Greetings good citizen, the media continues to remind us of what we've all known for time out of mind, that a 'divide' exists in society. While the feckless media tells us the divide is 'political' that is only party true.
What has changed in the past fifty years? Politics (through the media) has become dominated by the very people governments are established to protect the rest of us from.
This divide has always been and will remain unchanged [until JUSTICE intervenes and restores money to it's singular useful purpose. (Yes good citizen, since money is a 'legal fiction' it is completely controlled by the LAWS governing it!)] The Elephant in the room is what masquerades as Justice isn't that at all.
Change the law and 'the rich' go poof! Disappear like they never existed.
To insure it stays that way we would would also have to place the power to alter this arrangement beyond the reach of the self-interested...
But THAT is 'the divide' they keep pointing at repeatedly as the primary reason why we are politically scuttled.
A news item on today's homepage tells us that Democrats in high income states [funny how the rich gravitate towards places where social services and the standard of living tend to be higher than the Bible thumping, 'fly-over' Red States] are working to engineer 'tax relief' for their already blessed One Percent constituents.
This jives with an opinion expressed by a guest on Real Time this week, an opinion that is closely associated with 'cognitive dissonance'. People don't 'hate' the rich or even particularly 'resent them' [for bankrupting the economy.] It's because the TERMINALLY STUPID are CONVINCED the government is responsible for wage and prices rather than rabid shareowners and crooked corporate board executives!]
Nixon instituted 'price controls' on major commodities and there was a 'revolt' (by the owners of those commodities!)
[Background music: Wall Street used price controls to skew markets and boost share prices at the owners expense. If we are to enjoy 'sanity' in the market place we must END 'financial speculation' in the markets across the board.]
But the last thing the Wannabe rich want to hear is the sound of the door to 'Dreamland' slamming shut.
So while we'd all LIKE TO THINK that the average person is merely MISINFORMED we too need to face reality and admit the problem is 'deeper' than that.
We ARE without a doubt 'divided' and the 'problem' isn't restricted to the yawning gulf between 'rich & poor' but between the rational and the hopelessly stupid.
Remember, the 'difference' between ignorance and stupidity is rationality. Correct someone's ignorance and they will become rational but those who refuse to accept reality will continue to wait stubbornly for God to deliver the pony he promised them.
This is why stupid is (for the most part) permanent.
If you are incapable of distinguishing lies from facts...face it, you're hopeless.
In the 'feeble's defense' it's not ENTIRELY their fault. We hold a considerable amount of nonsense in our heads for quite a while before we discover we were duped!
Some people realize this and some people stubbornly cling to their, er, 'fantasies'.
The 'saving grace' [the reason why people don't 'hate' the rich is because they believe the lie that they too might be rich someday and they don't want to be hated because they are rich!
Don't know, could happen.
Despite the staggering odds against it.
[Forgive me for this but it seems no matter how many times you smack this spike it doesn't sink in so I'm going to whack it a few more times.]
Wages and prices are ARBITRARY! The ONLY 'governing factor' is 'perceived value'. Nobody is going to give you a million dollars for a paperclip regardless of what it's made of. Conversely we regularly get FLEECED by the banks for the biggest 'investment' any of us make, shelter.
The 'governing factor' there is 'perceived safety'. You'll pay more for a stack of lumber in a 'nice neighborhood' than you would for an identical one in a long neglected area.
AGAIN, the government has NOTHING TO DO with setting prices nor do they control the your paycheck [beyond protecting you against being 'underpaid'. That's what the 'minimum wage' is all about despite what you've been told.
Why do you pay all outdoors for rent? Because rents travel in LOCKSTEP with mortgage rates in a given area. If the houses are run down and people are unwilling to pay much for them the rents in THAT area remain 'lower than industry average' but if the property is 'close' to a more prosperous area [within 20 miles] you'll pay 'whatever the traffic will bear.'
This went horribly sideways in Mexico, where the 'job creators' paid the minimum wage and nothing more.
Pay the minimum required and you'll get the least required out of your workers. [Funny how that works, eh? It also explains why Mexico remained an economic wasteland for most of its existence, capitalism can be a powerful depressant when applied in reverse [as the people of North America are about to find out.] Willingness to work has NEVER been a factor.
Here's the real dilly! Are you mad at the government for NOT providing you with reasonable accommodations or wages? Now it's time to look at WHO funds political campaigns!
Why look, it's the same people that keep taking you long and deep for all of your 'necessities'. They are the folks that fund the people running for office. What do you suppose the people running of office have to promise in order to get that money?
You may be feeble but you're not completely stupid!
If it isn't campaign season they forget you even exist...and MONEY is the reason why.
So while I point to the 'Rich/Poor divide the secondary one is the Dumb/Smart divide.
You're already poor, do you want to be STUPID too?
Thanks for letting me 'cure your ignorance',
What has changed in the past fifty years? Politics (through the media) has become dominated by the very people governments are established to protect the rest of us from.
This divide has always been and will remain unchanged [until JUSTICE intervenes and restores money to it's singular useful purpose. (Yes good citizen, since money is a 'legal fiction' it is completely controlled by the LAWS governing it!)] The Elephant in the room is what masquerades as Justice isn't that at all.
Change the law and 'the rich' go poof! Disappear like they never existed.
To insure it stays that way we would would also have to place the power to alter this arrangement beyond the reach of the self-interested...
But THAT is 'the divide' they keep pointing at repeatedly as the primary reason why we are politically scuttled.
A news item on today's homepage tells us that Democrats in high income states [funny how the rich gravitate towards places where social services and the standard of living tend to be higher than the Bible thumping, 'fly-over' Red States] are working to engineer 'tax relief' for their already blessed One Percent constituents.
This jives with an opinion expressed by a guest on Real Time this week, an opinion that is closely associated with 'cognitive dissonance'. People don't 'hate' the rich or even particularly 'resent them' [for bankrupting the economy.] It's because the TERMINALLY STUPID are CONVINCED the government is responsible for wage and prices rather than rabid shareowners and crooked corporate board executives!]
Nixon instituted 'price controls' on major commodities and there was a 'revolt' (by the owners of those commodities!)
[Background music: Wall Street used price controls to skew markets and boost share prices at the owners expense. If we are to enjoy 'sanity' in the market place we must END 'financial speculation' in the markets across the board.]
But the last thing the Wannabe rich want to hear is the sound of the door to 'Dreamland' slamming shut.
So while we'd all LIKE TO THINK that the average person is merely MISINFORMED we too need to face reality and admit the problem is 'deeper' than that.
We ARE without a doubt 'divided' and the 'problem' isn't restricted to the yawning gulf between 'rich & poor' but between the rational and the hopelessly stupid.
Remember, the 'difference' between ignorance and stupidity is rationality. Correct someone's ignorance and they will become rational but those who refuse to accept reality will continue to wait stubbornly for God to deliver the pony he promised them.
This is why stupid is (for the most part) permanent.
If you are incapable of distinguishing lies from facts...face it, you're hopeless.
In the 'feeble's defense' it's not ENTIRELY their fault. We hold a considerable amount of nonsense in our heads for quite a while before we discover we were duped!
Some people realize this and some people stubbornly cling to their, er, 'fantasies'.
The 'saving grace' [the reason why people don't 'hate' the rich is because they believe the lie that they too might be rich someday and they don't want to be hated because they are rich!
Don't know, could happen.
Despite the staggering odds against it.
[Forgive me for this but it seems no matter how many times you smack this spike it doesn't sink in so I'm going to whack it a few more times.]
Wages and prices are ARBITRARY! The ONLY 'governing factor' is 'perceived value'. Nobody is going to give you a million dollars for a paperclip regardless of what it's made of. Conversely we regularly get FLEECED by the banks for the biggest 'investment' any of us make, shelter.
The 'governing factor' there is 'perceived safety'. You'll pay more for a stack of lumber in a 'nice neighborhood' than you would for an identical one in a long neglected area.
AGAIN, the government has NOTHING TO DO with setting prices nor do they control the your paycheck [beyond protecting you against being 'underpaid'. That's what the 'minimum wage' is all about despite what you've been told.
Why do you pay all outdoors for rent? Because rents travel in LOCKSTEP with mortgage rates in a given area. If the houses are run down and people are unwilling to pay much for them the rents in THAT area remain 'lower than industry average' but if the property is 'close' to a more prosperous area [within 20 miles] you'll pay 'whatever the traffic will bear.'
This went horribly sideways in Mexico, where the 'job creators' paid the minimum wage and nothing more.
Pay the minimum required and you'll get the least required out of your workers. [Funny how that works, eh? It also explains why Mexico remained an economic wasteland for most of its existence, capitalism can be a powerful depressant when applied in reverse [as the people of North America are about to find out.] Willingness to work has NEVER been a factor.
Here's the real dilly! Are you mad at the government for NOT providing you with reasonable accommodations or wages? Now it's time to look at WHO funds political campaigns!
Why look, it's the same people that keep taking you long and deep for all of your 'necessities'. They are the folks that fund the people running for office. What do you suppose the people running of office have to promise in order to get that money?
You may be feeble but you're not completely stupid!
If it isn't campaign season they forget you even exist...and MONEY is the reason why.
So while I point to the 'Rich/Poor divide the secondary one is the Dumb/Smart divide.
You're already poor, do you want to be STUPID too?
Thanks for letting me 'cure your ignorance',
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