Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I'm attempting to sneak one in before the power cuts out (for the third time this month! I have on many occasions pointed to the value of subscribing to a system were the participants take their marching orders not from the people they were elected to represent but the people that financed their campaign.

We can stretch that one step further and point out that it's NOT about the $, they don't care about that. The, um, 'opportunist' who chooses to take the position of meat puppet is fighting a different battle.

For politicians it's 'comply or Die' writ large.

If they don't kill you outright (assassination) they kill your 'elect-ability' (and their control of the media allows them to do precisely that.)

Doesn't have to be 'true'; it just has to appear true.

And we all know money is very useful for obtaining 'the appearance of impropriety'.

Who are these 'shadow masters'? Did you see El Trumpo fired Rex Tillerson and replaced him with his CIA chief? How much you wanna bet that wasn't El Trumpo's decision at all?

In fact, the revolving door on the WH is being fed by a different force altogether. The 'Invisible Hand' of the overlords has been popping into view much more frequently lately mostly because the feckless don't care if the public learns that it's government is a sham.

We keep circling back to the crux of the situation: What are 'YOU' going to do about it?

We all know what you will do all by your little onesies...nothing.

Doesn't help that the people behind the rebel movements that dot the landscape are no better than the scoundrels currently running things. They offer absolutely nothing 'different'. Run to them and you'll get the same BS deal you have now with them in charge. Probably with a more twisted leadership than we suffer now. That's what you'll get from the 'Patriot movement'.

There isn't time to tick off the competitors, all claiming a different twist on 'original intent' [due mostly to the founders themselves being Royalists! They couldn't agree on who to make king so they 'compromised' and enlisted the concept of 'elected leadership'.]

The 'genius' here was the 'illusion of participation'. Make the people believe they are electing representatives but the real decisions will be made behind the scenes by the, er, 'co-conspirators'.

Also in today's headlines was El Trumpo's complete repudiation of gun control. Now he want nothing to do with the issue. Wonder what brought this about-face on?

Perhaps he doesn't see himself as a 'flip-flopper' [like they accused John Kerry of being.]

That said, 'decisiveness' has hardly been the hallmark of this administration...in fact administration hasn't been anywhere either. The only thing he's done to date is undo as much of the 'Obama Legacy' as possible...and that's not much.

To even hint that his supporters are 'satisfied' with their choice would be a huge lie...although I suspect when taken from a 'compared to Hillary' point of view' they are still thinking they are on the plus side of the equation...although I suspect the 'rubes' who didn't think Donnie would fill his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs are wiser now.

Ted Cruz won't stand a chance running against Mitch McConnell as a Democrat.

Now Elizabeth Warren is adamant, she's NOT running. [She will keep her promise as well. She knows the electorate is at the end of its tether and will lynch the next party traitor to 'pull a Bernie'.

So Bernie is going to be a 'no show' as well. This leaves the 'heir apparent', former Vice President what's his face...Biden.

Three time loser Joe. They have assassinated this guy's credibility so badly even he KNOWS he shouldn't run [he also KNOWS what the job entails and he saw what it does to the guy that lets them stick their arm up his backside.

Willy-Jeff [in retrospect] has a less than a shining legacy [but that's been true of ALL presidents since 'Morning in America', when the One percent officially took outright control. The eight years of Clinton were a long rolling disaster...thanks to the overlords.

Over the past few posts I have 'connected the dots' between the twin scams of religion and politics for the cognizant to see. Lies upon lies supported with more lies and 'threats'.

The 'appearance of representation' has been exposed for what it is. A lie.

There's nothing more to say.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR [sort of] head,


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