Friday, March 2, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we all know incompetence when we see it but when it comes from on high we are forced to just suck it up and hope the boob does something dire enough to warrant removing them from their position of authority.

Problem is these morons look out for one another...and sometimes are the primary reason an unqualified candidate got the position in the first place. (Trump's cabinet anyone?) [The downside of Citizen's United, where one dollar equals one vote...who said The Supremes were qualified? They obviously AREN'T]

Money has always played a role in politics but since politics has been transformed into a media run circus the process no longer serves the interests of the people, just as capitalism generates too many losers to be tolerated an longer. [Where are your Supremes now?]

Sadly there is no mechanism to control the competence of the elect after they have assumed office. [Under ASP candidates run on their 'track record' which is more concrete/reliable than 'campaign promises'. Since 'lawmaker' is removed from their plate they serve one function, 'problem solver'. If you suck at that you don't deserve the job! [Yeah, I'm looking at you, comb-over boy!]

Under ASP if the primary 'fails' there are eleven more where that one came from...but the tests should be adequate to ferret out incompetence LONG BEFORE they EVER assume office.

The 'scary sidebar' here is our current POTUS only succeeded in being the LEAST WORST candidate for the job. What a sad indictment of what passes for our political process.

[PS: We are still saddled with a system where the primary qualification for elected office remains the willingness to act in the 'best interests' of those who paid to put you in office.]

Serious shit considering all MONEY IS FUNNY! They (the feckless) will Always have more money than we do. [Seizing the printing press won't help, they will still have pens!]

Perhaps now you will see why ASP's singular form of punishment is exclusion. It is not safe to tolerate the feckless to live among us.

Will Exile be 'crowded'? At first, yes but most of this will be due to the way they were brought up. Change that and the numbers will drop to a manageable level. [Hatred and superiority are both learned traits. We get them from our parents.]

It is somewhat striking that nobody has tumbled to the notion that our 'family values' are what drives our warlike nature?

While it is common for women to profess that nobody can love their baby like THEY love their babies, take a good look at how 'well-loved' we all AREN'T!

Naturally, the X-factor in play here is few can handle LOVE rationally, so we/they don't.

The heart wants what the heart wants and that's all there is to it.

I'm also going to suspect that NOBODY even imagined cutting the cord before it got a chance to attach but there it is.

An individual lives the bulk of its existence not with its siblings but with the rest of society. The earlier the individual gets acclimated to their 'primary environment' the better.

Birthing a child and raising them are two very distinct tasks. If you are like most parents you excel at one and suck at the other. [not entirely your fault, you were raised by damaged goods so you are drawing upon a broken skill set.]

Today's parents were yesterday's 'latch-key' kids who pretty much raised themselves because their parents were absent, pursuing the almighty so they could provide their 'precious' with every possible advantage [fat lot of good it did either of them!]

The kids we 'lovingly' refer to in the CONSERVATIVE MEDIA as 'snowflakes' were raised in front of their (now demented) grandparents TV set.

[Beginning to see the 'incompetence theme' being repeated throughout the current process?] I do mention in my intro that I fear few can follow my 'leaps of logic' to their intended conclusion but EVERYTHING is 'related/connected'!

If humanity is to have a chance it must first stop working against itself. [If not me, who? Someone smarter perhaps? Let 'em step right up! I ain't hoggin' the soapbox...there's plenty of room here.]

What passes for incompetence is often merely resistance to change [a factor the feckless abhor, they work hard keeping the playing field tilted in their favor...and trust me, FEW appreciate it!]

Contrarily, if we DON'T change it will end us [here at least.]

Brings us full circle, doesn't it? Why should I care when nobody else does and who say's I'm competent?

Sadly, that answer lies in the definition of 'normal/sane' [whatever the majority believes at any given point in time (regardless of how irrational.)]

How frightening is THAT?

But I digress...the central theme here is a carefully cultivated incompetence that the current system isn't designed to handle.

Left to our own devices is how we deal with this, er, 'situation'.

We can't vote our way out of it [nor will our representatives do it because they only listen to major campaign contributors] Did you read how Delta Airlines got spanked by Washington/Wall Street for breaking ties with the NRA?

We got the answer really 'drink heavily?'

How sad is it most of us can't afford to drink moderately?

The hand to mouth thing won't end until we break the feckless's grip on the false economy either. Just sayin', ya know?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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