Thursday, March 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we are blessed not to be myopic automatons that all want the same things in life. That said, these differences that 'broaden our horizons' are used to classify us as 'less human' by the very same animal that thinks they are the 'purist'.

What makes a bigot? Most of the time your upbringing does it but some of them are 'self-made'.

Well, we have a deep reservoir of diversity so [ironically] bigots tend to be diverse as well.

Each division [color, religion, ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation and let's not neglect economic status/educational background. [the two are usually linked, with degrees serving more like 'pedigrees' showing the world how much your parents could afford to blow without hurting themselves financially. (it's not what you learned but where you learned it that counts!)]

Certain things you're born to. We don't get to pick what color we are or our economic station in life and even our religion is 'handed to us' by the dominant family member along with the customs typical of our nation of origin. [again, dominant family member governs which traditions the family follows more closely although they will attempt to 'make allowances' for their partners most beloved ethnic traditions.]

So it is not internally that we find fault with the 'other' but outside the family unit.

It all starts with that universal yardstick, money, with money made from power trumping money accrued through shrewd business acumen. This triggers the 'I'm superior to you' debate but fret not, we are both superior to everyone else!

Behind each others backs they assure themselves that they are superior because of their 'other advantages', a list that differs depending on who is being compared.

You'd think rock bottom would be a great leveler but no, The family living in the most rundown apartment ever still thinks themselves superior to humanity's cattle, the homeless.

Even there you find people being 'sub-categorized'. If you're healthy at least you aren't fighting off an illness while trying to panhandle a living from passersby. And if you're homeless in the south at least you aren't freezing your buttocks off up north [despite being on constant lookout for bugs, snakes, coyotes and other predators of the two legged variety.]

Rather than set a basement [minimum standards] we are instead warned to 'count our blessings'.

Remember, destitution is counted by the faithful as 'God's Will'!

Instead of acting to alleviate the problem we pretend the victims deserve their circumstances.

No shortage of 'charities' [most of them highly specialized, 'legally tailored' to address a specific kind of need and only that need] and nobody questions why the freakishly selfish get to deduct huge sums for doing so little good.]

If YOU want to 'lawyer up' and found a charity to help society's cast offs you are free to do so. The problem with the homeless is commerce has no use for them [read THE OWNERS of commerce cannot profitably employ them! So their 'destiny' is destitution.]

Yet we let this charade continue.

What's wrong with you?

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