Greetings good citizen, today's topic is LOVE, a subject we all are familiar with but few of us 'know'. The definition of love is disturbingly similar to the definition of the word 'free' because the word is used to define itself...and if that's helpful let me know how?
Love is love, free is free and WE are 'well and truly'...
[Yeah, put the f-bomb where it belongs and you got it.]
Bizarrely, love IS one of those things 'you'll know it when you see it' where Free is considerably more difficult to detect because so many things masquerade as 'free'.
We (the general public, those of us who have no choice but to sit helplessly with white knuckles on this 'hell ride') lament the unchecked recklessness of the feckless as our rudderless, leaderless society careens toward the cliff of collapse...but make no mistake good citizen. The ride is 'in the chute' rushing towards the blades that will strip it to the bones of every juicy morsel, dumping the skeleton into a vat to be boiled for its essence.
It is the 'appearance' we don't know what were doing or where we're headed that is an illusion. You're strapped in and this is all going exactly to 'plan'.
Not that this can't still go sideways in a colossal way.
There WILL be survivors but only a handful. At first the survivors will be forced by circumstances to pull together but it won't take long before a pattern starts to emerge, a familiar one.
One where a certain subset of the survivors arm themselves and start enforcing rules that nobody in particular crafted. When questioned these 'guards' will either refuse to answer or their 'leader' will claim credit AND authority. (often this is done solely to show the others who is 'in charge'. It's the primary function of police.)
Usually this dance begins with 'if we are to survive then this is how it must be...'
This is the beginning of 'gun rules' [where the ones with the guns/spears/swords make the rules.]
But I digress. Our goal is to head things off BEFORE it gets to the 'band of hapless survivors' stage.
This is where LOVE comes in. [Most of us don't like to handle 'raw' love because it is toxic and few of us can remain rational while under its influence.]
It makes you hesitate that split second too long and you don't pull the trigger to save your life when the thing you love that doesn't love you turns on you.
We ask ourselves how things came to be as they are when we all know the answer...(love.)
It'a a powerful acid that breaks down all rational thought and makes us decide against our better nature, that's how dangerous 'love' can be. We see it used in drama so often that most of us take it for granted and fail to recognize it [which is somewhat bizarre because love truly is the one, er, 'emotion' you can recognize just by looking at the 'smitten'.
The only one that is equally recognizable is it's alleged opposite, hatred.
Most of us can detect 'deep' depression (because being 'bummed' is our 'normal' state of mind...) when we are depressed it shows although it's not as 'obvious' as either of the more extreme mental states.
Politicians exploit our love of different 'aspects' of society, campaigning is a love/hate thing where 'vote for me' boils down to a contest of 'who loves what I love?'
Unsurprisingly very few of us have love for our species...we love our children and it could be considered our greatest single fault but beyond that most of us turn our love either to the mystical or the ephemeral. If you don't, er, 'cherish' the creator, you give your 'love' to the [non-existent] Nation.
Nations, like religions, only exist IN OUR HEADS!
The thieves among us gained control by playing off of your irrational love for either God or Country (and sometimes both, there are no 'limits' on stupid.)
I'm not doing this to make 'friends' but if I'm less than honest it will show and how can you believe anything I tell you?
Love is a dangerous emotion that most of us keep a lid on.
Doesn't help that we are where we are today because 'zealots' channeled their unbridled Love of Country into the most deadly war machine this planet has ever seen.
See 'the problem'?
Look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is the hill you want your KIDS to die on?
Thanks once again for opening you mind and listening,
Love is love, free is free and WE are 'well and truly'...
[Yeah, put the f-bomb where it belongs and you got it.]
Bizarrely, love IS one of those things 'you'll know it when you see it' where Free is considerably more difficult to detect because so many things masquerade as 'free'.
We (the general public, those of us who have no choice but to sit helplessly with white knuckles on this 'hell ride') lament the unchecked recklessness of the feckless as our rudderless, leaderless society careens toward the cliff of collapse...but make no mistake good citizen. The ride is 'in the chute' rushing towards the blades that will strip it to the bones of every juicy morsel, dumping the skeleton into a vat to be boiled for its essence.
It is the 'appearance' we don't know what were doing or where we're headed that is an illusion. You're strapped in and this is all going exactly to 'plan'.
Not that this can't still go sideways in a colossal way.
There WILL be survivors but only a handful. At first the survivors will be forced by circumstances to pull together but it won't take long before a pattern starts to emerge, a familiar one.
One where a certain subset of the survivors arm themselves and start enforcing rules that nobody in particular crafted. When questioned these 'guards' will either refuse to answer or their 'leader' will claim credit AND authority. (often this is done solely to show the others who is 'in charge'. It's the primary function of police.)
Usually this dance begins with 'if we are to survive then this is how it must be...'
This is the beginning of 'gun rules' [where the ones with the guns/spears/swords make the rules.]
But I digress. Our goal is to head things off BEFORE it gets to the 'band of hapless survivors' stage.
This is where LOVE comes in. [Most of us don't like to handle 'raw' love because it is toxic and few of us can remain rational while under its influence.]
It makes you hesitate that split second too long and you don't pull the trigger to save your life when the thing you love that doesn't love you turns on you.
We ask ourselves how things came to be as they are when we all know the answer...(love.)
It'a a powerful acid that breaks down all rational thought and makes us decide against our better nature, that's how dangerous 'love' can be. We see it used in drama so often that most of us take it for granted and fail to recognize it [which is somewhat bizarre because love truly is the one, er, 'emotion' you can recognize just by looking at the 'smitten'.
The only one that is equally recognizable is it's alleged opposite, hatred.
Most of us can detect 'deep' depression (because being 'bummed' is our 'normal' state of mind...) when we are depressed it shows although it's not as 'obvious' as either of the more extreme mental states.
Politicians exploit our love of different 'aspects' of society, campaigning is a love/hate thing where 'vote for me' boils down to a contest of 'who loves what I love?'
Unsurprisingly very few of us have love for our species...we love our children and it could be considered our greatest single fault but beyond that most of us turn our love either to the mystical or the ephemeral. If you don't, er, 'cherish' the creator, you give your 'love' to the [non-existent] Nation.
Nations, like religions, only exist IN OUR HEADS!
The thieves among us gained control by playing off of your irrational love for either God or Country (and sometimes both, there are no 'limits' on stupid.)
I'm not doing this to make 'friends' but if I'm less than honest it will show and how can you believe anything I tell you?
Love is a dangerous emotion that most of us keep a lid on.
Doesn't help that we are where we are today because 'zealots' channeled their unbridled Love of Country into the most deadly war machine this planet has ever seen.
See 'the problem'?
Look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is the hill you want your KIDS to die on?
Thanks once again for opening you mind and listening,
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