Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen. Seems the authorities got lucky and the latest mass murderer to take it to the public blew himself up.

We may never know if Bobo's entire point was if you want to bad enough, guns aren't the only way to go?

Let's hope the guy that attempts to synthesize chemical agents to terrorize the public with poisons himself in the process as well.

Is this our media obsessed culture or have we finally succeeded in training our youth to hate humanity by feeding the id's 'dark-side'.

Even as I write these appeals to your 'better self' there is a segment of you out there that sneer at my seeming naivete.

Why waste your time old man? They aren't worth it! The sentiment probably runs deeper than I imagine too. This type's eyes glass over at the mere mention of the term 'save the species/end the predation/remove the damaged (although they can probably get behind that last part of the program. Trouble is they also subscribe to the 'let god sort 'em out' school.)

The Rubicon here is once you convince yourself that 'people suck' there is no turning back.

The rampagers don't hesitate and think, no she looks nice, don't shoot her! The only thing going through their mind come crunch time is 'let the bodies hit the floor'.

So yeah, this post asks the question 'why'?

The answer [for those of you still wondering] is the obvious collapse of the justice system.

There are still cops and jury duty and all that the 'pedestrian level' but justice disappears above that.

Get soaked for student loans? Can't sue, have to arbitrate!

When Justice vanishes and recourse is removed there is 'Hell to pay!'

The general image the average citizen gets is that the wealthy are able to 'buy' whatever outcome they evidenced by the president's most recent accusers.

[Sort of a mind-blower there though. Imagine being 'gagged' by the flippin' National Inquirer!]

There are so many elephants in the public square...where is the 'drain-plug'?

Have the military seize the government offices? Nope, because the commanders work for criminals in charge.

You start by defunding the WHOLE shebang!

Then you start, er, 'deporting' the criminals.

[If we are to 're-start' the operation, the previous 'players' have to be (physically) removed from the playing field.]

Before re-populating the operation, the new managers have to be 'vetted' for both competence AND distance from the old players.

[Resistance will be 'sporadic' (but determined) Only a fool would go against public sentiment but we have never suffered from a shortage of fools.] The trick there will be to isolate and remove the fool from his cadre of minions.

We can't 'restore justice' when everybody is convinced the current system is 'beyond tainted'.

Wanna stop the vigilantes? Restore Justice.

Asked and answered.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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