Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, been a while since we have taken a moment to ponder a mystery even the infamous they can't agree on. It has been my position that the objective behind fielding what could be best described as 'The Moron's Circus' in the role of 'Leaders of the *Free World' is to ignite another World War.

Mostly because neither of the first two resulted in their true hearts desire of 'The Second Coming'.

Bizarrely, this casts El Trumpo in the unlikely role of the epitome of Evil [rather than what he truly is, the King of Stupid] although some would counter that Putin is the Anti-Christ in the upcoming nuclear stand-off.

If we back away from this imponderable we would be forced to ask if we aren't doomed to keep attempting to achieve the 'End Times' just so the 'Faithful/hopelessly stupid' can have closure?

The book says this is how it happens so we/they are going to keep on trying until it happens...[Lord, hear our prayers!]

On the surface the whole idea is laughable but there isn't another narrative being played out at the moment. Was Armageddon included in the version prior to the current one? [The King James version is only the most recent incarnation of a oft revised and much redacted text.] While few are aware of it, there are, er, 'groups' working as you read this [literally editing] the trusty King James version to preserve its 'relevance'.

Now the Bible itself has a passage prohibiting changes that reads just like a witches' incantation. Subtract from this work and your name will be erased from the book of life, [God version] add to it and all of the curses therein will be heaped upon you!

Yet they toil away, keeping the work 'relevant'....because our rapidly changing lexicon would quickly make 'the word of god' incomprehensible to future generations...and we are all witnesses to what occurs when differences of opinion rise regarding interpretations of the 'Holy Text(s)'.

[STOP] When confronted, nobody is going to admit [initially] that they are acting on what the 'voices in my head tell me to do'...because that is our definition of psycho. Now NOBODY has SEEN 'the mystery man' since he last physically manifested himself as his own son [there's some kind of clever dodging going on there too but nobody has been able to figure it out so (by order of the church) it's taken at 'face value'.]

While most of us would readily agree that this place is being 'ruled' by 'crazy people', for some bizarre reason it's okay because the crazy people BELIEVE they are acting on the behalf of God [for which there remains zero evidence of.]

How fortunate is it for the whack jobs of this world that their FOLLOWERS DON'T THINK?


Yeah, I know you don't like standing in front of this mirror but it's YOU we're talking about here and the only way to solve the problem is getting YOU to admit the problem EXISTS in the first place!

Until then it's 'Problem? What problem?'

After you've had your nose rubbed in the problem the tendency is to brush it off...'you think too much' (which isn't actually a problem, it's YOUR not thinking enough that is bringing on WW III at a breakneck pace!

[May I redirect your attention to the train wreck we so tritely refer too as foreign affairs? (my way or the highway!)]

What do you suppose the puppet masters hope to gain by firing an already unqualified Head Diplomat and replacing him with El Dumbo's 'yes' man?

The pretzel logic here would suggest that if the Preznint and the Sec. of State agreed we needed to nuke 'fill in the blank' (enemy of Israel) off the face of the planet the joint chiefs would have no choice but to agree.

The Evangelicals (the people really running things) view themselves as 'God's Soldiers' (thus perpetual war is 'natural' for them) and it won't end until they are 'permitted' to sit at the Right hand of the Father and bask in 'his' glory...forever. [which sort of tips you to the fact that these people aren't big on thinking...they obviously have no clue what 'forever' represents.

They start their day with a 'prayer meeting' and THEN they proceed to address the needs of their masters [the One Percent, who are God's 'exempt'.] (If you 'own' god you don't have to obey he/she/it)

Did I mention psycho?


Trouble with 'religion' is most people only have a passing acquaintance with it. Either you're devout or you're not.

Now this disturbs the devout to no end. They want nothing more than to prove they haven't been MORONS their whole lives for believing the lies of fakers.

The ONLY way to prove to the sinners that their faith is genuine is to bring about the return of God in the flesh...and if that means thermo-nuclear destruction, well, the faithful have nothing to worry about because they will finally be with their one true love!

Bad news for the rest of us. We're going to die just to prove stupid wrong. [And the ones that don't die in the initial attack will die a slow miserable death after the food runs out.]

Take a moment and consider the 'backlash' there would be if the 'devout' came right out and proclaimed there was a war against evil and it wouldn't end until god returns to lead the charge?

We'd have them all locked up [or at least that would be the hope.]

The 'corridors of power' are a forbidding place for a reason. Few none who walk there are sane.

For those of you who fail to appreciate the gravity of the situation, we are fighting the 'separation of Church and State' battle all over again.

Only this time it's the Church with its finger on the nuclear button. [Sort of redefines 'fire and brimstone' although most of us wonder what brimstone actually is? Do you have to go to England to find it?]

Come on good citizen, walk it back and connect the dots. It's all there if you just LOOK for it!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


* Substitute 'Christian' for Free and it takes on a whole new meaning...

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