please...]

Now we have, er, 'Progressive' candidates campaigning on the promise to distance themselves from the surrender monkey leadership.

I have pointed out numerous times that part of getting the party endorsement came with pledging to support the party platform and that meant obeying the leaderships reading of what that platform construes.

Some mumbo-jumbo about keeping your powder dry until the last possible moment while your opponents make a laughing stock out of your failure to respond to their juvenile taunts.

Well, that 'policy' is responsible for driving people away from the Democratic brand. [Doesn't help that Ms. Pelosi is the poster girl for the universally despised 'Limousine Liberal!' Who put her in charge of the Democrats, Reagan?]

Nope, she did what ALL POLITICIANS do, she bought it!

We all know politics and money go hand in hand and Nancy is the wife of a multi billionaire. [Problem? What problem?]

[Full Stop]

The voting public doesn't want government handouts [so they can pay their creditors] they want paychecks they can live (and retire on.)

The trillions sloshing around in the off-shore bank accounts of the feckless represent pay increases they never got and lower prices they never saw!

Drain the F'n swamp already!

They keep 'giving away' credit [that few can repay] and it turns up on the books as 'good debt' although they knew when they wrote the deal the borrower couldn't afford it!

[Concepts are 'linked' in cause & effect relationships] We are still in 'politics' mode despite diverging into the mechanics of perpetual debt (which are also political although few recognize it.)

So it is consumer/voters keep getting 'squeezed' via paychecks that don't pay them enough and prices that rise just because the merchant's shareowners want higher share prices.

The thing to understand here is money's ONE USEFUL PURPOSE was defeated a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.

To the feckless, money doesn't matter. Keeping you from taking theirs is ALL that matters. [They stole it fair and square!]

Now we drift back towards the topic at hand.

The midterms are racing towards us and we still haven't lifted a finger towards making our political process effective.

EVEN if we toss the conservatives into the streets and FDR rises from the dead we'd still be in trouble because the world isn't a bombed out husk like it was prior to WWII.

If we don't change commerce society will suffocate under the mountain of debt the feckless saddles the rest of us with just so their kids won't become 'peasants' like the rest of us.

[Problem? What problem?]

Wake up and smell the napalm!

If we don't ABANDON the existing process NOTHING will change.

I have already laid out how much better off everyone would be under ASP [including the 'work adverse'!]

Why do so few recognize the need to stop fighting among ourselves so 'a few' can enjoy over abundance while the rest wallows in squalor?

Balance. What a concept! No extremely wealthy but no devastatingly poor. I'd make that trade in a heartbeat.

Until YOU smarten up it ain't gonna happen.

[Not tellin' ya what to think, just giving ya somethin' to think 'bout.]


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