Sunday, March 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is straight from Malthaus who predicted food would force an every man for himself environment upon our species.

Zero irony that the crisis that threatens to undo us first is lifted from Manslow's hierarchy of needs and brought to you by the global banking system.

While shelter isn't at the top of Manslow's list nobody can survive long without it. Those who toss their shelter needs to chance on a daily basis can attest to the discomforts and inconveniences of 'life on one's feet with only what you can carry on your back'.

As the article indicates, housing is in 'short supply'. There's still plenty of land but the last financial debacle forced housing prices into the stratosphere while the percentage of people actually earning that kind of income dropped prodigiously.

Needless to say 'the value' isn't there. If you spend all outdoors on a house, good luck finding a buyer to bail you out come time to liquidate and move on (as in retire...)

People aren't selling (and neither are houses) because of this dearth of buyers. Selling puts you on the hook to find replacement accommodations in a decidedly hostile Real Estate market. With rents in lockstep with mortgages (the 'true win' for the long time rentier) income property owners are just coining cash!

The true losers in this equation are the multitudes whose 'old age planning' relied entirely on making their twilight years the public's problem. Nobody is building nursing homes for the indigent and the ones built in the past are full and have been for decades [Since 'Morning in America' in case you were curious.]

Which is to point out that they 'hope' to be 'beyond caring' (mentally) when the time comes to cash in their chips. Woe be unto them that fall on 'hard times' before that prerequisite occurs.

[Have I mentioned money is severely mismanaged here in 'Thieve's World'?]

Of course I preach to the same crowd that fails to appreciate the folly of a 'guaranteed minimum income'. Like the minimum wage all it does is secure minimum prices, it will NEVER be enough to live on no matter how 'frugal' you are! [Sing the refrain children!]

Hard to believe we need a place called hell

How stupid do you have to be. Of course the 'crooks' will go along with it, it was their idea! [They aren't beyond getting even richer off of the destitute!] The ONLY thing the minimum guarantees is THEIR INCOME STREAM!

They can already see they aren't leaving their grand-kids a lot of wiggle room to work with...but F- em! They'll figure something out.

Naturally this brings us 'full circle' to the issue that refuses to go away, is it great to be King or do you think it's time we send the lot of 'em for a one way walk?

Maybe not today but in the end it's going to be 'you or them'.

Ironically only THEY acknowledge this reality. You seem to cling to the illusion that someday you will get a turn to sit in the big chair and everybody will kiss YOUR ass. [Ain't never gonna happen, Snowflake!]

Take a look at the nightmare that is our 'political landscape' [That 'conflict resolution tool' that works backwards in the hands of the 'My way or the Highway' crowd!]

Somehow the cold hard light of reality fails to penetrate the walls of 'fantasyland' where most of you live. You're waiting for a hero to rise out of nowhere and restore justice and truth to the land [while YOU sit back and cheer him on!]

[That ain't never happening either, Cinderella (but you already knew that didn't ya?)]

What about all of those 'future voters' who exercised their first amendment right to protest the governments FAILURE to protect them from...ANYTHING?

While yesterday's topic was assault weapons it will eventually dawn upon future voters that the government doesn't exist to PROTECT THEM, it exists to EXPLOIT THEM!

There you sit, nodding your head in agreement and you STILL don't see the irony!

Government, WE'RE DOING IT WRONG! Time to flush it down the toilet...[PULL THE HANDLE, STUPID!]

Time to resurrect another moldy oldie, this one is from the Who and the refrain is "No easy way to be free".

It ain't gonna happen by itself and if it does you're one screwed pooch because it means you're on your own, for real.

I will close once again by thank you for visiting and remind you, not telling you what to think , just giving you something to think about...


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