Saturday, March 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it's all fine and well to sit here two years ahead of the 2020 Presidential race and think smugly there is NO WAY El Trumpo will get re-elected...

Well if your mind is traveling along that track maybe you had better consider just what you intend to do about it if [like last time] he's the 'least repellent' candidate.

The thing most of you don't appreciate is you get the candidate the money is willing to back. Is all money funny? Sure is but the 'more for me' crowd has more than you and the rest of the disgusted voters in this country, COMBINED.

We got an imbecile in the White House because the choice was that or worse. Would a 'full of herself' female been worse than an arrogant social retard remains an open issue. Would Hillary be tossing grenades at our allies? Probably not.

Chances are we are living one of those Cormac McDonald moments were we may never know what worse luck our bad luck is saving us from...

The public voted against Wall Street except Wall Street commands the Republican party [actually both of them but it only admits to it's, er 'borrow and spend' allies.]

How many of you would get behind legislation that shuts down Wall Street?

Most of you, right? It serves no purpose and is responsible for funding lobbyists that have hijacked the political process. It has already been leaked that dozens of pieces of 'special interest legislation' were 'hidden' in the latest omnibus spending bill [a trillion dollars] to keep the scandal plagued 'government' open for SIX MORE MONTHS!

Did you hear comb-over boy? I only signed it because they had a gun to my head, John Bolton made me,Stormy said she'd let me see them again they promised to put sprinkles on my dessert AND it increased spending for the military.

Oh, wait! Didn't he run for 'Commander-in-Chief' instead of the presidency? [All the Republicans did...WTF?]

Needless to say, even if we succeed in electing Pat Paulsen we still aren't out of the woods yet. [Yeah, he's dead but he's still better than El Trumpo.]

Why is it the administration of this (and every other) nation resemble a three ring circus?

No accountability.

How do you have a loose cannon like Trump declared unfit for office when the people sitting in judgement of him are no better? Worse, the people who 'appointed' our representatives can't be put on trial!

They SHOULD BE but since the Judge owes his job to these people it's sort of a fuckaree, isn't it?

What's 'the danger' here, good citizen? Running to the polls every ten minutes to cast a no confidence vote or staring helplessly at the distant horizon while the mushroom clouds blossom because the halfwit appointed a lunatic to be his National Security Adviser...or that his 'world view' comes from Fox & Friends?

The 'system' has ALWAYS been broken and WE WON'T be given a chance to fix it because the self-interested FEAR what we'll change!

'The Game' [of hedging your bets] is as old as humanity. Once everything leans on a few key pieces it all marches in lockstep to whoever calls the tune.

Same as it ever was. We can 'right' this situation but we must first purge the self-interested from any connection to the decision-making process.

Starting with the Human anti-exploitation law, which all successive laws MUST pass muster with to even be put to THE PUBLIC for a vote [no more untouchable legislators] we shall re-write the laws and streamline the legal process making it accessible (and accountable) to all.

Shutter the banks, shutter the stock market and shutter the insurance industry. Yup, close them all and lock their doors. Pink slips all around. You folks will be provided employment suitable for your talents [and you'll do it if you want to stick around!

Those who think co-operative living is incompatible with their personal goals are cordially invited to embark on an all expense paid trip to 'Lord of the Flies' island where 'nature' will play itself out, unhindered by those pesky virtues sissy-boys value so much like fairness and honesty and the wimpiest of them all, SHARING!

Understand it will (initially) be mighty crowded on Freedom Island, which is what the co-operation adverse will likely call it. [Think Somalia, where they charge you for SHADE!] Can't pay? too bad, they'll get theirs out of you one way or the other.

Eat or be eaten makes you mighty heartless, mercy is a quality you can't afford when you're playing by the 'laws of the jungle'.

Rock, meet hard place. If you won't do your part you will be sent to live where you can do or not do as you please, the best you can, in some of the most inhospitable places on the planet.

[STOP] I include this side excursion 'off the reservation' to demonstrate that society is 'salvageable'. Those are only SOME of the things necessary to right the rudderless ship, the 'large' pieces so to speak.

We don't need to kill EVERYBODY to get a fresh start.

That said, if WE [the bulk of humanity] don't wrest control of our destiny from the freakishly selfish and totally insane we doom our children to a fate worse than death.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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