Greetings good citizen, one of the most vexing problems facing not just the individual but society as a whole is 'purpose'. You are born with one and it goes without saying that 'purpose' is survival.
Curiously, not everybody/thing fights extermination but the ones that do fight it with every fiber of their existence.
More telling is how our biological imperative drives us not only to survive but to reproduce. [In a true conundrum some of you find discussing these basic facts distasteful, like there's something putrid lurking in our most basic animal drives.]
Might be why most of you are incapable of 'facing facts'. What do you suppose was going through THIS GUY'S HEAD?
The surprise here is the original reports claimed this video didn't exist.
There are 2 videos detailing Paddock's movements before the videos veer off onto other topics [the ambushing of four US soldiers in North Africa while almost nobody knew they were even there.]
In this respect the media covers its own backside. They are doing the job of tracking down and staying on top of the news they are allowed to cover. Conversely, there remains a ton of things they ignore at their master's behest.
The puzzle Mr. Paddock presents is here we have (by every traditional standard) a 'successful' man at the twilight of his life suddenly turning rogue.
One thing can't be denied, he put a great deal of thought and planning into his 'choreographed exit', he insured that his '15 minutes' were more than just a blip on a more than a little pointless radar screen.
Just spit-ballin' here but doesn't it look like this 'successful individual' looked back on his life and found he hadn't left so much as a footprint behind?
The even larger picture here is clowns like me, pointing to cause and effect relationships while the 'just move along, nothing to see here crowd' tries to bury the incident HOPING it won't be REPEATED!
If WE fail to appreciate the significance of a particularly heinous act you are literally BEGGING for it to be repeated in ever increasing scale!
We can only contemplate what the next 'disgruntled human' will take it into their head to do that will 'etch their name into the history books!'
Unsurprisingly, there is zero distinction between famous and infamous in the minds of the twisted, if you don't possess the talent to have your name in lights there's always blood.
BUT I digress.
Life is about survival, not our place in the history books.
[Here we once again bump up against the conflicting opinions of Some of us think too much and many of us don't think enough, is 'wisdom' knowing the difference between the two?]
I prefer the original definition: Knowledge is knowing what to do and wisdom is knowing when to do it (or not.)
[STOP] This is an odd place to put such a dire observation but I have been saying from the beginning that the appointment of El Trumpo to the office of Leader of the Free/Christian World is to quicken the 2nd coming [also known as the annihilation of humanity on this planet.]
If God returns s/he/it will be greeted by no one. The bugs will still be here but the bugs won't care that man's god has returned only to find a For Sale or Lease sign in the place where s/he/it abandoned/left its 'greatest creation'.
While it's 'easy' to brush incidents like Las Vegas off as 'outriders', we have to pause for a moment and consider how long we can survive living among the hopelessly stupid/shallow?
We aren't educating our progeny properly. By offering our children platitudes instead of a purpose we fail to make it clear to them that life is meant to be more fulfilling than 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am'...[done, next!]
We can't ALL make the history books. (Fortunately, most of us are cool with that, partly driven by our keen appreciation of the difference between 'famous' and 'infamous'.) Nobody wants to be remembered as the legendary fuck-up!
Which is also to volunteer that God's epitaph hasn't been written yet...How ironic so few appreciate the 'Prince of Peace' exists to JUSTIFY unspeakable cruelty (it's God's Will ya know?)
Are you MORE than a self-replicating automaton put here to 'shop til you drop?
If you answer no you aren't fulfilling your primary purpose of making some ungrateful A-hole rich.
But they don't want you thinking like that...bad for business.
Why do I fear most of you stop thinking after I've made my point?
Doesn't stop me from trying.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to help yourself to the free enlightenment!
Curiously, not everybody/thing fights extermination but the ones that do fight it with every fiber of their existence.
More telling is how our biological imperative drives us not only to survive but to reproduce. [In a true conundrum some of you find discussing these basic facts distasteful, like there's something putrid lurking in our most basic animal drives.]
Might be why most of you are incapable of 'facing facts'. What do you suppose was going through THIS GUY'S HEAD?
The surprise here is the original reports claimed this video didn't exist.
There are 2 videos detailing Paddock's movements before the videos veer off onto other topics [the ambushing of four US soldiers in North Africa while almost nobody knew they were even there.]
In this respect the media covers its own backside. They are doing the job of tracking down and staying on top of the news they are allowed to cover. Conversely, there remains a ton of things they ignore at their master's behest.
The puzzle Mr. Paddock presents is here we have (by every traditional standard) a 'successful' man at the twilight of his life suddenly turning rogue.
One thing can't be denied, he put a great deal of thought and planning into his 'choreographed exit', he insured that his '15 minutes' were more than just a blip on a more than a little pointless radar screen.
Just spit-ballin' here but doesn't it look like this 'successful individual' looked back on his life and found he hadn't left so much as a footprint behind?
The even larger picture here is clowns like me, pointing to cause and effect relationships while the 'just move along, nothing to see here crowd' tries to bury the incident HOPING it won't be REPEATED!
If WE fail to appreciate the significance of a particularly heinous act you are literally BEGGING for it to be repeated in ever increasing scale!
We can only contemplate what the next 'disgruntled human' will take it into their head to do that will 'etch their name into the history books!'
Unsurprisingly, there is zero distinction between famous and infamous in the minds of the twisted, if you don't possess the talent to have your name in lights there's always blood.
BUT I digress.
Life is about survival, not our place in the history books.
[Here we once again bump up against the conflicting opinions of Some of us think too much and many of us don't think enough, is 'wisdom' knowing the difference between the two?]
I prefer the original definition: Knowledge is knowing what to do and wisdom is knowing when to do it (or not.)
[STOP] This is an odd place to put such a dire observation but I have been saying from the beginning that the appointment of El Trumpo to the office of Leader of the Free/Christian World is to quicken the 2nd coming [also known as the annihilation of humanity on this planet.]
If God returns s/he/it will be greeted by no one. The bugs will still be here but the bugs won't care that man's god has returned only to find a For Sale or Lease sign in the place where s/he/it abandoned/left its 'greatest creation'.
While it's 'easy' to brush incidents like Las Vegas off as 'outriders', we have to pause for a moment and consider how long we can survive living among the hopelessly stupid/shallow?
We aren't educating our progeny properly. By offering our children platitudes instead of a purpose we fail to make it clear to them that life is meant to be more fulfilling than 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am'...[done, next!]
We can't ALL make the history books. (Fortunately, most of us are cool with that, partly driven by our keen appreciation of the difference between 'famous' and 'infamous'.) Nobody wants to be remembered as the legendary fuck-up!
Which is also to volunteer that God's epitaph hasn't been written yet...How ironic so few appreciate the 'Prince of Peace' exists to JUSTIFY unspeakable cruelty (it's God's Will ya know?)
Are you MORE than a self-replicating automaton put here to 'shop til you drop?
If you answer no you aren't fulfilling your primary purpose of making some ungrateful A-hole rich.
But they don't want you thinking like that...bad for business.
Why do I fear most of you stop thinking after I've made my point?
Doesn't stop me from trying.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to help yourself to the free enlightenment!
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