Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Greetings good citizen, our wannabe 'president for life' (could you imagine going to the polls to make THAT decision? Although it appears the Chinese were spared that, er, 'inconvenience' as the Party decided for them.

Doesn't say much for 'one party rule' and don't look now but all we have a Republicans and 'pretending not to be Republicans' just to clue you in that we're in more danger than you are aware. For the moment it is a 'bridge too far' for the Oligarchs but we are headed in precisely that direction.

But I digress, El Trumpo, in a more than feeble attempt to make good on his campaign promises [restore American Jobs by ending 'terrible trade pacts'] has announced 'unilateral' tariffs on Aluminum and steel.

Since commerce is life is life is commerce [both having been seriously mismanaged by the self-interested from the get-go] does the Head of State, even one that sees himself as Commander-in-Chief first have the authority to make such sweeping declarations without first consulting the 'deliberative' bodies of government?

Not a rhetorical question. Considering the impact his actions will have affect people across the globe, y'all don't think maybe we should have put the idea to Congress first?

Legality aside, [Why change now?] the 'Trump Tariffs' stand...in direct defiance of trade deals his predecessors made that hollowed out the entire US economy.

It's one thing to 'stand down' [Team USA's most prosperous period {famously parodied in Happy Days} was the time after WWII when the rest of the planet was a bombed out husk. (Let me remind you once again that the Nazi's were both Christian AND Capitalist)] but another altogether to allow the self-interested to turn a nation into a land of paupers just because the 'owned' the government!

They took the jobs but left the nukes...and even that may NOT have been an 'oversight'.

Is ANYBODY paying attention out there? They could FLATTEN this place and be no worse the wear! Then our 'experiment in democracy' could be written off as an abject failure and the Oligarchs could restore 'order' [along the lines of 1984, where readers are reminded that Nothing was illegal and 'due process' had ceased to exist.] {Just like is was under Monarchy!}

It was 'comply or die' writ large! [let's not forget the 'perpetual war' of ever shifting allegiances but how could we forget? We're already fighting it!]

But AGAIN I digress. [We go screaming 'off the reservation' quite a bit around here so try and keep up, okay?]

Commerce exists to facilitate 'specialization'. Without specialization there are no doctors nor teachers nor law enforcement for that matter [despite their limited usefulness to the average citizen.]

Without specialization, life as we have come to know it would not exist...BUT specialization has become the principal driver behind commerce. That one farmer 'specializing' in a particular crop was capable of growing more of that one item than he could trying to grow EVERYTHING society needed himself.

Ultimately the (solar powered) robots will grow EVERYTHING...left in the balance is whether or not there will even BE humans post A.I.?

{If you want to get all chicken-eggy here, some theorize humans (we are literally organic robots) were created by a machine intelligence because of the vast distances involved in space travel and organics don't 'rust' but instead self-replicate.}

It's a bizarre circle to consider but we may well be the product of some distant machine intelligence.

Which is why we may have been created as 'specialists' if our original purpose was to mine the cosmos...the miners would need food and a certain portion of the organic robots would be dedicated to keeping the workers fed. Once the mine played out, the robots were abandoned in place, forgotten.

[I'm already halfway through a novel based on this concept so no touchy!]

WITH THAT AS A GIVEN...we arrived here as 'specialists' and performed our designated tasks 'as ordered.' Once the goal of coming here was completed, the 'overlords' left and their assistants took over.

So we exist with a twisted notion of commerce and an even more twisted idea of 'leadership'.

Devoid of purpose, the overlord's assistants set out following their original mandate of 'protecting the claim'. They also followed the rule book left behind by their former 'masters' that stated specifically, 'What(ever) I say, goes!' [life is cheap, we'll make more!]

Expendable from the start, here we begin the long tragedy of human on human violence.

Um, not where I wanted to start this exercise [because the superstitious peasants among us believe God brought them here and that they will be 'reunited' with God after they die! [Good luck with that! Heaven is a LOT farther away than any of us know.] Without a ship (from there) it becomes a (non-magnetic) needle in a haystack.

You have better odds of hitting the lottery a dozen times IN A ROW than of 'happening upon Heaven'.


Commerce exists so WE (not just the lucky ones) don't have to do EVERYTHING ourselves.

Those who 'hijacked' government gave themselves control over commerce [so THEY would literally have to do NOTHING.] That accomplished, they sat back and waited for something they KNEW wasn't going to happen [but they told US it would!] and that was for the return of the overlords!

IF we don't straighten out the mess our, er, 'Leaders' have made (while feathering their own nests) we risk overpopulating the planet and all that engenders.

Elephant in the room folks, the planet is shrinking and 'we' are running out of resources.

Now our 'life is cheap' leadership will attempt to resolve the problem using the only 'hammer' they have instead of turning lemons into lemonade.

[rewind to hollowed out the country but left the nukes...]

Wall, meet handwriting.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


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