Saturday, March 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I have a full plate so today's offering will be brief. I received two 'appeals' today from what might best be considered 'part of the problem'. The first was panhandling to fund changing the structure of the DNC. It shouldn't take money to do that and if it does we're dealing with the WRONG PEOPLE!

The other was from the NY Times, that I have been receiving a 'guest subscription' [headlines only] for almost twenty years. They too have repeatedly asked me for a paid subscription.

Why would I subscribe (pay for) a publication that routinely ignores 'third rail' issues? Middle of the road is one thing but this isn't even in the map most of the time.

Take today's revelation that that the shooting in Baton Rouge [where prosecutors found nothing to prosecute] resulted in the chief of the department firing the responsible officer, after video shows it was really a hate crime and the victim was murdered. Um, isn't that the kind of thing we prosecute cops for?

But no, this isn't about justice. It's about 'comply or die'.

Why do I want to subscribe to a paper that doesn't lead the charge on an issue like this and why would I contribute to a political organization I know is corrupt and doesn't support or even care about what matters to me [EQUALITY, JUSTICE and PEACE!] Equality and justice are 'inseparable' and the combination of the two should result in the third (it's not realistic to ignore the 'flake factor'.)

Part of the quandary we find ourselves in today is driven by the IDEA that 'RIGHT' is RELATIVE...a matter of 'opinion'.

We embrace NOTHING because GOOD is in the eye of the beholder.

Live and let live are all fine and well until we have to decide who will succeed and who will fail, then we all have a stake in the outcome. [Mind you the feckless preach that God makes this decision...but it seems nobody has any proof their God exists. [Many conflate LUCK with 'Divine intervention'.] Luck is proof of luck and nothing more.

If you can't get behind EQUALITY and Justice, what the hell DO you stand for?

Is it really as simple as 'more for me'?

How's that working out for you?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Friday, March 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the modern narrative avoids reality (never mind responsibility) at all costs. When they pretend it's something other than what it is 'that's misdirection.'

Cluelessness casts serious doubts upon one's competence...except when it is the clueless deceiving the hopelessly stupid.

The level of 'competence' has sunk so low we have become accustomed to being baffled by bullshit (because it appears nobody in officialdom is capable of dazzling us with fact most of 'em wouldn't recognize brilliance if it were biting them on the backside!

Which brings us to the crux of the problem, those who would have you believe all is well when in fact the evidence tells a much different story.

It's not about facts, it's about 'controlling the narrative'.

Fact number one, MORE WITH LESS does NOT produce 'Prosperity' it produces scarcity! [Our current economy is tanking due to a dearth of buyers! Too many potential customers are sitting on the sidelines unable to participate...and the halfwits want you to believe that's perfectly alright!]

By literally ignoring the 'not in the workforce' figures they 'pretend' this is a choice and not a systemic failure in dire need of being addressed!

It is INCOMPETENCE and it's been going on for over six DECADES!

In all honesty the 'collapse of 1929 was also a symptom of the same phenomenon, the failure of Capitalism to provide all participants with even sustenance wages. [That said, the 'actual' collapse of the financial markets was due to severe maladministration, stocks on margin in the first crash followed by home ownership as a perpetual income stream in the second wipe-out that dwarfed the first.]

Bizarrely, no one finds it peculiar that the 2nd crash didn't produce the dire outcomes the first one did...[funny money anyone?]

Did it take them a hundred years to figure out Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register?

How much longer will it take for the 'status quo' to figure out that capitalism is strangling society, that prosperity for the few is as good as it gets?

Considering the alternatives it's not difficult to understand why you swallow this tripe without, er, 'thinking about it'... {is that going to leave a mark?}

How pathetic is it that humanity's new motto is 'Nothing good comes from thinking about it!' [Because that's precisely what you're being fed by the corporate owned media.]

Not my purpose to tell you what to think and try as I might, the new question is if you avoid thinking at all costs then what am I doing?

Well, some things just invade your mind [like the tripe that oozes out of the eye that never blinks.] You're living in a horror movie good citizen where the monster is feasting on your once fine mind while you sit there gawking mindlessly at the Idiot Box.

Don't worry, if there IS something to worry (or even think about) those happy people who come on at dinner time would tell us, wouldn't they?

But no, every newscast is the same, bad things happen (but not to you) the weather is going to suck (but you were expecting that)

No need to pay attention really. Isn't TV 'wonderful? People haven't had to actually THINK about ANYTHING since they got LOST IN SPACE in 1964!

Which is really kind of disturbing considering how the programming has gone downhill since Lost in Space as well. 500 channels and nothing's on.

Conservatism has never been popular but you vote conservative since you were hooked up to the 24/7 conservative broadcast diet in 1980.

Yeah, some of you have been literally SOAKING in conservatism since you were born...and that's a shame because conservatism is just another word for stupid/unthinking.

[If that don't wake you the F up, nuthin will!]

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR (or so you think) head.


Thursday, March 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, when it comes to relational dynamics [whose in charge vs who has the 'upper hand'] there appears to be a growing gulf that, when recognized, is labeled a 'misunderstanding'. This occurs whenever there is a failure of communication between those doing a thing and the people the action is allegedly being done 'for' [whether they want it or not.]

Not uncommon that the basis for this 'misunderstanding' is 'profit related'. The actor took the route that maximized their profitability rather than the one the customer specified.

No one is shocked to learn that the average 'opportunist' only thinks of one kind of profit, the dollars in their pocket, [dollars they intend to spend on themselves so those dollars need to be copious!] and not of the benefits the project/product itself will provide the user.

Here we encounter the letter of the contract to insure the buyer and the vendor agree that they are both getting what they want at the agreed price

But the letter of the contract leaves veritable gaping vistas of wiggle room between what can be interpreted as a specification. [Notice how your typical contract looks like phone book? That's how thorough you have to be to win a legal dispute between what the contractor provides and what you thought you were buying.

Misunderstandings are often expensive, thus does a provider's reputation precede them.

While I point to commercial, er, 'impasses' it becomes a much more precarious problem when it comes to positions of authority. The loose cannon the Tea Tards turned loose on the world stage is doing his darnedest to be what W. strove for...'a wartime president'.

We are still dumping billions into W's overseas Crusade, why does Dumbo want start an even bigger/deadlier it because he wants to play with the bombs they keep locked up so some LUNATIC doesn't kill us all?

What part of 'preserve the peace' do you think El Trumpo doesn't get?

[What do you mean 'all of it'?]


Who is 'in charge' here?

Let's re-phrase that...who will they blame when numbnuts keeps firing the few responsible people and succeeds in placing a 'yes man' at the critical juncture of authorizing the launch?

Won't be him. The media has been warning us almost since he took office that he's 'deranged'. Whatever he does now it's on the [soon to be defunct] Republicans and their 'fake majority'. [less than 25 % of the public self-identifies as 'Conservative'...and 80% of them self-identify as Christian first!]

May be the largest 'united' segment of voters but it isn't the majority of the the SANE voters.

[Defunding the Democrats left the largest voting block in the nation rudderless. Many former Democrats vote Republican because they can't bring themselves to vote for the 'do nothings' the One Percent replaced the Democrats with.]

But this leads us to a second 'misunderstanding' because the bought and paid for media still calls the opposing candidates Democrats when no such animal currently exists in today's politics.

Do you understand now? [I keep fixing your ignorance but this 'one at a time' crap is really wearing me down, a little help here?]

The other, larger, 'misunderstanding' society suffers from happens to also be one of the Elephants in the room, the very definition of 'the public good'.

Those we elect to make the public good an actual thing look out their window in the morning, see people in their multitudes, lie back down and congratulate themselves, there's still a public, I'm good!

When confronted with their 'poor performance' they protest it's not them but the system that ties their hands [mind you it's a system we put THEM in charge of!]

Instead of 'ruffling the feathers' [of campaign donors] they prefer a 'hands off' approach. Gives the term 'paying it forward' a much more sinister undertone.

Yeah, we have a serious 'misunderstanding' between who we THINK we are electing and who THEY believe they work for.

Doesn't that clear matters up? It's all one GIGANTIC MISUNDERSTANDING!

How unfortunate for the powerless that NOBODY wants to do what they are paid/supposed to do?

The ONLY thing you can DO about it is STRIKE!

The ballot box is useless because the media controls it. Until NO ONE owns the press we won't enjoy a 'free & unfettered' press.

Life's other grand misunderstanding...'news' is a business too...and it's 'advertiser supported', subscriptions barely cover keeping the lights on [thanks to the feckless utilities.]

This feeds the myth that the press is 'society's guardian' [Which is true if you narrow society to 'just' the One Percent.]

Nobody knows what telling the truth results in because centuries of 'truth telling' us got us here and I'm not seeing 'free people' ANYWHERE!

Might be more to the point to opine that ANGER is what will set you 'free' [if only ever so briefly, but it is still an incredible feeling!]

So, what pisses you off?

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, like many things in our 'go along to get along' civilization we have long suffered from 'interpretive differences' that have led to full time legislators as the legal 'hairs' are split ever finer...until nobody remembers why we are there or even how it got to be this way?

What fresh hell is this? Not fresh and it certainly isn't new. It's been with us since the very first idea was shared, the dreamer said one thing and half of the people there heard something else.

We writers often lament the condition commonly known as the 'imprecision of speech' but it's what keeps attorneys in the chips because they claim 'expertise' above all others [when that fails they have a judge that will back them up...sort of.] (In case you wonder where the phrase 'I'll lie and you swear to it' came from.)

So it is with the 'social contract'. Not only do the general conditions of the social contract get quibbled over but if you want to challenge the current, Mercurial, position you'd best have deep pockets and darn good lawyers.

Because once you start to parse the situation (as you see it) it will change and you will be obliged to start again.

We end up with all parties involved using 'their understanding' of the law in the defense of their actions.

So in the end the most you will agree on is it was just one big misunderstanding and nobody was 'wrong', simply mistaken.

Think I'm done? Think again.

You should be on high alert right now because this is an extremely perilous situation [let me direct your attention to the refusal of prosecutors to file charges against officers that, for whatever the reason, use lethal force to defend their lives during the performance of their duties.]

Not only do these, er, operatives misunderstand their role in preserving the social contract [the contract exists specifically to AVENGE you!]

If the prosecutor refuses to even investigate there isn't a chance in hell you're going to be avenged.

This is the 'presumption of guilt' that keeps the officer's hand on his weapon from the moment he approaches you...this is BAD.

[Understand, badge or no badge you are legally permitted to act in the face of lethal intent. If a cop approaches you and his hand is on his weapon, you are legally in the right to do whatever is necessary to defend your life. That's what the 'social contract' says. The badge gives Bobo no special privileges, the whole uniform thing is made up. It is intended to frighten you into submission.]

While I am 'fixing ignorance' and exposing BS let us examine the origins of the 'peace officer'.

Tyrants did pretty much as they damn well pleased because of 'force majeure', you object and the palace guard [the original 'uniformed thug'] would kill you.

There is zero difference between the uniformed thug of old and today's badge brandishing bully.

It might be interesting to note that the social contract makes zero provision for 'armed thugs'. They appeared at the behest of those who were willing to pay them.

While they [and the prosecutors above them] 'pretend' to work for the public, they really work for the 'organization'. The thieves that prey on you and your misery. [Our so-called 'betters'.]

Why did the kings, masters of all they surveyed, step off of the throne only to barricade themselves in the Treasury?

It was these same people that, er, caused to be formed a force to enforce the laws of the land [not really the social contract because there were a ton of 'whereas' in there (meaning 'because this says so')

How the thieves must have laughed! Let the people pretend to elect their own leaders, when things go wrong we will have the media blame the party and no one will know it is the same as it ever was all along!

Humanity has a long wicked history of 'getting over' on the trusting. It has gotten to the point that most of you believe if people aren't smart enough to realize they are being taken then they deserve it.

Yet you bring your kids into this world...

What kind of monster are you?

Luckily, this can all change on a dime.

If the social contract isn't worth anything then neither is the glue that holds society together [thus the rampages the kids are protesting while the royal wannabes push for a weapons ban.]

Stop the money and we stop them, it really is that simple.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we are trapped in a cage with some pretty ferocious beasts and now The Law suggests we can de-fang the beast by removing its 'permission' to have a weapon. [Totally ignoring the fact that if you want a thing bad enough you simply have to go to where it is kept and take it, duh.]

A former justice [didn't say of what] opined the 'Supremes' [same folk that gave us Citizens United or one dollar = one vote, retards] should repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Nothing to get upset about, they have already repealed your right to face your accuser and the right to a speedy trial with legal representation [if you can't afford a lawyer it's going to suck being you!]

Did I mention what passes for the 'Justice System' around here is completely FUBAR? (Between the incompetence and the corruption, where would you start? None of it's 'salvageable' so you would have to rebuild from the foundation. [In the end the law belongs to those who must live under it!]

At the behest of the Trump administration, this year's census form is going to ask respondents about their immigration status...wanna bet the people hired to do the face to face counting will be deputized by ICE?

Not here legally? Assume the position! [lie on the ground with your hands behind your back.]


Are we about to discover that a few percent of the population are named 'nunya...nunya beeswax'

The purpose of an 'armed populace' is to defend against tyranny.

This is one of the cornerstones of civilization [that the feckless keep trying to work around] The 'law' (contrary to what badge-boy thinks) is a CONTRACT between the individual and society as a whole. As long as SOCIETY keeps it's end of the bargain, the individual promises to abide by the rules.

Again, there are repeated instances of the self-interested breaching that contract whenever it suited them to...on BOTH SIDES of the 'agreement'.

This all goes to shit when'fathead' goes storming downtown and chews out the head politician for not doing their job. Those kids broke my picture window playing baseball in the Smith's field rather than at the town park across town!

Well, since the Mayor plays poker on Thursday night with Fathead, and Fathead is also a lodge brother of the judge he decides to go after the kids parents rather than slap fathead upside the noggin and ask, 'where was YOUR kid when this happened?' {Fathead's house backs up to Smiths' field, the picture window is in the front of the house...who do you think broke the window?}

You know the rest.

This isn't how 'the law' is supposed to work, what I just described is TYRANNY.

IGNORANCE that the Law is a 'contract' and not a straight-jacket is what provokes incidents like this all day long.

Tyranny is the act of bending others to your will. If this were the schoolyard, fathead would get a good beating for being a tattle-tale! But no, fathead thinks 'the law' is on his side because HE pays taxes! [They work for ME ya know!]

Anybody else see a major failing in our educational system?

Too many 'nitwits' are 'IGNORANT' of how things work!

Sanity will NOT be restored until the IGNORANCE is cured.

Do we 'agree'?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, March 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, every once in a while I post thumbnail sketches of A.S.P. because the full 90 page version keeps vanishing.

You don't have time [or the interest] to slug through a manifesto regardless of WHO wrote it! [Notice how brief all of God's speeches are?] So we have this vignette, an outline that displays just the broad strokes.

While we wallow in our collective misery the principle reason there hasn't been a revolution is because there has been nothing to revolt FOR! [We all may want the oppression/predation to stop but how would we insure that?]

Make no mistake about it good citizen, what the 'entrenched interests' call democracy isn't even close but it's as close as they are willing to let the public get to the decision-making process.

[Thought Experiment: the justice system routinely does contortions to avoid jury trials because the jury's verdict is based on the 'lay person's understanding' of the law. Notice how we are plagued with 'plea bargains'? That's because they don't want the public to see justice served.]

Keeping the 'charade' of self governance going takes a considerable amount of 'juggling' [and letting the guilty walk rather than exposing a cornucopia of injustice.]

We all WANT a 'better deal' but we fear ditching the Devil we KNOW.

That's where these thumbnails come in handy. If what turns up after the revolt isn't close to what the sketch promises, somebody is guilty of treason, which is dealt with easily enough.

The 'beauty' of ASP is it's holistic, you can't remove the pieces you don't like because none of it will work.

The feckless have FRIED the party system, NOBODY in their right mind trusts it anymore.

Worse, why elect somebody to do what you can do yourself and insure you are getting the legislation you support?

The original argument against 'direct democracy' was it would be a 'logistical nightmare'.

Now the overlords know EVERYTHING that goes on in your humble abode so where's the fuss with letting you vote from home?

Oh, yeah! Hackers! [That's why those reality shows exist. Every time one of the 'I can't sing' crowd moves up in the [fake] competition, you know hackers are responsible...]

Funny how far a little doubt can go, isn't it? [Especially when the average knot head has zero clue what it would take to actually accomplish such a task.]

But, yeah. ASP utilizes 'Direct democracy', doing away with the corrupt representative system. [The laws will be simple and few. IF an 'emergency' arises, you'll be able to vote from your home. If it can't wait then leadership is charged with handling the situation until the public can weigh in.

It is crucial YOU understand how the public has purposefully been kept away from the decision-making process.

Not ready to jump on board? The decision-making process isn't the only thing that will change!

Now that those who must live under them CONTROL the law [Law number # 1, the Human Anti-Exploitation Law] will prevent you from being dragged to the polls every time lame-brain decides there should be legislation prohibiting behavior THEY [or worse, THEIR GOD] doesn't approve of.

For any law to be put to the public for a vote it must first pass muster with the H.A.E. (which specifically prohibits legislation intended to prohibit because it can (a.k.a. 'spite laws'.)

From there begins the re-ordering of commerce.

EVERYBODY will start from ZERO. Bank accounts planet wide will be ERASED! Physical gold and other 'money substitutes' will be demonetized as the non-transfer-ability of funds rule kicks into place along with the credit ban.

Rule number one of our new society is 'your money is for YOU and YOU ALONE.' Doesn't matter how much you scrimp and save, when you die what remains in your account is simply erased, NOBODY gets it. [This is done in exchange for cradle to the grave security. No one will WANT for the so many do today.]

If, under the system you were raised under, you have accumulated several (or even more than one) property you will be made to choose which property you want to claim as your residence, surrendering ALL of the others to the Housing Division for rehab...because there is no way for anyone to pay rent to anyone else. [Rent is a direct violation of the H.A.E AND an exile offense.]

No more 'owners', this status will be replaced with 'registered user'. [Woe unto those found to be in possession of property not registered to them because the penalty for theft is the same as the penalty for creating indebtedness, exile.]

Sounds draconian but the 'problem' with candy coated utopias is they fail to protect the interests of individual.

Some will push to 'grandfather' those born under the old system but a 'fresh start' is precisely that...and it's ALL IN!

Fail at this and you'll be back to wondering why nothing gets done and the cops are all over your case for nothing!

Which brings us to the Uh-oh squad.

Cops [many of whom can trace their roots all the way back to the palace guard of old] will be unable to join the 'Armed and Dangerous' club.] In fact, since the bulk of crimes will be committed in cyberspace, the only people with guns and badges will also have Doctorates in computer science.

The military will go the way of the dodo as well. Standing armies will no longer be needed once humanity removes the feckless from the corridors of power.

That said, a planetary defense force will be established to protect the planet and the public from ANY that would exploit them.

Left for the public to choose is whether or not to include military service as part of our children's educational curriculum? [I personally lean towards YES but it's not up to me.]

I'd like to think that the 'reasonably intelligent' can read between the lines but that has proven to be folly.

Not only is it forbidden to 'own' property but it is also forbidden to claim ownership of any aspect of commerce. YOU are no longer the CEO of 'Rinky Dink Inc by virtue of your ownership of it.

If it's a scientific industry you are now part of the Science Division, if you WERE a landscaper, you are now part of the Construction Division...and will draw a paycheck, just like EVERYBODY else. [There are 12 Divisions in all with the Services Division being a 'catch-all' category for those endeavors that are neither fish nor fowl.]

Entertainers fall under the 'Hospitality Division' and will also be 'paid' like any other profession. [If you genuinely LOVE acting/performing then this won't be an onus...but if you sought stardom for the riches...sorry, not how it works anymore. Celebrity will remain but you have to have talent to have fans!]

Sports [like religion] will no longer be a paid occupation. Professional sports are a sad indictment of any society.

Amateur sport MAY continue to be televised on a local level. One of the things you WILL get to vote on.

Um, in past posts I have addressed the return of dueling for the redress of personal grievances (and to keep one's 'baser instincts' in check.) The hope is you'll guard your tongue more carefully if the potential exists that your ass may have to cover a check written by your fat mouth!

We don't call it 'civil society' for nothing...and today's 'anything goes' situation is considerably less than 'civil'.

It is the lack of consequences that is tearing society apart.

You've all listened to the cable channel where every other syllable is BLEEP...and it disgusts you.

I'll dismount my 'high horse' now. [it isn't god that makes people behave morally, it's their fear of instant mortality.]

Thus will 'justifiable homicide' make it's return.

Gonna lend a whole new meaning to the words "Give me a reason!"

That said, the new legislation on money will make housing, appropriate for your 'situation' free to all [and maintaining the shack will also no longer be your responsibility! No cops, no bankers and no insurance agents means we will be swimming in painters and landscapers/lawn mower riders.

Because EVERYBODY will have a job that pays them enough to live on! 100% for real employment. There is no shortage of things that NEED doing!

Your 'free' accommodations include free utilities! Free phone, free wireless and free internet!, heck even electricity will be free.

Transportation (public) will be free and your house will be close to your place of employment so transportation/personal will remain a 'luxury' or provided on an 'as needed' basis, like Zip Car.

Self driving vehicles are prohibited. AI research will continue for the space program ONLY!

Um, we are getting into the 'nitty-gritty' and the intent of this post was a general outline of the broader strokes.

I just wanted to demonstrate how the plan is all encompassing and has safe guards the protect the public from those who would 'shut them out.'

The thumbnail covers the basics, didn't even touch on the topic of marriage or the subject of procreation and the restrictions on the same.

With healthcare being free for all and full employment being mandated it is time for 'marriage' to evolve as well...but that's for YOU to decide. If we can keep the feckless/more for me crowd at bay, marriage may well go 'poof' and along with it a majority of these domestic violence incidents!

Just walk away.

Anyway, that's the 'overview'.

Undoubtedly, we need to do SOMETHING [although the feckless want to bring the throne back with all that entails.] Don't let the slavers win, choose FREEDOM!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


Sunday, March 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is straight from Malthaus who predicted food would force an every man for himself environment upon our species.

Zero irony that the crisis that threatens to undo us first is lifted from Manslow's hierarchy of needs and brought to you by the global banking system.

While shelter isn't at the top of Manslow's list nobody can survive long without it. Those who toss their shelter needs to chance on a daily basis can attest to the discomforts and inconveniences of 'life on one's feet with only what you can carry on your back'.

As the article indicates, housing is in 'short supply'. There's still plenty of land but the last financial debacle forced housing prices into the stratosphere while the percentage of people actually earning that kind of income dropped prodigiously.

Needless to say 'the value' isn't there. If you spend all outdoors on a house, good luck finding a buyer to bail you out come time to liquidate and move on (as in retire...)

People aren't selling (and neither are houses) because of this dearth of buyers. Selling puts you on the hook to find replacement accommodations in a decidedly hostile Real Estate market. With rents in lockstep with mortgages (the 'true win' for the long time rentier) income property owners are just coining cash!

The true losers in this equation are the multitudes whose 'old age planning' relied entirely on making their twilight years the public's problem. Nobody is building nursing homes for the indigent and the ones built in the past are full and have been for decades [Since 'Morning in America' in case you were curious.]

Which is to point out that they 'hope' to be 'beyond caring' (mentally) when the time comes to cash in their chips. Woe be unto them that fall on 'hard times' before that prerequisite occurs.

[Have I mentioned money is severely mismanaged here in 'Thieve's World'?]

Of course I preach to the same crowd that fails to appreciate the folly of a 'guaranteed minimum income'. Like the minimum wage all it does is secure minimum prices, it will NEVER be enough to live on no matter how 'frugal' you are! [Sing the refrain children!]

Hard to believe we need a place called hell

How stupid do you have to be. Of course the 'crooks' will go along with it, it was their idea! [They aren't beyond getting even richer off of the destitute!] The ONLY thing the minimum guarantees is THEIR INCOME STREAM!

They can already see they aren't leaving their grand-kids a lot of wiggle room to work with...but F- em! They'll figure something out.

Naturally this brings us 'full circle' to the issue that refuses to go away, is it great to be King or do you think it's time we send the lot of 'em for a one way walk?

Maybe not today but in the end it's going to be 'you or them'.

Ironically only THEY acknowledge this reality. You seem to cling to the illusion that someday you will get a turn to sit in the big chair and everybody will kiss YOUR ass. [Ain't never gonna happen, Snowflake!]

Take a look at the nightmare that is our 'political landscape' [That 'conflict resolution tool' that works backwards in the hands of the 'My way or the Highway' crowd!]

Somehow the cold hard light of reality fails to penetrate the walls of 'fantasyland' where most of you live. You're waiting for a hero to rise out of nowhere and restore justice and truth to the land [while YOU sit back and cheer him on!]

[That ain't never happening either, Cinderella (but you already knew that didn't ya?)]

What about all of those 'future voters' who exercised their first amendment right to protest the governments FAILURE to protect them from...ANYTHING?

While yesterday's topic was assault weapons it will eventually dawn upon future voters that the government doesn't exist to PROTECT THEM, it exists to EXPLOIT THEM!

There you sit, nodding your head in agreement and you STILL don't see the irony!

Government, WE'RE DOING IT WRONG! Time to flush it down the toilet...[PULL THE HANDLE, STUPID!]

Time to resurrect another moldy oldie, this one is from the Who and the refrain is "No easy way to be free".

It ain't gonna happen by itself and if it does you're one screwed pooch because it means you're on your own, for real.

I will close once again by thank you for visiting and remind you, not telling you what to think , just giving you something to think about...


Saturday, March 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it's all fine and well to sit here two years ahead of the 2020 Presidential race and think smugly there is NO WAY El Trumpo will get re-elected...

Well if your mind is traveling along that track maybe you had better consider just what you intend to do about it if [like last time] he's the 'least repellent' candidate.

The thing most of you don't appreciate is you get the candidate the money is willing to back. Is all money funny? Sure is but the 'more for me' crowd has more than you and the rest of the disgusted voters in this country, COMBINED.

We got an imbecile in the White House because the choice was that or worse. Would a 'full of herself' female been worse than an arrogant social retard remains an open issue. Would Hillary be tossing grenades at our allies? Probably not.

Chances are we are living one of those Cormac McDonald moments were we may never know what worse luck our bad luck is saving us from...

The public voted against Wall Street except Wall Street commands the Republican party [actually both of them but it only admits to it's, er 'borrow and spend' allies.]

How many of you would get behind legislation that shuts down Wall Street?

Most of you, right? It serves no purpose and is responsible for funding lobbyists that have hijacked the political process. It has already been leaked that dozens of pieces of 'special interest legislation' were 'hidden' in the latest omnibus spending bill [a trillion dollars] to keep the scandal plagued 'government' open for SIX MORE MONTHS!

Did you hear comb-over boy? I only signed it because they had a gun to my head, John Bolton made me,Stormy said she'd let me see them again they promised to put sprinkles on my dessert AND it increased spending for the military.

Oh, wait! Didn't he run for 'Commander-in-Chief' instead of the presidency? [All the Republicans did...WTF?]

Needless to say, even if we succeed in electing Pat Paulsen we still aren't out of the woods yet. [Yeah, he's dead but he's still better than El Trumpo.]

Why is it the administration of this (and every other) nation resemble a three ring circus?

No accountability.

How do you have a loose cannon like Trump declared unfit for office when the people sitting in judgement of him are no better? Worse, the people who 'appointed' our representatives can't be put on trial!

They SHOULD BE but since the Judge owes his job to these people it's sort of a fuckaree, isn't it?

What's 'the danger' here, good citizen? Running to the polls every ten minutes to cast a no confidence vote or staring helplessly at the distant horizon while the mushroom clouds blossom because the halfwit appointed a lunatic to be his National Security Adviser...or that his 'world view' comes from Fox & Friends?

The 'system' has ALWAYS been broken and WE WON'T be given a chance to fix it because the self-interested FEAR what we'll change!

'The Game' [of hedging your bets] is as old as humanity. Once everything leans on a few key pieces it all marches in lockstep to whoever calls the tune.

Same as it ever was. We can 'right' this situation but we must first purge the self-interested from any connection to the decision-making process.

Starting with the Human anti-exploitation law, which all successive laws MUST pass muster with to even be put to THE PUBLIC for a vote [no more untouchable legislators] we shall re-write the laws and streamline the legal process making it accessible (and accountable) to all.

Shutter the banks, shutter the stock market and shutter the insurance industry. Yup, close them all and lock their doors. Pink slips all around. You folks will be provided employment suitable for your talents [and you'll do it if you want to stick around!

Those who think co-operative living is incompatible with their personal goals are cordially invited to embark on an all expense paid trip to 'Lord of the Flies' island where 'nature' will play itself out, unhindered by those pesky virtues sissy-boys value so much like fairness and honesty and the wimpiest of them all, SHARING!

Understand it will (initially) be mighty crowded on Freedom Island, which is what the co-operation adverse will likely call it. [Think Somalia, where they charge you for SHADE!] Can't pay? too bad, they'll get theirs out of you one way or the other.

Eat or be eaten makes you mighty heartless, mercy is a quality you can't afford when you're playing by the 'laws of the jungle'.

Rock, meet hard place. If you won't do your part you will be sent to live where you can do or not do as you please, the best you can, in some of the most inhospitable places on the planet.

[STOP] I include this side excursion 'off the reservation' to demonstrate that society is 'salvageable'. Those are only SOME of the things necessary to right the rudderless ship, the 'large' pieces so to speak.

We don't need to kill EVERYBODY to get a fresh start.

That said, if WE [the bulk of humanity] don't wrest control of our destiny from the freakishly selfish and totally insane we doom our children to a fate worse than death.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, March 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, one of the most vexing problems facing not just the individual but society as a whole is 'purpose'. You are born with one and it goes without saying that 'purpose' is survival.

Curiously, not everybody/thing fights extermination but the ones that do fight it with every fiber of their existence.

More telling is how our biological imperative drives us not only to survive but to reproduce. [In a true conundrum some of you find discussing these basic facts distasteful, like there's something putrid lurking in our most basic animal drives.]

Might be why most of you are incapable of 'facing facts'. What do you suppose was going through THIS GUY'S HEAD?

The surprise here is the original reports claimed this video didn't exist.

There are 2 videos detailing Paddock's movements before the videos veer off onto other topics [the ambushing of four US soldiers in North Africa while almost nobody knew they were even there.]

In this respect the media covers its own backside. They are doing the job of tracking down and staying on top of the news they are allowed to cover. Conversely, there remains a ton of things they ignore at their master's behest.

The puzzle Mr. Paddock presents is here we have (by every traditional standard) a 'successful' man at the twilight of his life suddenly turning rogue.

One thing can't be denied, he put a great deal of thought and planning into his 'choreographed exit', he insured that his '15 minutes' were more than just a blip on a more than a little pointless radar screen.

Just spit-ballin' here but doesn't it look like this 'successful individual' looked back on his life and found he hadn't left so much as a footprint behind?

The even larger picture here is clowns like me, pointing to cause and effect relationships while the 'just move along, nothing to see here crowd' tries to bury the incident HOPING it won't be REPEATED!

If WE fail to appreciate the significance of a particularly heinous act you are literally BEGGING for it to be repeated in ever increasing scale!

We can only contemplate what the next 'disgruntled human' will take it into their head to do that will 'etch their name into the history books!'

Unsurprisingly, there is zero distinction between famous and infamous in the minds of the twisted, if you don't possess the talent to have your name in lights there's always blood.

BUT I digress.

Life is about survival, not our place in the history books.

[Here we once again bump up against the conflicting opinions of Some of us think too much and many of us don't think enough, is 'wisdom' knowing the difference between the two?]

I prefer the original definition: Knowledge is knowing what to do and wisdom is knowing when to do it (or not.)

[STOP] This is an odd place to put such a dire observation but I have been saying from the beginning that the appointment of El Trumpo to the office of Leader of the Free/Christian World is to quicken the 2nd coming [also known as the annihilation of humanity on this planet.]

If God returns s/he/it will be greeted by no one. The bugs will still be here but the bugs won't care that man's god has returned only to find a For Sale or Lease sign in the place where s/he/it abandoned/left its 'greatest creation'.

While it's 'easy' to brush incidents like Las Vegas off as 'outriders', we have to pause for a moment and consider how long we can survive living among the hopelessly stupid/shallow?

We aren't educating our progeny properly. By offering our children platitudes instead of a purpose we fail to make it clear to them that life is meant to be more fulfilling than 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am'...[done, next!]

We can't ALL make the history books. (Fortunately, most of us are cool with that, partly driven by our keen appreciation of the difference between 'famous' and 'infamous'.) Nobody wants to be remembered as the legendary fuck-up!

Which is also to volunteer that God's epitaph hasn't been written yet...How ironic so few appreciate the 'Prince of Peace' exists to JUSTIFY unspeakable cruelty (it's God's Will ya know?)

Are you MORE than a self-replicating automaton put here to 'shop til you drop?

If you answer no you aren't fulfilling your primary purpose of making some ungrateful A-hole rich.

But they don't want you thinking like that...bad for business.

Why do I fear most of you stop thinking after I've made my point?

Doesn't stop me from trying.

Thanks for visiting and don't forget to help yourself to the free enlightenment!


Thursday, March 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we are blessed not to be myopic automatons that all want the same things in life. That said, these differences that 'broaden our horizons' are used to classify us as 'less human' by the very same animal that thinks they are the 'purist'.

What makes a bigot? Most of the time your upbringing does it but some of them are 'self-made'.

Well, we have a deep reservoir of diversity so [ironically] bigots tend to be diverse as well.

Each division [color, religion, ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation and let's not neglect economic status/educational background. [the two are usually linked, with degrees serving more like 'pedigrees' showing the world how much your parents could afford to blow without hurting themselves financially. (it's not what you learned but where you learned it that counts!)]

Certain things you're born to. We don't get to pick what color we are or our economic station in life and even our religion is 'handed to us' by the dominant family member along with the customs typical of our nation of origin. [again, dominant family member governs which traditions the family follows more closely although they will attempt to 'make allowances' for their partners most beloved ethnic traditions.]

So it is not internally that we find fault with the 'other' but outside the family unit.

It all starts with that universal yardstick, money, with money made from power trumping money accrued through shrewd business acumen. This triggers the 'I'm superior to you' debate but fret not, we are both superior to everyone else!

Behind each others backs they assure themselves that they are superior because of their 'other advantages', a list that differs depending on who is being compared.

You'd think rock bottom would be a great leveler but no, The family living in the most rundown apartment ever still thinks themselves superior to humanity's cattle, the homeless.

Even there you find people being 'sub-categorized'. If you're healthy at least you aren't fighting off an illness while trying to panhandle a living from passersby. And if you're homeless in the south at least you aren't freezing your buttocks off up north [despite being on constant lookout for bugs, snakes, coyotes and other predators of the two legged variety.]

Rather than set a basement [minimum standards] we are instead warned to 'count our blessings'.

Remember, destitution is counted by the faithful as 'God's Will'!

Instead of acting to alleviate the problem we pretend the victims deserve their circumstances.

No shortage of 'charities' [most of them highly specialized, 'legally tailored' to address a specific kind of need and only that need] and nobody questions why the freakishly selfish get to deduct huge sums for doing so little good.]

If YOU want to 'lawyer up' and found a charity to help society's cast offs you are free to do so. The problem with the homeless is commerce has no use for them [read THE OWNERS of commerce cannot profitably employ them! So their 'destiny' is destitution.]

Yet we let this charade continue.

What's wrong with you?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen. Seems the authorities got lucky and the latest mass murderer to take it to the public blew himself up.

We may never know if Bobo's entire point was if you want to bad enough, guns aren't the only way to go?

Let's hope the guy that attempts to synthesize chemical agents to terrorize the public with poisons himself in the process as well.

Is this our media obsessed culture or have we finally succeeded in training our youth to hate humanity by feeding the id's 'dark-side'.

Even as I write these appeals to your 'better self' there is a segment of you out there that sneer at my seeming naivete.

Why waste your time old man? They aren't worth it! The sentiment probably runs deeper than I imagine too. This type's eyes glass over at the mere mention of the term 'save the species/end the predation/remove the damaged (although they can probably get behind that last part of the program. Trouble is they also subscribe to the 'let god sort 'em out' school.)

The Rubicon here is once you convince yourself that 'people suck' there is no turning back.

The rampagers don't hesitate and think, no she looks nice, don't shoot her! The only thing going through their mind come crunch time is 'let the bodies hit the floor'.

So yeah, this post asks the question 'why'?

The answer [for those of you still wondering] is the obvious collapse of the justice system.

There are still cops and jury duty and all that the 'pedestrian level' but justice disappears above that.

Get soaked for student loans? Can't sue, have to arbitrate!

When Justice vanishes and recourse is removed there is 'Hell to pay!'

The general image the average citizen gets is that the wealthy are able to 'buy' whatever outcome they evidenced by the president's most recent accusers.

[Sort of a mind-blower there though. Imagine being 'gagged' by the flippin' National Inquirer!]

There are so many elephants in the public square...where is the 'drain-plug'?

Have the military seize the government offices? Nope, because the commanders work for criminals in charge.

You start by defunding the WHOLE shebang!

Then you start, er, 'deporting' the criminals.

[If we are to 're-start' the operation, the previous 'players' have to be (physically) removed from the playing field.]

Before re-populating the operation, the new managers have to be 'vetted' for both competence AND distance from the old players.

[Resistance will be 'sporadic' (but determined) Only a fool would go against public sentiment but we have never suffered from a shortage of fools.] The trick there will be to isolate and remove the fool from his cadre of minions.

We can't 'restore justice' when everybody is convinced the current system is 'beyond tainted'.

Wanna stop the vigilantes? Restore Justice.

Asked and answered.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, in keeping with my single word titling agenda I borrow this manufacturing term that also has an allegory in the Art world.

In this case my intended topic/target is what I normally refer to as 'Happy Talk', the blithe dismissal of the CONSEQUENCES engendered by the poorly thought out strategies executed by the 'more for me' crowd.

In particular, I whip a familiar hobby horse of mine, A.I.

To achieve 'Next Level' automation, industry needs A.I. and the 'cost' of A.I. will be measured in the 'savings' equivocated by the number of 'man hours' they eliminate. [Why do the impossibly dense keep missing the fact that man hours are HOW your customers afford your products?]

There are two serious 'mis-calculations' in play here. The first is the 'purpose of commerce'. If you customer base doesn't have the wherewithal to purchase your products you no longer have a market for your product. The second is the flip side of the same phenomenon, your robots have zero use for the products they produce. You might as well be burning whatever your inputs are because the UNEMPLOYED CAN'T AFFORD them.

How stupid are the people running things? [This question zooms up and down both sides of the equation.]

If your customer base is TINY then your costs must be tiny too [albeit all 'money' is funny so were still talking 'free' here if we cut the BS.]

So in this respect we circle back to the beginning of the equation and we find our 'customer base' has few needs but a ton of 'wants' and we are using 'money' to keep a lid on the 'flightier' desires of our not particularly sophisticated customers.

Everybody WANTS a unicorn that grants wishes AND shits money but such a beast would probably eat you before you got to the store and learned that your money bore the portrait of Zeus instead of the traditional 'Dead President'.

These delusions don't stop at the never ending 'free ride' [which, believe it or not, we currently have a whole cadre of people born to exactly that!]

Now we are bumping up against 'carrying capacity' issues. How many (do nothing) trust fund babies can the economy accommodate?

The answer, ironically enough, is the same if we were to ask how many gods can co-exist on the same planet.

Some of you are thinking 'one' when the actual answer is less than that.

But I digress...somewhat. [The, er, 'insanity' that is god (see unicorn above) is the same kind of thinking that produced money.]

Either we survive 'as one' or we tear what passes for civilization apart [rinse and repeat] forever and ever amen.

Most of you come by your madness the organic way, you were raised with your 'beliefs' and think life (as it was explained to you, never mind all of those things your patient mentor couldn't answer) is the way it ought to be.

Everything is set up to re-enforce that belief.

Too bad it is so flimsy...and the only thing holding it together is 'faith'.

Others before me have lamented "how fortunate for the leaders of this world that their followers DON'T THINK!" This 'herd mentality' is not only omnipresent but it has led us to ruin more than once.

This leads to a curious question: does this 'shortage of thinking parts' lead to our sorry circumstances?

[Naturally, research into this phenomenon is prohibited, stupid is the way they like 'em!]

Herd behavior resulted in the housing bust of '07 and the 'condo craze, the gold rush and the holocaust for that matter.

You don't suppose our 'better self' is repressed by all of the 'God's Will' mumbo-jumbo, do you?

You 'sit back and watch' while others suffer because you have been convinced it's 'not your job/place' to interfere. [Especially when 'officialdom' is behind the mayhem.]

Now how would you answer the question of 'how many gods is too many?'

'God's will' is whatever they tell you it is. How pathetic that you just sit there and nod in agreement.

Today's parting thought runs along the line of what must be running through the back of your mind right now. Is there a 'remedy' for this (self-serving insanity) or, if you're near the end of this shitshow like I am, your new 'mantra' runs along the line of 'Hope I like my next life better!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, March 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, will all eyes on the 'watch this' preznint we are zipping toward the midterms with very little fanfare and the third budget crisis since comb-over boy took office.

Dunno about the rest of you but if numbnuts shuts down the government after giving those who need it like a hole in the head a Trillion dollar tax break, how many of you would get behind an initiative where he'd swing for malfeasance?

Bizarrely, financial crimes are the stuff slaps on the wrist are made of. Far too many well connected criminals have stolen billions and paid tiny fines, with most of them escaping prosecution altogether.

While money is meaningless, many are the businesses that had their doors shut due to being caught in a net of bankruptcies.

All money is funny but their isn't anything 'humorous' about those who take the money and run.

Have I mentioned we 'handle' money all wrong?

How fortunate for criminals that our legal system thought to make money 'portable'!

How unfortunate for the victims...but nobody thinks about that until afterwards.

So, what do you suppose is going to happen come the midterms? [shift mental gears back to the topic at hand please...]

Now we have, er, 'Progressive' candidates campaigning on the promise to distance themselves from the surrender monkey leadership.

I have pointed out numerous times that part of getting the party endorsement came with pledging to support the party platform and that meant obeying the leaderships reading of what that platform construes.

Some mumbo-jumbo about keeping your powder dry until the last possible moment while your opponents make a laughing stock out of your failure to respond to their juvenile taunts.

Well, that 'policy' is responsible for driving people away from the Democratic brand. [Doesn't help that Ms. Pelosi is the poster girl for the universally despised 'Limousine Liberal!' Who put her in charge of the Democrats, Reagan?]

Nope, she did what ALL POLITICIANS do, she bought it!

We all know politics and money go hand in hand and Nancy is the wife of a multi billionaire. [Problem? What problem?]

[Full Stop]

The voting public doesn't want government handouts [so they can pay their creditors] they want paychecks they can live (and retire on.)

The trillions sloshing around in the off-shore bank accounts of the feckless represent pay increases they never got and lower prices they never saw!

Drain the F'n swamp already!

They keep 'giving away' credit [that few can repay] and it turns up on the books as 'good debt' although they knew when they wrote the deal the borrower couldn't afford it!

[Concepts are 'linked' in cause & effect relationships] We are still in 'politics' mode despite diverging into the mechanics of perpetual debt (which are also political although few recognize it.)

So it is consumer/voters keep getting 'squeezed' via paychecks that don't pay them enough and prices that rise just because the merchant's shareowners want higher share prices.

The thing to understand here is money's ONE USEFUL PURPOSE was defeated a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.

To the feckless, money doesn't matter. Keeping you from taking theirs is ALL that matters. [They stole it fair and square!]

Now we drift back towards the topic at hand.

The midterms are racing towards us and we still haven't lifted a finger towards making our political process effective.

EVEN if we toss the conservatives into the streets and FDR rises from the dead we'd still be in trouble because the world isn't a bombed out husk like it was prior to WWII.

If we don't change commerce society will suffocate under the mountain of debt the feckless saddles the rest of us with just so their kids won't become 'peasants' like the rest of us.

[Problem? What problem?]

Wake up and smell the napalm!

If we don't ABANDON the existing process NOTHING will change.

I have already laid out how much better off everyone would be under ASP [including the 'work adverse'!]

Why do so few recognize the need to stop fighting among ourselves so 'a few' can enjoy over abundance while the rest wallows in squalor?

Balance. What a concept! No extremely wealthy but no devastatingly poor. I'd make that trade in a heartbeat.

Until YOU smarten up it ain't gonna happen.

[Not tellin' ya what to think, just giving ya somethin' to think 'bout.]


Sunday, March 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the conventions the prevent us from killing one another on sight wear ever thinner the now ancient dilemma of 'who can you trust' springs to the head of the list.

Is it safe to trust people you've trusted in the past? [It's how we get where we are today.] Or do you 'Trust no one' because even siblings have their own agenda's?

The more 'predatory' society becomes [due mostly to 'corruption from above'] the less you can trust people or institutions. What is driving this predatory behavior?

Like you don't know.

Destitution leads to desperation and desperation makes you decidedly untrustworthy.

Feeds on itself.

until it eats you.

Funny how trust is linked to prosperity. We tend to trust the 'prosperous' because they already have more than we do. Why would they lie to us?

If only you knew.

A life built on a lie relies on countless other lies to keep it propped up.

Same when it comes to politicians. We tend to trust politicians that are already rich because with think they've got theirs already...they don't have a reason to 'steal' from us.

But that is often a misperception. Having money and keeping it are two separate things (ask a lottery winner.) If you have become accustomed to a certain 'lifestyle' it's more than a little difficult to revert to a more 'frugal' one.

This is the Mother of desperation. Fighting the relentless slide back into destitution.

This is not only incredibly 'widespread' but much more 'common' than the average citizen realizes. [I seem to have been spared the 'burden' of having money only to watch helplessly as it all slides away from you.]

Small blessing but you take what you, er, 'don't get' and recognize it for what it is.

So it is the 'temporary custodians of plenty' become desperate to hold on to what little is left after it sinks in that their ride on 'the gravy train' is about to be cut short.

Here we find a situation ripe to be exploited by people willing to do just about anything to 'stay on top'.

[This is why under ASP task number one will be to 'deflate the mountain' that the, er, 'woefully misinformed' are so anxious to scale.]

Life, as it is currently laid out, is much like a game of 'king of the hill'. It is impossible to prosper in an atmosphere of distrust and our predecessors have built a landscape so predatory that escape is impossible. [Thus the NEED to tear it down and start over.]

It's a circle. Predation leads to desperation which leads to untrustworthiness which leads back to more predation and an environment too hostile to survive in.

Kids killing kids? Put a fork in it cuz it's DONE.

But I preach to the choir. Everybody knows.

Why NOBODY does anything about it isn't precisely's just that nobody knows where/how to start.

One thing is certain. It can't be negotiated. We can't 'bargain' our way to sanity or show any sign of weakness [the feckless will kill our children and feed them to us just to prove to themselves whose boss!] Oh how they will howl when we do the same thing. Then we will be 'monsters'.

Eye on the prize, children. The name of the game hasn't changed since it began. The purpose of life is SURVIVAL. If we are to survive as a species we must unite for the common good [which means ending the practice of preying upon one another!]

If we can't defeat our own feckless it proves we are too weak to survive and our species will perish because of that weakness.

Eat or be eaten.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Saturday, March 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it isn't new but it does raise a curious question...when pundits rail against the current administration they tell us they want to return to 'normal' when things have been 'normal'...ever.

You can understand where they are coming from. They want the office of the chief executive to return to, er, 'dignity' and not feel compelled to share it's opinion on just about anything via social media.

A wise man once warned; Better to keep your mouth shut and have others think you're a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.

But would that make everything alright?

Normal and functional are two separate issues. In 1980 a fox entered the hen house and he hasn't been dealt with yet.

Do we really want to go back to 1980 or even 1880?...rewind to 1780 and now you've got something you can work with. How unfortunate for the simple minded that Time, like God is a human invention?

Like light itself, we don't understand it.

[Ask a physicist if light is a wave or a particle and they will answer yes...]

Now you know as much as they do...and it's zero help.

Our 250 year old system has proven to be 'worn out'. It's 'Antiquated' (to say the least) and it's flaws are too numerous to list much less 'repair'.

So is 'back to normal' what YOU'D 'settle' for?

We got where we are by letting the rabid opportunists among us 'take what they wanted'. We paved the streets with gold for the chosen few and turned a blind eye to the misery and destruction this wreaked upon the innocent and hard-working that do what they are told regardless of how they feel about it.

The feckless, being feckless (uncaring) didn't even blink at the mess they've created.

Like the universe, society strives for 'BALANCE'. Let the feckless enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else and it all come tumbling down.

Do you want the restoration of 'the APPEARANCE of RESPECTABILITY' or do you want to remove corruption from throughout our civilization?
(because we now possess the tools with which to do precisely that.) ALL corruption is 'cash & carry'. Eliminate cash and you eliminate corruption...won't eliminate stupidity but one thing at a time, eh?

Don't ask me why I was thinking about this particular question while I was sitting on the proverbial 'throne' but it occurred the singular quality the Almighty valued most was 'obedience'.

God has zero tolerance for questions much less actions that defy his dictates. [Beginning to get a glimpse of what the Dark Ages were all about?]

It was God's 'creator' (man) trying to murder it's way to a complacent SLAVE. Nearly a thousand years and they still failed.

Um, you don't go that long and suddenly 'give up'. The 'faithful' are all set to give it another go. They are just waiting for the armed public to go back to sleep.

It ain't the NRA that's preventing responsible gun legislation, the Dark ages pounded into our psyches what happens when you can't defend yourself. [Holocaust anyone?]

Man's creation of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was to cement their 'domination' over the superstitious among us. Eternal damnation is still used to threaten the weak-minded into compliance.

'Hard to believe we need a place called Hell...' (sing it children!)

Mahar had a guest on last night, a progressive from Texas who hopes to be the first Democratic Progressive to represent the Lone Star State in over forty years. He made it a point to mention that he refused PAC money (a symbolic gesture to avoid 'the appearance of impropriety'/still leaves the 'old fashioned way' of secret bank account in the Cayman Islands. No school like old school!)

So if you are content to ignoring the creature that hides under the carpet then by all means...keep voting for people you can't discipline once they take the oath of office. Under A Simple Plan [ASP] incumbents that violate the public interest are subject to exile just as anyone else would be.

I'm being turfed [kicked out of my writing space] So I'll cut this one here.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head!


Friday, March 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, since we don't ask questions (or if we do they are the wrong ones) we seem incapable of getting at the 'crux' of the issue.

Most of you are smart enough to know that economics has something to do with the economy, fewer know about 'money's role' in economics [technically doesn't have one and that's where the fuckaree starts!] and even fewer grasp what the term 'free trade' means.

I will walk through the 'basics' starting with the fact that ALL ECONOMIES are LOCAL! NOBODY can live in an 'economic desert.' The second factor, why trade at all is due to the fact that different resources only exist on specific parts of the planet.

While this raises the issue of just who do these resources 'belong to', our thieving legal system has the name of the 'owner of record' on file.

Probably NOT the time to point out that the resources of the planet belong to us all and their use should be proportioned by consensus rather than fictitious 'markets'.

Now, if we roll back the calendar to the 'bad old days' of Monarchy, kings would often prohibit trade with the nations they were at war with. This was the ultimate 'trade restriction' and as the world grew into larger 'warring camps' your 'allies' were expected to honor your trade bans.

Well, Kings were, er, removed from the political landscape but the trade prohibitions and the animosity created by them remained. Thus the bizarre concept of 'free trade'.

[In the background (where all trouble originates) you had bankers quibbling over the 'differences' between dollars and pounds and guilders along with embargoes fueled by these petty disagreements of which was superior. [This was about 80% ego and 25% hubris...and 110% loco!] Doesn't add up? Perfectly acceptable, I'm using 'bankers math'!

Then the 'dumping' problem started. An exuberance of any resource caused that resource to be over-utilized and the 'surplus' got dumped in competing markets [by the opportunists] at prices the domestic producers couldn't compete with. This is the origin of 'trade war'.

So mostly through continued and ongoing 'financial manipulation', 'trade' has pauperized workers around the world. [Don't you wish Mr. Krugman would say this? Heck, he has a Nobel prize in economics but he seems amazing ignorant of 'reality'.]

Whosoever controls your money, controls YOU! [This too should make the conversion to ASP a no brainer because it uses true 'supply & demand' to set prices and not the (stick 'em up) 'heuristics' modern economists use to justify wildly inflated prices. Oh, and YOUR money has the exact same purchasing power as money anywhere else on the planet.

Your money is for YOU! It doesn't exist to make others 'rich', it exists so you aren't forced to do EVERYTHING yourself!

For reasons unexplained, economists completely ignore the foundation of both commerce and finance. Modern economic theory starts four feet above the ground and builds from there...on/over sand.

If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck then a buck must be a buck regardless of where it is minted. [The 'cheaper there' doesn't exist because it CAN'T!] Do I get a Nobel prize for pointing out the obvious?

Money was NOT created to 'simplify barter', money was created to facilitate specialization. Without money that army you all cherish [so says the media] wouldn't exist [and would have to support itself and it's leaders by ROBBING YOU!]

Another educational oversight...why have conservatives eliminated the lessons learned from the fall of the Roman Empire from modern curriculum?

Could it be because reality and capitalism don't mix?

Ignorance is very dangerous! What you DON'T know can KILL you.

Worse, let our fellow 'opportunists' make it up as they go along and you will perpetually be holding the, er, 'dirty' end of the stick.

THIS is what GOVERNMENT is supposed to PROTECT YOU FROM! [But you aren't taught that in school because nobody takes civics anymore, it's boring.]

Think we can get our legislators to put 'education' back into the education process? Look at what the NRA did to restricting gun sales?

A 'short-sheeted' bed is only funny once...but yours gets short-sheeted everyday. Somehow the people responsible are beyond tongue lashings and temper tantrums. They need to do the funky chicken about 12 inches above the ground. They have revoked any and all human kindness [as thin as that is] by their feckless disregard for others.

Like a ton of other things, you shouldn't have to do this yourself but the people who get paid to do it have ignored the problem for so long they think its what they are supposed to do!

Been a fox in the hen house since the beginning. This is it's doing. The fact that you keep electing the fox [because the feckless make sure nobody runs against S/he/it. Ever wonder why the cost of running for office is sky high? So only the chosen few can enter the ring.

What does politics have to do with economics?

Rhetorical question good already know the answer just as you already know the answer to what does politics have to do with the legal system?

Think it's time to see first hand what the funky chicken looks like preformed a foot off the ground?

Odd little split there, isn't it? Half of you don't have the stomach for it but the other half, like gawkers at an accident scene, are DYING to see it!

Back to economics 101. A 'healthy' society is a balanced society. The gulf between rich and poor shouldn't be to either extreme nor 'inexplicable' because the people will KNOW they are being 'ripped off'.

Most of you remain clueless as to what to do about this. You are essentially paralyzed by your 'fear of the consequences'. NOBODY wants to go to jail, especially over situations that shouldn't exist in the first place!

In this respect the criminals are protected by the very people we expect to hold them accountable. This failure makes them complicit...and THEY KNOW IT!

There are no 'innocents' here, just victims and perps.

So which one are YOU?

Does ANY of the above make sense [in light of the circumstances?]

Again, not 'What to think' but 'something to think about!'

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Thursday, March 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is close to (almost) everyone's hearts and comes to us today from the front page of the NY Times.

Aruba bills itself as the place where Happiness lives but it seems if you want to enjoy, er, 'contentment' you have to move to Scandinavia.

Doubt anyone is surprised that El Trumpo's campaign to make Murika 'Great [AGAIN]' isn't working as the US sank four more spots to number 18.

Still, 'happiness' comes from within. The only one that can make you happy is YOU!

How far can we sink until they drop 'the pursuit of Happiness' from the founding principles blurb?

Looks like 'Happy Days' are officially over if the rest of the world finally got the memo about 'the hollow lands' [where the streets are paved with FOOL'S GOLD!]

So...does this mean the refugees from predatory capitalism will be setting their sights on 'the top of the world?' [Scandinavia is decidedly socialist, something the capitalists are working behind the scenes to change.]

Why would I say that? Even the Scandinavian countries 'nominally' subscribe to capitalism, the difference being their difficult environment [Life Below Zero has nothing on these folks!] has taught them the value of cooperation

Their 'rich' aren't 'filthy rich' like the monsters that unleashed Reaganomics on the rest of the World. 'Well-off' in Scandinavia is a whole different dynamic than it is in 'me-me' greed-head land.

But as our children learned yesterday, making a scene and getting results are two different animals.

A 'One Day Strike' solves nothing.

Blowing in the wind is just how long does a strike have to be to be effective? We know the answer for a 'total strike'; Three days of a total strike is 100% effective. [Problem there is it takes a minimum of a week to get Puddin' head to stop going in.]

Not that it matters, Puddin' Head empties the trash and sweeps up. No workers, no trash. He can empty empty trash bins all day long, he still ain't gonna get paid for it.

That said we should all be jealous of Puddin' Head cuz Puddin' Head is happy all of the time. [Simplicity is its own reward!]

The reason for that was also front page news as one of yesterday's student protesters asked the question of "Why does this keep on happening?"

The answer is a single word. Desperation.

What turns school kids into 'desperadoes'?

A world that has no use for them...that is the world of Capitalism. [In Scandinavia they are experimenting with 'guaranteed national income' so their surplus population is insured of having the basics.

Problem is they are paving a 'dead end street'. If you go 'on the dole' that's where you'll stay. It is the feckless 'buying' your complacency while they pay their 'rentiers' [This 'income stream' crap is a real should be outlawed!]

Some people are cool with the idea of a lifelong 'free ride' but the reality of such a life isn't anything like what it sounds like. You're guaranteed income will be just enough to keep you alive. You will literally become 'the walking dead'.

One of the proviso's of the GNI will be sterilization [all so 'a few' can be rich! WTF?]

Elephant in the room people, there is NO SHORTAGE of things that NEED doing! [That aren't lie related like banking and insurance.]

The unemployed exist to keep wages down.

It is the ONLY 'brake' on the economy. [Thanks to stupidity.]

Since capitalism is predicated on greed, prices remain 'volatile', there is no such thing as a 'free market'. There is only so much supply and so much demand. If supply can't meet demand, management is suspect.

This equation is the housing situation writ large [mostly due to a dwindling pool of BUYERS!] As payrolls shrink (due to share-owner greed) the number of buyers shrinks, killing demand. Banks 'cash cow' is the mortgage market. To remain viable, banks need to either write a LOT of mortgages or to write HUGE ones. [Consumer credit is the flipside but it lacks the 'equity' the mortgage markets provide.]

That said it's all still 'mental masturbation' because money doesn't make money and the practice of 'paying for money' is insane. Money doesn't exist for its own sake but for some reason stupid doesn't understand that. [Actually, feckless understands it perfectly and chooses to exploit it, which has resulted in the shit show we are now being subjected to. (Nuclear Armageddon.)

Um, seems we've gone screaming off the reservation again. What were we discussing...happy?

Yeah, happiness:personal is an entirely different animal than happiness in general...but you knew that, right?

Worse, the criterion for happiness changes from moment to moment and some of the things the would bring us momentary bliss just aren't worth the price tag.

Think for a moment, what would send a 'thumper' to nirvana?

I guarantee you it is something YOU would NOT enjoy [Even our pal thumpy would figure out he'd been deceived in only a short while [although there is that lobotomy thing, maybe you won't care any more after your memories are erased...]

That tops off today's load!

Time to thank you for stopping by and opening your mind [to the bigger picture]


Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, been a while since we have taken a moment to ponder a mystery even the infamous they can't agree on. It has been my position that the objective behind fielding what could be best described as 'The Moron's Circus' in the role of 'Leaders of the *Free World' is to ignite another World War.

Mostly because neither of the first two resulted in their true hearts desire of 'The Second Coming'.

Bizarrely, this casts El Trumpo in the unlikely role of the epitome of Evil [rather than what he truly is, the King of Stupid] although some would counter that Putin is the Anti-Christ in the upcoming nuclear stand-off.

If we back away from this imponderable we would be forced to ask if we aren't doomed to keep attempting to achieve the 'End Times' just so the 'Faithful/hopelessly stupid' can have closure?

The book says this is how it happens so we/they are going to keep on trying until it happens...[Lord, hear our prayers!]

On the surface the whole idea is laughable but there isn't another narrative being played out at the moment. Was Armageddon included in the version prior to the current one? [The King James version is only the most recent incarnation of a oft revised and much redacted text.] While few are aware of it, there are, er, 'groups' working as you read this [literally editing] the trusty King James version to preserve its 'relevance'.

Now the Bible itself has a passage prohibiting changes that reads just like a witches' incantation. Subtract from this work and your name will be erased from the book of life, [God version] add to it and all of the curses therein will be heaped upon you!

Yet they toil away, keeping the work 'relevant'....because our rapidly changing lexicon would quickly make 'the word of god' incomprehensible to future generations...and we are all witnesses to what occurs when differences of opinion rise regarding interpretations of the 'Holy Text(s)'.

[STOP] When confronted, nobody is going to admit [initially] that they are acting on what the 'voices in my head tell me to do'...because that is our definition of psycho. Now NOBODY has SEEN 'the mystery man' since he last physically manifested himself as his own son [there's some kind of clever dodging going on there too but nobody has been able to figure it out so (by order of the church) it's taken at 'face value'.]

While most of us would readily agree that this place is being 'ruled' by 'crazy people', for some bizarre reason it's okay because the crazy people BELIEVE they are acting on the behalf of God [for which there remains zero evidence of.]

How fortunate is it for the whack jobs of this world that their FOLLOWERS DON'T THINK?


Yeah, I know you don't like standing in front of this mirror but it's YOU we're talking about here and the only way to solve the problem is getting YOU to admit the problem EXISTS in the first place!

Until then it's 'Problem? What problem?'

After you've had your nose rubbed in the problem the tendency is to brush it off...'you think too much' (which isn't actually a problem, it's YOUR not thinking enough that is bringing on WW III at a breakneck pace!

[May I redirect your attention to the train wreck we so tritely refer too as foreign affairs? (my way or the highway!)]

What do you suppose the puppet masters hope to gain by firing an already unqualified Head Diplomat and replacing him with El Dumbo's 'yes' man?

The pretzel logic here would suggest that if the Preznint and the Sec. of State agreed we needed to nuke 'fill in the blank' (enemy of Israel) off the face of the planet the joint chiefs would have no choice but to agree.

The Evangelicals (the people really running things) view themselves as 'God's Soldiers' (thus perpetual war is 'natural' for them) and it won't end until they are 'permitted' to sit at the Right hand of the Father and bask in 'his' glory...forever. [which sort of tips you to the fact that these people aren't big on thinking...they obviously have no clue what 'forever' represents.

They start their day with a 'prayer meeting' and THEN they proceed to address the needs of their masters [the One Percent, who are God's 'exempt'.] (If you 'own' god you don't have to obey he/she/it)

Did I mention psycho?


Trouble with 'religion' is most people only have a passing acquaintance with it. Either you're devout or you're not.

Now this disturbs the devout to no end. They want nothing more than to prove they haven't been MORONS their whole lives for believing the lies of fakers.

The ONLY way to prove to the sinners that their faith is genuine is to bring about the return of God in the flesh...and if that means thermo-nuclear destruction, well, the faithful have nothing to worry about because they will finally be with their one true love!

Bad news for the rest of us. We're going to die just to prove stupid wrong. [And the ones that don't die in the initial attack will die a slow miserable death after the food runs out.]

Take a moment and consider the 'backlash' there would be if the 'devout' came right out and proclaimed there was a war against evil and it wouldn't end until god returns to lead the charge?

We'd have them all locked up [or at least that would be the hope.]

The 'corridors of power' are a forbidding place for a reason. Few none who walk there are sane.

For those of you who fail to appreciate the gravity of the situation, we are fighting the 'separation of Church and State' battle all over again.

Only this time it's the Church with its finger on the nuclear button. [Sort of redefines 'fire and brimstone' although most of us wonder what brimstone actually is? Do you have to go to England to find it?]

Come on good citizen, walk it back and connect the dots. It's all there if you just LOOK for it!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


* Substitute 'Christian' for Free and it takes on a whole new meaning...

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I'm attempting to sneak one in before the power cuts out (for the third time this month! I have on many occasions pointed to the value of subscribing to a system were the participants take their marching orders not from the people they were elected to represent but the people that financed their campaign.

We can stretch that one step further and point out that it's NOT about the $, they don't care about that. The, um, 'opportunist' who chooses to take the position of meat puppet is fighting a different battle.

For politicians it's 'comply or Die' writ large.

If they don't kill you outright (assassination) they kill your 'elect-ability' (and their control of the media allows them to do precisely that.)

Doesn't have to be 'true'; it just has to appear true.

And we all know money is very useful for obtaining 'the appearance of impropriety'.

Who are these 'shadow masters'? Did you see El Trumpo fired Rex Tillerson and replaced him with his CIA chief? How much you wanna bet that wasn't El Trumpo's decision at all?

In fact, the revolving door on the WH is being fed by a different force altogether. The 'Invisible Hand' of the overlords has been popping into view much more frequently lately mostly because the feckless don't care if the public learns that it's government is a sham.

We keep circling back to the crux of the situation: What are 'YOU' going to do about it?

We all know what you will do all by your little onesies...nothing.

Doesn't help that the people behind the rebel movements that dot the landscape are no better than the scoundrels currently running things. They offer absolutely nothing 'different'. Run to them and you'll get the same BS deal you have now with them in charge. Probably with a more twisted leadership than we suffer now. That's what you'll get from the 'Patriot movement'.

There isn't time to tick off the competitors, all claiming a different twist on 'original intent' [due mostly to the founders themselves being Royalists! They couldn't agree on who to make king so they 'compromised' and enlisted the concept of 'elected leadership'.]

The 'genius' here was the 'illusion of participation'. Make the people believe they are electing representatives but the real decisions will be made behind the scenes by the, er, 'co-conspirators'.

Also in today's headlines was El Trumpo's complete repudiation of gun control. Now he want nothing to do with the issue. Wonder what brought this about-face on?

Perhaps he doesn't see himself as a 'flip-flopper' [like they accused John Kerry of being.]

That said, 'decisiveness' has hardly been the hallmark of this fact administration hasn't been anywhere either. The only thing he's done to date is undo as much of the 'Obama Legacy' as possible...and that's not much.

To even hint that his supporters are 'satisfied' with their choice would be a huge lie...although I suspect when taken from a 'compared to Hillary' point of view' they are still thinking they are on the plus side of the equation...although I suspect the 'rubes' who didn't think Donnie would fill his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs are wiser now.

Ted Cruz won't stand a chance running against Mitch McConnell as a Democrat.

Now Elizabeth Warren is adamant, she's NOT running. [She will keep her promise as well. She knows the electorate is at the end of its tether and will lynch the next party traitor to 'pull a Bernie'.

So Bernie is going to be a 'no show' as well. This leaves the 'heir apparent', former Vice President what's his face...Biden.

Three time loser Joe. They have assassinated this guy's credibility so badly even he KNOWS he shouldn't run [he also KNOWS what the job entails and he saw what it does to the guy that lets them stick their arm up his backside.

Willy-Jeff [in retrospect] has a less than a shining legacy [but that's been true of ALL presidents since 'Morning in America', when the One percent officially took outright control. The eight years of Clinton were a long rolling disaster...thanks to the overlords.

Over the past few posts I have 'connected the dots' between the twin scams of religion and politics for the cognizant to see. Lies upon lies supported with more lies and 'threats'.

The 'appearance of representation' has been exposed for what it is. A lie.

There's nothing more to say.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR [sort of] head,


Monday, March 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, start discussing leveling the playing field and those the playing field favors are quick to accuse you of 'utopianism'. [Of course, these days, the mere act of defending human rights gets you 'smeared' as a 'bleeding heart liberul'. [Nope, that's how stupid spells it and stupid is as stupid does.]

For the close minded, the 'old way' is the only way [even if the old way never actually existed!] You got to keep an eye on the stupid because they are busy 'fabricating' how it used to be all the time!

This is part & parcel with the 'My way or the highway' mindset. What the ignorant don't know they make up as they go along and today's three ring circus is the end result.

Their 'pat answer' for every social ill, from homelessness to drug addiction is 'laziness'.

When confronted, told to back up his one note song, the naysayer will insist if the afflicted would just got off their dead backsides and do ANYTHING, something is bound to turn up!

When we all know Dumbo is a blockhead and nuthin go up top. Usually this type isn't the person you point to as being the picture of success.

Mind you, numbnuts is a legend in his own mind. A self made, flag waving true blue patriot, proud of his country [despite being unable to name one good thing about it.] Or if he does it has absolutely zip to do with the United States...and he has to think about that one for a minute because numbnuts BELIEVES he's Murikan! (he's so Murikan he's even part Indian on his mother's side!) Doesn't matter that he told YOU his mother was Sicilian.

Good ol ma, she's a shape-shifter! She can be whatever Jr needed her to be if he was 'fabricating a point!'

While it once again appears I have run screaming off the reservation and jumped headfirst into the nearest septic tank, I do NOT digress.

Our True Blue Patriot LIVES in Utopia, and Utopia is right here in the good old U. S. of A!

Thing to understand here is Jr is a walking breathing prime example of a MORON. He got where his in life by being fed a steady diet of 'platitudes' [not that he knows what a platitude' is and this is where his ignorance has made him the individual he is today!]

I hold 'Jr' up as the crux of the problem. First step in solving any problem is identifying what the cause of the problem is. [Although the real first step is admitting a problem exists in the first place!

Jr's teeny brain is just chock full of 'count your blessings' and if you aren't satisfied (with your GOD GIVEN lot in life) it's all YOUR FAULT! Which is to belabor the obvious, Jr COULDN'T recognize a problem even if it were biting him on the ass!

As long as the feckless can (get away with) sticking their heads in the sand and denying anything is amiss, we will never get to first base as far as solving problem number one. [or we end up in long drawn out dramas over which restroom transsexuals will use...or other classic conservative stumbling blocks. Gay marriage is a conservative chimera, remember there are NO Democrats anymore!

Next thing our conservo-whacko legislators will take on is the question of if God is all powerful, can he create a rock that even he can't lift?

Which is to say there is a certain class of people and it appears to be centered on religion and heavily influenced by the level of devotion that is causing this 'blindness' to our social ills.

Try and raise awareness and you are greeted with 'Let people take care of themselves' (like we were all part of some wagon train headed across the wide open prairie, with free land and resources as far as the eye can see!)

But it's not like that, is it? Yet Dumbo seems incapable of acknowledging this.

When you start talking about inequity who jumps up to shout you down [for trying to interfere with 'God's Plan'?] Ignoramus Rex!

Seems his [and it's almost ALWAYS a male] whole point is your having the audacity to interfere in God's Plan.

Well, let's just look at that argument for a minute, shall we?

We have absolutely ZERO PROOF that anything even resembling a 'supreme being' exists...which is neither here nor there.

Again, Jr is objecting to ANYONE interfering with God's plan but if you ask Jr how he knows this he is quick to reply that nobody knows!

So how does Jr know we are 'interfering'?

Jr doesn't have a good answer for this one and usually returns with something along the lines of I just know in my heart that God would object to anything YOU have to say.

So now it is no longer general, it's specific. God doesn't like YOU [according to Jr...and he should know because besides being a number one flag waving patriot he is also a pure at heart Christian! [Um, I was raised Christian and it seems the most rabid, er, 'followers' also claim Christianity to be their 'guiding principles'.] Although Christian Devil worshipers run a close second!

Funny how this keeps circling back to being some long forgotten race's insane asylum, isn't it?

Jr Believes he is already living in 'paradise' that is filled with 'God's love' [never-mind the criminals...or the murderers, they are just pieces of God's plan that we need to deal with on our (ever more arduous) journey to join God in Heaven (which could be anywhere.)]

Yup, 'Blind Faith' at its finest!

[Did I mention the first step in solving a problem is identifying the source? Because we ain't never going to get the devout to admit this one even exists!]

In fact, it's safe to say that thanks to Jr (and THOUSANDS just like him) all across this planet, we are 'sharing' this Christian/Capitalist Utopia! Funny how all of the other religions ['franchisees' we might call them] preach that this is God's 'proving ground' and you are here to prove your 'worthiness' [or stupidity, 'God' (being a human invention) don't really give a crap one way or the other.]

I think I've sharpened this stick enough for you to comprehend my 'point'.

We (desperately) need a 'new religion' based on fellowship and harmony, the feckless's God is too warlike for there to EVER be a peaceful outcome.

But that's the feckless's motto: I'll rest when I'm dead.

Any volunteers to help them with that, (they look mighty tired!)

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind!
